MTL - Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-v3 Chapter 78 Seeing the clue

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on the street.

Liao Xing killed a cannibal and looked at the void in front of him.

"With only two monsters, you can draw a card."

He said expectantly.

Gu Qingshan stood aside, looking a little bit interested.

"What's the matter with you? You don't seem to have much motivation." Liao Xing asked.

"If you continue to fight like this, you can save your life at most, and you can't get rid of it. It's meaningless." Gu Qingshan sighed.

Liao Xing said happily, "I have earned anyway, look at this muscle"

He did a standard bodybuilding exercise.

Gu Qingshan gave a wry smile and said, "Okay, now tell me if you can load sequences for other humans."

Liao Xing shook his head and said, "Buxingyu didn't give me the qualification to spread the sequence..."

The idea in Gu Qingshan's heart fell through again.

Hours have passed.

The Nine-faced Insect Demon never came back, and didn't know what method was brewing.

Liao Xing is just a person.

The Nine-faced Insect Demon owns the entire world, and can spread the cannibalistic virus at will and eat hundreds of millions of beings.

No matter how fast Liao Xing's evolution is, it cannot be as fast as the evolution of countless cannibals in the entire world.

Have to think of other ways...

While thinking about it, Gu Qingshan met a few cannibals and swung his hands.

Liao Xing dancing crowbar

With just one stick, all three cannibals were killed.

"You can draw cards." Liao Xing said happily.

"Wait." Gu Qingshan said.

"What's the matter?" Liao Xing asked.

"We won't draw the'True Self' card this time. Let's draw a'Thomasty' card to see." Gu Qingshan said.

"Why do you want to draw a'thumatology' card?" Liao Xing asked puzzledly.

"Skills are generally related to certain specific knowledge, skills, and spells. You have never drawn cards in this area. The first time you draw, you will definitely get a card with a foundational meaning, just like the darkness of the'true self' deck. Let us see if we can get some help from the source." Gu Qingshan explained.

"Okay." Liao Xing agreed.

Gu Qingshan made a draw.

Liao Xing drew a card from the void.

I saw rows of books painted on this card, and completely different words were written on the cover of each book.

"Universal language bookshelf."

"The book shelf will be used to help you understand the languages ​​of different civilizations, up to three."

Liao Xing said dissatisfied: "I didn't give us this card long ago, now we don't need it anymore."

"Why don't you need it?" Gu Qingshan said.

He waved his arm, and the card was thrown away by Liao Xing, turning into a ball of light and flying into Liao Xing's body.

Liao Xing closed his eyes and realized it for a moment, then said, "I seem to understand the words of this world."

"Go, go back to the air-raid shelter." Gu Qingshan said without thinking.

"Still fighting? I'm almost starving to death and want to eat something first." Liao Xing said dissatisfied.

"Do you want to watch more and more people turn into cannibals? Just like that hotel manager?" Gu Qingshan glared at him.

"But I'm hungry, and I don't have the strength to kill the monster."

"Eating and playing."

"How can you eat it?"

"It seems not hungry enough."



All the cannibals were cleaned up by Liao Xingqing.

This gave him another chance to draw cards.

Gu Qingshan didn't care about this, and led Liao Xing to the command room.

The two connected to the communication system of the command room and read all the past records. Only then did they roughly understand the current world situation.

Sure enough, as Gu Qingshan expected, cannibals appeared in all countries in the world.

Liao Xing turned on the city's monitoring system and looked at it for a while, and suddenly said:

"Old Gu, what's the situation?"

Gu Qingshan looked at the monitor.

I saw scenes everywhere in the city on the monitor.

Those cannibals seem to have received some instructions, and they are gradually retreating outside the city.

Gu Qingshan thought for a while, and said: "Jiu Mian already knows that we have a sequence. It removes the cannibals in order to not leave you any chance of evolution before it is fully grasped."

"Does it know sequences so well?" Liao Xing asked.

"Of course, it has gone through countless epochs, it is natural for the sequence"

When Gu Qingshan said this, his voice suddenly stopped.

...It seems that something is wrong.

"What's wrong with you?" Liao Xing couldn't help asking.

"Wait a minute, I have to think about it." Gu Qingshan said.

He was lost in thought, reminiscing about the recent events.

The Four Saints Era...because it was too powerful, it was finally destroyed in the doomsday.

Are there demons in those years?

If inferred purely by logic, evil spirits are bound to not exist.

Because their power is almost invincible.

Even Xie Shuangyan said that they had never killed demons.

She must have met a demon in Chaos or elsewhere after the fall of Era.

Because if there were demons in their time, then the strongest demons should be demons, not their era!

In other words, demons did not exist in the beginning!

But demons are so powerful, far surpassing the Four Saint Era of the year, and no one can use them.

They can never come out of the cracks in the stone.

So, where do they come from?

"Yeah... Where did they come from?" Gu Qingshan muttered to himself.

There was a sudden burst of laughter in the command room.

Gu Qingshan recovered, but saw that Liao Xing's hands were flying, operating quickly on the small communicator.

"Hahaha, their encryption methods are really too low-level. They are just in their infancy, and this uncle can break it casually." Liao Xing's proud voice sounded.

"What information is there?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Look at this article, all countries are finished, only a few troops are still resisting, and we need those who survive to join together"

Liao Xing's voice suddenly stopped.

The world has entered into destruction.

This place will become the place of evolution of cannibals, and then more and more high-level cannibals will be produced, gradually forming a pyramid-shaped power structure.

no doubt

All the cannibals will come and kill Liao Xing.

This is almost a mortal situation.

Liao Xingmeng jumped up from the table and said loudly, "Gu Qingshan, I don't want to die! You have to think of a way!"

Gu Qingshan's expression remained unchanged.

This is something that has been expected long ago, but it is only confirmed at the moment.

Compared with this matter, he actually cares more about the nine-sided response.

To deal with an isolated and helpless sequencer, its strategy is completely correct.

In fact, in battle, generally the stronger the existence, the less likely it is to think about problems.

Because they don't need it.

But Nine Faces can adopt the completely correct strategy...

Is it familiar with sequences?

Gu Qingshan thought of the Four Saint Era again.

Qin Xiaolou’s Qianyuan calls spirits, Xie Shuangyan’s ten thousand waters flow...

With such power, he was destroyed by the doomsday, and finally had to withdraw from the stage of history sadly.


The end is the sequence.

The other demons came to chase him down, and they came up with exactly the same methods as him.

They also created a closed loop and integrated into the Demon King sequence to avoid being killed by various laws.

They fit into the sequence!

He was an apostle of chaos, got the interface of the chaos **** of war, and supported by the power of the four sacred pillars.

Why are demons!

Gu Qingshan thought more and more deeply, only to feel a coldness rising from behind and heading straight towards the sky.

I thought that demons were unknown existences, possessing so many incredible powers, so I didn't think about it.

But calm down and think carefully

How can they be integrated into the sequence? Or even create a closed loop?

In addition, there is one more thing.

Only the nine sides are not integrated into the sequence.

It is not afraid of the revenge of the law.

...It is special.

If you want to figure out the secret of the evil demon, you must never let it go!

Gu Qingshan gritted his teeth and suddenly said, "Liao Xing, see if there are vehicles in the base."

Liao Xing checked and said: "There are still a few trucks left, all loaded with various things, ready to leave at any time."

"Go, go take a look." Gu Qingshan said.

The two went to look at the truck together, and picked out a properly maintained one, filled it with oil, and started it.

"Go!" Gu Qingshan said.

"Where to go?" Liao Xing couldn't help asking.

"Go after those cannibals, your evolution is inseparable from them."

"Are we going to hunt them down?"


Liao Xing showed an impressive expression.

"The opposite is a country of cannibalism. If you want me to say, we are delivering food. Are you sure you want to catch up? What if you meet that very powerful guy again?"

"Liao Xing, you have to understand one thing."


"If you want to survive, you have to catch up and kill."

"...I agree with your judgment intellectually, but emotionally I want to go home," Liao Xing murmured.

Gu Qingshan made a gesture of stepping on the accelerator.

Liao Xing followed and slammed the accelerator.

The truck speeded up and drove off on the highway.

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