MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 497 Internal flowering

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"What is going on?" Everyone was shocked.

"Get out soon." Xiao Yu snorted and rushed out with someone. Uther can't do anything, you know, Uther is too important for Xiao Yu.

If Uther had something to do, Xiao Yu’s loss would be too great, and the hands of the silver that had just been recovered would even turn into a bubble.

Everyone came out, and a few screams, Xiao Yu took Caesar, and Grom, Mawei and others jumped out first. What caught your eye was a magnificent hall.

The entire hall is full of glare of gemstones, reflecting the backdrop of glass, surrounded by bright halls, like the lobby of a five-star hotel that Xiao Yu has been to before.

There is nothing else in the hall, just in front of their big pit, standing with a huge golden statue.

In front of the statue, there is a very large coffin.

"I have a rub, the tomb of Uther." Xiao Yu saw this and immediately understood what it was. It is the tomb of Uther that he has been looking for.

At that time, the distance between Uther's Tomb and the Scholomance was not very far away. Every time Xiao Yu went to the Scholomance, he would stay at Uther's Tomb for a while and pay tribute to this great Paladin.

Unexpectedly, this Uther's tomb was actually here, they actually dig into the tomb of Uther in this case.

Since it is the tomb of Uther, it is not surprising that Uther has such a situation. Here, it must have been with the inheritance of Uther. Now that Uther has arrived here, it naturally feels.

Now, Xiao Yu looked up and saw Uther floating in front of his tall stone statue, his eyes closed, doing exactly the same posture as the statue, one big and one small, complement each other.

From the top of the statue, the golden brilliance was sprinkled, and Uther was completely covered in it, as if it was a pure stream of water, wrapping Uther.

Uther is like a baby, enjoying the glory of this light.

"This time, Uther is really back." Xiao Yu is sighing, knowing that Uther is like Mawei, they got their own things.

This is definitely a good thing for Xiao Yu.

At this point, everyone began to slowly come up, and the members of the silver hand saw this scene, one by one immediately piously kneel, worship Uther.

Now, they are more certain that their follow is not wrong, this is their Uther. Here, it turned out that they were looking for the tomb of Uther for countless years.

No one thought that the tomb of Uther was actually near the city of Meg.

“Where are we in?” Xiao Yu looked at the huge hall and asked.

"I don't know, the master, but the master according to my calculations, we should be inside the Meg City, this huge tomb, they should know. Because it is obviously often taken care of here." Goblin jumped out at this time, published Your own advice.

He just judged accurately, and he was not afraid that Xiao Yu would use him as a hammer.

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "Mawei, go out and explore the road."

Ma Wei nodded and then walked away, no sound.

Xiao Yu is amazed and started to stroll here to see the situation here. In the past, the tomb of Uther was not in such a place. This hall is estimated to be decorated later.

In the past, Uther’s tomb was outside.

Xiao Yu banned other people, don't disturb Uther. Everyone then sat quietly on the side, arranged in a queue, waiting for Xiao Yu’s order.

At this point they also know that this is in the inside of McGonagall. Here, it is necessary to carry out a battle. Now, they must be ready to fight.

Soon after, Ma Wei came back and reported: "The master of Kailu, I have found out that this is a forbidden place in the town of Meg City, where the soldiers are guarded."

"Sure enough." Xiao Yu heard Ma Wei say so, a happy heart, the **** Miranda, even dare to remember the woman of Laozi, really do not want to live.

So, Xiao Yu and Ma Wei and other people went out to look at it, to understand the situation outside, and then prepare a combat plan, how to completely take the McGonagall.

This Meg City is also a big city with countless materials. Don't waste it this time.

In the eyes of Xiao Yu, it is the light of gold.

It’s really a lot of benefits to come out this time.

Xiao Yu probed and found that the soldiers in the city were not very much at this time, because Miranda thought that Xiao Yu was still in the Scholomance School, so on the one hand sent people to explore, on the other hand, defending the Scholomance, fundamentally I did not think that Xiao Yu could break through from the inside.

The most taboo of Xiao Yu is the magic weapon of the city of Meg City. Once these losses are lost, the individual soldier combat capability of Xiao Yu soldiers will be reflected in the street fighting in this city.

At that time, no one can stop the destruction of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu is planning how to get the entire Mage City, but not too many casualties. You must know that Xiao Yu does not like to hurt civilians.

So, Xiao Yu took Mawei, Grom and others for a long time, and finally finalized the battle plan. Then, his face showed a strange smile.

Miranda, this time is going to be finished.

Xiao Yu then returned to the inside of Uther's tomb. At this time, the guards outside Uther's tomb had been completely killed.

Mawei, Grom and others sneak up, how can these guards stop?

At this point, Xiao Yu looked at the golden light of Uther's body has gradually weakened, obviously, these inheritance has been absorbed by Uther.

It won't take long for Uther to absorb all of this energy. By then, Uther's strength can be improved by more than one grade.

At this time, Xiao Yuqi began to arrange tasks and mobilized the enthusiasm of everyone, ready to play a beautiful internal flowering war.

Everyone is also one by one, and I am very much looking forward to this battle.

Xiao Yu looked at the Iron Horse Brotherhood wearing white skeleton armor, how to see how excited. If these people suddenly appear, how much impact they have to give each other.

If you are scared, you can scare the other party to death.

Waiting for more than half an hour, Uther violently burst into a dazzling light, and the entire hall was set against all the golden, all eyes are difficult to open.

"I finally came back." Uther's lips did not open and close, but the sound was made from his body. Obviously, this is the dominant soul in Uther's body.

Uther, who was once buried in this cemetery, did not completely die, but realized rebirth.


Uther fell from the sky to the ground. At this time, his entire treasure was solemn and sacred and inviolable. All the silver hand paladins were worshipping and devout, and many people burst into tears and greeted them. Uther's return.

It is a glorious thing to witness the rebirth of Uther and the return of the soul. After many years, they will be remembered.


With Uther's landing, the original tall statue of hiss collapsed. Then, the entire hall began to shake sharply.

"I rely on it, here is going to collapse, and hurry to run for me." Xiao Yu saw the situation is not good, immediately took people out to rush.

Everyone can't take care of anything else at this time, get up and rush out, but fortunately, these people in Xiao Yu are more disciplined, not congested at the door, but a small team and a small team to go out quickly.

When they all rushed out, the hall was already shaking violently and was in jeopardy.

"No matter, immediately sneak attack according to my deployment, the hall collapsed, they will definitely find out. Therefore, we must hurry up." Xiao Yu said loudly.

"Yes." Everyone loudly promised.

Therefore, the people rushed toward the inside of McGonagall under the leadership of their respective leaders. Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and looked at it all. It felt very refreshing.

"Go, go find me the trouble of Miranda's bastard." Xiao Yu took out the Auchen axe, resisted on his shoulders, and took the man down the hill.

At this time, in the city government, Miranda is in the midst of a battle with three beautiful women, sweating like a rain, very hard, it seems that he wants to vent all the things that have not been smooth recently on these women.

In particular, he sent away Mikai and her mother in vain, which made Miranda very crazy. Originally, Mikai and her mother, as well as Scarlett, who was about to get it, were all ready to enjoy. .

As a result, Scarlett was robbed by Xiao Yu, and then he himself gave Mi Kaier and her mother to Xiao Yu, which made him not crazy.

While the three beautiful women are overwhelming, Miranda’s mind is still thinking about another woman, that is, the female red beard, Yin Keer, who had just formed an alliance with him a few days ago.

This woman, he has been stunned for a long time, Yin Keer's beauty, not lost to Scarlett and Michele, but has a unique charm.

It seems that her body, with a charm of power, makes people want to stop. However, she did not dare to offend Yin Keer easily, so she could only fantasize here.

"Hey, Lao Tzu will put you down on my knees sooner or later, and enjoy yourself."

Because he was here in the war, he did not notice what happened on the mountain. Although Astu had already slept, but heard the sound of the temple collapse, he quickly got up, and then sent soldiers to see what was going on.

However, he could not have imagined that Xiao Yu would take people out of it and suddenly attack them.

Soon after the soldiers had just gone out, Astu sat in the living room, pondering what had happened recently, but soon he heard some loud roars and crying voices.

"Well? What's going on?" Astu frowned and slammed onto the roof, but found that many places around him had fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

"What happened? How could this be?" Astu was shocked, but he had not had time to react, and he felt a cold on his neck, and then he felt like he was flying.

"This...this is..." He suddenly saw that his body was still on the ground, but his head had already reached heaven.

Mawei’s sneak attack directly sent Astu into hell.

Now, Ma Wei's strength is greatly improved, unless it is the sixth-order powerhouse, otherwise she can basically be killed by her.

Killing Astu, Xiao Yu came here with Grom, Illidan, the old cow and the little dragon. He knows that Miranda has two sixth-order masters around him, so he dare not take it lightly.

Sure enough, just after killing Astu, when Xiao Yu wanted to go to Miranda’s room, the bald head Sik was already in front of Xiao Yu and they yelled: “Who?”

Xiao Yu laughed happily: "You Xiao Xiaogong came."

I don't know how, Xiao Yu heard this voice and remembered the mantra of Sun Wukong, so he blurted out.

"It's you, hey, let you run the last time. You don't want to escape from the palm of my hand this time." Sike said coldly.

Xiao Yu laughed and said: "This time, my grandfather is coming to surrender to you. Let's come over."

"Bastard." Sik screamed and slammed over. At the same time, in the courtyard, countless soldiers suddenly appeared, and various magic weapons were brought out and they shot at Xiao Yu.

These are not to let Xiao Yu and others be surprised. Miranda is also the prince of the Lance Empire, and it has accumulated a lot of power. If there is no strength, it is strange.

Xiao Yu waved his hand at Xiaolong and said, "Go and level them."

So, Xiaolong quickly pulled out the nunchakus, and the stalks ran to the guys. The magic weapons of those guys can also cause damage to the dragons to a certain extent. However, the dragons are huge and can fly, plus The attack speed is fast, violent, unexpected, and it is easy to kill these people.

The role of a dragon in combat is absolutely immeasurable.

"Occasionally, look at the nunchakus." So, Xiaolong sticks down and directly drops a roof.