MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5258 Death Pill

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Chen Xiang is now at the twentieth level of the Absolute Beginning Realm, and most of the three saints believers can't reach the twenty level, Chen Xiang can completely beat those three saints believers.

The Three Saints are easy to find, and they often hunt in the forest in groups of three or four. They hunted and killed everything, whether it was humans, or stars, beasts, and monsters, as long as they were alone, they would be besieged and killed.

If it weren't for the Three Saints, the Taurus Continent would still be very safe. Because of their presence, star beasts would often go missing or be hunted down.

Inside the Holy City of Taurus, many star beasts can often be seen walking, and they seem to get along very well with humans. However, if these star beasts leave the city alone, they will be very dangerous. If they are targeted by the Three Saints, they will definitely be hunted down.

Niu Chao is a Taurus and is protected to a certain extent, so the Three Saints Sect doesn't dare to attack Taurus, and Chen Xiang is not too worried.

Chen Xiang was alone now, swaggering and running on the road, and rushed directly into a deep mountain and old forest.

While on the road, he could sense the breath of many Sansheng believers, and they were all in the mountains outside the city.

After Chen Xiang went in, he just hid his cultivation aura, he didn't hide himself, and made a lot of noise.

Soon, he was targeted by a team of Three Saints.

These Three Saints were all wearing black clothes and masks, they suddenly rushed out from all directions to surround Chen Xiang, without saying a word, they directly attacked ruthlessly, condensed the divine power of primordial beginning in the distance, and used various combat techniques to fight out.

Immediately, thunder and fire intersected, rumbling straight down, covering Chen Xiang.

Although Chen Xiang concealed the aura of his cultivation, these people judged from experience that his cultivation was not low, so their moves were very ruthless, for fear that they would not be able to take Chen Xiang down.

Chen Xiang also did not expect these people to attack so ruthlessly. Fortunately, his cultivation base is high enough. Although he is not proficient in using powerful combat techniques to fight, but relying on his own strong divine power in the early days and his rich combat experience, Immediately invoke the divine power of the beginning to protect the body!

After the three saints attacked violently, seeing that Chen Xiang was still standing still, with sharp eyes and steady breath, they knew they had kicked the iron plate!


The leader shouted, the cultivation level of the person in front of them was obviously far above them, so they could only withdraw decisively.

"It's just the fifth or sixth level of the Absolute Beginning can't escape!"

With a deep roar, Chen Xiang exploded out the divine power of Absolute Beginning inside the Divine Bead of Absolute Beginning, controlled it through the power of his soul, and then condensed it into five golden lightning bolts.


The five thunders exploded at the same time, blasting in all directions, like a golden dragon turning into lightning, fierce and violent, passing through the trees, breaking them and igniting them.

The five Sansheng believers were terrified and fearful to the extreme, and they immediately concluded that this person's cultivation was above the twentieth level of the Absolute Beginning Realm.

The five dragons' thunder pierced through several huge tree trunks, accurately locked on five Sansheng believers, and tore their bodies apart.

Chen Xiang closed his eyes to lock on their souls flying out, and then imprisoned their souls with the Soul Absorbing Curse, pulling them directly from a distance.

Chen Xiang's soul has been tempered for many years, it is not comparable to these Three Saints.

Their souls were directly torn apart by Chen Xiang, and after their souls were scattered, they produced a strong death energy.

The dead air is collected and placed inside a container!

"It's really interesting. In the world of Absolute Beginning, the death energy produced after death is so unique."

Chen Xiang also discovered now that the death energy was produced after destroying the Divine Orb of Absolute Beginning.

He had captured many members of the Three Saints before, but they all took out their Absolute Beginning Divine Beads and refined them into pills, and did not destroy them.

Now after he destroys the Divine Orb of Absolute Beginning of the Three Saints, there will be a wave of "death energy" wafting out.

Although it was a dead energy, it was also a very strange energy, so Chen Xiang could immediately confirm that it was a dead energy, and it did have a somewhat eerie and strange aura.

Chen Xiang continued to wander in the mountains and forests, luring the disciples of the Three Saints to kill him, and then he killed them back.

In just a few days, he killed dozens of followers of the Three Saints, and he emptied the forest completely.

"After these guys were kicked out of the Golden Bull Holy City, they couldn't get in touch with more people, so they were all waiting in the forest to kill people." Chen Xiang walked out of the forest, looked back, and said: "I don't know about the Three Saints. How many people were killed in the city..."

He can now be sure that the Sanshengjiao is also collecting death energy, and the death energy generated after killing people is most likely used to buy dead spirits.

Sister Xiaojing said: "Brother, if the death energy is in the human body, it will be attacked by the dead spirits! The Ma leader of the Three Saints Church and others, have they been injected with death energy?"

Chen Xiang said: "It should be that group of idiots who were fooled by the stars and monsters, practiced some evil skills, resulting in too much dead energy accumulated in the body."

When Chen Xiang saw the Ma leader and the others before, he felt that they were all gloomy. Under their Three Saints Palace, they used a lot of broken corpses to plant medicinal materials. dead air.

After the body is destroyed, it will also produce relatively weak death energy. When Chen Xiang destroys other people's bodies, in order not to leave any traces, he will prevent any breath from entering his body, so no death energy can enter his body.

A clone sent out by Palace Master Xiaoqing was killed by the necromancer, which means that the clone also often conducts assassinations, so the dead energy accumulated in the body.

Chen Xiang killed dozens of Sansheng believers, and accumulated enough dead energy, he sealed them all in a bottle.

"I don't know what kind of effect will be produced after refining the pill?"

Chen Xiang did not return to the Holy City of the Golden Bull to carry out, fearing that too many undead would be ushered in.

He dug a cave in a barren hill outside the city and was working in it.

Sister Xiaojing said: "Brother, as long as the death energy is not in your body, the dead spirits should not be able to hurt you, right?"

Chen Xiang nodded and said: "It should be! Necromancers can't just kill a large number of people casually, otherwise the nobles of the stars and star monsters would have already launched the siege of the necromancers."

Chen Xiang released the Aoshi Divine Furnace, took out the small bottle that sealed the dead energy, poured a large amount of dead energy into the Aoshi Divine Furnace, and then used the sky refining technique to refine it.

The Aoshi Divine Stove also insulates the dead energy very well, preventing it from overflowing.

Two days later, Chen Xiang successfully refined a pill, which was very small, only the size of a grain of rice, pitch black, and only a trace of dead energy overflowed.

Chen Xiang took it out from the World-Defying Sacred Stove, and then placed it on the mirror surface of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths.

The mirror surface of the Mirror of Six Paths is emitting a strong white light at this moment, and sister Xiaojing also wants to try to see if she can perceive the existence of the undead.

Not long after, the intense white light released by the Divine Mirror of Six Paths suddenly dimmed a little.

Although it was only a little bit, both Chen Xiang and Xiaojing's younger sister could sense it, which meant that there must be something moving on the Six Paths Mirror.

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