MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 6 National Color Tianxiang Soning Ice

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Wang Chengyu is too big, and the streets are completely shoulder-to-shoulder. Some women's clothing exposes most of the skin to the outside, while some women are covered in the robes, revealing only two eyelids.

The buildings inside Wangcheng are almost as dense as the crowds. The five or six-story high-rise buildings are everywhere, and they are row upon row.

The smell of fat powder on women, the smell of men's sweat, the smell of sewers, the meaty smell of street food, and the myriad of flavors are mixed together, which constitutes a very strange and complicated taste.

The night horrified feather wrinkled the nose and said: "They are still so stinky."

Lan Ling looked curiously through the window and looked at everything outside. It was all true, and it was much more shocking than the sight seen on the movie. Especially in the eyes of this city of Chinese and Western, it is completely invisible in the movie.

Even the carriage of the nobles went very slowly in Wangcheng because there were too many people.

"In the carriage, is Sauron's son back?" Suddenly, there was a shout of a woman's surprise outside.

Lanling’s car curtains looked over, and in a splendid building, a dozen women wearing exposed clothes were beheading. After seeing the face of Lanling, the women suddenly screamed: "The son of Sauron is back, and the son of Sauron is back..."

There is no doubt that this is a brothel.

Then, these women actually rushed to open their own clothes and greeted Lan Ling.

"Master Soren is coming, come, want to die us..."

Then, a few women ran downstairs from the upstairs, and they had to fly directly into the carriage.

Lan Ling in the carriage suddenly scalp numb, this fake Sauron must be a frequent visitor, otherwise these ji women will not be so enthusiastic.

The night was horrified and said: "The few masters of Sauron often came to this place before, and they didn't know how much they lost. So the women who loved the field knew him and treated him as an ancestor."

Suddenly, Lan Ling felt the pressure of the mountain. He is a pure virgin on the earth, and now it is a bit difficult for him to pretend to be such a romantic.

The night stunned feathers directly flicked the whips to speed up, get rid of these ji women who had to rush, and speeded up to the Earls Court.


The Earl of Tianshui is within the inner city of Wangcheng. All of the residences here are the royal family of the kingdom.

After entering the inner city, the taste of the air suddenly changed and became fragrant and pleasant. The roads have suddenly become flat and wide, and there have been fewer people. The BMW cars are coming and going.

On both sides of the broad bluestone street, most of them are long and high walls, and behind the wall are the manor of the elite family.

Because the road was wide and the number of people was small, the speed of travel was much faster. When I was on the road, I watched the scenery outside through the window, and suddenly the carriage stopped.

"What's wrong? Go to Earl's Court?" asked Lan Ling.

At night, the feathers jumped down the horse and sighed toward Lanling: "Get off the station at the side of the road, bend down and bow down, respectful and solemn."

Lanling quickly got off the carriage and stood on the side of the road with the night-street feathers. He bent down slightly and looked at the other carriages on the road. They stopped and the nobles in the car went down the station and stood on the side of the road.

He couldn't help but see what big man is going to pass? Is it a royal family?

After a while, people have not seen it, but Lan Ling smells a strange scent, very light, but far away. Then, I saw a line of four people appearing from the front road corner and coming along the middle of the road.

These four people, all over the body are shrouded in snow white robes, only revealing two eyes. I can't see the face clearly, I can only see their body 窈窕 , , , , , 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸The soul is average.

The four men walked very fast, but as if they couldn't see the steps at all, it seemed as if they were drifting in front of everyone, and the whole street was completely silent.

After the four white robe women completely left, all the talents re-boarded the carriage and moved on.

Lanling got on the carriage and didn't ask questions, even though he was very curious.

"This is the snow ambassador of the Dragon Temple. It is the messenger of God in this world. If you encounter it in any place in the future, you must stand on the side of the road and wait for it. You can't look up, you can't move, you can't say a word. "The night was scared.

"Know it." Lan Ling nodded, the word "Shenlong Temple" was deeply imprinted in his mind, which should be the most detached theocratic organization in the world.

The carriage drove again for a quarter of an hour in the inner city, and suddenly stopped. The night was scared and said: "There are few masters, and they are home."

The heart of Lanling suddenly became inexplicable, and there was a feeling of tension in the inexplicable, even though there was no reason for this tension.

He pushed the door open and looked at the Earls Court in front of him.


It’s really Zhumen Yuhu, it’s really a deep courtyard.

Two large stone lions in front of the door, the red door of the vermilion, the huge plaque of the gold.

The cyan wall is four or five meters high and several hundred meters long, and you can't see the side at a glance. Block all the scenery inside, but only a flower tree came out of the wall.

On the earth, Lanling is only a reluctant home, and the house is also an old house of more than 20 years, barely less than 100 square meters. The Earl's House in front of us, at least a hundred acres, so suddenly it was somewhat tempered by this momentum.

However, the gold on the plaque seems to have faded, and the trees in the wall are a bit strange, as if it had not been trimmed for some time.

Moreover, the gate of the Earl's House was closed and the sound inside was not heard. I don't know why, this big Earl's House has a feeling of depression.

"Less master, you are waiting here for a moment, I am going to report to Miss."

To be honest, the night is also very nervous and even worried. Because letting Lan Ling pretending to be Soren is completely her own idea, Miss does not know. Although the lady is like her sister, she does have more power.

When the Earl was alive, because he was sick in bed all the year round, and the few masters of Sauron were ridiculous, so the Earl's House has long been a young lady, and has always said one thing.

Let Lan Ling pretend to be such a big thing as Sauron. If Miss does not agree, it would be a great disaster for the night to be surprised.

Seeing her nervousness, Lan Ling could not help but smile at her, expressing consolation.

This clean and kind smile suddenly made the night shocked, and took a deep breath, she stepped forward and buckled.

"The Earl's House closed the door and thanked the guests. Please leave your name on the guest. My host will apologize to him again." There was an old man's voice.

"Housekeeper, I am back." Night was scared.

Inside, it was quiet, then the door opened quickly. An old man trembled and asked: "Night adults, few masters..."

The night was not answered, and went directly to the Earl House.

At the same time, the servants of the servants in the Earl's House came out from the house and stunned at night, looking at her behind her eyes.

What they are most concerned about is that Master Soren is back? It is not how popular Sauron is, but because once Sauron does not return, then the Earl of Heaven will cease to exist, and the skin will not be preserved, they will also be homeless.


The beauty of Suo Ningbing, the daughter of the Earl of Tianshui City, is famous throughout the kingdom, and is the same as the Suining County.

In his early years, when he was only thirteen years old, Count Soron took her to the royal dinner. The king changed and once said with amazement: "All the essence of Tianshui Lake is condensed on your daughter. It is really a fairy goddess."

Therefore, the nickname of the Sonin Ice Water Fairy has spread and become the most beautiful beauty of the entire Wrath Kingdom.

At this moment, she stood in front of the night's horror, the white dress, the young woman's hair, which means she has already married, with a white cloth on it, indicating that she is wearing Xiao.

She is awkward, but she is beautiful and unparalleled. It is really like a fairy. The original glamorous night horror in front of her beauty, suddenly became bleak three points.

"Stunning, are you coming back? Sauron?" Her voice was a little hoarse, because she cried too much.

After the night, the feathers closed the door and confirmed that there was no one around. He whispered: "Miss, then no matter what I say, you should not make any sound, don't let the third person hear it."

Sonin’s faint little face changed and then nodded.

"The few masters of Sauron are dead. They should be some kind of energy field that died in the remains of the Tianmo Mountain Range."

Suo Ningbing suddenly burst into tears, and the tears that flowed out were like spring water. The jade hand clung to the small mouth and made a sobbing sob. Then she couldn't stand completely and fell directly into the chair.

In a short period of time, she lost two of her two relatives in succession. In an instant, she was completely in love.

"The few masters of Sauron are the only heirs of the family. When he is dead, the royal family will take the opportunity to recover the territory of Tianshui City. The 200-year-old foundation of the Sooch family will be destroyed."

Suo Ningbing was even more painful and cried: "I didn't teach Xiaolun well. If I manage to be stricter, I won't let him go to the Suining County, he will not die, the Sok family. The foundation industry will not be cut off."

The night stunned inside and sighed, and the ridiculous personality of Sauran’s young master, no one can control it. Although he is afraid of facing this gentle and severe sister, he can not go home for a long time.

"Miss, I found a way to continue the centenary of the Sox family." Night Yu Yu said, and then straight down quite awkwardly said: "But I am very rash in this matter, very powerful."

Sonin ice trembled and said: "You said, you start to say."

"I found a person who pretended to be a lessor of Sauron and came back to inherit the title." The night was not up, and he still stood upright on the ground: "I am brave enough to ask the lady to punish."

Suo Ning was suddenly shocked and couldn't believe the night.

Read The Duke's Passion