MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1110 One by one: Lanling miracles! Infinite fascination

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Chapter 1110, 1112, Lanling miracles! Infinite fascination


Lin Shi sent a very fierce sorrow, even through the iron barrels, it also made people shudder.

Because his face is melting, melted by the terrible strong acid corrosion, the nose is directly corroded, and the lips are not corroded, but the eyes are still preserved, because he has to watch how ugly he is.


The painful Lin Shi desperately hit his head with his head and made a loud noise.

The beautiful students of the two art colleges looked at this scene. They almost lost their incontinence. They couldn’t stand it and fell to the ground directly, revealing two slender white legs.

Lanling squatted in front of the two girls and gently wiped the lipstick on their lips with their hands.

"Don't, don't hurt us..." a girl trembled.

Lan Ling asked: "Is your family poor?"

The girl shook her head, and their family was not poor, they were all good middle-class families. It is precisely because of this that they understand what Hermes handbags, know what Cartier watches, know what is the Tiffany key, so the money will never be enough.

"Luxury goods are not wrong, there is nothing wrong with vanity, but the way you get these things is wrong, the cost is too big, it is overdrafting your future." Lanling said: "Go back to school now, There is nothing happening in the installation. When the Lin family finds you, you have evidence of absence, because you are in the school dormitory at this time. From now on, even if you pretend to pretend to study well, your looks are beautiful, plus Regardless of the true and false artistic temperament, there are many wealthy men eager to reach you, you can still be happy for a lifetime, just need to lower your greed a little."

The girl trembled and nodded.

In fact, everything that happened tonight completely overturned their worldview. At least the luxury of this moment became worthless in their eyes, because they saw miracles with their own eyes.

"You, who are you..." The girl asked, "You, are you god?"

"Yes, I am!" Lanling said: "Remember, after you leave the bar, you will go back to the dormitory. Some students will testify for you and have a computer camera to testify. Let's go, let's go..."

Lan Ling waved.

In an instant, the two girls disappeared directly. The next moment, they appeared directly in the dormitory and sat in front of the computer to make a live broadcast.

The other four students in the dormitory are either wearing makeup, watching TV shows, or reading novels, without any mistakes.

Two art girls looked at the computer and stared at the countless barrage on the computer.

"Goddess, goddess, goddess..."

"Miss sister, I have already given our son a good name when I saw you..."

The two girls suddenly felt self-satisfied, and countless boys called their goddess, but they did something for their money.

Yes, that person is God! Only God can forgive them!

Suddenly, the two girls crouched on the table and wept. After crying for a quarter of an hour, they went into the bathroom and washed the heavy makeup on their faces. After a little hesitation, they took out the LV bag that they just got and lit it with a lighter.

From now on they will listen to the words of God and be a good girl. Perhaps they will still lie, they will be lazy, they will swear, and they will hook men, but they will never sell their dignity and body.


The driver of Lin Shi suddenly slammed down and said: "Let me let me go, let me go! There are many things I am forced to do. I have a wife and children. If I don't do it, I will be unemployed. ""

Lan Ling looked at the driver and said: "The one who gave my sister Lancome a splash of sulfuric acid, is that you are looking for it?"

"I beg you to let me go, let me go, I have a wife and children, my wife is not good." The driver kept licking his head and cried: "You are God, will you forgive us for these humble humans? Will you pity us right?"

Lanling said: "You made a mistake. God may have pity on the whole human being, but it does not necessarily have to pity a single individual. God has great love, but there is no emotion."

After all, Lan Ling’s palm shot.

Suddenly, Lin Shi’s driver was broken and died.

At this time, Lin Shi has been fainted in pain. As Lan Ling looked up, his body floated directly into his Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Lan Ling is beckoning again.

Suddenly, the Rolls-Royce Phantom launched himself, driving on his own, clearly without a driver, but automatically driving toward Lin's villa.

Lan Ling, slowly pacing, walked toward the cemetery where the foster mother raised her mother.


Lin is a local snake in the city of H. He owns a tens of acres of property in the city. In the H city, which is a lot of money, it is definitely a super mansion.

Lin Shi's Rolls-Royce Phantom gracefully enters Lin's villa and stops in front of the villa's gate.

"The young master is back?" The bodyguard stepped forward and respectfully opened the door.

Then he saw the most terrible and most weird scene.

The driver sitting in the driver's seat turned out to be a dead man, and his body split directly. Sitting in the back row of Lin Shi, with a terrible iron bucket on his head.


This bodyguard is also a hooligan, and has seen a variety of worlds. At this time, I was really scared of incontinence and screamed.

Because the driver's body directly cracked in the driver's seat, it was terrible.

His screaming screamed directly to Lin’s father, Lin Hao.

"What is it?" Lin Hao yelled.

If it is normal, this roar is enough to make the bodyguard scare the urine, and then slap in the face. Because Lin Hao did the sand business before doing real estate business, before the sand business, it was a rogue leader.

"Lin, you, you come down to see." The bodyguard trembled: "The young master has an accident."

A moment later, Lin Hao and his wife flew down and only wore pajamas.

This Lin Hao is fifty years old, but still strong and powerful. And her wife, under the maintenance of money, can be regarded as a charm.

Seeing the body of the driver in the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Mrs. Lin screamed and directly fainted.

Lin Hao looked at the driver's body, although his heart was pumping, his face did not change much. However, when I saw the iron bucket in the back seat, I couldn't help but twitch, and my heart had a bad feeling.

"Dad... Dad..." Lin Shi had woke up and shouted in horror.

Sure enough, his son, Lin Hao directly bombed.

"Who is this? Who dares to hurt my son? Who dares to start with my Lin family?" Lin Hao yelled: "Look for someone to come, check, check! I must kill his family."

Needless to check, because there is a letter in the hands of his son Lin Shi.

Lin Hao took the letter and opened it.

"Mr. Lin Hao, I will come to your home tomorrow night to visit, I hope to see each other!"

The letter on the letter is Lanling!

Lin Hao thought for a while and remembered the name.

The younger brother of Lancome’s woman, her son’s pursuit of the Lancome who did not destroy her.

Is this Lanling not already missing? Now I am coming back for revenge.

"Okay, okay... this little hybrid even dared to come back for revenge." Lin Hao suddenly relaxed in his heart.

He thought it was a vendetta in the rivers and lakes, or another enemy that was not allowed. He did not expect to be an ordinary college student.

However, looking at the driver's death, this Lanling's knife is very good, perhaps where he went to learn the martial arts, I feel that I am powerful enough, so I came back for revenge.

Lin Hao picked up the phone, summoned all the brothers, and summoned all the masters of knowledge.

Tomorrow evening, he will have to take a look at the Lanling for a while, and he will regret that he was born in this world.


Going to the grave of the adoptive father, Lan Ling quietly squatted there.

There is no reincarnation on earth, and the spirit and vitality of adoptive parents have long been scattered throughout the world.

In this way, Lanling was motionless on the ground until dawn.

"Uncle, aunt, I will take care of Lancome for the rest of my life." Lanling Road, then turned and left.

I took out my mobile phone and dialed the phone call of the beautiful woman who bought him clothes yesterday.

"Where are you? I will give you money." Lanling Road.

"Do you know the Enron Club?" The beautiful woman received a phone call from Lanling. She was very excited and excited. "How do we meet there?"

"Good." Lan Lingdao.

The Enron Club, already heard of it on Earth, is a very famous rich club. But at the beginning of the club's construction, it was a playground built by his father to his daughter, but it was later opened for business.

Lanling still walked in the car and walked toward the Enron club.


Anzhen wears a tight-fitting dress, which sets her body to be more devilish, and with her pure and beautiful face, it is truly tempting.

From time to time, she looked out the door and looked at her watch from time to time. It seemed a bit restless.

Even after a while, I have to take out the mirror and see if the makeup on my face has flowers or even a deep breath.

Can't sit still, she went to a mirror and practiced in the mirror.

"I don't want you to pay back, but you have to give me a gift of the same price." In the mirror, An Zhen Jiao said.

Then he shook his head. "No, it's too frivolous, it will make him look light."

"The money for the clothes is still, but my labor costs? I am very expensive." In the mirror, An Zhen replaced another expression, with a smile in his face.

"No, no, it's too vulgar." Ann angrily grabbed his face and said: "Oops, performance is too bad."

Taking a deep breath, An Zhen looked in the mirror: "Come on, come on, get him, kiss today, sleep tomorrow, and have a full moon next year!"

Anzhen believes in love at first sight from childhood to age, and feels that women should find men with intuition and taste, and do not even need to know who the other party is.

And the man who saw the handsome and unparalleled last night, more than just love at first sight, it was an instant piercing the atrium, and then blasted open.


Note: The first one is sent, please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion