MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 491 Consumption

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"Continue to play for me." After watching this strong magic, Xiao Yu immediately waved the ashes in his hand and shouted loudly.

When everyone heard the cry of Xiao Yu, they immediately rushed up again.

Hey... all sorts of attacks are constantly playing on top of this big guy, and it’s Mars splashing, but although everyone’s attack is incomparably strong, it’s still difficult to break the body of this big guy.

This big bone giant is too powerful.


Another loud noise, the waves of the people once again set off a wave of boulder.

"Rely, this will not work, how can you kill him?" Xiao Yu asked loudly. Although he did not name his name, he was actually asking Aegwynn.

In this case, only Aegwynn can qualify to speak, but people are great wizards.

Aegwynn looked at Xiao Yu, and they were bitter and haha ​​one by one, but they were drinking red wine on one side, and they seemed to be watching the movie.

Xiao Yu, they fight, Ai Wenwen never cares, they are alone. I also learned about Xiao Yu’s deputy, like to get a chair and drink red wine.

At this point, Aegwynn took a look at Xiao Yu and said faintly: "You can't beat such a big fool, it's too bad."

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes and said: "Can we compare with your old man? If you shoot, a magic can kill it."

Egwenton read a few spells, a magic hit Xiao Yu, the next moment, Xiao Yu's body was covered with red wine, became a red soup.

"I am very old?" Aegwynn angered.

"Rely, touched the scales, no matter how nb women, if you hear others say that you are old, you can't stand it." Xiao Yu's heart was helpless, just Aegwynn's magic, he didn't have a chance to flash at all. .

This is the huge gap in strength.

Even in the face of the general sixth-order powerhouse, Xiao Yu always has the opportunity to use the teleport to dodge, but it was stared by Aegwynn. Xiao Yu did not have any chance at all. It seems that he was banned by something. The teleport can't be displayed at all.

"Hey, where is there, you can always be the first beauty on the mainland. No matter whether it is before or now, no one on the mainland dares to say that other women are more beautiful than you. In fact, I have always admired you very much. You are the eternal goddess in my heart."

For the Xiao Yu, it’s a common practice, and I’m going to have a lot of it.

To deal with women, it is like this.

Sure enough, Aegwynn heard the words of Xiao Yu, and the expression on his face immediately eased a lot. Although she knows that Xiao Yu’s words are very hydrated, on this continent, there are many beautiful women. Although she is the greatest magician, the beauty aspect is not the absolute first.

However, Xiao Yu said so, she is very comfortable.

"This big guy looks very powerful, but in fact the magical array is not very perfect, there are big loopholes, big advantages and shortcomings." Aegwynn said slowly.

Hearing Aegwynn said, Xiao Yu suddenly turned his head and began to look at this big guy. Sure enough, Xiao Yu found that this big guy hasn’t moved through the place since they started playing, and it’s always there.

Blocks are big and moving will be difficult. This guy seems to be a huge weakness in terms of mobility.

You know, such a big guy, if you want to move, you need to consume a lot of energy. The undead magician certainly does not have such a powerful mana.

"Everyone stopped me and played guerrilla warfare." Xiao Yu said loudly.

When I heard Xiao Yu’s shouting, everyone immediately began to retreat. It was enough distance to make this big guy unable to hit.


The big guy saw that everyone had retired, and immediately made a roar, looking around and wondering which side to attack first.

In the end, this big guy did not act rashly, but stood in the same place, waiting for the reaction of everyone.

"This big guy is not stupid, knowing that it should change, but is this all right? When is Laozi a vegetarian?" Xiao Yu looked, coldly snorted, facing Grom: " Roma, go up and seduce him, let him chase you, but don't really fight."

Grom heard Xiao Yu say, nodded, slammed, and his body turned into a residual image and rushed up.


Grom's body is like a ghost. He cut a few knives on top of this huge white bone, and cut all the hard white bones out of many white powders.

Grom's current strength is getting stronger and stronger. Although he can't really hurt this big guy, it's still possible to get this big guy to hang a little color.

This big guy was immediately angered by Grom, roaring and chasing Grom. Grom was turned into a shadow and quickly ran.

The big guy threw a piece of boulder from behind and went to Glom, but they were all avoided by Grom.

Rumble... Finally, the big guy took a heavy step and chased Grom. This big guy is slow to move, but because of his great pace, he has caught up with Grom in a few steps.

At this time, Xiao Yu said to Ma Weidao: "Ma Wei, Shang, bring him here."

Ma Wei got the order of Xiao Yu, and immediately rushed up. The body seemed to be a strong swallow in the air. The big guy was throwing his own wheel saw.


The wheel saw made a beautiful arc, just hit the big guy's head, and slammed, the big guy was stunned.

The current attack power of Ma Wei is absolutely powerful.

"Oh..." The big guy made a roar and turned and rushed over to Mawei. Mawei saw it, took back the wheel saw, and quickly turned away.

How fast is Ma Wei’s body, how can this big guy chase, and definitely not.

At this time, Xiao Yu sent a small dragon to shoot, Xiaolong picked up the nunchaku, slammed and slammed, and then quickly escaped.

This big guy seems to be particularly angry with Xiaolong. Maybe it is because Xiaolong is hurting too much, so he is chasing the dragon.

"Little dragon, keep running, he can't catch up with you." Xiao Yu sent several people to attract the attention of this big guy again, but he couldn't get his attention.

This guy seems to be extremely hateful to Xiaolong. Therefore, Xiao Yu can only let Xiaolong continue to fight and consume the physical strength of this big guy.

Sure enough, after a while of fighting, this big guy could not catch up with the dragon, the rhythm of the body, slowly slowed down.

The undead magician above the big guy constantly wants to control this big guy and not let him chase the dragon. However, this big guy has his own consciousness because of the long-term sacrifice, and he can’t completely control it. .

Once the big guy's anger came up, he couldn't help it. Therefore, he was anxious there, but he was only allowed to run around with the big guys, and the mana was constantly consumed.

Read The Duke's Passion