MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 504 Undead change

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w "Wow, finally upgraded." Xiao Yu looked at the base to become bigger and more stylish, the heart is also extremely happy, the base of the elves is the tree of life.

Now, this tree of life, towering into the clouds, looks extremely impressive, making people feel a shock.

After the upgrade of the Tree of Life, all the elves burst into tears, all of them fell to the front of the tree of life, singing praises and praying for tomorrow.

The elves have been too difficult in the past few years. Now it’s hard to have hope. How can they not be excited? Including Tyrande, Mawei, and even Illidan, seeing this scene is full of excitement and tears. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"The tree of life reappears, and the days of the elves' revival are finally here." Tyrande muttered to himself, and a strong ray of light erupted from the whole body.

This kind of light is not the general light, but the true light of the goddess of the moon. At this moment, Tyrande is no longer a simple princess of the month, but a true goddess of the moon.

At this moment, she is really crowned.

Xiao Yu is the owner of Tyrande, so this time I also know that Tyrande has re-understood one of the most nb skills, that is, the stars are falling. Latest novel Baidu search ""

To put it bluntly, there are countless stars falling from the sky, and a large area of ​​the enemy, this spell, but more powerful than the general fire and rain.

With this skill, Tyrande is the real Tyrande.

"Like the great Tyrande, praise the great Mawi..." All the elves saw it here, and the hearts were more religious, and the worship of Tyrande was incomprehensible.

After Xiao Yu looked at it for a while, he grinned and went to work. He first went to the altar to get Malfurion out, so that there was another hero.

Speaking of it, now because of the promotion of Xiao Yu's rank, the pub can also summon a hero. Xiao Yu has to think about who is better to summon.

The heroes in the pub are also very nb, especially the heroic heads-up ability, very powerful. Xiao Yu thinks that the panda, Chen Storm spirits is good.

Storm spirits can be fire-breathing, can be melee, absolutely good heroes, the most important thing is that Xiao Yu is a Chinese, and has a unique love for pandas.

Now, let's not say that, first build a new Chimera perch, and summon Chimera to say.

This construction takes another time, and Xiao Yu can only continue to wait. Malfurion didn't come out so quickly, and he had to wait.

So, Xiao Yu summoned the storm spirits of the pub there, and it is estimated that two heroes will come out. With two more heroes, Xiao Yu is really happy.

Malfurion is mainly based on treatment, but some of his entanglement skills, summoning the skills of the tree people, is quite nb.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but think, if it reached the fifth order, what would be the tree man that Malfurion summoned would be like?

Even if there is no war tree, the ancient guards are so nb, at least you can also top a mountain giant. Think about it, summon a bunch of such people, haha, more nb.

It's a pity that this skill has to be limited by the terrain. It must be done in a place with trees. If it is on the Yunmeng steppe, even where there are no trees, Malfurion will be abolished.

This is also the reason why Xiao Fan has never summoned Malfurion before, because he is mainly an auxiliary unit, and the effect is not so great.

Xiao Yu is waiting impatiently here, watching these guys always do not come out, it is to go directly, go to the base of the undead base to see.

Came to the site of the undead, Xiao Yu looked for a long time, I did not find the entrance. Until a spider drilled out of the ground and yelled at Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu was led by the spider and entered the cave where he once defended the undead base.

"Rely, this little Ah is too strong, and even put the hole in the layout so hidden, even I can not find it, too cattle, really talent." Xiao Yu was very happy.

"Alsace meets the master." Arthas heard that Xiao Yu was coming, and immediately came to see him in the **** war horse. Kel'Thuzad, and Xiaoqiang also came over and met Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu saw them and was surprised. Now, several of them have even reached more than 40 levels, reaching the fifth order, which makes Xiao Yu too unexpected.

You know, Xiao Yu basically didn't bring them all, and they let them go, but they have reached this level with their own efforts. It is really incredible.

"You... how can you upgrade so fast?" Xiao Yu squinted and asked Arthas.

"Starting the master, we are in accordance with the instructions of the master when leaving, taking advantage of the night to sneak into the city of the Principality, kill some troops, and slowly upgrade to this strength." Arthas replied.

"With these, you can reach this point?" Xiao Yu still feels unbelievable.

"We will often enter the mountains to hunt large warcraft. I can now direct some large Warcraft corpses, so hunting some large Warcraft for command will increase the fighting power." Arthas pointed at the inside ten Several large Warcraft corpses say.

"I rely on." Xiao Yu glanced at the large-scale Warcraft corpses, and was shocked. There are five-order World of Warcraft, and now Alsace is only a fifth-order strength. How to hit Kill these powerful Warcraft ah?

"Master, we rely mainly on ambushes and other means, relying on a large number of people, slowly eroding these World of Warcraft, and finally get the body back, just wait for the body of several large Warcraft, then go hunting is easy More," Arthas explained.

Xiao Yu went inside and saw that there were soldiers from all over the world who were not dead. They were much more dense than the ones he had summoned before.

"How can there be so many undead soldiers? Not so much before?" Xiao Yu shocked.

"Starting the master, after we are strong, we can transform some of the bodies into undead soldiers through the graves. Therefore, we are now more and more people." Arthas pointed to many undead soldiers who had just transformed. .

Xiao Yu traveled around and looked at it for more than ten minutes. He did not say a word. He did not expect that the undead had developed to such a point.

Originally, he founded the undead at the beginning, just to harass the enemy and become a strange soldier, but did not expect that the final undead actually developed to such a point, even to be out of his control.

Now, Arthas also listens to Xiao Yu’s orders, but Xiao Yu knows through the system that once the loyalty of these heroes and soldiers is too low, they will leave their own.

At that time, so many undead troops would become a great scourge.

Xiao Yu was silent and silent. He didn't know how to deal with the situation at hand. Arthas is a hero he likes very much. The complex here makes him ignore a lot of things and is extremely fond of Arthas.

But now, it is like a child who has been spoiled by his parents. Now Alsace is no longer the starting Alsace.

Xiao Yuchao looked at the loyalty of several heroes and the undead soldiers of these bases. Fortunately, they are still more than 50 points, all green.

This shows that Arthas is still very loyal to Xiao Yu.

However, this has been going on like this. Xiao Yu will not be able to let them sit tall and let them develop unscrupulously. At that time, will they become their own enemies and leave themselves?

"Master, master, what's wrong with you? Is there anything that bothers you? Is there anything we need to do? We must die." Arthas saw that Xiao Yu had something to worry about and couldn't help but say.

Xiao Yu shook his head helplessly, smiled bitterly: "Nothing, you are doing very well, very good, Xiao A, you are indeed a good leader. However, in the future, without my consent, do not arbitrarily recruit other undead Soldiers, and remember, don't arbitrarily kill civilians."

"Yes master, we always follow the instructions of the master." Arthas and Kel'Thuzad and Xiaoqiang said quickly.

Xiao Yu nodded and didn't say anything more.

After taking a shot of Arthas's shoulder, Xiao Yu licked Arthas again and slowly left.

Now, Arthas obviously has not yet obtained his inheritance, and did not find his own soul like Uther and Mawei.

If they are found one day, will they still be loyal to themselves?

Xiao Yu’s reason tells himself that he should kill all these undead people now, so as not to leave behind, but Xiao Yu looks at those who are very dirty, but they are extremely loyal to their eyes, he can’t go. .

In any case, he did not have the heart to kill all of his favorite soldiers.

Even if they are undead, they are also their own soldiers, just like Orc soldiers, Elves soldiers, Xiao Yu treats them as their own brothers.

"Is it too indecisive?" Xiao Yu laughed at himself, but he still couldn't go to the hand. When he left, he turned, the ghouls with big mouths, the gargoyles hanging above the cave, And those crypt spiders who came out under the ground, looked at him respectfully, with love and respect from the soul.

Although they are killing gods in other people's eyes, they are all demons, but they are extremely loyal to Xiao Yu, just like a group of children, treating Xiao Yu as the only one they exist in this world. Pinned.

Xiao Yu suddenly had an urge to cry, as if his children had learned badly one day, and they had to deal with them personally. The feeling was really painful.

"Let's go with the flow." Out of the cave, Xiao Yu looked at the secret woods and looked at the densely populated Elf tree of life in the distance. All this, let him develop. At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly believed. Kind of thing, fate.

Destiny, when it will dominate everything, maybe, don't worry about Xiao Yu.

When Xiao Yu returned to the Elves base, Malfurion, who was half-man and half-deer, was already waiting there. The Pandaren’s storm spirits had already arrived, and Chimera had been inhabited. m

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