MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5261 Incomplete alchemy

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There must still be a lot of secrets about the matters of the yin and yang realms. Although Yun Shuqin also told Chen Xiang and Palace Master Xiao Qing a lot, they all felt that Yun Shuqin still had reservations and did not tell them all.

As for why the palace had to hide it, Chen Xiang and Palace Master Xiaoqing are not sure now, they only know that the power of the dead from the underworld is very dangerous to them.

Fortunately, they have now found a way to defend themselves. After Palace Master Xiaoqing heard this, she immediately passed it on to all her clones, and then the multiple clones quickly started to form formations.

A technique taught by Yun Shuqin, as well as several large formations, can resist the power of the dead spirits in the underworld.

Palace Mistress Xiaoqing also went to get busy. Her avatar as a little girl is still very important, and she can directly contact the deity, issue orders through the deity, and even enhance the soul power of all avatars through the deity.

Chen Xiang was still talking with Yun Shuqin.

"Master Yun, can you stay here all the time?" Chen Xiang asked: "I will start alchemy next, and then complete our transaction."

"You have given me a very good body, so I can stay here forever! You know, it is not easy to find a matching body. First, you need to be the same gender, then you need this body not to resist, and finally you need to have a body that is not They will instinctively resist me." Yun Shuqin said with a smile: "I have waited for many years for this opportunity, so I won't leave easily."

The current Yun Shuqin is just a ray of soul from her main body, so it will not delay her main body from doing other things.

Chen Xiang asked curiously: "Same gender? If the gender is different, what will happen if the upper body is worn?"

Yun Shuqin smiled lightly and said: "I don't know, it will definitely be very interesting if it succeeds... It's just that the laws of the Yin and Yang realms don't allow it. If I get the wrong gender, my soul will be damaged."

Chen Xiang said again: "Teacher Yun..."

Yun Shuqin interrupted Chen Xiang and said: "Just call me Miss Yun, Mr. Shen, in fact, in terms of your alchemy skills, if you are in the underworld and join my sect, your status will be equal to mine. I even You can give it up..."

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "Miss Yun, are there so few alchemists over there? Logically speaking, alchemy shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Yun Shuqin looked serious, shook her head and said: "Alchemy is very difficult! Our alchemy in the Yin world is actually much better than your Yang world, but it is still difficult for us to refine the Tianyin pill."

Chen Xiang asked doubtfully: "Why? Is it because you don't have enough death energy? Tianyin Divine Pill, I collected a large amount of death energy, and then condensed it into a pill. By the way, who told you that the pill of the underworld The art is better than our Yang Realm?"

Yun Shuqin was overwhelmed with amazement, because Chen Xiang said so lightly about refining the Tianyin pill, and it seemed very serious, which meant that refining the Tianyin pill was an easy task for Chen Xiang.

Yun Shuqin said: "The alchemy in the Yin world is better than that in the Yang world. It is said by the Tianyin royal family. Mr. Shen, to be honest, I am also an alchemist, although I am not the top alchemist in the Yin world. , but I have practiced alchemy for many years. However, I still can't refine the Tianyin pill, let alone the high-quality Tianyin pill like the one made by Mr. Shen."

Chen Xiang touched his nose, he naturally knew that the reason why he was able to relax was mainly because of the art of refining.

He asked: "Miss Yun, can you tell me how you practice alchemy? I want to know what your alchemy is like."

If other people directly asked about her alchemy and wanted to know more about it, Yun Shuqin would definitely be very angry, but when Chen Xiang asked, she was not only not angry, but also very happy.

Because she firmly believed that Chen Xiang's alchemy skills were far above hers, Chen Xiang wanted to know her alchemy skills, which meant that he wanted to teach her.

This kind of guidance is very important, it is just a matter of effort for the expert, but for the person who is pointed out, it will benefit endlessly, and even make a breakthrough by leaps and bounds.

Yun Shuqin immediately told Chen Xiang about her alchemy process and the essentials of alchemy in detail, and she told Chen Xiang everything.

Chen Xiang listened patiently, but he was very surprised, because the alchemy used in the underworld was created by him.

It was also the alchemy technique he created back then, which was mainly used for the Tianxuan Starfield, and was called the Tianxuan Alchemy, but after it was passed to Yunshuqin, it became unrestrained and crude.

Originally, his set of alchemy was very good, but after Yun Shuqin finished speaking, Chen Xiang found that the alchemy she had mastered lacked a few very important key methods, which made her alchemy very poor.

However, even so, she relied on her own understanding to explore, and she was able to refine a good alchemy, and she even became a master, which shows that her talent is very good.

Seeing Chen Xiang frowning all the time, Yun Shuqin felt a little uneasy, and after she finished speaking, she asked in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, is there something wrong with my alchemy?"

Chen Xiang asked seriously: "Miss Yun, do you still have important parts to say?"

Yun Shuqin hurriedly said: "No, I told you everything!"

Chen Xiang asked again: "Who taught you alchemy?"

Yun Shuqin said: "It was passed to us by the Yang Realm. We communicated with each other, and then we got this set of alchemy."

Chen Xiang asked: "Who in the Yang Realm passed it on to you?"

Yun Shuqin thought for a while, and then said: "The Sunshine Queen of the Yang Realm, she is very generous, and taught us a set of alchemy... At that time, she passed it to the Tianyin Royal Family on our side, and then the Tianyin Royal Family combined them The alchemy of the royal family has created a more brilliant alchemy."

Chen Xiang has learned about Tianxuan Danshu from Palace Master Xiaoqing and Granny An, and it is relatively complete.

However, when it came to Yun Shuqin, she was castrated a lot, and it was still a very important part.

Chen Xiang said: "This alchemy is called Tianxuan alchemy. The Tianxuan alchemy you got is missing a very important part, so when you are refining alchemy, you will always feel very unsmooth. The Tianyin royal family does not Without combining other alchemy, the alchemy you get is the incomplete Tianxuan alchemy."

"Ah? Why is this happening? Did Empress Qingxing remove important parts on purpose?" Yun Shuqin suddenly became angry.

"Probably not, because Tianxuan alchemy is complete on our side." Chen Xiang shook his head and said, "It may be that the Tianyin royal family had reservations when it was passed on to you."

Yun Shuqin cursed in a low voice: "As expected, the alchemy that my family spent a lot of money on at the beginning was a remnant that had been castrated. No wonder our alchemy is always difficult to improve."

Chen Xiang said: "Tianxuan Pill Art is not very suitable for your Yin Realm, it is okay in the Yang Realm, but not in the Yin Realm."

Yun Shuqin was shocked. Chen Xiang's ability to say such words showed that his understanding of alchemy was higher than that of Tianxuan alchemy. This level meant that he had completely understood Tianxuan alchemy.

In fact, Tianxuan Danshu is not suitable for the current Taichu world, but there is no alchemy available in Taichu world, so we can only improve Tianxuan Danshu, but the effect is not very good.

