MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1085 One hundred and eight seven: the target earth! Nether Empire!

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Chapter 1085, The Target Earth! The Nether Empire!

Qing Xuan asked: "So, do you get what you want?"

Luo Luo smiled and did not answer.

Qingxuan: "So what do you do when the ninth energy civilization breaks through?"

Luo Luodao: "What do you do?"

Qingxuan: "Will you fulfill your previous promises? Take everyone on the Dragon Magic planet away?

Luo Luodao: "How can I, I will not take it away."

Qingxuandao: "Isn't the family and children of Lanling not taken away?"

Luo Luodao: "Of course not, not only do not take away, but before the walk, we must also destroy every human being, every demonic family on the Dragon Magic planet."

Qingxuan: "Why is this?"

Jurassic said: "In order to avoid future troubles, even if it is one in ten thousand. And the soul of every life is precious energy."

Qingxuan: "The one you said is the hope that the galaxy is true? You find the galaxy that allows us to move."

Luo Luodao: "Of course it is true, but I have found the location and coordinates. I don't need to go any more. Just wait until the ninth energy civilization breaks through and I can go immediately."

Qingxuan: "Where is the hope of the galaxy?"

Jurassic Road: "The Milky Way, the Solar System, the Earth!"

Qing Xuan did not dare to set the channel: "Lanling's hometown?"

Luo Luodao: "Yes, the hometown of Lanling."

Qingxuandao: "But according to the memory of Lanling, it is a world of scientific and technological civilization, and it is not suitable for the survival of our energy civilization."

Luo Luodao: "It is not like this. It is a rare galaxy in the universe. It only needs a little transformation. The energy of the entire solar system is no less than that of the Dragon Magic Galaxy. This is our second best home."

Qingxuan: "What about the billions of people on the planet?"

Jurassic said: "99.9% of all are eliminated, becoming a source of spiritual energy. Leave 100,000 people as living specimens to increase the diversity of intelligent life."

Qingxuandao: "That is, to destroy the earth civilization?"

Luo Luodao: "Of course, the so-called conquest is of course the end of a civilization. Especially like the backward civilization of the earth, is there the meaning and necessity of existence?"

Qing Xuan looked at Jurassic and said for a while: "Although countless years have passed, you are still our model. Seriously, when you let us loyal to Lanling and scream, we really It’s a big jump, but it’s totally irresistible. Why don’t you tell me in advance?”

"Tell you in advance, is it possible?" Luo Luodao said: "Lan Ling this person has a deep heart, extremely suspicious, and hard and unyielding. Toughness is useless to him, he will always eat soft and not hard. Want Let him do something, he must touch him and shock him. This is a temperament person. Once he is moved to shock him, he is willing to do anything for you, even if he is going to die."

Qingxuan: "So, you let him get an unprecedented glory, let him become the emperor of the moon civilization, marry me to him. Let all the temple priests loyal to him. Your play is too realistic. So that we are completely immersed in the play, I don’t know if it’s fake.”

Luo Luodao: "It is precisely because of this that he will copy his soul and copy the demon star in his brain. He will think that if he has one, he will be willing to sacrifice himself."

Qingxuandao: "Chen sighs to watch."

"Monkey, it is a monkey. After all, it is being tricked and tricked." Luo Luodao said: "You have been married to him for more than a month. I have been sleeping with the bed many times. How do you feel?"

Qing Xuan shrugged his shoulders: "The monkey is a monkey, very singular, and has a thrill of breaking taboos."

Luo Luodao: "Continue to break through the nine-level energy civilization at full speed, and then kill all the people on the Dragon Magic planet, all the power is swallowed up, let them make a final contribution to our civilization."

Qingxuandao: "According to the purpose!"


Lanling jumped into the void vortex!

He is ready for everything, boundless darkness, endless pain.

However, nothing happened!

Unlike the Emperor Moto, it was swallowed up by the Void creatures, lost its body, and even lost the body of the soul, turning into a dark fog.

Lanling entered the abyss of the void.

It seems to have entered the endless night.

There is no space, time, no light.

Lan Ling can't feel his body or even feel his life.

However, he is still alive.

However, the only thing that can be felt is just to be alive.

This is a very weird, terrible experience.

I can't see it, I can't hear it, I can't feel anything, anything, but I live.

Not to mention controlling your body and soul.

In the sea of ​​the underworld, Lan Ling can also feel the flow of the waves, feeling that everything around is energy, and his soul drifts uncontrollably in the sea.

In the abyss of the void, it is really a complete darkness, and nothing is dark.

Is the Void not spreading? Isn't it being swallowed by madness?

Lanling is completely unfeelable.

Moreover, the Emperor Demon is engulfed by the Nether creature. Lan Ling remembers very clearly. The Void creature completely swallowed his body, then the blood energy, and finally the soul and the Nether creature merge into one, endless pain and torture.

According to the truth, Lan Ling should not be a moment of deep into the void, was it completely swallowed up?

However, nothing happened?

There is only one silence!

The Nether creature did not come to devour him, nor did he blend in with his soul!

This made Lan Ling very shocked and very painful.

Because he is not here to do nothing, not to come here to enjoy the tranquility of the darkness.

He wants to shout, Ertian, where are you?

But there is no sound at all, and there is no energy signal.

His Lord of the Stars came here and everything became powerless.


Can't go on like this!

If this continues, even if it is a thousand years, 10,000 years, he will not have any gains. You can only wait for the vicious scorpions on the moon's civilization to succeed, and you can only wait for the destruction of the Dragon Magic planet, the destruction of his wife and children.

This must be changed.

First of all, after he entered the abyss of the void, he was not swallowed up by the void creatures. Why?

Lan Ling thought of one reason, that is, the soul of the Emperor of Heaven has not completely collapsed yet. There is no day for the Lord. As the Lord of the Demon Star, once he is swallowed up by these Nether creatures, he must be the highest soul of the entire void abyss.

Now that Emperor Ertian has not collapsed, his soul will not be swallowed up. Since it has not been swallowed up, it means that it is independent of the void abyss plane, and it is a completely different energy body.

This is like a living soul entering the computer network, except for nothing nothing to feel. To feel the world of computer networks, you must change yourself from the soul of life to a binary code of 0 and 1.

Lan Ling wants to perceive everything in the abyss of the void, and must transform itself to become an energy body similar to the virtual creature, so that you can observe the abyss of the void and truly enter the world of the void.

So how do you make yourself an energy body similar to a virtual creature?

Lanling has an idea. His soul and demon star are combined into one. Just like a cosmic galaxy, some stars are bright, and some stars are dark.

If you enter the microscopic world of your own soul, all the bright stars in the soul sky will be shielded and extinguished, and all will become dark stars. Will it become an energy body similar to the virtual creature?

The idea of ​​Lanling is very genius and terrible.

What is even more frightening is that he really did. The consequences of this are terrible, and it is very likely that I will never come back. It is very likely that it will become a void creature and I will never be able to look back.

Lanling controls the core of the soul star, Samsung, so that all are extinguished. Then, all the shining stars in the soul sky were cut off.

"Hey...oh, hehe..."

The soul of the sky, like the vast universe of the micro world. The twinkling stars in pieces are all extinguished.

After a while!

In the starry sky of Lanling, all the bright stars are extinguished.

Thousands of trillions of soul stars have become dark stars.


Lanling lost all senses, and even the perception of being alive was completely gone.

It seems as if it is completely dead, and it is eternal into darkness.


I don't know how long it has been, as if it were countless years, it seems to be an instant.

Lan Ling’s soul perception is once again in recovery.

The world in front of us has changed completely!

He came to another world, a world that was exhausted and could not dream, a completely dark void empire.

If there is no guess, the Great Emperor is the highest emperor of this Nether Empire.


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(End of this chapter)

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