MTL - Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-v3 Chapter 110 The realm of the original void!

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   "Are you looking for me? I'm taking everyone to fight back right now. I can't stay too long."

  Thanks to Shuangyan.

  She is wearing a battle armor, holding a handful of cards in each hand, the desire to kill in her eyes has not faded, and she is full of murderous aura.

  Just now, she was on the battlefield, cooperating with the saints, and killing those demons with the Demon King sequence inextricably.

  Qin Xiaolou and her looked after each other, and frustrated the attacks of demons in the thrilling battle.

   Then he was found by Gu Suan.

   "Yes, I want to ask you something very important." Gu Qingshan said.

   "Let's talk." Xie Shuangyan said.

   "You Four Saint Epochs...who placed the Horcruxes in the void world?" Gu Qingshan asked.

  "They are the ‘spirits’ that were born in the era. After the era is destroyed, they will become artifacts and are beyond our control." Xie Shuangyan said.

  "Spirit? Horcrux has spirit?" Gu Qingshan raised an eyebrow.

   "Yes, they are the core source of Epoch. They are completely independent and free. No one can control them." Xie Shuangyan said.

   "Understood, you go to fight." Gu Qingshan said.

  Xie Shuangyan turned around to leave, then paused, and said to him: "Aren't you going to the battlefield to see? I remember your ability to dispatch troops and generals is pretty good."

  Gu Qingshan held his breath.

  It can be seen that his heart is moved.

   "Well? I remember you never refused to fight, why did you hesitate?" Xie Shuangyan asked in surprise.

  Others may not know Gu Qingshan's strength, thinking that he is just a low-level monk.

  But Xie Shuangyan, as the apostle of Epoch, knew that he had gathered the Four Holy Horcruxes on his body. He really wanted to participate in the battle and would never be with anyone else.

   "Forget it, I have another battlefield here." Gu Qingshan said calmly.

  Xie Shuangyan nodded, her figure flashed, and she quickly disappeared.

  Gu Qingshan stood there for a while.

  He seems to be thinking deeply about something.

  Time slowly passed.

  A small shuttle quietly fell and stopped in front of him.

  The hatch opened, and only two drones were carrying a machine box and placed it in front of Gu Qingshan.

  Gu Suan’s voice sounded: "Your Excellency, given the current situation, your evolution may be too late, so I mobilized all current resources to complete this weapon."

  The box opens automatically.

  I saw a black and shiny old revolver lying inside.

   "What technology did you use?"

  Gu Qingshan looked at the pistol and asked.

  "Migration, barrier breaking, world suppression lifted, magic breaking, energy breaking, trait filling." Gu Suan said.

  "What is trait filling?" Gu Qingshan asked.

  "This gun has no bullets. It uses the user's special power as the raw material and automatically draws, manifests, and fills the bullets." Gu Suan said.

  Gu Qingshan picked up the pistol and thought: "If I want to kill the enemy with sword light, why should I fill it with bullets?"

   "So the person who is more suitable for this gun is you."

  He handed the pistol to Feiying.

  Feiying did not refuse, took the pistol, and said: "This is your protection for me?"

  "Protection one." Gu Qingshan said.

   Scarlett raised his gun and aimed at the beautiful lamp on the casino wall across the street.

  The lamp suddenly burst.

  Next moment.

  Fei Ying pulls the trigger.

  Gu Qingshan hugged his arms and said, "You are"

   "The time-space bullet, first jump to the moment of hit, and then the moment when I pull the trigger." Fei Ying said.

  "In terms of logic, this is the real can be regarded as the law of causality." Gu Qingshan said.

  Next moment.


  The street lights on both sides of the street shattered.

   Fei Ying pinned the revolver to his waist, and said with satisfaction: "I have just lived a teenager in this life, and my strength is too immature, but with this gun, I have more self-protection power, thank you."

   "You're welcome, we should start." Gu Qingshan said.

   "Where to go?" Hiying asked.


  Gu Qingshan said, four long flames suddenly lit up behind him, waving like a battle flag.

  One of the flames fell on his hand.

  He held the flames and lightly stabbed the void

  I saw a light door open.


  Gu Qingshan walked in with Feiying.


  Nine billion layers of the world.

  Hegemony area.


  At first, the world was full of wars, but here is still very calm.

  This is a famous holiday destination.

  Gu Qingshan appeared with Feiying.

  The two stood in front of a fountain, looking at the scenic Diamond Lake.

  The four flames behind Gu Qingshan became more and more flaming.

  The wind and blue light lingered endlessly, and the space was twisted around him. Among the people coming and going, no one found them, and no one came up to ask them.

   "What are we here for?" Fei Ying asked.

  "Just leave the original world temporarily, find a place to stay, and then I have something to figure out." Gu Qingshan said.

  He stretched out his hand.

  Feiying knew, and gave him his hand.

   "You now rely on the power of fate. I remember you used to fight against fate?" Feiying quipped.

   "Since the incident on the scene, I have also had some reflections and reconciled some destinies." Gu Qingshan said.

   "What about the other part?"

   "Kill it."

   "Well, what are we going to find with the power of destiny?" she asked.

   "The four Horcruxes are fused, but I know that their spirits have always been there. We are now going to find the spirits of the four Horcruxes," he said.

  The two of them held their hands together, and suddenly four black silk threads flew out and fell on the four rays of flame behind Gu Qingshan.

   Above the flame, the invisible existence gradually appeared.

  Earth God coin.

  The Book of the Sea.

   Flame spirit pendant.

  The Key of Wind.

  They appeared again, curiously touching the black silk threads flying around them.

  It turns out they have always been here!

  Gu Qingshan said: "I want to know, what is it for you to be willing to merge with the chaotic sequence."

  The four Horcruxes are silent.

  Gu Qingshan's heart was full of enlightenment.

   "Yes, I remember the secret that the four of you kept about the Chaos God of War. So, you are actually on the same line with Chaos?"

  There was silence in the void.

  Gu Qingshan said again: "Since we are on the same front, why was it still destroyed by the doomsday?"

   " it a demon?"

  The four Horcruxes all clicked together, indicating that this is the case.

   "Then I see, there is still a problem now"

   "Is the discovery of the curtain reliable?"

  Earth God Coin, Book of the Sea, and Flame Spirit Pendant look at the Key of the Wind.

  Wind Key hesitated and clicked on the key handle.

  Gu Qingshan smiled and said: "Thank you, everyone, and please continue to fight side by side with me. We will surely defeat the demons."

  Four holy Horcruxes disappeared.

  Gu Qingshan released his hand, igniting the flames again, and gently stabbed into the void.

  A light door opened, revealing the opposite scene.

   "Where is the opposite?"

   asked Fei Ying.

   "Eternal Abyss, remember that we must move fast and open the door as soon as we pass." Gu Qingshan said.

  At this point in time, the curtain has not yet seen herself.

   "Okay." Fei Ying nodded.

  Gu Qingshan settled down and walked into Guangmen with Feiying.


  Eternal Abyss.


  A huge bronze gate stands here, as if it has gone through endless years and vicissitudes.


  A light door appeared in front of the bronze door.

  Two figures came out and immediately opened the bronze door.


  As soon as the door opened a slit, the two figures immediately escaped into it.

   Immediately afterwards, the door closed immediately.

  The movement has not disappeared, and three-headed abyss monsters suddenly appeared around.

   "What... just now?" a monster asked.

   "I don't know, they are not afraid of the overlapping of various spaces here, nor the erosion of fate..." the other monster said.

   "No, I will catch up to find out, you will report the situation." Another monster said.

  They are just about to leave

  In the next instant, all their heads exploded and their bodies fell to the ground.


  Gu Qingshan and Feiying looked back at the giant bronze gate behind them.

  The door did not move.

  Haiying raised the revolver and pulled the trigger several times.

   "Did you take action?" Gu Qingshan asked.

   "Fate has spotted a few snoops, I want to avoid trouble in advance, but also to hide whereabouts." Scarlett gave him a majestic look.

  In the last life, she was Void City Lord Feiyue, and there was no time for her to show mercy to any situation.

   Fei Ying retracted the revolver, looked around and said: "It seems that this is a time and space that has been completely destroyed."

  "Why do you see it?" Gu Qingshan asked.

  Feiying stretched out her hand and flicked in the void

  The void retreated to both sides, revealing the scene of the long river of time.

  I saw the whole long river standing still, like stagnant water.

   "Only after everything is destroyed, time and space will present such a scene because there is no more cause and effect or change." Fei Ying said.

   "Come." Gu Qingshan stretched out his hand.

  Feiying held his hand again.

  Gu Qingshan took a deep breath and said, "Tell us, is this the original world of the void?"

  There was no movement in the hands of the two.

   Fei Ying said: "It seems that this is just a parallel time and space."

  Gu Qingshan nodded and said, "That's right."

   Fei Ying said: "Should we travel through this time and space and continue to find the fundamental world in other parallel worlds?"

   "No, we found it." Gu Qingshan said.

  Feiying looked at him in surprise.

  Gu Qingshan nodded and said: "Yes, this is a parallel world...All parallel worlds will suffer the erosion of the doomsday, and those who waited for it back then fled to our world."

   "Then our world is the original world of the void?" Fei Ying asked.

   "Neither." Gu Qingshan said.

  This time Fei Ying was even more confused, and said: "Where is the fundamental world of the void?"

  Gu Qingshan reveals the color of memories.

   "I used my last strength to find an inevitable result from all uncertain futures."

  When he recast the key of the wind, Mu said so in that secret.

  "If you can find the key to the passage, you have to leave this world gate before the battle for the six realms begins!"

   "Don't delay, as soon as possible!"

   "The real secret is hidden in the deepest part of the door of this world."

  "It is another door to the world."

   "Yes, there are countless world doors in the void, and the reason I noticed this door is because its guardian is too powerful."

   "Even I am not their opponent!"

   "For countless years, this door has been used with special power. No one can approach this door, even paying attention to it."

   "And I am an extremely special doomsday, so I can discover this unremarkable little thing in the world of thousands of voids."

   "I checked for a long time, and finally determined that it fully complies with that amazing secret"

  "It is the rarest kind of world door in the void. If someone can open it, he will find it outside the door..."

  "A future without doomsday, and a world that has never been seen before."


  After the six reincarnations fell into that door, they saw a void world without doomsday, no sentient beings, and no demons.

  This is different from all parallel worlds.

  But no one cares about exploring the world.

  Because the six realms of the battle for supremacy have begun!

  At that time, the master once threw himself out of the six reincarnations, allowing himself to explore the void world, but he killed himself again.

  Now it seems that in addition to protecting himself, Master’s actions have another deep meaning.

  If it is the real world of the void, it is definitely worth exploring.

  Gu Qingshan's eyes suddenly became sharp.

   "It's... I really didn't bother to explore the void world."

  Look back and think again,

  The door leading to the original world of the void is at the bottom of the eternal abyss, guarded by the "Divine Emperor"

  In other words, it is monitored, controlled, and guarded by demons.

  And it is the seal of the Chaos Apostle to unlock this secret


  At this moment, this secret has been completely revealed before my eyes.

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