MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 11 Tsundere's Tyrande MM

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Zhao Fox is a bit of a skill. He even found more than 20,000 gold coins in the rubble, which makes Xiao Yu very happy.

According to Zhao Fox, in fact, these guys should be more generous, but some money may have been sent to Yunmeng, so now there is only so much money.

Xiao Yu didn't care too much. Now, with so much money, he has already made him ecstatic. With this money, he can continue to buy orc infantry and make up the two hundred figures.

This time, in addition to these coins, Xiao Yu ordered the orc infantry to take away the weapons of these guys. He had just asked about the system. When the blacksmith shop was making armor and weapons, he needed steel and other materials as raw materials.

If there is no raw material, it is necessary to use the equivalent of money to buy.

Therefore, these weapons are also money.

The bodies of the dead orc soldiers, Xiao Yu also all brought back, ready to cremate in the storm altar, let them return to the arms of the orc shaman.

For these soldiers who died for themselves, even though they are only summoned characters, Xiao Yu is also a kind of awe of life.

"Building the Elf Town Hall." Xiao Yu found a suitable place not far from the Orc Base, not far from the Orc Hall, and began to build the Elf Town Hall.

With a bang, a huge ancient tree appeared in the sky, and there were more than a dozen people who were so thick, and a dozen meters high, which seemed to give people a powerful power.

"This... This is the legendary tree of life?" Xiao Yu shocked and looked at the big tree, but did not expect it to be so magnificent.

The tree of life is the root of the elves, that is, the town hall of the elves. With the tree of life, the elves can survive. It is said that it was because of the existence of the tree of life that the elves were created.

"Building the altar of the elders." After Xiao Yu reacted from the shock, he quickly issued an order to build the altar of the elders.

With the altar of the elders, you can summon Tyrande mm.

Another bang, there is a huge altar on the ground. Compared with the Orion's storm altar, the elves' elder altars are more beautifully shaped, and surrounded by green plants, they have a strong life.

"Do you want to summon a hero?" The voice of the system asks again.

"Of course summon, of course summon, haha, summon Tyrande mm." Xiao Yu exclaimed.

"Sorry, there is no hero name of Tyrande mm." The system said coldly.

"Oh..." Xiao Yu immediately stopped the laughter and scratched his head. Here, the name of the hero is not called Tyrande. It should be the sum of the priestess of the summoning month.

"Summon the Priestess of the Moon."

After the words were finished, immediately there was a strong green energy on the altar of the storm. A blurred figure appeared in the center of the altar, and it looked like a sly woman.

Beside the woman, there is a leopard figure, which must be the white tiger of Tyrande mm's mount. When I thought of the white tiger, Xiao Yu’s face showed a bad smile. I don’t know if Tyrande is also a white tiger.

Xiao Yuqi set out to walk back and forth in the local area. From time to time, he looked at the storm altar and waited anxiously for Tyrande mm. What would the first beauty of the elves be like?

I believe that any otaku is very much looking forward to it. In the future, there will be such a beautiful maid to let herself play, who can not be excited?

"That, the barracks are also built out, summoning a few archers, even the average elf, it should be very beautiful, I don't know if the summoned character can be with the owner xxoo, if you can, then I am in this Among the pile of elves, it’s not that you’re going to die in the morning and evening.”

Xiao Yu’s happy mourning, can’t help but enjoy the yy.

Immediately, the ancient tree of war was built. Xiao Yu chose to produce 300 archers. Now he has more than 40,000 gold coins and directly chooses the largest number, which is 30,000 gold coins.

Now, he is a corporal rank and can lead up to 500 soldiers. The Orc infantry has already had two hundred, and the Elf archers can only summon up to three hundred.

Xiao Yu felt that this time was as long as a century. Finally, an hour later, accompanied by a roar of a leopard, a figure jumped from the altar and reached the front of Xiao Yu.

"Tyland meets the master." The crisp voice, like the stream in the depths of the virgin forest, is so clear, so soft, without a trace of human fireworks, without a trace of affection.

Xiao Yu looked excited at the front of Tyrande, almost fainted happily passed.

"Too beautiful, too beautiful." Xiao Yu now only has these three words in his mouth.

Tyrande's taller man is taller than Xiao Yu, and his long body is slim, the figure that is divided by the perfect golden ratio, the convex convex, the fine detail.

A pair of long legs, in the hollow leather armor exposed the skin of the white and white snow, the leather skirt just covered the thigh root, if you bend down, I am afraid you can see the mysterious zone inside.

The slender waist is completely exposed, the small navel is exquisite and lovely, the skin is crystal clear, the softness is like sheep fat, and the whole waist is as soft as the willow branches but with toughness. It is extremely powerful and full of A wild suffocation. The towering mountain above, let Xiao Yu's nose and blood flow directly out of disappointment, this is definitely the best that Xiao Yu has seen.

"36e, for sure, it is estimated to be f."

The armor of the elves is mainly aesthetic. This soft and shiny breastplate is full of explosiveness wrapped around a pair of balls. It is almost prominent. The full cleavage is like a deep trench. Mysterious, tempting.

This figure is much more standard than the four-legged figure that Xiao Yu stole.

Looking up, that exquisite face is absolutely not all of the time. If it is not the manufacture of the system, I believe that there will be no such beautiful beauty in this world.

Especially the delicate tattoos on Tyrande's face are full of a wild temptation. When it is really the interweaving of ice and fire, it makes people want to stop.

"Oh..." Xiao Yu swallowed his mouth and rubbed his hands. He smiled and said: "That... Tyrande mm, you are my subordinate. If I touch your body gently, you will not Will you resist?"

Anyway, there are no other people in the vicinity, and Tyrande mm is made by the system, so Xiao Yu’s first sentence turned out to be extremely shameless and squinted at the question of his relationship.

Tyrande seems to have noticed the color of Xiao Yu, and stunned Xiao Yu, saying in a voice without human feelings: "If the owner attempts to be indecent, his subordinates can carry out legitimate defense. If the master releases an attempted indecent assault Subordinate orders, subordinates have the right to refuse, and make certain punishments for the owner."

"Rely, you can just defend properly, you can also punish, but forgot to ask in advance. This... How to defend and punish properly?" Xiao Yu asked.

Tyrande no expression, looking at Xiao Yu, said: "Where I dare touch me, I can cut it down."

Tyrande said, if you intentionally glanced at the lower body of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu suddenly became a spirit, and his hands caught the lower body. This Tyrande mm is so fierce, I cried, such a big beauty is tempted every day, can not see, can be eaten, how much torture.

"That... what kind of order will I obey?" Xiao Yu asked with a bitter face.

"Only with the orders related to the battle, I will obey. Other boring orders, I can have the right to refuse." When Tyrande spoke, his eyes did not look at Xiao Yu at all.

Xiao Yu tried to ask Tyrande some questions, but Tyrande was a kind of love for Xiao Yu. When he was happy, he answered a few words. If he was not happy, he directly put Xiao Yu aside and ignored it. he.

"Tender, this is absolutely proud." Xiao Yu looked at Tyrande mm like this, broken.

The elves are a proud race, and Tyrande is the first beauty of the elves, not strange.

"Grandma dripping, I thought that my temperament came out, Tyrande mm immediately became my maid, now look like this, I seem to be her servant."

Xiao Yu came to breathe, but when he saw the earth-shattering beauty of Tyrande mm, the saliva could not help but flow out.

After more than half an hour, the elves' archers were also made, but what made Xiao Yu extremely disappointed was that the elf archers who were made were all male, and all of them were looking at the sky, though He also obeys the command of his master, but a bird you give you how big your face is.

This makes Xiao Yu angry, or the orc buddies are so good, one by one so kind. Although there are bad habits of eating human flesh, it is much better than these nb哄哄 guys.

"Nima, if it weren't for the use of your archers, I wouldn't bother to summon you to come out." Xiao Yu said with a sigh of relief.

He also asked a system about when to summon female arms.

Looking at these arrogant male elves, Xiao Yu is really a bit unbearable, if the woman is better.

The answer to the system is that there is no permission for the time being. As for when there is permission, it is not said.

This makes Xiao Yu a depressing one, and the wonderful life surrounded by countless elf beauty is hard to come by. But soon, Xiao Yu thinks that the elves started the army, but there is a female hunter, it must be a woman.

Xiao Yu was ready to produce immediately, but when he looked at the introduction, he found that the so-called female hunter did not know when it was changed to a wizard hunter, so that Xiao Yu was a big man, this should also be a man.

However, I think there is no cavalry right now. The Elf Hunter has a mount. Although there is no strong wolf, it can be used temporarily as a cavalry. In particular, they have the ability to detect, and it is best to be a scout.

Therefore, Xiao Yu decided to lower the number of the three elements of the Elf archers and remove one hundred to produce the Elf Hunter.

After staying here for a while, Xiao Yu went straight away. If he stayed again, he would have to be killed by these elves with higher than the top. Unexpectedly, it was hard to summon the most beautiful elf of the legend, which turned out to be this bird.

However, Xiao Yu, who is not dead, is still wondering how to get the best beauty of Tyrande mm. After all, this is the affair of any man who dreams of.

Xiao Yu asked how the system chased Tyrande mm, the system will never answer, so Xiao Yu is going to ask Grom.

This buddy of Grom is loyal and loyal to himself, and should be able to dig out something.

When he arrived at the Orc Base, Xiao Yu found that a number of orcs were training. Xiao Yu learned that the orcs can increase their experience and improve their level as soon as possible through training. When they are okay, let them train so that they can upgrade as soon as possible.

Of course, the speed of this training upgrade is very slow, only the real battle and killing, can be quickly upgraded.

Xiao Yu called Grom to his side, with a fox-like smile, saying: "I said Lao Luo, I have been living well recently."

Grom looked like a thick face and nodded: "Thank you, Master, we live here very well,"

Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and nodded. "I have something to ask you. I haven't just summoned some of the Elves' warriors, but they seem to have a prejudice against me. I have a bad attitude towards me. Is there any way? Can they improve their attitude towards me?"

When Grom heard this, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and pulled out the sword behind him. He roared: "They dare to disrespect the master. I will teach them some lesson."

"Oh, don't... don't..." Xiao Yu quickly grabbed Grom.

Grom's loyalty is indeed commendable, but it is not a way to fight this past, it is easy to cause racial contradictions, and the elves and the orcs seem to have not dealt with it.

However, this Grom's temper is indeed very hot.

"This is the case. They still don't dare to treat me. My orders are still listening. They just don't respect me very much, so I want to ask how they can let them respect me." Xiao Yu stabilized Grom. Smile and heal the anger of Grom.

At this time, Grom still had a violent ups and downs in his chest. Obviously, the anger has not disappeared. The cold and cold words: "They are proud of these elves. They are self-righteous and think that they are the god-given race. I will teach them a good morning and evening. Masters, you want to get their respect, it is very difficult, but we have a loyalty to the master, if the level of loyalty is elevated, they naturally respect you. But to be loyal to these elves It is still very difficult."

"Loyalty?" Xiao Yu suddenly remembered, as if they had seen such a value in Grom, but they have not been concerned.

Now, he immediately opened and found Grom's loyalty at 20 o'clock in the green.

On the other side of the green indicator, it is red, and the red reality is negative.

Xiao Yu adjusted the loyalty of Tyrande, which turned out to be a negative value of 10.

"Rely, is my loyalty actually negative?" Xiao Yu raised his forehead with a black line.

"How does this loyalty increase and decrease?" Xiao Yu asked again.

Grom replied: "Loyalty is slowly accumulating. We fight side by side, experience life and death, we can increase loyalty, or what the master has done to make us touch, we will also increase loyalty, for example When you bring back the bodies of our soldiers back to the storm altar, we are very grateful, and loyalty will increase. On the contrary, if the owner does something that abuses us, our loyalty will decline."

"It turned out to be like this." Xiao Yu suddenly realized. No wonder Grom their loyalty is so high, while Tyrande is negative.

Tyrande just came out, Xiao Yu is such a pair of satyrs want to play people, not a negative number is strange. It turned out that there was still an impression, but unfortunately, my impression of Tyrande was too bad.

I knew it was like this, and he came up with the appearance of a gentleman.

"That... what if the loyalty is too high or too low?" Xiao Yu asked.

"If loyalty is too low and exceeds minus 50, the soldiers will leave the master and will no longer work for you. If the loyalty reaches minus 100, they will regard you as an enemy. If loyalty is very high, then we will As a result, more difficult tasks are performed, and morale is high and fighting power is rising. If loyalty reaches 100, we are willing to do anything for the master,” Grom explained.

"Do anything?" Xiao Yu heard this sentence, and immediately moved.

"Yes, Master, no matter what you ask us to do, we will be completely obedient and wholehearted." Grom replied loyally.

"It turned out to be like this." Xiao Yu sewed his eyes, his face with a smile, and found a way to push down Tyrande.

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