MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1097 One hundred and nine nine: Qing Xuan, come to eat!

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Chapter 1097, 1909 Qing Xuan, come to eat!

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This is the real doomsday!

The moon in the sky turned out to be shining, and it was brighter than the sun, so it looked like two suns.

Then there came a fleet of locust swarms in the sky, hundreds of thousands of warships of various kinds, paved in the air for nearly a million square kilometers, and truly covered the sky.

At this point, the entire lunar fleet stayed in the sky above the city of Fire, and the entire Rizhaozhou people could see the unprecedented fleet.

Everyone stopped all the work in his hand, stood at the door and looked up at the sky!

At this time, the empire empire has already assembled all the forces.

The original nine Hell Knights demanded that Di Nie, Na Blood, and all the family members of Lanling retreat into the barrier of heaven and earth.

But Digne refused, and Na's blood refused. Everyone refused.

As the Yanlong Empire, the royal family members of the Yan Mo Empire could not leave their own people to escape when the disaster came, so that it was smeared on Lan Ling’s face.

And the key is to escape into the barriers of the heavens and the earth, and the most important thing is that Lancome, Dini and Na's blood firmly believe that Lanling will definitely return, they do not need to escape, and can not escape!

Therefore, at this time, all the family members of Lanling, whether human or demonic, gathered in the city of Yanmo.

The Enchanted Empire, the Yanlong Empire, and the Sky Temple are all elite, and they are all gathered around the Yancheng City, forming the most powerful defense line in the history of the Dragon Magic Planet.

A total of nearly 70 king-level powerhouses, 2,000 Asian-level powerhouses, more than 20,000 sacred powerhouses, and hundreds of thousands of honorable powerhouses.

Ten giant aerial fortresses, tens of thousands of spar flying, millions of airborne rides, nearly ten million different types of troops.

The Enchanted Empire has assembled a million troops around the city of Fire, just to defend the City of Fire and defend the royal family.

This power is of course extremely powerful, even the most powerful legion of the Dragon Dragon Planet.

But in front of the Moon Fleet, these millions of troops are nothing!

As long as the Moon Fleet dispatches 1% of the power, it can wipe out the demise of the empire.


The chief commander of this war was the first to rule the priest and the second priest, Qing Xuan.

Void Yan also agreed to kill the entire Dragon Magic planet, but he has no interest in directing this kind of battle. This is not a battle, nor a massacre. It is just a trick to boil the ants with boiling water. It makes no sense.

Therefore, Qing Xuan became the supreme commander of this battle.

At this time, the distance from the ground is less than 10,000 meters, and there is no cloud in the sky above the city of Fire, and everything on the ground can be seen clearly.

Dense houses, dense army and crowds.

Qing Xuan saw it, disdain a smile.

Looking at this distance, this dense crowd and army is really like an ant colony.

If it is a simple massacre, it can begin now. Directly ordered, the fleet spread, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of various types like the locusts half scattered to every corner of the Dragon Magic planet, and then began to kill.

The entire moon fleet continues to fall and fall.

Getting closer and closer to the ground, getting closer!

Eventually, the entire moon fleet floated over the kilometer, completely obscuring the nearly a million square kilometers of the sky.

At this time, the huge city of the evil city has been clearly seen.

After more than ten years of development, the city of Yanmo has become a super-mega city with more than 3,000 square kilometers.

Beautiful architecture, underground, ground, and air trinity modes of transportation.

Countless gardens, rivers, and even deep forests are among the cities!

The whole city is really beautiful with the rolling hills.

Qing Xuan sees it, and the heart is even full of jealousy. Of course, the city inside the moon, especially the world in which the Supreme Council of the ninth floor is located, is ten times more beautiful than the magic city. But that's fake, it's made with all kinds of energy.

And all this is true in front of the mountain, the mountain is true, the water is real, the green trees and flowers are real.

These despicable ants on the Dragon Magic planet are not worthy of such a city.

"Direct fire, quick battle." The first master priest vain.

Qingxuandao: "No hurry, since you are here, take a good look! This is our mother star. Do we not want to step on the ground of the parent star before leaving?"

Void does not have this interest, but now does not want to offend Hyun.

Because Qingxuan used to be the nephew of the Emperor of the Dragon and the Emperor, but now that Luo has seized the emperor, who knows whether there is any improper relationship between Qingxuan and Jurassic, even if there is no future. The moon civilization is different from the previous one. Now the dragon and the great emperor are the real masters, and have changed from the elite people/the Lord to the dictatorship.

Under the orders and proposals of Qing Xuan, thirteen master priests, one hundred and thirty-nine moon priests, and more than six thousand vacant blood vessels, took a warship and landed slowly on the square of the city of Yancheng. !


When I saw a battleship landing, the Hell Knight iced humanity: "Was the two queens squat, do you want to attack this enemy ship?"

The two queens in his mouth were the Empress of the Emperor of the Enemy, the Queen of the Dragon and the Queen of the Dragon Emperor Lancome.

Lancome and Digne looked at each other and then shook their heads.

After the enemy ship landed, the ship door opened, and then two people slowly walked out, a man and a woman, dressed in a gorgeous priest gown, one is a void, and the other is Qing Xuan.

Then, the other eleven master priests, one hundred and thirty-nine, and more than six thousand virgins, came out of the battleship.

These seven thousand people are all vain blood, and they were once the blood of the ancestors created by the two creation gods.

The place where they landed was exactly the square of the Inflammatory Empire.

The beautiful beauty of the Qingxuan is on the ground, gently stroking the ground, and even kneeling down to gently smell the taste of the land.

"This is our hometown, our homeland, don't ask me why I feel so much because I love this land and love it deeply." Qing Xuan sniffed the land while sighing.

Then, Qing Xuan twisted and turned to the first master priest to vain the road: "After killing people for a while, do you want to destroy the entire Dragon Magic planet by the way?"

All the master priests couldn’t help but listen. You just loved this land and loved it deeply. Now you are going to destroy the Dragon Magic Planet and destroy it by the way?

Cold blood, hypocrisy, no more than this.


"Sister, are you going, or am I going?" Dnie asked.

Lan Lan said: "You are the master, you go."

The emperor's imperial emperor Digne stepped forward: "Who is waiting for someone, why do you enter the country illegally? Please leave immediately, otherwise you will kill it!"

Qing Xuan is sticking his forehead to the ground, as if he is feeling the pulse of the whole earth. He was drunk by the Queen of Dnie, suddenly frowned, looked up, and then a burst of jealousy!

In her eyes, the people on the Dragon Magic are all ants, all monkeys.

At the level of energy civilization, in the repair of force, the Dragon Magic Planet and the Moon do have a lot of differences. However, in terms of appearance and beauty, Digne in front of her eyes is not inferior, even above Qing Xuan.

Not only is Digne, but also Na's blood, A Shi is a person, the demon queen Yu Ji, and even Ji Xuanning, who has changed in November, etc., no matter the appearance or the body, is no less than the world-famous beauty of the moon civilization.

Suddenly, her heart was filled with jealousy!

These monkeys on the Dragon Magic planet do not match this beautiful appearance.

Of course, she will not show this kind of jealousy on her face, but asks the people on the side faintly: "Which is this stupid/force?"

Before Qing Xuan, I never said half a dirty word. But after being slept by Lan Ling, it changed a bit. At this time, in order to express the extreme disdain of my heart, I learned the way Lan Ling said.

Di Nie said: "I am the Queen of the Fire Empire, the wife of the Chaos Emperor Lan Ling, Di Nie!"

"Oh, this is stupid / forced." Qing Xuan laughed, and then spread toward the void on the side: "Hello, this mother monkey looks good, is interested in sleeping once?"

Looking at Qing Xuan in the void, when the moon, especially before Lanling to the moon, what kind of dignity and elegance is this Qingxuan, this time it is so wild and speechless. It seems that after becoming the nephew of the Dragon Devil, she did expose her nature without any scruples.

The emptiness of the heart is to sleep, but in the face of other priests and moon priests, he certainly has a decent posture. After Qing Xuan became the nephew of the Emperor of the Jurassic, he had no political enemies. He had a political enemy.

"No need!" Void Derived: "I have already been close to the earth, so don't waste time, let's get started!"

Dini said: "What do you start? What are you going to do?"

Void Derivation: "The purpose of the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor, destroy every demon on the Dragon Magic Planet, every human!"

Qingxuandao: "So, let's start with this mother monkey, Digne. Now what kind of cats and dogs are dare to call themselves queens?"

After all, Qing Xuan raised the jade hand, directly to take a palm shot, to take the Dini directly into a crush!


At this time, an eleven-year-old Mozu juvenile came out.

"You are the despicable monkey again?" Qing Xuandao.

"I am the Emperor of the Fire Empire, Lanso!" Lansuo came out.

He has grown up. Although he is only 11 or 2 years old, he is already one meter and seven tall. He looks very similar to Lanling and has become the greatest pride of his mother Dina.

"Oh, you are the son of Lanling's monkey." Qingxuan said: "Do you have something to say?"

Lanso took a clapping: "Wang Wang, come over!"

Suddenly, a big dog ran over and glared at his hand.

"Lahu!" Lanso ordered.

The big dog suddenly pulled a sigh and couldn’t smell it.

Lan Suodao: "My father is Lanling Emperor. You are the Qingxuan from the moon. You want to kill everyone on the Dragon Magic planet. How can I fight with me? If you win, I will not stop. You are killing, if you lose, how do you get rid of this shit?"

As soon as this was said, Qing Xuan’s face changed dramatically.

Everyone around them changed dramatically.

Although Lansuo is the son of Lanling, he is only 11 years old this year. Where can he be raised? Qing Xuan, but the twelve-star emperor.

"Walking the dog, looking for death!"

Qing Xuan is facing Lansuo, and he snaps it down!

Eleven, eleven, directly on the palm!


Suddenly, the 12-star emperor, the second leader of the Moon Temple, Qing Xuan, flew out like a straw.


Note: The second one is sent, please support, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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