MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 516 Critical situation

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Therefore, this plan to go to Yunmeng has been settled. The trip to Yunmeng is imperative and must not be ignored. \\\\yd\\\\ At this time, it is the time to really test the strength of the whole continent. Now the mainland is in chaos, and all kinds of troubles will come over. If it is not handled properly, it is likely that the mainland will sink into it. .

This is not an alarmist. Theodore understands this truth, so they will pay so much attention to Yunmeng, and when Aegwynn is gone, they will have such a huge touch, and they will spend huge mana. Promote the mainland's guardian Aegwynn to the entire continent.

Because now, when it is time for everyone to work together to protect the mainland, this time a large number of propaganda Aegwynn will make those adventurous young people boil and encourage themselves to have the courage to stand up and fight when the mainland is in crisis.

Protecting the security of the mainland seems to be a very big thing. If it is ordinary people, it is impossible to think of this layer. It is like some small territory. The biggest idea now is that its territory can be expanded. Some, you can get a few more beautiful women, nothing more.

The mainland is going to be destroyed? This kind of thing is too far for them.

At this time, someone must take the lead and someone must be the backbone. The lead person, their three old men can not be retired, as the three greatest magicians on the mainland, must bear this responsibility. Who is the backbone? They have also contacted many big families.

In fact, a long time ago, they have already started this matter. The chaos is coming, and all three of them are well-informed, and they must not be prepared.

At the beginning, the Ernst family of Nikola, the Shaw family of Leonardo, including the Kennedy family, etc., were all under their consideration.

Although Ferguson also guards the last dignity of the Tiens dynasty, he also knows that if you really want to protect this continent, you still need these big families.

Only these big families are the real people who can fight those evil forces. However, after they have been lobbying for a long time, they found that these big families are too selfish in terms of interests.

But in this world, where are there so many unselfish people? Even if they are themselves, they will inevitably have their own selfishness. They just need to ensure that these big families can be shot in a real crisis.

Now, on their list, there is another person, that is Xiao Yu.

Who can summon the heroes who used to be ancient, who can get the support of all races, can become the greatest king of the continent.

This prophecy, they will not know, and now Xiao Yu, no doubt seems to be completely in this prophecy, how can they ignore Xiao Yu?

They came here this time and wanted to see what kind of person Xiao Yu was in the end. Can he take the big responsibility, although there are a lot of shortcomings in Xiao Yu, rogue, rogue, vulgar, love, but in Xiao On the rain, they also saw another most important thing, that is, human nature.

Humanity is morality. You may have a lot of shortcomings, but in terms of the most basic criteria, you are sure to live, and that is a person who can be trusted.

In fact, Theodore has been paying attention to Xiao Yu since he was a long time ago, and he is also the most trusted Xiao Yu. However, Ferguson and Chuck Lun are also people who have their own support.

Although they also appreciate Xiao Yu, they are not likely to put all the treasures on Xiao Yu. If the prophecy is true, then Xiao Yu can certainly save the continent and become the greatest king on the continent.

All they have to do is just push it gently at the back.

It is not too late. On the second day, Xiao Yu led the troops to the mighty departure. This time, Xiao Yu took most of the troops and left only a small part as defense.

The reason why Xiao Yu dared to be so big is because the three magicians left a magical notice together here, telling everyone that now the Lion King is going to conquer the Ahn'Qiraj Temple in order to guard the safety of the mainland. Who should Dare to take the opportunity to play the Lion King's idea at this time, their three old guys must not let go of this power. \\\\\\\\

No force can do anything.

With these three notices, Xiao Yu can rest easy.

"Nima, the three of them gave me a ticket. Who dares to go to the age of too old, isn't that looking for death? Even if it is a church, I would never dare to come to me at this time. Otherwise, three old guys. Everyone has a curseless spell that can directly ruin the center of the church. The old guy of the pope is nb, dare to mess with these three people?"

Xiao Yu’s heart is called a triumph, so I’m happy to take all the heroes out for a lap and test the true combat power of these troops.

"I said Master Theodore, do you know what the Pope is? How many nb?" Xiao Yu was drinking and chatting with several masters in his luxurious carriage, remembering the Pope. So by the way, I can know ourselves and know each other.

After all, the pope is his biggest enemy now.

"The church has always been the most mysterious. There are so many things that we don't know at all, but we have to admit that no one, including some of us old guys, dare to despise the church. In the church, there is very much Powerful, their pope is even more unpredictable. If I guess well, the strength of the old guy is probably not worse than us." Theodore can drink Xiaoyu's wine this time, these days It’s too late to think about it.

"I rely, no, he even reached the peak of the sixth order?" Xiao Yu suddenly burst into tears, how did he not think that the Pope had such a powerful force.

"I can be sure of this. If there is no such power, the church is not a church." Chaklun also said this time.

Recently, they lived in Xiao Yu, who ate Xiao Yu, and played Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu gave them comfort and comfort, and also made them have a little more affection for Xiao Yu.

The so-called cannibal mouth is short, since Xiao Yu asked, and now the church is also the biggest enemy of Xiao Yu, they are also happy to give Xiao Yu some things, it is still a small person.

"My day, if this old guy is so nb, why don't you come directly to me and hit me directly? A curse will come down and my lion collar will be finished. He will solve everything." Xiao Yu couldn't help but ask. Indeed, now that he is a stab in his eyes, since he is so nb, why not come over and find him to settle accounts.

"Do you think that the magic of curse is used casually? The reason why the curse is called a curse is because it is forbidden. If the curse is used casually, the world has already collapsed." Looking at Xiao Yu, a illiterate The look of theodore, Theodore taught him without a good breath.

"It turns out that it is like a nuclear weapons ban. What if it would be if someone had left nothing to put a curse?" Xiao Yu also understood that the original curse was also conditional, and this kind of thing was also regulated. .

"What is a nuclear weapon?" Theodore listened to Xiao Yu and said the term, could not help but ask.

"Oh... nothing, a very powerful weapon, similar to the curse, is also forbidden." Xiao Yu casually responded.

"In any case, the curse is such a thing. The curse is extremely powerful. But if it is not necessary, we will never release it. On the one hand, we will release the curse, and we will also be subjected to powerful magic. For our health, it is also a great damage. This may be a punishment and a punishment for us. On the other hand, releasing the curse also requires a lot of magic material, not that you think it is like casual magic. Third, there is always a magical guild convention on this continent. If you use the curse magic without the consent of the Magic Guild, then the Wizards Union will do everything in its power to sanction it." Lun explained this to Xiao Yu at this time.

Although Chaklun is also the first time to see Xiao Yu, but the attitude toward Xiao Yu is still relatively good, relatively speaking, Ferguson's attitude towards Xiao Yu is not so good.

Because Ferguson still maintains the last dignity of the Tiens dynasty, if Xiao Yu is the greatest king of the continent, then the Tiens dynasty he maintained will no doubt be finished sooner or later, so this makes his heart very unbalanced.

The longer he stayed with Xiao Yu, the more he knew about Xiao Yu, the more he discovered that Xiao Yu was very close to the prophecy. Of course, except for the image of Xiao Yu. The image of Xiao Yu is completely a rogue, and neither elegant nor noble can touch the top.

However, Ferguson, who is the first magician of the royal family, naturally knows that the image of the so-called emperor is written by history. It doesn't matter how Xiao Yu flows again. In the history of later generations, the wise **** can also be written.

In Xiao Yu's body, Ferguson saw a special thing, that is, Xiao Yu's attitude toward any race, equal treatment, full equality, and the gradual beginning of the abolition of slavery in the territory.

These things, in his view, are completely unrecognizable things, but looking at the scene of the lion king now so prosperous, his heart is extremely shocked.

These seemingly inconspicuous policies, which seem to be rebellious, have a huge force that is hard to resist.

It is the best proof that countless people are now pouring into the Lion King.

The Lion King has led the population of hundreds of thousands of people to the present millions, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

This is the true demeanor that an emperor should have, and he can govern the world. This is the performance of a king.

Therefore, this is also the place where he fears Xiao Yu. He does not know how Xiao Yu will have such a temperament, and can come up with so many policies that will make a huge change in the whole world.

Xiao Yu didn't know Ferguson's thoughts so much. He simply thought that the old man was not good at words.

Because of Xiao Yu’s lead, the adventurers also gave up Naxxramas and went to Ahn'Qiraj. There is such a big head in Xiao Yu, they are always good to go with the cheaper.

It is said that this lord is very good at finding treasures, and almost everywhere he can find huge treasures.

Moreover, I heard that these heroes under the lord are all figures of the ancient times, so they are very familiar with these treasures.

In this case, they are naturally happy to watch the fun.

"Hey, you said, is that Tyrande really?"

"You said that the elf beauty, I guess it is very true, she usually has a veil, but sometimes it is not. It is said that once, this Tyrande did not bring a veil, resulting in the emergence of the entire Lion King City. A large area of ​​traffic congestion has not been resolved for a full week."

"No, it's so beautiful? Have you seen it yet?"

"I haven't seen it, but some of my buddies have seen it. It is said that it is amazing and suffocating. It's no wonder that so many people beat her idea. If there is such a beauty, it would be worthwhile to die." ""

"The legend that Tyrande is the first beauty of the elves, it seems that it is not a false statement. Legend, who can get all the loyalty of the race and summon the heroes of the ancient times, then you can become the greatest king of the continent. Is it? This rogue is the greatest king?"

"If he is the greatest king, Nima is God, his virtue, you have not seen, absolutely a rogue, the last few adventurers because of the oil of several female elves, this is The rogue lord gave a mess to the bricks, and his face could not be seen clearly. Have you seen a king, riding a head and riding on someone to shoot people?"

"Well, I have also heard that it is said that this rogue often makes some ridiculous things. It is simply a sinister evil. If such a person is the king of this continent, then we can suffer."

"That is, in fact, now I have been loyal to other races, but not only him alone, but many big families have also conquered many races for their own sake, just like the Ernst family. It is said to have conquered the blood elves. I see that Nikola is a gentleman, noble and generous, but it is very royal."

"I think the Leonardo of the Shaw family is very good. I used to see him once in Oran City. It was really a jade tree, and the extraordinary atmosphere was stronger than this rogue."

"Well, the mainland will soon be in chaos. At this time, we may also need to find a party to work. You said that we are better off. In this case, we may be able to obtain greater benefits."

"If you want me to say it, go to the Ernst family. I think Nikolay is very promising."

"I think the Shaw family is very promising."


Such discussions are very common among adventurers. Adventurers like gossip. They are very keen on young people such as Xiao Yu and Nikolay who are now on the mainland.

The image of Xiao Yu is still a hooligan in the eyes of ordinary people. Only those who follow Xiao Yu feel the charm of Xiao Yu.

Because Xiao Yu treats outsiders as hooligans, but treating himself is definitely a good big brother. Anyone who dares to bully his younger brother will not do it.

Throughout the mainland, everyone has already smelled the taste of the mountains and rains. I know that in the near future, the world will have a huge turmoil. At this time, if you want to preserve yourself, you will not be alone. At this time, there is a backing, which is the best.

A crowd of people are heading for Yunmeng. Because there are too many people, the speed of marching will naturally not be so fast, and Xiao Yu feels that there should be no seriousness for the time being. He is exaggerating to Theodore. .

However, a letter on this day made Xiao Yu speed up the pace of travel. Because this letter was written by Tuobahong, which said that there is a rush in the air, saying that the situation on the side of Anqila is already very serious. Nearly one-third of the territory in Yunmeng is occupied by the Zerg, and the people are seriously injured. Now, Tuohong and Tuoba have temporarily suspended their wars, and they are all building high in the city to resist the invasion of the Zerg.

Xiao Yu was shocked. When he reported a few days ago, he only said that the Zerg had just appeared and caused some damage. Now it has reached this point. This is really terrible. If it is later, I am afraid that the whole Yunmeng is going to be finished.

Once the cloud is over, the lion king of Xiao Yu will suffer.

The so-called lips are cold, Xiao Yu is still very clear, so this time, definitely can not let the cloud be finished.

While he was commanding a quick trip, Xiao Yu was also thinking about how this Ahnqila came out and whether it would be related to some forces on the mainland.

What Xiao Yu is most worried about is the dark forces, because they are omnipresent and have great energy. They cannot infer from ordinary common sense. It is very likely that all of them are directed by them and are ready to destroy the entire continent.

Now, the dark forces, the outcrop is getting more and more, and must be well guarded.

Although they tried their best to hurry, but the distance was not so close, Xiao Yu had passed the four days before the invasion of the Zerg army.

Now, Tuo Hong has not stayed in Wuhe Town for a long time. He has already come to the forefront for the war, because he knows that if he can’t stabilize the situation, if Xiao Yu’s reinforcements come, it may be the whole. Yunmeng has to finish playing.

When Xiao Yu arrived, they were psychologically prepared, but the reality still surprised them. When they set foot on the wall and looked at the dense Zerg army outside, they felt powerless. Health.

Too many, these Zerg army is too much.

Now, Tuohong is ordering people to build walls, and a line of defense, constantly building, because every zerg breaks through, then they have to retreat. If there is no high wall, in front of countless Zerg, they Directly the fate that was swallowed up.

Xiao Yu once invented the method of adobe building in Wuhe Town to help Tuobahong. This method is convenient for the construction of the city, so it can resist the Zerg attack. Otherwise, it will definitely be finished.

Tuobahong did not personally come out to meet Xiao Yu, but to supervise the battle on the wall. He has not looked at it for three days and three nights. When I saw Xiao Yu’s moment, Tuoba’s face showed a smile of gratitude and said: “You are finally here.”

It is only these five words that illustrate too many things, which shows how hard the Tuohong has been these days, and how much it is needed now, which shows how much hope they have for Xiao Yu. How much is Tuobahong's trust in Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu looked at Tuobahong's face-to-face wind and frosty **** eyes. He smiled a little and went up to pat him on the shoulder. He said, "Go, take a rest, give it to me."

Tuobahong nodded, but said to the adjutant next to him, Xiao Yu’s order was his order, and then he jumped directly to a simple camp below, and casually ate a few mouthfuls and fell down. Got to sleep.

"Xiao Yu brother." At this time, a familiar voice appeared beside Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu turned his head, but he saw a thick eyebrow and a big figure. He looked like a handsome, handsome young man standing behind him.

"Qin Che?" Xiao Yu suddenly shined, and for a while, Qin Che has grown up so much.

"Yeah." Qin Che saw Xiao Yu, it seems that he is still a big boy. It is no different from when he left Xiao Yu. But now, he has grown into a commander who can be completely independent, and he is still an invincible commander. .

Man is still that person, but in fact, in the soul, it has completely changed.

Xiao Yu knows that he did not misread at the beginning. Qin Che is indeed a good seed. After his own hands, he really has a big helper.

"It's done well." Xiao Yu just smiled and gave these four words of comments.

For Qin Che, there is no need to say too much.

"Yeah." Qin Che is still a sigh, no more to say, Qin Che this child is not the kind of child, but the heart is very steady, very steady, and Xiao Yu's character is completely different.

"He is Qin Che?" At this time, Nikolay came over and looked at Qin Che, and his eyes were full of appreciation. The things of Yunmeng were naturally Nikola, and he was very clear about it. Therefore, it is extremely appreciated that Qin Pei can achieve such a record at such a small age.

The heroes summoned seem to have no way to recruit, but Qin Che seems to be able to recruit. Such a talent will definitely be rare.

"Yes, do not hit his idea ah, I'll punch you." Xiao Yu saw immediately that Nicholas ghost mind.

"Haha, where, I just watched this little brother like it at first glance. Come, I have a good magic sword here, called dragon scale, I will give it to you." Say, Nikolay is from In the space ring, a singular one-handed sword with a familiar shape that Xiao Yu is familiar with is taken out.

"I rub, dragon scales are there, Qin Che, hurry to thank Nikolay brother." Xiao Yu naturally refused to refuse this kind of thing, directly called Qin Che.

Qin Che originally had a few good swords, which Xiao Yu gave, but after all, the quality of the dragon scale is still not available. Now Nikolai has given such a good thing, how can it not be.

Hearing Xiao Yu said, Qin Che took the sword in the hands of Nikolay slightly and said: "Thank you, Nikolai brother."

If you just look at the appearance, who knows that this is the vertical and horizontal cloud, the invincible Qin Che.

In the minds of many people in the cloud, and even in the Tianshi dynasty, Qin Che should be a tall man with a height of 80%. The devil's general comet is right. Otherwise, how could it be such a record?

However, Qin Che is a big boy in a neighbor's house. Nothing looks like a general.

At this time, I heard a strange drum sound, and the Zerg army, which had been waiting for it, immediately gave off a strange whispering sound, and climbed up to the wall.

"Xiao Yu brother, order it." Qin Che looked at the army that came over and said.

"What's the order? Nima's, give me a fight, all melee to me, and give me a fight, the air force gives me, see you. Chimera also called me, Nima's, Laozi didn't believe it, thinking that they couldn't beat them. "Xiao Yu is still a rogue. He waved his hand at the army behind him. All of them immediately walked onto the wall and entered the battle post.

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