MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1075 One zero seven seven: stepping into the highest parliament!

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Chapter 1075, 2007, stepping on the Supreme Council!

Lanling directly swallowed the bloodlessness of 109 imperial powers, and repaired it into a ten-star emperor.

When the light was exhausted, the nine 10-star emperors were full of horror and shudder.

This... What happened to this?

Why can this be? Why can Lanling directly devour the energy of the bloodless people to upgrade and break through?

But now, considering all of this, it has no meaning.

Nine ten-star strongmen, look at each other, do not know whether to leave or stay?

Just the picture of the Lanling massacre of the same level of bloodless blood, but the history of the eyes, holding the sword of the day penalty, is really a spike.


After seeing one of the nine ten-star emperors, they immediately decided to turn into a bright man, and fled in all directions.

At the same time, Lan Ling shook the magical sword with a powerful force.

In an instant, the whole demon **** destroyed the magic sword into a terrible dark light, straight into the sky, more than tens of thousands of meters long.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Lan Ling hand-held the **** of the gods to destroy the magic sword, and madly killed the ten-star emperor who escaped.




One after another ten-star emperor is killed by Lan Ling!

A total of nine ten-star imperial powerhouses were killed by Lanling, and five were successfully escaped!


At this time, all the bloodless people of the Supreme Council have been destroyed by the whole army.

In front of Lanling, there are only ordinary human legions, and there are countless energy weapons!

"My Lanling, the plane of the Dragon Magic planet dominates, the Chaos Emperor, the Lord of the Demon Star!" Lan Ling looked at the ground two million ordinary human army groups: "I am not only the dragon magic planet and the human co-owner It is also the co-owner of the demons, humans, and stars of the moon civilization. Of course, it is also the monkey of some of your population."

He smiled.

Lan Ling pointed to the construction of the Supreme Council: "I want to go, I will smash the supreme parliament of this as a leg, and we will kill these high-ranking parliamentarians. If you are a monarch, you will kneel down! If you are I am a powerful enemy, my heart is full of fear, let it go. If you are a monkey in my mouth, then continue to stand here in front of my way, I promise to kill you."

"I started counting down three numbers, either kneeling down, or letting go, or die!"




The 2 million people of the Human Legion stood still and stood still.

Lan Ling’s heart is strange: “Why is this?”

No one answered.

Lan Ling asked again: "Why is this?"

The Supreme Chancellor said: "Because they are not afraid of death, they will be able to get a permanent reincarnation in order to guard the Supreme Council. Of course, because in their eyes, you are a monkey."

"I am still a monkey?" Lan Ling was surprised: "I just showed so strong, I killed more than a hundred vain blood, I am still a monkey?"

"Yes!" said the Supreme Councillor: "In the eyes of the Moon Temple, you are still a monkey. You still have no hope."

"Oh, understand!" Lanling Road.

Take a deep breath and say: "Since I am a monkey, don't blame the monkeys for killing them!"

"Kill!" Lanling gave a command!



Suddenly, all the warships, all the spaceships, all the stars (smart life), all violently opened fire.

And the 2 million lunar human legions that are in front of the Supreme Council are also madly firing!

The exchange of fire between the two sides is intensive, and the radiant energy is even more crazy than the rainstorm.

In this earth-shattering exchange of fire, Lanling began to transform,

From mankind to a terrible demon, or a demon with no human form at all, the most terrible, the darkest, the most embarrassing demon.

His body is getting bigger and bigger, a few kilometers, tens of thousands of meters, hundreds of thousands of meters!

In the end, the real sun and the sky completely obscured the virtual sun and the sky.

The left hand is killing the magic sword, the right hand is the black sword, and the two swords are also shining with terrible black awns, tens of thousands of meters.



Lan Ling’s two giant swords were madly killed.

Suddenly, countless lunar corps of the corps were instantly broken and broken.



This should be the craziest slaughter in Lanling's history.

Every sword goes down, and more than tens of thousands of people smash.

"Tear you so much, hope that the Moon Temple can also complete your reincarnation." Lan Ling taunted.

Then, continue the crazy slaughter!


After half an hour!

All the lunar civilized human legions defending the highest parliament square, the whole army is destroyed!

All the energy arrays, all the energy weapons, are all broken.

The supreme parliament building stood alone in the square and there was no protection.

"Everyone inside is out, otherwise I will step on it, the Supreme Council will become a ruin directly, and you will all become muddy." Lanling laughed.

After a while, the costumes were luxurious, but the men and women who looked feared ran out.

A total of more than 900 people, all members of the Moon Civilized Human Parliament, nine citizens of the moon civilization.

Lanling overlooks more than 900 people. For the entire moon civilization, these more than 900 people are undoubtedly the true rule of law, in charge of the future and destiny of hundreds of millions of human beings.

However, at this time, as the ants stand at the foot of Lanling, they can be crushed easily.

Lan Ling ordered in the brain: "All stars, all warships, all spaceships, leave the interior of the moon, go to the surface of the moon, except A1 and A2, all the power of the stars, all destroyed!"

This order is ordered.

Suddenly, all intelligent life is quickly assembled.

Countless battleships, the spacecraft flew over these intelligent lives, and then explored the next light. All the intelligent life shrouded in light, all entered the battleship and the spacecraft, and completed the boarding in an instant.


Then hundreds of warships, thousands of various kinds of spaceships, flew to the huge crack, began to violently fire, tearing the big crack to a huge hole of 10,000 meters in diameter.

Then, countless warships and spaceships flew out of the moon and flew to the surface of the moon. After the air gathering, immediately dispersed into eleven fleets, flying to the coordinates of the remaining eleven stars of the power launching device, aiming at the command room under the crust of these stars, frantically firing!


These eleven-star power launchers are thousands of kilometers below the earth's crust, and they need to be shot through the sturdy energy crust before they can be completely destroyed.

As long as the power of the stars is destroyed, the Dragon Magic Planet will not be alive.


Supreme Council Square.

Lan Ling slammed down his body and grabbed the more than 900 people in his hand.


These more than 900 members of the Supreme Council screamed insanely and were held by the Lanling Giants, rising at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The moon civilization is really ridiculous. It represents the highest ruling layer of the human world. The members of the Supreme Council are all civil servants. Although they can't talk about the power of the chickens, they can't be compared with the vain.

Thousands of vain, bloody, and superiors seem to have been deprived of the highest power, leaving only the almost godly rulers of the Moon Temple. Most of the remaining elites are only lieutenant generals in the military. Admiral, the power and level are far less than those of the highest members of the parliament.

Lan Ling shouted loudly: "Why do you not appear in the priests of the Moon Temple? So let me kill the Supreme Council?"

No one answered.

Lanling raised his foot and slammed it on the highest parliament building!

"Oh la la la..."

In an instant, this supreme authority representing the human world of the moon's civilization has directly turned into a ruin, and has been smashed by Lanling.

Lanling said: "The masters of the Moon Temple, you will not appear again, the highest members of these human parliaments, all of which may have been pinned to death by me."

Still no one cares!

"That line, since these members of the Supreme Council do not care about life and death, then I will all die!"

When Lanling’s palms suddenly slammed, it was necessary to pinch the nearly a thousand members of parliament.

And it is at this time!

A sky in the distance, a figure appeared!

A beautiful and unparalleled woman, wearing a tight dress, gorgeous crystal high heels, come in style.

The beauty of this woman, probably only Dini, Na blood, the Queen of the Witch Kingdom can match.

"Hello?" asked Lan Ling.

Peerless beauty: "The second temple of the Moon Temple is the priest, Qing Xuan!"

"Oh, you are Qingxuan." Lanling said: "The last time I left the moon, I issued a war declaration. One day I will kill the moon and explode you and Tang Moqiang a hundred times. Tang Mo has been me. I’ve been there many times, is it your turn now?”


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(End of this chapter)

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