MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 2 Warcraft

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After the little girl went out, there was Xiao Yu alone in the big room. Xiao Yu was lying alone on the bed, feeling divided into desolate.

"I am so unlucky? When people cross, they are all left and right, and the spirit of the king is out, the square is salty, but I am going to be destroyed."

After a long time, I finally admitted that Xiao Yu’s head, which passed through the facts, began to wonder how to cope with this tragedy. Why can't you just hang it and hang it right away.

"Is there any way? I am also a modern man. If you want to invent a gunpowder, get some guns and kill them. But it seems that I will not get gunpowder and guns. It is not a day or two." I can't hydrolyze my thirst. I haven't learned much useful things in college for a few years. All my energy is used to play Warcraft. If you give me a base for the Orcs, Mom will sweep the world. , uh..."

Xiao Yu thought so sorrowfully, suddenly the voice of an electronically synthesized woman sounded: "Whether the game system is turned on, now you can operate the game."

Xiao Yu was shocked and looked around, but did not find other people.

"Rely, what's the matter? Hell? Or am I hallucinating?" Xiao Yu groaned, "Open the game system? What's going on, is it here, I can play games? Warcraft?"

When Xiao Yu said the four words of Warcraft, suddenly, in his mind, there was a very familiar picture, which is the game interface he used to play Warcraft.

"Rely, isn't it, can you say that when I crossed, I even crossed the game with the game function?" Xiao Yu saw the picture and suddenly shouted excitedly.

"I try." After a long time, after Xiao Yu calmed down, tried to check the game interface, but found that there are several familiar buildings in the interface, that is the town hall of Warcraft four races, and four summon heroes. Storm altar.

"Orc hall... that... build." Xiao Yu tempted.

"Please re-select the building location, which does not meet the building location." The voice of the electronic synthesis said.

"Rely, really, can I really build a town hall in this world and summon the heroes and arms in Warcraft?" Hearing this voice, Xiao Yu was not disappointed, but he laughed, it seems to be A madman, "Mom, if I can summon the arms in Warcraft, I am afraid of who, what Kalu, Mom, I don’t kill you, I dare to hit my nephew, I don’t know if the scorpion is used. Are you being teased by a younger brother?"

Xiao Yu checked the game interface again and found that whenever he thought of Warcraft, he would have this information in his mind. He could also view the contents at will, but now, because there is only one hall, nothing Built, so there is no way to see more information.

He wanted to try to talk to the electronic voice, but found that it was just a mechanical voice, only responsible for the transmission of some instructions, almost no initiative to explain anything.

However, Xiao Yu is already very familiar with Warcraft and does not need much explanation.

Now, since you can summon the town hall, you should hurry to find a place to build it, and then recruit troops and arm yourself. Otherwise, after a month, people will call and you will be finished.

At the moment, Xiao Yu quickly ran out of the room, went outside, found a horse in accordance with the memory of the light car, riding on it is quickly rushed out.

Building a town hall is definitely not appropriate in the city.

He has to find a suitable place, not in the city. He is best at the Orcs. First of all, he must summon the Orcs. If you suddenly get so many orcs in the city, it will definitely cause riots.

Even if the summoning is not an orc, suddenly a strange building is made, and people who are constantly coming out are absolutely shocking, so that people in these cities can’t accept it.

Xiao Yu would not have been riding a horse, but the world’s Xiao Yu will ride a horse, so Xiao Yu’s ride is like a model, but he is not too fast.

Soon, Xiao Yu, who was excited, was riding out of the city.

After he left the city, several of his nephews and housekeeper Xiao Hong looked at his direction and sighed.

"Hey, coward, doing something wrong, not willing to bear, will run away." Xiao Yu's four sister-in-law, the cold girl said coldly.

"Let him go, so you can leave a little blood for the Xiao family." Xiao Yu's big sister, that gentle gentleman sighed and said.

The other few tricks are simply saying nothing. For this person, they are already desperate.

Xiao Yu went out of the city, but ran to the Angola Mountains.

This city was originally built according to the Angola Mountains, so if you go out of the city and run backwards, you can enter the endless Angola Mountains.

In the depths of the Angola Mountains, it is said that there are countless orc tribes, elf tribes, powerful Warcraft, and even the existence of dragons.

But those are legends. What people have actually seen are only some trolls living on the edge of the mountains, some low-level Warcraft.

Xiao Yu is now thinking about a good place to put the town hall. After thinking about it for a long time, he remembered according to the memory of Xiao Yu. When he was a child, he used to go to the mountains to play. He went under a huge mountain wall, where the terrain is very dangerous and there is a big flat land. It is very suitable for building a town hall.

Moreover, there seems to be no such thing as the dangerous creatures such as Warcraft. Now, after all, it is the power of the hands. If you encounter a minimum level of Warcraft, you will definitely hang.

Xiao Yu walked along the memory and continued to run forward. He rode in the woods for half an hour before he reached the cliff.

Looking at the high cliffs that are hundreds of feet behind, if you build a town hall in front, you can rely on the location and defense, and it is difficult to attack.

Xiao Yu is also very experienced in the construction of the building, but it is the basic skill of Warcraft.

When I got here, Xiao Yu almost couldn't wait to start the game interface and started building the game hall.

“Are you sure to build a town hall here?” asked the voice of the system.

"Determining the construction." Xiao Yu's excited voice is a little trembling. The game is, after all, the game, but now it is true. What kind of excitement is that things that have appeared in countless times in a dream now really appear in front of us.


A loud noise, the local immediately appeared a hundred square meters, extremely majestic, and the huge red town hall exactly the same as the game. However, the grandeur of this hall is amazing.

I used to watch nothing in the game. When such a huge hall appeared in front of me, it was absolutely shocking.

"Haha... great, really have a town hall."

Pressing the excitement in his heart, Xiao Yu issued another order: "Building a storm altar."

Suddenly, with the location pointed by Xiao Yu, there was another bang, and next to the town hall, there was an altar made of tall jade with a height of more than ten meters and a radius of several tens of meters.

These two buildings are all brought by the system. They are all free, don't need money, and can be summoned directly. This is not a game after all, so some things are not the same as in the game.

"After the storm altar is completed, you can summon a hero for free, is it called?" The voice of the system said again.

"Or like the game, the first hero is still free to summon. Call." Xiao Yu said without hesitation.

"The heroes that can be summoned by the Orc Storm Altar are Juggernaut, Tauren Chieftain, Prophet, Shadow Hunter. Which hero is called?"

"Jian Sheng." Xiao Yu has almost no hesitation, it is determined to summon Juggernaut. When he was alive, he was the favorite and the most skilled in the use of Juggernaut.

“It takes an hour to start the summoning.” The sound of the system was finished, and the altar was covered with a strange green light, and then a strange note singed around the altar, above the altar, a green Human use is gradually taking shape.

"Rely, it takes an hour, too wicked." Xiao Yu could not help but scream, so I hope to see Juggernaut, but it takes so long, it is torture.

Xiao Yu was bored around the altar and suddenly thought that it would take time to summon the hero. This time can not be delayed. It should be called to other buildings. An elite player has made a mistake.

It’s up to a sword saint, but I can’t beat the army brought by Karoo. When the sword is at the first level, although it’s a bit of strength, it’s amazing to play dozens of people at most. I met a large army of thousands of people. The child is fart.

"Building a barracks." Xiao Yu immediately issued an order again. With the town hall, you can build a barracks. It is a king to recruit soldiers.

"If you want to build a barracks, please buy the Orc hard work for production. The system comes with five Orcs hard work, is it called?" The voice of the system came.

"Rely, even hard work, but it is indeed like this, um, bring five hard work is good, immediately summon." Xiao Yu immediately summoned hard work.

The time of hard work was very short. It didn't take long for the five hard workers to come out of the town hall.

After the hard work came out, Xiao Yu looked at the orc of the entity he had seen for the first time. He looked curiously for a long time, even though he was only the lowest level of hard work, he was much more powerful than him.

Green skin, thick muscles, bare fangs, bell-like eyes, and the orcs of the orcs. Ordinary humans see this orc, and will certainly scare away the runaway.

Because of the rush to get the arms in the game, Xiao Yu began to issue orders to build the barracks.

The construction of the barracks also takes a long time, half an hour.

So, Xiao Yu was waiting in the torment.

When the green altar of the storm altar flashed, a roar rang through the air, and a tall figure stood on the altar.

The body is burly, like an iron tower, green skin, with a wild atmosphere, eyes like a copper bell, under the guise of a fierce light, holding a familiar long knife in the hand, cold, it is exactly in the game Familiar Juggernaut.

"I rely on it, it is really Juggernaut." Although I am already familiar with this heroic figure, when I saw the Juggernaut with my own eyes, Xiao Yu’s heart was still full of shock.

Juggernaut leaped from the altar and went to the front of Yi Han. He said: "Grom. Hell growls and meets the master."

"Rely, it is Grom, the first generation of Juggernaut." Xiao Yu looked at this powerful orc who was two feet higher than himself, and could not express the excitement and excitement in his heart.

With this Grom coming to the side, in Xiao Yu’s mind, there was a game interface about Juggernaut, full of the current attributes of Juggernaut, and some game skills.

Initial attribute of Juggernaut:

Character: Grom. Hellscream

Race: Orc.

Grade 1

Attributes: Strength 20, Agility 30, Stamina 25.

Skills (can learn): blast steps, invincible, fatal blows. The remaining skill points, 1 point.

Xiao Yu turned around the Juggernaut for several laps. The burly body, how to look satisfied, in such a troubled world, with such a bodyguard, the safety factor has increased several times.

In this way, as long as you pull it out, you can scare it.

However, what happened to the sword of the Juggernaut, how was it so broken, and it still rusted? Xiao Yu looked at the sword in the hands of Juggernaut, and was extremely dissatisfied. This sale was too bad. It was just a scrap iron piece.

"The attributes and equipment of the heroes need to be upgraded in order to be improved. After the construction of the blacksmith shop, the hero's weapon can be upgraded." The voice of the system sounded again, and it seems that the thoughts in Xiao Yu's mind were explained.

"Rely, the original weapon can also be upgraded. This is a good thing. If the upgrade is very high, isn't it very nb?" Xiao Yu laughed, and the sustainable development is always better than the same.

"Jiansheng's remaining skill points are 1 point. Is it distributed?" The system's voice asked again.

"Skills, of course, you must learn skills. What skills do you learn at the beginning? Well, it's still an old tradition. Learn the wind and wind. The wind is not only to improve the speed of movement, but the key is to stealth. This is too strong. ”

Immediately, Xiao Yu issued an order to learn the blast step, and suddenly, the skill of the Juggernaut was in the column, and the skill of the blast step appeared.

Wind Step (Level 1): Can be invisible for 1 minute, the movement speed is increased by 50%, and the damage is increased by 10%. Cooling time, 5 seconds.

"The player can learn a hero's learned skills through skill points. You now have two skill points. Do you want to learn hero skills?"

"What? I can still learn the skills of heroes, isn't it?" Xiao Yu's eyes widened and he was surprised.

At this time, a game interface appeared in his mind, the interface displayed his own image, and his own attribute points were displayed next to it.

Character: Xiao Yu

Race: Human.

Grade 1

Basic attributes: Strength 4, Agility 5, Stamina 6, Meditation 6.

Skill: None. The remaining skill points, 2 points.

"Rely, my property is too bad, the power is only 4 points, the agility is only 5 points, but, hey, how do I have two skill points, do I have one more skill points than the hero, haha, two skill points, Can you learn the skills that a hero has already learned? By, too nb." Xiao Yu laughed, it seems to be a madman, excited.

How many times have you ever dreamed of having the skills of a hero in Warcraft? Today, it has actually been realized, and there are two skill points.

"The blast step, the blast step is a skill that is both good and stealth. You can escape. The most important thing is that with this skill, when I take a shower, I can steal it and it will be more convenient. This skill is simply set for voyeurism, haha."

"Learning the wind." Xiao Yu did not hesitate to issue orders, and at the same time proud of his wise choice.

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