MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1073 One hundred and seven five: the highest council kills and kills!

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Chapter 1073, the highest parliament, kills and kills!

The ninth floor of the human world of the moon civilization has only one supreme parliament.

All members of the Supreme Council, alternate members, live in this ninth-tier world with more than 1.7 million square kilometers.

Then, how many members of the ninth-tier world in this 1.7 million-square-kilometer, alternate members?

Less than a thousand people, precisely 9.5 people, even if the family is not more than 10,000 people, and this group of nine citizens basically do not like to become a family, anyway, there is a reincarnation mechanism, do not need to establish a family, inheritance from generation to generation .

That is to say, on average, each area with more than 1,000 square kilometers has been unable to describe the luxury in its words.

Every member of the House of Representatives, the alternate members have independent manors, palaces, mountains, lakes, laboratories, libraries, etc...

The production materials owned by each member of the parliament exceed the production materials available to the 100,000 people at the lowest level.

Every member of the House of Representatives, an alternate member, has servants, assistants, drivers, gardeners, beautiful women, etc. More than a thousand people.

With an average of more than 1,900 people, they serve a member of the Supreme Council. Of course, quite a part of it is a high-level intelligent life.

Every member of the manor is extremely luxurious, and the movement is tens of thousands of acres.

But the Supreme Council is just an ordinary building, 100 meters high and 20,000 square meters of buildings!

However, there is an incomparably huge square with more than 100 square kilometers of super large square.

This was built many years ago, because a top leader liked the parade very much and hoped to display more than two million troops on the square, so he built this almost infinite super square.

More than one hundred square kilometers, not to mention two million troops, that is, five million troops can also display.

At this time, this huge square has already assembled more than two million human corps.

Countless energy arrays, countless energy weapons, countless anti-material artillery.

Lanling came very, very suddenly, but the moon civilization is still a very powerful force to defend the moon's highest parliament.


Lanling floats in the air and looks at this beautiful world!

I really used up all my imagination, and I couldn’t imagine that there was such a beautiful world, such a beautiful manor, such a beautiful lake, such a beautiful garden, such a beautiful meadow.

This ninth-floor world, with a population of 1.7 million square kilometers, is a paradise for artists. They have really used all their artistic talents to design this world.

The Yancheng City of Lanling, even the newly built Tianshui City, and the Yanjing of the Yan Empire, have become rural countryside in comparison with here.

This member of the Supreme Council is really too much to enjoy.

The world is so beautiful that Lanling is not willing to fire again.

"Encircle the Supreme Council!"


More than an hour later!

The highest council of the moon, the human civilization, is surrounded by the group!

More than a thousand warships and spaceships in the air, more than 10 million intelligent lives on the ground, spread beyond the square, boundless.

I don’t know if Lanling came early or late. Most of the intelligent life has been sent to the abyss prison. The Lanling has only activated more than 10 million intelligent lives. More than 30% of them are intelligent life forces. The rest also got a variety of weapons.

More than a million intelligent lives, from all directions, are vast and surrounded by the Supreme Council!

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the highest speaker in the human world appeared in the air.

This is a white-haired old man who has to be all white but does not look very old. He is very meticulous in the whole body. He wears a gorgeous tuxedo and gold-rimmed glasses, which is even very handsome.

"Lord Lanling, my name is Coolidge, the highest speaker in human society."

The face of Lanling is also directly reflected in the sky, and the two faces face each other across a hundred miles.

Lanling Road: "What do you rule the priests of the Moon Temple?"

The supreme parliament, Coolidge, glimpsed, and then revealed a smile: "Mr. Lanling, here is the highest council of the human world. The other side of the moon has a supreme parliament of the Mozu, and all of you in the Lunar Temple do have a lot of time. In the Supreme Council of the Humanity, or in the Supreme Council of the Mozu. However, the Temple of the Moon is not here."

At this time, the blue-brained school of intelligent life said: "Your Majesty, the Supreme Council of Mankind manages the human world, and the Supreme Council of the Mozu manages the Mozu world. The two supreme parliaments unconditionally obey the orders of the Moon Temple, and the Moon Temple is not here. ”

Then, the highest speaker of the human body, Coolidge said: "Lord Lanling, you can get here to make me very surprised, but also some unprepared. But please stop, then go one step ahead is disaster!"

Then, Coolidge waved his hand.

Suddenly, a hundred top warriors flashed in the air and appeared in the air!

Lanling easily felt that the top 100 warriors, all of them are vain, all of them are nine-star repairs, that is, the imperial power of the dragon magic world.

Then, nine shadows flashed in the air and floated in the air.

The energy of these nine powerful people, suppressing the audience, everyone is like a mountain.

If there is no accident, this is the ten-star strongman. From the simple point of cultivation, these nine strongmen are one level stronger than Lanling.

Supreme Chancellor Coolidge said: "Lord Lanling, you can find the flaws of intelligent life and activate their ancient will, making these intelligent lives loyal to you, which is very remarkable. But don't forget, the highest force of these intelligent lives is always It is locked up, no more than five levels! And only between the rush of the highest parliament of the human race, it is able to assemble a hundred nine-star strong, nine ten-star strong. You only have one person, this is A hopeless battle! Say the most frustrating words, the whole moon civilization is more than a thousand people, and you are the same as you, there are as many as 7,000 people! You are in the dragon The planet is king and he is invincible, but the moon civilization is just like everyone!"

"Is it?" Lan Ling sneered: "Yes, I only have one person, and with your level, I am just a nine-star strong. With one enemy, I want to give it a try!" ”

"Let's go together!" Lanling shouted!

"To deal with this kind of monkey, you don't need to be like this." A nine-star imaginary **** violently slammed out, apparently he did not know that Babanu and Lungtar had already died in the hands of Lanling.


This nine-star virtual and bloodless person directly turned into a meteor and violently rushed toward Lanling.

"Good!" Lanling also flashed, turned into a streamer, spurt out.

In an instant, Lan Ling pulled out the demon sword!


Two emperors, like two stars, slammed into the air!


This nine-star emperor of the moon civilization is instantly broken and broken.

The audience was shocked and completely unbelievable!

How is this possible?

There has always been a word, the bloodless people can not help the bloodless.

The battle between your two bloodless people is to constantly bombard and bombard. In the end, both sides are exhausted and gradually wait for recovery.

Because the bloodless people are killing.

However, in just one moment, the nine-star imperial powerhouse sent by the Supreme Council was smouldering and dying.

Lan Ling, also seized a bloodless.

It is not Lanling that is against the sky, but the demon sword in his hands!

Honestly, until now, Lan Ling did not know what the principle of this sword is? How did the Great God get it?

However, this is really a sword against the sky!

Everyone is a bloodless person, everyone is killing.

However, after killing the magic sword, you can kill me, but you can kill you.

This... this is terrible!

Moreover, it is completely a kill!

At this time, Lan Ling could not help but miss the great emperor, this is not his merits, but the merits of the great Emperor.

In order to expedite the Moon Temple, Erdian was really ready for everything. But in the end, in order to save the Dragon Magic planet, he gave up this great work, but sacrificed himself to suppress countless Void creatures.

Conquering the great work of the Moon Temple, but leaving it to Lanling!

Lanling holds the demon sword and destroys the magic sword. In the heart, he said: "I am the great emperor, maybe I am stronger now than you. But at least until now, you are still the greatest demon. I am even the so-called chaotic emperor, but You are still going out to the road!"

The supreme speaker, Coolidge, dared not look at Lanling and said: "Where is the sword in your hand?"

Lanling shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't know, it's another monkey in your mouth. I admire the Emperor of Heaven for me."

Supreme Chancellor Coolidge sighed: "Go, exhaust his energy, then capture him and take his sword! Even if you die, the Moon Temple will let you reincarnate!"

This is the case!


One after another, the nine-star emperor, like a meteor, rushed toward Lanling.

Living is a suicide attack!

In the air, I saw only one of these bright stars hit the Lanling in the middle.


Lanling wield the goddess to destroy the magic sword, madly slaughtered!


A very shocking picture appeared.

One after another, a bloodless person, one after another, an emperor.

Under the sword of the gods of Lanling, the flames are extinguished!

Emperor-level powerhouse, vain blood!

How powerful is it, how noble?

Now, it has become a cannon fodder, one after another, the ghost under the sword of Lanling!

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill...

One after another, the nine-star emperor-level powerhouse, the body is broken, the soul is flying!


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(End of this chapter)

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