MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1141 Finish the earth article after the book!

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Chapter 1141 completes the earth article of the postscript!

In 2033, a few years ago, China's GDP exceeded that of the United States, becoming the world's largest economic power, and the internationalization of the renminbi has been carried out for more than a decade, and is currently sitting in the international common currency.

But just as the United States became the world's largest economic power forty or fifty years, it became the world's number one power, and China is the same. After the initial confluence in Europe and the United States, China is still struggling in the international dominance.

Y country, Cambridge University.

Lan Si, who is less than 17 years old this year, has been studying at Cambridge University for three years. He is a junior in the philosophy department, and he also studied second major mathematics, third professional aesthetics, and fourth major history.

He is probably one of the youngest geniuses in Cambridge's history. Every time in an academic battle with Oxford, this talented student is always able to kill his opponent on behalf of Cambridge, including fighting and drinking.

Of course, he is a quiet and elegant person, generally not fighting. And once you fight, you will basically find that you doubt life.

He is a medium-sized consortium from China. His mother is the three-time Olympic equestrian champion, Anzhen, the world-famous equestrian goddess, the equestrian queen.

Anzhen is forty-three years old this year, but even if it doesn't make up, it doesn't wear skin, and PS doesn't stand in front of all the lenses, and the appearance will never exceed twenty-eight years old, the real frozen-age goddess.

Because of the beautiful appearance, the devil's body, the huge net worth, and the three-time Olympic champion, An Zhen has become one of the most beautiful and **** women in the world for ten consecutive years. He has become one of the most dreamed goddesses of men all over the world for ten consecutive years. I have been on the cover of three times magazines.

Lansi only knew that his father was called Lanling, but he never really saw it.

So Lansi belongs to the kind of child born with a golden key. At the age of nine, he began to learn fencing and archery.

After coming to Y for three years, he won all the fencing champions and archery champions who can participate in the competition.

Therefore, the youth in the entire Cambridge town are shrouded in his shadow, almost no day.

This child is definitely a superstar of the entire Cambridge, and even the entire Y country.

However, this genius boy has now encountered a big trouble, he was involved in a murder case.

The murder was a Japanese female student studying for a graduate student in history at Cambridge University. She is an ordinary but possessing extraordinary literary talent. She is 23 years old, but has published four or five books, and her sales are very high. She once had a science fiction novel changed into several series of movies, and she has won billions of dollars around the world. The box office income of the dollar is known as the talented woman and pride of Japan.

This MCC is closely related to Lansi and is a confidant in a certain area. Many people think that she is a girlfriend of Lansi. However, no, Lansi felt that the other party was not beautiful enough.

However, ten days ago, the talented woman disappeared and her body was found in a forest five days ago. Someone saw that she was with Lans at the last moment before her disappearance, and her body had Lance's fingerprint and hair on her body. She was drowned, and dander was found in the scar on her neck. After testing, it was the DNA of Lansi.

All aspects are ironclad, and Lansi was officially arrested by Scotland Yard and will be prosecuted for murder. Once convicted, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Of course, Lansi did not kill, he was framed.

An Zhen immediately put down all the affairs to the Y country and rescued his son Lansi!


Today, Anzhen wants to meet with D. Wynn, the most famous barrister in Y.

The Dwyane is also an alumnus of the University of Cambridge. He is still an emeritus professor at the University of Cambridge. He was once a popular candidate for the cabinet justice minister, but he later gave up.

He is also a lord. He has a very senior network in the political arena of the Y country. He is a close friend with the current prime minister and has some sort of anecdote with a certain princess in the royal family.

Of course, he has another identity, that is, fans of Anzhen, because he is also an equestrian enthusiast, the ideal of young people is to become an equestrian athlete, the result is limited, so he went to be a lawyer.

After Anzhen won the Olympic Equestrian Championship for the first time, all the international major events with Ahn's appearance, regardless of the thousands of miles of Dwyane will go to the scene to watch.

It is good news to have him as a defense lawyer for Rance.

"An, I have found many flaws in this case, and will give us some advantages in court." Lord Dwyane said: "There is another good news. His Majesty has always appreciated Lans. He also does not believe that Lans will murder an innocent girl."

The son of the king and Lansi are also classmates. They have invited Lan Si to visit his home many times.

An Zhen said: "But I have a lot of evidence from the media and the information I got from the Scotland Yard that is very bad for my son."

Lord Dwyane said: "These evidences are not small flaws. Of course, there is a little trouble, that is, when the MCC Meizi died, Lansi lacked evidence of absence."

An Zhen thought for a while: "Jazz, this murder. Will it be related to the acquisition of News Corporation by our Ans Group?"

News Corp., which controls nearly half of the newspapers in the Y country, media, and television stations, is a giant. However, because the times have changed too fast, the current operation of News Corporation is in a difficult position.

Therefore, the Ans Group has joined forces with various consortia to try to acquire a 30% stake in News Corporation. Of course, this acquisition is still in secret and is not completely open to the outside world. Once the acquisition is successful, it will cause a huge sensation in the entire Western society, and it will greatly promote the right of Chinese power to grasp the right of public opinion.

Dehuan said: "Dear Miss An Zhen, Y is a legal system. If this conspiracy exists, it will have no effect. And please believe that sympathy and trust in Lansi is very large, from the current media. As far as the news is concerned, at least until now, the whole case has not been made public, and the news that Lansi was arrested has not been exposed. Even his mentor thought that Lansi was preparing for the World University Games."

An Zhendao: "Jazz, said directly to the local. According to your estimation, how many odds do we have in this lawsuit?"

Lord Dwyane asked for a moment: "It should be 70%, no, it is 80%. Because we have found a new clue, another possible murderer. And in a small gathering of civil servants in the cabinet, I am big. The judge also exchanged views and exchanged views with the Minister of the Interior responsible for the Scotland Yard. The situation is very favorable!"

Don't worry about it!


Two days later, the barrister Dwyane Won once again met with An Zhen.

"Dear Miss An Zhen, there is a huge good news to tell you, we searched all the monitors of the place where Lansi was murdered when Miss Meizi was murdered, although nothing was obtained. But very unexpectedly we were on a girl's mobile phone. I found a video about Lansi, who was practicing swords in a remote river. A girl passed by and was attracted by Lansi, so she secretly filmed a video. This video is enough to prove that Miss Meizi was At the time of the murder, Rance was not present, more than three hundred miles from the murder scene." Lord Dwyane.

Ampoy said: "How did you find this video?"

Lord Dwyane said: "We went to the telecommunications department to look up the data according to the description of Lansi. On that night, all the mobile phones that appeared within a three-mile radius around the river, and then... used some kind of less glamorous hackers. Means, finally found this video."

An Zhen was moved: "This work has been very difficult and how much it cost. Please tell me."

Lord Dwyane said: "This is my privilege, Miss Anzhen. And I have also seen Xiao Lansi, this is the most beautiful, smartest and kindest child I have ever seen, and I absolutely don't believe he will kill. ”

An Zhendao said: "After a few days, what is our chance of winning in court?"

"10%, there is no accident!" Lord Dwyane said: "In fact, I have sent more than a dozen detectives to find the real murderer. The current results are very good. In court, you will be able to return your son. clean."

An Zhen said with excitement: "After the trial, I will hold a thank you banquet, thank you to all the friends who have helped me."

Lord Dwyane said: "I am very honored. If this banquet can be held in my castle, it would be better."


After nine days, the trial officially began!

After three hours, the trial is over!

Lansi’s murder was established, the crime of forgery was established, the crime of abusification was established, and the crime of illegal detention was established.

With several crimes, Lance was sentenced to life imprisonment.

On the same day, all the newspapers, all the networks, all the TV stations were reporting this news insanely.

The demise of the genius.

The youngest beautiful man, the perverted demon.

A Japanese talented woman is not the first girl to be murdered, but it will be the last one.

How bright the superstar is, how dark it is behind.

The equestrian queen Ampo and her son's secrets.

All the previous media were silent about the so-called Lansi murder, and no one reported. At this time, it seems as if all the dark forces of cohesion are released, and it is overwhelming to describe how dark and what is the genius of Lansi.

Followed by countless lace tabloids, how confusing the private life of Lansi is, how men and women are not taboo.

Then, this filthy report gradually spread to Lansi's mother, An Zhen, the world-class goddess. The report claimed that she was not married because she had some kind of love story and had an ulterior relationship with her son Lansi. Also officially because of this relationship, Lance became mad, constantly imprisoned, and murdered innocent girls.

Then, the report spread to the entire Ans Group.

In the end, the An’s acquisition of News Corporation ended in vain. A giant media group in the United States successfully acquired News Corp.

The whole conspiracy has gradually come to an end.

The industry of the Anshi Group in the Y country has also been hit hard.

There is no doubt that this is a conspiracy. And Lansi is just a victim of this innocent conspiracy.


In an old castle, Lord Dwyane held a huge banquet.

The banquet was the successful acquisition of News Corp.’s chief executive officer, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Justice, and even the members of the royal family.

"The beauty of the woman and the brain are really inversely proportional. Sir Dwyane, if you can play Ahn in the applause, why not play directly on the bed?" The Minister of the Interior laughed.

Lord Dwyane said: "I certainly want to, but we have to do too much. I better control my evil thoughts. But after each meeting, I will find out the video of her Olympic Games and stare. She rode her body shape and then madly conquered my female secretary."

The Minister of Justice smiled and said: "I really can't imagine how the group of upstarts in the East think about it. They are trying to buy a noble news group. Do they think they have everything when they have money?"

A member of the royal family shrugged his shoulders: "Maybe, they will become the first power in the future. But at least not yet, even the VIP on the power field is not a boring stupid nouveau riche."

The chief executive of a chaebol in the country of the country laughed: "Hello, what do you think of him as a classmate of Lansi?"

"A genius." A member of the royal family said: "Unfortunately, I am too cautious, refused some kind of invitation from me, and did not want to have some kind of friendship with me. I remember that in China more than 100 years ago, in China, men and men The non-friendship relationship is still very fashionable, but now it becomes ignorant."

"Now genius has become a murderer." The Minister of Justice said: "I believe that in the prison, his male roommates will rectify his worldview and will make him a relationship between men and women, the relationship between men and men. There is a re-examination. Perhaps by that time, you will be able to get what you want."

"Genius, genius... nothing worth it!"

Then, Lord Dwyane patted the slap.

Then dozens of beautiful women, more than a dozen handsome teenagers entered the banquet hall.

An unparalleled carnival begins to celebrate this great victory.


The next day, the whole world was sensational.

Because, a few complete videos appeared on the network.

In the first paragraph, the entire process of the murder of Japanese student Miyuki Miyoko was extremely violent. Moreover, the photos and materials of the murderer were completely published and were the elite agents of a certain country.

The second video was even more exciting, and it was the banquet scene of Lord Dwyane. The three cabinet ministers, the chief executive of a chaebol in the country, a member of the royal family are in the video.

A few people talked about the trapping of Lansi, and the Anshi Group was completely exposed.

The most exciting thing is the last uncovered carnival, completely subverting the three views of the people of the world. This group of high-ranking people is so unbearable, so chaotic, so dirty and disgusting.

This is an earth-shattering scandal that has completely ignited the world.

A devastating blow to the image of the entire cabinet and even the royal family.

After that, the Y state political circle suffered a massive earthquake, the prime minister stepped down, the cabinet minister halfway down, and a quarter of the prison.

The CEO of a chaebol of the country of the United States stepped down and was sent to prison for bribery.

A member of the royal family was deprived of his inheritance and died in a car accident three months later.

Four months later, Lord Dwyane was dying in prison. Five months later, the former Minister of Justice, the Minister of the Interior, died.

one year later……

All the people involved in the murder of Lansi, a total of 1,365 people involved, all died.


In 2049, under the secret operation of the Temple of the Dragon, the United Nations established the Star Development Organization, the 33-year-old Lan Si, became the head of the organization, and became the supreme master of the Dragon Temple.

In 2053, the United Nations Interstellar Development Organization officially colonized Mars and opened the action to activate the Martian Earth. The Temple of the Dragon Temple surfaced.

In 2055, the first time humans landed on Mars on a large scale, and established a base. Three thousand of them were members of the Shenlong Temple. Because only the Shenlong Temple people can withstand the harsh environment of Mars.

In 2065, the Martian Human Empire was established, and Lansi served as the first emperor of the Martian Human Empire.

In 2075, the earth's environmental pollution became increasingly serious, and humans immigrated to Mars on a large scale. The division of human civilization has become two huge forces, the Earth United Nations, the Martian human empire.

In 2086, the highest priest of the Dragon Temple, the Mars of the Mars Empire, has arrived at the time of his death.


The highest priest of the Dragon Temple, Braun, took the hand of Lansi, his eyes filled with love and disappointment. Even if she is about to die, she still looks beautiful.

"My Majesty, I have been suppressing your ambitions for years, are you angry?" Bai Ling softly said.

Emperor Lansi shook his head.

Bailing: "I am only carrying out your father's will. He wants the Temple of the Dragon to protect human beings, not to rule humans directly. So I have been suppressing your expansion attempts all these years, always avoiding armed conflict with the Earth, and even facing the Earth repeatedly. Provocative, I also let you swallow. It brings a lot of unpleasantness to you, I will soon leave the world, so no one can suppress your will afterwards. I hope you will always remember one sentence. ""

Emperor Lan Si said: "Please say."

Bailing: "Always remember your mission and guard against the development of human civilization. Your father is the master of the whole world. He is always staring at you, don't let him down."

Emperor Lansi clasped the hand of Braun: "I know, teacher. I will be the pride of my father."

The eyes of Bailing reveal the fascination and confusion of the girl. "Oh, I really regret it. When my father left, I didn't say anything to him. I was really obsessed with him."

Then, Bai Ling closed his eyes and passed away.

The Martian Human Empire carried out an unprecedented state funeral.

Ten days later, Mars Empire Emperor Lansi decreed that he officially declared war on the earth.

The war between the Earth and the Martian Empire officially broke out. During the war, the two countries continued to open the pace of interstellar colonization and formally took the solar system.

In 2091, in order to resist the Martian Empire, the Earth formed a human republic, and it was truly unified for the first time.

For centuries, the war between the Republic and the Empire continued, spreading several galaxies.

The entire human civilization has spiraled up and developed in the war.

In 2139, human civilization officially encountered powerful alien civilizations.

The republic and the empire ended the war and began to form an alliance.

In 2145, the interstellar war between human civilization and alien civilization broke out.

In 2149, the human republic and the human empire merged into one, establishing the solar system empire.

Although, unlike Lanling’s expectations, the development of human civilization is much more violent and much more dangerous.

His son is not only a guardian, but also directly becomes the ruler of mankind.

But human civilization is still stumbling and moving forward in the war!


Note: The postscript of the Earth article is sent, followed by the Dragon Magic Planet, and possibly other postscripts.

I thought about it and wrote it.

If the new book goes well, it will probably be with you in October.

(End of this chapter)

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