MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1129 One for three ones: Lanling slaughter the Dragon Temple!

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Chapter 1129, 1131, Lanling slaughter the Dragon Temple!

Shenlong Temple Secrets!

This special space area hidden within the earth.

It is the same as Lan Ling’s imagination.

It is different because Lan Ling has seen the Temple of the Sky and has seen the Temple of the Moon. The Temple of the Dragon in front of the Earth and the Temple of the Sky on the Dragon Magic Planet, the Temple of the Moon is completely different.

The same is true because the Temple of the Dragon is in line with the imagination of Lanling as the human being.

It is still the earth here, you can see the stars in the sky, you can see the sun and the moon in the sky.

It is similar to Wonderland.

Nine rootless mountains float in the air, similar to the Pandora planet in the movie Avatar. The huge mountains float in the air, as if they were not affected by gravity.

The most shocking thing for Lanling is not the floating mountains, but the nine mountains are turning all the time, in the revolution, in rotation.

Yes, this is mimicking the solar system.

In the middle is an incomparably huge mountain, with a diameter of more than three hundred kilometers and an altitude of more than 15,000 kilometers, as if it were in the sun.

The other eight floating mountains, like the eight planets, rotate in different orbits to form a disc.

The mysterious temple is much larger than Lanlan’s imagination, although the land area of ​​the nine mountains is only a few hundred thousand square kilometers, but because there is a distance between each mountain, the whole dragon The plane of the temple area exceeds several million square kilometers and is a disc with a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers.

"The nine mountains are completely imitating the solar system. The outermost mountain is the Neptune Mountain. The innermost mountain is the Sun Temple." Bailing Road: "The population of the entire Shenlong Temple is always around 90,000. It's hard to change. Because the inheritance of the blood is fixed."

Lanling flew into the sky and overlooked the entire Shenlong Temple.

Each mountain has a variety of ants, including Chinese pavilions, Gothic, Romanesque, Egyptian, Indian, and even Indian architecture.

"The Temple of the Dragon has a variety of races, a variety of languages, and is advancing with the times." Bailingdao: "The Temple of the Dragon has two common languages, Chinese and English."

For the earth, the mysterious temple of the Shenlong Temple with a population of only 90,000 is undoubtedly extravagant. Everyone here has a separate house and can have a separate estate when the level rises.

Lan Ling closed his eyes and easily felt the enchantment under the ancient dragon cloth. It is also able to smell that the air is full of powerful forces, thousands of times higher than the rest of the earth, even higher than the human kingdom of the Dragon Magic Galaxy.

"Do you know what gas you breathe?" asked Lan Ling.

"I don't know, my majesty." Bailing.

Lanling Road: "It is the breath of ancient dragons, which contains incomparably powerful power. So once you leave the mysterious temple, your power will be weakened many times. For the human beings of the earth, the mythical temple of the gods The people do exist like gods. But do you know what is the end of the gods in Greek mythology?"

Bailing: "No matter whether it is "Homer's Epic" or "Odyssey", there is no clear record of the endings of the gods, but it should be defeated or even eliminated by humans."

"Yes." Lan Lingdao: "And this is your best ending. This proves that the human beings you guard are strong enough, you don't need your guardian, because you are not the real god."

"My Majesty, but you are the real god, so you are unbeaten." Braun is a little excited: "For her, the ancient dragon is a belief and totem, and the blue orchid in front of it is also a belief and totem. ”

Lanling Road: "The human beings of the Earth, the human beings on the Dragon Magic Planet are all God's people, even the embodiment of God, so they are not separated from each other."

"I understand, my majesty." Bailing.

Lanling has been flying at the height of the Shenlong Temple, flying over Neptune Mountain, Uranus Mountain, Saturn Mountain, Jupiter Mountain, Mars Hill and Earth Mountain.

"My Majesty, there are 90,000 people in the Temple of the Dragon, among which there are 30,000 Chinese, the first big family of the Dragon Temple. We Chinese are remembered on the Earth Hill." Bailing: "So, even though we The Chinese have the greatest say in the Temple of the Dragon, but they live the most crowded."

Chinese, not only China, but also other ethnic groups in Northeast Asia.

Lan Ling has been flying through the air like this, and has a feeling.

Silence, incomparable silence!

Among the floating mountains that he flew, there were countless houses in it, and no one was seen. He did not see a priest or disciple of the Temple of the Dragon.

"When the Shenlong Temple decided to directly take over the world order and infiltrate the world's political power and the country, more than 30,000 people were scattered in the outside world, hidden behind the world's countries." Bailingdao: "Because the world The resistance and respect of the great powers, and the fact that the people of the Shenlong Temple are greatly weakened in the mortal world, the results of these decades of infiltration are not satisfactory. In some countries, they may be very successful, but in several major countries in the world. The process of infiltration is very general. Several powerful countries in the world even secretly signed certain treaties to prevent the penetration of the Temple of the Dragon. They have even developed weapons on the scale to eliminate the people of the Temple of God."

“Is it effective?” Lan Ling asked.

"Effective." Bailing: "Although there have been almost no armed conflicts, there has been an armed organization that has obtained special weapons from a powerful country and killed five priests of the Temple of the Dragon. Of course, this armed organization was taken by the dragon. The temple was completely wiped out, and the company that created the weapon was also severely sanctioned. But everyone knows that the era of the sacred and invincible temple of the Dragon has passed, and the power of the earth has mastered the way to eliminate the people of the dragons. The Temple of the Dragon is only 90,000 people, and it will never increase. And once the people of the Temple of God and Dragons leave the secret of the Temple of the Dragon, the power is weakened to less than 5 percent."

Lanling Road: "So the Shenlong Temple feels that it has been greatly insulted, and it is full of resentment and even hatred against the ancient dragons."

"Yes, my Majesty." Bailing said: "So, they pin their hopes on the holy things of the Temple of the Dragon. I hope to take this holy thing away from the mysterious temple of the Dragon, hope that this can break the energy taboo, hope that the dragon The people of the temple can also have complete power in the outside world, so that the Temple of the Dragon will invincible the world and rule the whole world."

Lanling Road: "Trust me, the world ruled by the Temple of the Dragon is not good at all. In order to maintain their rule, they have only one way, which is to desperately suppress the development of human civilization, so that human civilization can never break free. A civilization that does not progress is destined to perish."

"Yes, my Majesty." Bailing said: "I am also this opinion, but this offends the interests of most of the gods and gods, so I became a traitor."


The whole mysterious temple is silent.

On the earth's hills, countless pavilions are empty, but there is no one.

On the Venus Hill, it is also empty.

On the Mercury Hill, it is also empty.

In front of you, it is the sun temple, at the top of the 20,000-meter-high mountain.

The entire Sun Temple is made of gold, and the gold here is more than tens of millions of times more than all the gold reserves of the Earth. For ancient dragons, the gold of such astronomical figures is not worth mentioning.

Under the radiance of the sun, the entire Sun Temple is incomparably dazzling, just like a sun.

If nothing else happens, all members of the Temple of the Dragon should be concentrated in the Sun Temple!

Because there is a sacred object of the ancient dragon, because there is a powerful energy array here, it is best to ambush Lanling here!

Landed in the Sun Temple Square.

This is a square of more than a million square meters, also cast in gold.

With human eyes and even the eyes of the priests of the Dragon Temple, so much gold is impossible. But for the ancient Shenlong, it is effortless. Even for Lan Ling, it is not a waste of effort.

Come to the giant gate of the Sun Temple.

When Braun came forward, he slowly pushed open the golden gate of several hundred meters.

A very incomparably huge hall appeared in front of Lanling.

There are 90,000 gold seats in the entire hall. These gold seats are floating and can fly.

The entire Sun Temple can accommodate up to 90,000 people for meetings.

At this time, the 90,000 positions were almost packed.

The 90,000 members of the Dragon Temple are gathered here, with various weapons in their hands.

The supreme leader wore a gold robe and was a few hundred meters in shape, standing in the middle of the main hall.

"Lan Ling? You are the self-proclaimed ancient dragon dragon successor?" The highest priest.

"Yes, it is me." Lan Lingdao.

The highest priest said: "So you are the so-called god?"

"Yes, I am the so-called god." Lanling Road.

The highest priest said: "There are 90,000 dragons and people here. Our strength here is twenty times that on the earth. There are hundreds of energy arrays in the entire temple, which can magnify our power a hundred times. That is to say, you have to face 10,000 times the power of 90,000 priests."

Lanling Road: "I have ruined the priest outside. Now I have to face the power of a hundred million times on the earth."

"Yes, no more than 100 million times the power." The highest priest sneered: "Your performance in Chennai is very amazing, but it is completely useless, you are dead, we are going to kill God! We want to rule the world, Whoever is in front of us must die, even if God is no exception!"

Nothing has been embarrassed, at this time it became extremely crazy, and sighed: "Lanling dog, yes, I still call you Lanling dog. You are dead, you are greeted with death!"

The Supreme Leader said: "Offensive, killing God!"

Then, 90,000 sacred priests and priests violently released all the energy attacks, all concentrated in the energy array of the temple, after the amplification of the energy array, and then shot at Lanling.

This is an incomparably powerful force.

It is Lan Ling’s power on the earth that is no more than 100 million times, enough to kill everything.


Earth-shattering, destroying the energy of the earth, madly hit the body of Lanling.

Lan Ling’s body is more dazzling than the sun, and it seems to have vanished.


Everyone in the Temple of the Dragon gathers all the power and attacks it without stopping.

Tu god, they want to kill God!


After a quarter of an hour, the crazy offense is over!


Lanling is still safe and sound, still standing in the same place.

Lan Ling looked at everyone in front of him and slowly said: "How can you be so ignorant? The magnitude of energy is very important, but the level of energy is more important to understand? The energy of your level, let alone 100 million. Times, even if it is one trillion times, it will not hurt my points."

"And if I want to kill you, know what to do?" Lan Ling slowly said: "You are hiding behind the energy mask, hiding behind the golden seat, how can I kill you?"

"Nothing needs to be done, just go over it." Lanling Road.

Lan Ling really did nothing, so she slowly walked over and walked toward the center of the temple.

Wherever he went, all the members of the Temple of the Dragon were gone, and they were broken!


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(End of this chapter)

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