MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 24 day and night, etc.

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In the early morning, Lin Xu woke up on time, opened her eyes and got out of bed, ready for a new day of lessons.

The bed opposite him had been empty for a whole month, and he didn't know when Fuyan would be back.

Without a roommate, he would have to face Mo Jiao and Zhao Jia, the two haters alone.

Lin Xu sighed, thinking of meeting them again in the Kendo class today, and began to pray in his heart for Fuyan to return to the outer door sooner.

While thinking, he pushed open the door, but when he saw the current situation outside the door, he suddenly took a step back.

There was a young boy slanting down there, with blood oozing out from the moon-white sleeves. His long hair spread out on his face, and he couldn't see his face for a while, but Lin Xu saw the purring little orange cat next to him in a blink of an eye.

It's Fuyan!

Lin Xu was so frightened that she was incoherent: "Fuyan, why are you here?"

He hurriedly carried his long-lost roommate into the room and placed him on the bed.

During the whole process, Mu Chuihan didn't say a word, and his breath was weak, which frightened Lin Xu to the bottom of his hand: "How could you be injured? I'll go to the doctor immediately."

Lin Xu found the wound on Fuyan's left wrist, but just wrapped it up with the torn cloth from her clothes. Now Yuebai's background color has also been reddened by blood, and you can imagine how serious the wound under the wrist is.

"Don't bother, doctor." Mu Chuihan said intermittently, "I'll tell you a few medicines, you can help me, just go get them."

Lin Xu hurriedly nodded, listening to Mu Chuihan slowly reporting seven or eight herbs, and then rushed to get them.

Taking medicine also requires spirit stones. Although not asking for medical repairs cost a lot, it also made Lin Xu's spirit stones that he saved this month consume seven to eighty-eight.

But he didn't care so much, he just wanted to go back and make medicine for his roommate. The medical repair in the medicine hall couldn't bear it and asked carefully: "Wait, your name? What is the purpose of taking the medicine?"

These are all to be recorded. Although the outer door will not provide many rare or dangerous medicinal materials, it is also afraid that some disciples will use it to synthesize poisons, so there is a record for future investigation.

Lin Xu's heart was like an arrow, and he scribbled: "Lin Xu, my roommate is injured, I will take medicine to heal."

After saying that, he ran away.

That medicine neatly recorded this information, and looked at Lin Xu's word, a very familiar name.

But he clearly didn't know the disciple who just came to get the medicine.

Yao Xiu thought for a moment and suddenly realized. Isn't Lin Xu the roommate of Fuyan, who is famous in the outside world?

Looking at Lin Xu's reason for taking the medicine, the doctor was shocked, and even began to suspect that he had just heard the wrong thing. Wasn't this Fuyan sent to serve in Yingxuefeng? How can you get hurt...

Lin Xu hurried back to the dormitory, put the externally applied medicine on Mu Chuihan, and then took the medicine for restoring Qi and blood to him.

Mu Chuihan regained some strength, and his face finally didn't look so pale. He forced a smile: "Thank you Lin Xu, I scared you."

Lin Xu said: "No, how did the injury on your hand come about, and why did you fall here early in the morning?"

Mu Chuihan said softly, "Don't worry, it's not someone else's injury, it's fine."

Lin Xu couldn't figure it out: "Aren't you at Ting Yunjun's place? Why didn't he treat you?"

Ting Yunjun and Fuyan had known each other for a long time, and they had rescued him before. How could they just stand by and watch his wounds this time?

Could it be that Fuyan angered Jun Tingyun? But with Tingyun-Jun's arrogance, he definitely wouldn't even refuse to give any medicine for wounds.

"Tingyun-Jun is very good." Mu Chuihan smiled and comforted him: "Don't think about it too much, anyway, it's a skin injury. With the sect's panacea, it will get better soon."

"No, tell me the truth." Lin Xu said: "Don't lie to me if you take me as a friend. You said it wasn't someone else's injury, so could it be you who foolishly took the sword!"

When Mu Chuihan thought about it, it was true. He nodded candidly.

Lin Xu was incredulous: "Are you crazy?"

Mu Chuihan sighed and said, "Don't tell anyone. I did Tingyun-jun a small favor, and I have to leave myself."

Although he said so, Lin Xu's doubts were not completely eliminated. He wanted to ask again, but saw Mu Chuihan shaking his head slightly, obviously not wanting to talk deeply.

Lin Xu had to hold back what she wanted to ask. He sat beside him, planning not to go to class today, it was more important to take care of the injured roommate.

Mu Chuihan said, "I don't need to accompany me."

In order to show that he was in good condition, he sat up and waved at Lin Xu: "Look, your right hand is flexible."

Lin Xu was almost angrily laughed at him, and said: "If you dare to move, be careful that my right hand will also be abolished by me."

It was the first time that Mu Chuihan heard Lin Xu speak heavy words. I didn't think so before, but now his noble-born aura was faintly exuding, almost scare Mu Chuihan.

He even regretted that he let Lin Xu see the weakest appearance, causing him to worry so much.

So Mu Chuihan huddled under the covers, extremely quiet and well-behaved, and the morning passed in such a peaceful way.

Lin Xu confirmed that his roommate was really fine, and the two of them had nothing to do in the morning, and finally went out in the afternoon.

The Kendo class confronted Mo Jiao again, but Mo Jiao also knew about Fuyan's return and made a special mention. Lin Xu didn't look good, left the table early, and brought dinner back to his bed-ridden roommate.

As soon as Mu Chuihan saw him back, he noticed that there was an unusual wave of spiritual energy on his body, which seemed to be an eavesdropping spell. But Lin Xu obviously didn't realize it himself, Mu Chuihan could guess that it was aimed at him, but he didn't take it to heart.

He just looked at the porridge and mussels pitifully, with no appetite all over his face.

Lin Xu said: "Some of them are already very good. I think you will dare to mess around in the future."

Mu Chuihan was trained to drink porridge obediently. Lin Xu chatted with him casually: "Then you went to Yingxuefeng, did you learn anything other than this injury?"

It seemed that Lin Xu really had lingering fears about his collapse at the door early in the morning, but Mu Chuihan didn't realize that he could still be so vicious.

He replied, "Well, Jun Tingyun taught me a little bit of swordsmanship."

"Swordsmanship!" After mentioning this, Lin Xu became more energetic: "Jun Tingyun really treats you very well!"

Just after he finished speaking, his eyes swept to Fuyan's left wrist injury, and he wanted to swallow the sentence again.

Does this have anything to do with Ting Yun-jun?

Mu Chuihan saw what he was thinking, and assured him: "It's really not what Tingyun-Jun did, you can rest assured. He is really a very good person, you are right in your worship."

Lin Xuyi pouted: "I'm afraid that you will be disrespectful to Jun Tingyun thinking day and night, and you will be beaten up."

Mu Chuihan smiled: "How can such a thing happen."

He raised his head slightly, caught a glimpse of the incoming spiritual wave, and said deliberately, "Jun Tingyun is very kind to me, and he even gave me a treasure."

Lin Xu was really curious: "What?"

Mu Chuihan asked him to come over and deliberately lowered his voice: "Just tell you one. He gave me an elixir that can improve my physique and let me take it on the eve of the test, so that I can pass the test."

Lin Xu widened her eyes: "Really?"

Mu Chuihan nodded: "You don't want to spread the word!"

Lin Xu also nodded solemnly. Although this kind of medicinal pill is not too precious in the hands of the great master, it is really urgently needed for their outer disciples. Looking at it this way, Ting Yunjun's waiting for Fuyan is really not thin.

He was relieved.

And Mu Chuihan silently smiled at that spiritual force wave.

This time, Ye Tingjiang didn't bring all the spiritual stones and other things that Ye Tingjiang promised him when he left. The so-called elixir to improve his physique was just the pill that Ye Tingjiang gave him to cover up his physique on the day he first saw him.

Mu Chuihan put the medicinal pill in the storage compartment in the room, just waiting for the person behind the scenes to take the bait.

The five yin fusion body is very different from the physique of ordinary people. If an ordinary person uses the medicinal herbs that can help cover this physique, it will only disturb the spiritual flow, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

Since some people eagerly want to hear something from him, he will give them a surprise.

There are still more than a month before the trial. Lin Xu has been practicing swordsmanship hard for the past few days, hoping to pass the trial directly to the inner door.

However, he came at an unfortunate time, and the trial was only a few months away, so he didn't hold out much hope.

Mu Chuihan was restless, and he began to point out his sword tricks in bed again, and when he asked, he sold Ye Tingjiang a favor: "This is what Jun Tingyun taught me, he knows that I have a roommate, and he asked me to tell you to practice diligently. Woolen cloth."

Lin Xu was really moved, and became more determined when practicing swordsmanship. Although he definitely couldn't worship Tingyun-Jun, he wanted to do his best in the trial. If he entered the inner sect, he would be able to express his admiration to Tingyun-Jun in person.

Mu Chuihan had been recovering from the injury for a few days, and was suffocating. So he followed Lin Xu out to the kendo class.

Colleagues who hadn't seen him for a long time greeted him warmly: "Junior Brother Fuyan, you're back, Junior Brother Lin said you were injured, how are you now?"

"What are you asking? Since Junior Brother Fuyan can come here, there is no serious problem. By the way, did Jun Tingyun give you any advice this time?"

Mu Chuihan thanked them for their concern one by one, and then glanced at Mo Jiao and the two of them not far away, and smiled brightly: "It is my luck for three lifetimes to have Tingyun-Jun personally instruct me. I'm not qualified enough to remember everything he taught."

The surrounding disciples laughed again: "Junior Brother Fuyan said that the qualifications are not enough, then we are not stupid, you don't have to be humble."

Mu Chuihan shook his head hurriedly: "Senior brothers, don't underestimate yourself..."

Although he came to the swordsmanship class, he didn't move his sword, he just had a friendly chat with the disciples of the outer sect.

Mu Chuihan noticed that Zhao Jia's face was a little anxious and a little disdainful, and he couldn't help but sigh at the current young man, why he couldn't hold his breath.

Life is like a play, how can you be so revealing?

Mu Chuihan secretly laughed in his heart. After class, he hugged Feifei and took a walk around the back mountain.

Feifei has no playmates recently, and the whole cat is sluggish: "It's been almost ten days, why haven't you been able to go back?"

Mu Chuihan shook his head and sighed, "Then you should ask Lord Tingyun why you haven't come to see me yet."

Fei Fei doubted: "I said people, you won't suffer such a serious injury in vain, Ting Yun-Jun didn't touch it at all!"

"Bah bah bah." Mu Chuihan suddenly bewildered and told him to shut up: "You are cursing me, I advise you not to talk nonsense."

As he talked, Mu Chuihan lost his confidence. He waited so long, shouldn't Ye Tingjiang rush to the outer door to see him as soon as he wakes up and hears that he has made such a great sacrifice? By the way, I have to admit my mistake and ask him to return to Xuefeng.

Mu Chuihan couldn't be sure, he couldn't make a mistake in this step, right?

But he quickly comforted himself, it was impossible, he had not missed a step in the matter of Jun Tingyun!

Although he had tried his best to deceive himself, on the way back to the dormitory, Mu Chuihan and Feifei both looked like they were stunned.

Back in the dormitory, Lin Xu looked at their heads in surprise, and hesitantly said: "What's wrong with you?"

Mu Chuihan shook his head and shook his bad feeling out of his head: "It's fine."

After speaking, Lin Xu said: "It's fine." He lowered his voice: "I found that our dormitory may have been robbed."

This was as Mu Chuhuihan expected, he didn't return today, just to give the thief a chance.

Lin Xu said: "I found that there are traces of flipping in many places."

Mu Chuihan asked, "Are you missing something?"

"This is the strangest place." Lin Xu said, "My things are all intact."

Mu Chuihan said in his heart, that's right, the person who came must be aimed at his medicinal pill.

Thinking about it, he confidently opened the storage compartment.

A small elixir lay in the middle.

Mu Chuihan suspected that he had read it wrong, and rubbed his eyes, the medicinal pill remained motionless and still in place.

Unbelievably, he picked up the medicinal pill and checked it carefully, and found that it was still the original one, and there was no sign of being replaced at all.

Mu Chuihan: "…"

I'm sure, this heartless thief messed up the house, and he really couldn't find even a single pill.