MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 531 The inheritance of the ancient dragon

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Warcraft Hegemony 531 _ _ Warcraft hegemony vertical and horizontal full text free reading _ 531th chapter of the ancient dragon's inheritance from (.)

It didn't take long, just seven days to prepare, and the human coalition forces began to attack Ahn'Qiraj. The reason why it was the coalition was because it was now a battle of humanity against another race. [High quality update.]

Ahn'Qiraj, the army of the Zerg, will destroy the human world. This is the battle for humanity to defend its own world. However, with this idea, I am afraid that only a few people, others, are attracted by Xiao Yu’s theory of making a fortune.

From time to time, Ferguson will look at Xiao Yu's eyes, with a complex emotion in his eyes. He deeply knows that Xiao Yu has made great contributions in the process of defending the mainland. Such people seem to be somewhat ridiculous and look like a rogue. There is absolutely no royal aristocratic style, but in real The upper part of the big joint is clearly recognized. He knows that at this time, he must go all out to defend the mainland and defend all human beings.

This is something that few other forces can see.

Of course, this young man of Nikolay is also good. He has invested huge amounts of money in building a statue for Aegwynn. From his hard work to Ahn'Qiraj, it can be seen that this person is not entirely for his own sake. Interest, his vision is far more profound than the average person.

The royal family that they are guarding, if they have the opportunity, may be the same, but the current royal family has no chance to rise again.

In fact, he knew it in his own heart. However, as the first magician of the royal family, as long as he lived for one day, he must defend the dignity of the royal family.

The battle was about to start, and Ferguson was ups and downs. Looking at Chimera sitting down, he sighed slightly and remembered the prophecy.

The ability to unify all races on the continent and to summon the heroes of the ancient times.

It seems that only Xiao Yu meets this requirement.

"For Yunmeng, in order to defend the mainland, the Tigers and the Army, with me as the charge." Tuoyuhu's voice drifted across the battlefield, everyone can hear clearly.

"Oh..." The Tigers and the Army issued a roar together. The thundering horses they had left also screamed and shook people's hearts.


The Tigers and the Army ran up, as if the thunder had rolled over the sky, and truly reached a realm of momentum. This is a great army.

Those adventurers from all over the world, or some extremely powerful forces, saw that there was a shock in the heart, and a hero was born.

Good morale, strong warfare, this is the real battlefield.

"If I could have such an army, then how good it would be." Everyone's heart is the idea.


The sound was getting louder and louder, and everyone followed the Tigers and launched a charge against the Zerg. In the sky, Xiao Yu’s air force escorted into three formations, and each of the great magicians led a formation to ensure that the charge of the Tigers below was not hindered.


Just as the tide hits the wall, a huge impact directly smashes the front iron beetle of the Zerg. That's right, it's a real crush. This huge momentum unites as if it were an unstoppable chariot.

The excitement of Chimera, the bombing of the Batrider, and the magic of the three magicians, this time also descended from the sky. The powerful explosion instantly gave the Zerg’s front line a lot of deaths and injuries.

The Tigers and the Army roared past, as if they were a dragon in the sea, unstoppable.

Xiao Yu looked at this scene in the sky and was also excited.

"Little dragon, go, charge me." Xiao Yu screamed loudly, slamming the dragon down from the sky, after a breath, then swiftly swept through the swarm, and a group was about to stop the tiger The Zerg of the army rushed to the ground.

Xiaolong is now the fourth-order peak, and almost can reach the fifth-order, so the power is absolutely powerful.

If you reach the fifth level, the strength of Xiaolong will surpass most of the sixth-order powerhouses. It will only be worse than the top three magicians. If you reach the sixth-order, then you will definitely become the mainland. The existence of extreme horror.

With Xiao Yu, Xiaolong got a lot of supplements. Any food that helps Xiaolong grow up, Xiao Yu never swears. No matter how much money he spends, he buys Xiaolong and lets it eat it.

This is also the reason why Xiaolong is able to advance so fast. This is why Xiao Yu is so ill-treated with Xiaolong, Xiaolong is still following the rain.

Xiao Yu is like a strict father. Although he is very strict with Xiaolong, he is actually very caring for Xiaolong in his heart.


On the battlefield, Xiaolong is an excitement, constant screaming, and often sings the song that Xiao Yu teaches him. "Quickly use the nunchaku, use the nunchaku..."

The human army was in a state of ruin. Under the protection of the three great magicians, all the way directly fell under the huge wall of Ahn'Qiraj. At this time, the Zerg had all retreated to the wall.

"The wall of the beetle." Xiao Yu looked at this extremely tall wall, and he felt a lot of emotions. This was the sacrifice of three dragons, Yaregos, the dream dragon, Merlin Sera and Kaistreraz. The life of your own, the wall of the beetle created.

Since then, the dragons have begun to decline.

Now, this wall has no longer blocked the Zerg, and it still needs to rely on human power to defend this continent. Human beings are never the most powerful species in the world, but at the crucial moment, Humans use blood to defend the glory of this continent.

The human allied forces stopped their steps outside the wall of the beetle and entered it. It was Ahn'Qiraj, the site of the Zerg, and they had to step by step and could not be charged any more.

By then, the human coalition forces will begin to gradually separate, forming a small share of forces to find treasure. For this, Xiao Yu didn't care much. Anyway, the three magicians must be with him. He is the main force that attacked Ahn'Qiraj. At that time, the most interests must belong to him. of.

"Everyone is careful, I go in to investigate, and then we go in." Xiao Yu watched everyone pat the queue outside, but took the initiative to ask, go to the front to investigate, after all, he is riding a dragon, It is also convenient to go back and forth.

So, Xiao Yu rode the dragon, quickly flew over the wall of the beetle, and looked inside. The wall of the beetle is too high. I don't know how many meters. The dragon will fly for a while before it can fly to the wall of the beetle.

Just after Xiaolong flew to the wall of the beetle, he looked inside and found that the Zerg was already divided into a small wave and a small wave, and they were hidden in various places, obviously it was necessary to prepare for the street fighting.

In this way, the street fighting, in fact, Xiao Yu, they are not very afraid, because many of the adventurers are good at dealing with small shares of Warcraft, this kind of battle, as long as the fight is good, it is more favorable.

The hardest to fight, certainly the most inside of those **oss, Xiao Yu believes that since the Zerg can return to life, it is very likely that the boss of the Zerg, the largest boss, has been resurrected. Only when it is resurrected, can it be The Zerg is re-breeding.

This guy, is not a good disaster, it is also the ancient demon god, if there are not three magicians, Xiao Yu did not dare to go in.

It can be said that this guy is more nb than Gul'dan, and definitely more dangerous than the dark temple.

Just as Xiao Yu was ready to fly back to arrange the battle, suddenly, the dragon he sat down shivered and trembled. Then, the inside of the wall of the beetle broke out with an extremely powerful energy, and the dragon and him thoroughly Wrapped up so that they could not move at all.

"Ah... help." Xiao Yu felt bad, and immediately shouted loudly.

The three magicians heard Xiao Yu’s shouts and then saw the above-mentioned abnormalities. They were all shocked. They immediately drove Chi Mei La to fly up to rescue Xiao Yu.

But the flight speed of Chimera is not so fast, and the wall of the beetle is too high. It is very difficult to fly to the back, so for a time, the three magicians did not feel fast.

Moreover, as they approached the wall of the beetle, they felt an extremely powerful force spurting out, leaving their souls deeply jealous, as if they were to burst.

"What strength is this? Why is it so powerful?" The three magicians face each other, and they are also very worried about the safety of Xiao Yu, but there is nothing too good.

Because they feel it, under this power, the magical elements of them have been completely suppressed, and no magic can be displayed at all.

"Oh, is this continent really going to suffer such a disaster? We have no resistance in front of this power." Theodore looked pale, and for Xiao Yu, he was too Big expectations, pointing to Xiao Yu to save the mainland, now, Xiao Yu is in danger, he wants to rescue there is no way.

"Don't be too discouraged. Although this power is extremely powerful, I feel that there is nothing malicious. Otherwise, if this force is erupted, I am afraid that even this time we will be wiped out together." At this time, Chaklun But suddenly said.

The so-called concern is chaotic, and Theodore listened to Chakron and said that he suddenly felt the same, and he pointed to the powerful magical aura above, saying: "This... this power is... ..."

"Yes, it is the power of the dragon, and it is the power of the ancient dragon. Only the ancient dragon has such a powerful force. Although I have encountered many dragons, I have never felt so powerful. Power. This is completely beyond the power of the sixth order, is to reach the seventh order, that is the power we dream of, we carefully feel this power, for us to promote to the seventh order, have a great help." Karen looked at the strong magical aura above and slowly closed his eyes.

Theodore and Ferguson also immediately understood, slowly closed their eyes and began to understand the power of this powerful dragon.

Everyone below doesn't know what's going on. When you see this abnormality, you are quickly starting to retreat to avoid any problems.

Only Xiao Yu’s troops looked at the wall and were in a hurry. At this time, Thrall decisively let everyone back, not to go forward, because the three magicians have gone up, if they have no way, then they went. It is even more useless.

When Xiao Yu was absent, Thrall was the leader of the army. This is what Xiao Yu has always explained.

Tuobahong and Nikolay looked at the top, but it was an anxious look. Tuohong was really sincere and hoped that Xiao Yu had something to do. After all, Xiao Yu’s kindness to him was too much, and it was completely unclear. Moreover, In fact, he also has little conflict of interest with Xiao Yu.

As the emperor of Yunmeng, he is content. If he really wants to invade the Tiens Dynasty, even if there is no Xiao Yu, other forces are not so good, so he has broken this thought.

On the contrary, with Xiao Yu, the Lion King and Yun Meng became friendly neighbors, but they have a lot of benefits for Yunmeng.

Nikola’s mood is more complicated. If Xiao Yu really falls, it may be a good thing for him because he lost the biggest opponent in the world, but if Xiao Yu is really dead, his In my heart, there is an inexplicable loss.

This is the hero's sympathy.

Just when everyone talked about this scene, and when they were indiscriminately speculating, three huge figures suddenly appeared above the wall of the beetle.

Soon, everyone has already seen it, it is the figure of three dragons.

The three dragons are completely beyond the understanding of all people, because the three dragons are too big, each one is a few kilometers long, and it looks like a huge cloud completely covered. The sky.

The three dragons floated above the wall of the beetle and looked at Xiao Yu and Xiao Long. The huge eyes were like two huge searchlights.

When I saw the appearance of the dragon, Xiao Yu was relieved, knowing that this is not a huge danger, but a huge opportunity.

It seems that the dragon's blood of Xiaolong just inspired the soul of the three ancient dragons in the wall of the beetle.

"The younger generation, we feel the justice in your heart and feel the mission of coming here. We used to be the guardians on the mainland. For this continent, we are willing to contribute our lives. But, the years are like ours, our time has passed. We can no longer use our own power to guard this continent. Fortunately, today we are letting us see our compatriots again, and seeing that you have a sincere heart, we will pass on our strength to you, I hope you can I took over the responsibility of guarding this continent." One of the dragons murmured, although it was only his own muttering, but the voice was extremely huge, and everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

No way, this dragon is too big to be measured by common sense.

Now, everyone understands immediately. It turns out that the souls of the three dragons are sealed here. Now, they are giving the power to Xiao Yu’s dragon.

Everyone is envious of hateful death at this time, the inheritance of the ancient dragon, what kind of power it is. This is the strength of this rogue lord.

In the distance, Roberts, seeing this scene, hates the roots and tickles, and my heart is cold and cold: "Wait, Xiao Yu, I have already formed an alliance with Gul'dan, waiting for me to lead the orc's army. Flat your lion collar, take away everything from you, let your woman linger under my arm."

And Leonardo is also in a corner, seeing this scene, he clenched his fists, from small to big, he is the pride of the sky, never succumbed to anyone, never envious of anyone, he It has always been the object of envy of others, but at this moment, he found his beloved woman, beside this man, and is already a sixth-order magician. Now, this rogue dragon has to get the ancient dragon. The inheritance, why, why God is so unfair to him.

Not to mention the complicated moods of the following people. After the above dragons finished these words, they no longer talk nonsense. The three dragons spurted out a line and connected them to Xiaolong’s body.

Xiaolong was still a little confused at this time, but the same Dragon's blood made him feel very close to these three dragons, so he accepted the gifts of these three dragons frankly, the inheritance of the powerful dragon.


Because these forces are too large, the heavens and the earth are discolored, the space is turbulent, and many space cracks are constantly appearing. Some walls are swallowed by this space crack, and there is nothing left in the blink of an eye.

Everyone is a big man, and he has to go back farther, so as not to be affected.


The dark clouds of the sky gathered, and the heavy rain suddenly poured down. It was like a reservoir in the sky that cracked a hole. The rain was so amazing that it was a little dizzy when it was on the head of a person.

In the lightning and thunder, the shadows of the three dragons suddenly swelled, illuminating the whole world. At this moment, all people can only see the glory of the three dragons. Everything else seems to be from heaven and earth. It disappeared between.

In front of the three dragons, a small dragon that looks small and small is bearing the powerful power of the three dragons.

This scene has been going on for half an hour, and then suddenly there was a thrilling sound, as if the whole earth had to be cracked. The wall of the towering beetle finally collapsed, huge. The turbulent waves rushed to the sky and rushed toward the human allied forces. They immediately slammed the troops in front of the Allied Coalition Forces directly to the ground.

Fortunately, at the beginning, the human coalition forces retreated a long way. Otherwise, there are many people who have to die.


The sky was thundering, but it went to the distance. The shadows of the three dragons became lighter and thinner, and finally they were almost invisible. In the end, the three shadows made three rays and went straight into the dragon. In the body, then everyone heard a powerful dragon.

This sound dragon, as if it was drilled out of the earth, shocked everyone's heart, ordinary horses, heard this sound dragon, all soft and soft, long time can not stand, even the Tigers of the Tigers, This moment is a four-leg trembling, filled with infinite fear.

Xiaolong’s body suddenly swelled several times between the moments, flying wildly from the sky, with a hurricane, entwined with a red flame, passing over everyone’s head, everyone felt that The stock momentum has a feeling of worship.


Another giant python, after a violent red light, a dragon that was hundreds of meters long, fluttering with huge wings floating in the air, coldly watching the crowd below, everyone seeing its eyes, I feel that my soul has been hit hard.

The majesty of the dragons, the glory of the dragons, at this moment, has a perfect interpretation in everyone's mind.

Xiao Yu, standing on the back of Xiaolong, is wearing a t5 warrior destroyer suit at the moment, holding an Auchen axe in his hand, his hair flying, and the cold is also impossible.

In his body, there is also a powerful force that makes people feel a sense of shock from the bottom of their hearts.

"The sixth order, he reached the sixth order." Nikolay muttered.

When the three ancient dragons passed on to the dragon power, because Xiao Yu was also standing on the dragon, he also got some inheritance.

Although it is only a small part, but this power is really strong enough, and suddenly pushed Xiao Yu to the sixth order, let him suddenly achieve qualitative changes.

At this moment, a dragon, a sixth-order warrior wearing armor, this combination is naturally reminiscent of the prophecy, he will return by the dragon, save the mainland in times of danger.

At this moment, Xiao Yu is completely a **** of war.

"In the name of the dragon, all human warriors, follow me, step on the safe and secure, and defend our continent." Xiao Yu did not know which ribs of the brain had been pumped, and made a loud scream, very momentary The momentum has risen to the apex, and everyone is following the scream of forgetting the emotions, and the excitement of the blood is to swell.

Xiao Yu spurred the dragon, turned and rushed toward the inside of Ahn'Qiraj, while others followed it like a tidal wave, as if they were following the king on the continent to fight.

Warcraft Hegemony 531 _ _ Warcraft hegemony vertical and horizontal full text free reading _ 531th chapter of the ancient dragon's inheritance update is complete!