MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 21 matchmaker's words

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The bright red melon flesh added a bright color to Ye Tingjiang's dull room.

Mingzheng said embarrassingly: "This is a big melon just picked from the spiritual field. I originally wanted to share it with Junior Brother Ye."

Mu Chuihan glanced at the wreckage of the watermelon on the ground and felt it was a pity.

Ye Tingjiang also smiled awkwardly. Mingzheng couldn't care about the melon on the ground. He sat opposite the two of them and cheered up: "Junior Brother Ye, why don't you introduce this kid?"

Ye Tingjiang said lightly: "It was sent by the outer sect."

Mu Chuihan stood up and bowed respectfully, "Disciple Fuyan, I have seen Elder Mingzheng."

Mingzheng recited the name twice in his heart, and suddenly showed an aunt-like smile. Isn't this the name of the little beauty in the outer door!

"Hey, sit down quickly." As a senior sister, she felt that she should take on the responsibility of elder Ye Tingjiang, so she asked Mu Chuihan extremely kindly, "How old are you this year?"

Mu Chuihan straightened his sleeves cautiously, "Just eighteen."

"Eighteen!" Mingzheng repeated in shock, then looked at Ye Tingjiang with the eyes of beasts, and muttered: "Junior Brother Ye, I didn't expect you to be so good!"

People who are almost a thousand years old actually like such tender children.

Ye Tingjiang was very innocent and defended: "Senior sister, where did you think..."

"Don't talk yet." Mingzheng made a gesture of silence to Ye Tingjiang, then turned around and asked Mu Chuihan, "Where are you from? When did you meet Junior Brother Ye? Are there parents and elders at home? "

Just as Mu Chuihan was about to answer, he heard Mingzheng keep asking, "When did you hold the Daoist and Companion Loan Ceremony?"

Ye Tingjiang was drinking tea, and when he heard the words, a mouthful of tea choked in his throat, and he couldn't help coughing violently.

Mu Chuihan hurriedly cast a worried look.

Mingzheng saw it all in his eyes, and once again accused her of kidnapping the children's junior brother.

A thousand-year-old iron tree, either does not bloom, and picks the greenest fruit as soon as it blooms.

Tsk, Junior Brother Ye, hide it.

Ye Tingjiang finally calmed down and said, "Senior sister, I don't know when Fuyan and I held the joint loan ceremony."

"There's no ceremony?" Mingzheng's eyes widened, and his tone became more complicated: "Junior Brother Ye, I never imagined that you were such a person. Without a ceremony, just give him a wedding dress, and coax him to follow you with all his heart?"

This time, even Mu Chuihan, who had been eating melons by the side, was startled, "Wedding dress?"

This seems to be out of his calculation range!

Ye Tingjiang wondered: "What wedding dress?"

Mingzheng heard that they were both confused and not so sure: "Didn't they all say that Fuyan paid out the wedding dress for your big wedding at the outer door? That red robe was woven with spirit cloth, very gorgeous..."

Mu Chuihan couldn't hold back, he laughed out loud, met Mingzheng's gaze, and bowed his head embarrassedly, his shoulders trembled with laughter.

He didn't even know that rumors spread in Linxianzong, and he could have such an unexpected harvest.

Ye Tingjiang also knew where the misunderstanding was, and clarified: "It's not the case. Hongyi belongs to Fuyan himself, and we only met for the first time that day."

Mingzheng grasped the key point sharply: "Then you mean, on the first day you saw him, you sent him to the outer door?"

Ye Tingjiang nodded: "If you want to say that, you're right."

Mingzheng nodded. She has been a junior disciple for hundreds of years, and she has not brought a disciple to the Immortal Sect. Fuyan is obviously different, even if the red dress is not a wedding dress, Ye Tingjiang will sooner or later wear a wedding dress.

She asked curiously, "Then how did you meet?"

Ye Tingjiang was at a loss for words. Since he wanted to keep the secret of the fusion of the five yin and the heart for Fuyan, he couldn't truthfully tell Mingzheng's first encounter.

But he never lied, so he remained silent.

Fortunately, Mu Chuihan picked up the words, so pitiful, and even ashamed, he made up a story of a hero saving beauty.

Mingzheng was very fascinated and nodded again and again.

The storyteller Mu Chuihan also tried his best to add a lot of details that didn't exist. If he hadn't been one of the parties, Ye Tingjiang would have almost believed it.

After listening to the ups and downs of the story, Mingzheng firmly believed that her junior brother and the young man were destined, took Mu Chuihan's hand, and asked, "When are you going to pass the bright side? I know if there will be any next month. Have a good time, you should get married..."

Mu Chuihan blushed and did not speak, but Ye Tingjiang couldn't help interrupting: "Senior sister, I only regard him as a disciple."

Mingzheng slapped his thigh: "Okay, so is the disciple. Why don't you accept him as your apprentice in the next month's trial. It's really too hasty to get married right now, it's better to cultivate a relationship for a few years and then make a big gift."

Mu Chuihan was about to put his dark joy on the bright side. Did he get the support of Ye Tingjiang's relatives and friends?

Ye Tingjiang only felt overwhelmed: "I don't have that kind of mind."

Mingzheng naturally does not believe it. But she also knew that Junior Brother Ye was thin-skinned, and it was not easy to be impatient, so she changed the subject and said, "I also heard that Fuyan was instructed by you, and he was born to learn swordsmanship!"

Mu Chuihan's heart tightened. It was because Ye Tingjiang didn't know what he was doing in the outer door that he dared to pretend to be stupid. If Mingzheng shakes out the fact that he taught swordsmanship in the outer sect and won against Mo Jiao, he would not know how to end in front of Ye Tingjiang.

He hurriedly said: "Elder Mingzheng is wrong, my aptitude is dull, these words must be said by the outer door in the face of Tingyun Jun."

After speaking, he secretly glanced at Ye Tingjiang's expression, and was relieved to see that he was not suspicious.

Ye Tingjiang experienced the misunderstanding of "wedding clothes". Mingzheng said that he only took one point at most, so he didn't take it to heart: "It's probably a misinformation, I haven't taught him swordsmanship before."

Mingzheng disapproved: "But outsiders say that Fuyan has a very high understanding."

She glared at Ye Tingjiang as she spoke, meaning how could he undermine the confidence of young people?

Ye Tingjiang is not a mean person, but what happened this morning made him think that Mingzheng had heard some rumors, if Fuyan could be regarded as a savvy person, I'm afraid that the grass and trees on Yingxuefeng could be a good one. fine.

But he glanced at Mu Chuihan, and he really couldn't bear to tell the truth, so he reluctantly said: "But the talent is not enough, and you need to be diligent in the future."

Mingzheng sat and chatted for a while, and then added fuel to the news she heard. Mu Chuihan was so heartbroken by her words that he was always worried that he would be exposed.

Fortunately, Ye Tingjiang learned to listen to Mingzheng's words in reverse. Although the two people's thoughts were completely different, they also had a pleasant conversation unexpectedly.

Mingzheng was full of smiles, and before leaving, he cleaned up the broken watermelon on the ground.

Mu Chuihan sent her out, and Mingzheng held his hand and said gently, "Fuyan, don't worry, tell me what you have been wronged. I will not let Junior Brother Ye bully you, nor will I let you..."

She thought for a moment and continued: "I won't let you have **** without a match!"

Mu Chuihan was very grateful, and kept watching Mingzheng's back go away, thinking floatingly, even with the words of the matchmaker, will Shuangxiu still be far away?