MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 30 Meet Tan Niang for the first time

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Stop Yunjun, brothel. Broth, stop Yunjun.

Putting these two words together made Mu Chuihan feel very absurd.

Ting Yunjun is very cherished and has a noble character. In Mu Chuihan's imagination, even if he appeared in the fireworks lane, he should be righteous and awe-inspiring, representing the cultivator's mighty power to ban these extravagant voices and treacherous forces.

But apparently this is not the case. If it is as simple as attacking the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion, how can it become Ye Tingjiang's most unforgettable plaque

Mu Chuihan fell into deep doubt. He pretends to be weak in front of Ye Tingjiang every day. Could it be that Ye Tingjiang Huangque is behind him and he is also playing him?

He stood there, his brows twisted into knots. Probably for too long without moving a single step, two women with heavy makeup and half-shoulders leaned up and joked, "What are you doing standing here, little son? You have come, why don't you go in?"

"Yeah, isn't the young master the first danger?" Another woman covered her face and sneered: "Don't dare to go in yet."

Mu Chuihan was still wearing the uniform of the disciple of the Immortal Immortal Sect, his face was blank, and he looked like a young cultivator who came because of curiosity and was timid.

The women pulled him and walked towards the building half-pushing and half-coaxing. The women who have been through the wind and moon have a soft and seductive voice. They like this kind of ignorant first-time brother the most, and they have the meaning of trapping people and playing tricks.

Never thought that the young man looked dumbfounded, but he broke away their hands and showed a pleasant and polite smile: "Two sisters, walk together."

Mu Chuihan said in his heart that if Fuyan sought death later, he would probably be in such a place when he took over. Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, so there is no need to play Liaozhai.

The two women's expressions turned stiff, unbelievable. I thought the youngsters were fat sheep to be slaughtered, but who knew that they were secretly here to grab business with them!

They secretly said that they were unlucky, so they didn't entangle and spread out.

Mu Chuihan got rid of the two of them, thinking that no matter what, he still had to find Ye Tingjiang first. He walked towards the brightly lit door, and when he got closer, he saw the book "Feiying Pavilion" by Hui Rong hanging upstairs.

In his thirties, the badger, the badger, was arrogant, and when he saw Mu Chuihan's appearance, he showed a somewhat amazed expression, and then his attitude became more earnest: "Hey, young master, come in quickly. "

Mu Chuihan also nodded towards him and stepped into the pavilion.

The bustard smiled and asked, "Young master is coming back, there is no familiar girl, I'll make arrangements for you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Mu Chuihan stopped her and said, "Don't bother. To be honest, I'm here to find someone I know, but it's not a girl, it's a man."

The mother of the bustard, the smiling face also collapsed: "Little son is joking, there is no reason to come to our place to find someone."

Mu Chuihan's expression was sad, and he spared no effort to smear Ye Tingjiang: "I came here to find Master, he has been away from the sect for many months, he has been searching for flowers and willows, and he has taken away the spiritual stones and wealth of the sect. Next, as a senior brother, I have searched all over the place to no avail, and now I am here, please help me!"

He spoke in a eloquent manner, and with this extremely beautiful face, the prostitute couldn't help but be moved.

Seeing this, Mu Chuihan hurriedly stepped up his firepower and shoved the spirit sword into the bustard's hand: "This is the only thing I have in my body."

The bustard recognized that it was a mid-grade spirit sword, and it could be used as a lot of spirit stones, which could be worth a few nights of sleep. I thought that it would be okay to do him a favor, so I smiled again, so embarrassed. Young master, what is your master's name? "

Mu Chuihan said, "His surname is Ye, his name is Tingjiang, and everyone else calls him Lord Tingyun."

The old bustard shook his head: "We don't have this guest here."

Mu Chuihan didn't believe it. Since it was Ye Tingjiang's fantasy, he must have experienced it himself, so he insisted: "What do you think about it?"

Seeing that he was anxious, the bustard said: "The guests may not always report their real names. How does the little master's master look like?"

Mu Chuihan traced Ye Tingjiang's star-shaped face in his heart, and said honestly, "It's very beautiful."

The bustard was stunned: "..."

This little boy's speech is too general. She sees so many people in one day, what can she think of just by saying "good-looking".

"That's all." Since the bustard received Mu Chuihan's spirit sword, she wanted to help people with errands, and smiled: "If the young master wants to find people, you can stay in our building for a few more days, and then you can see for yourself, right? ?"

These words are exactly in Mu Chuihan's heart. As long as they live in, can't they catch a fleeing Ye Tingjiang?

He nodded happily.

The bustard also has a small calculation in her heart. This little boy looks so good, and living in the building can attract some unsexy guests for her. She immediately arranged a vacant guest room on the second floor, and let Mu Chuihan stay there, without mentioning the deadline.

Mu Chuihan mixed in with the guests downstairs who were having fun, and swept Yü Γ without seeing Ye Tingjiang's figure.

Although he usually does not go to Yinqing Mountain, he is also very comfortable in drinking and chatting with people, and he became acquainted with those guests in a moment. When the time was almost up, he asked, "Have you heard of Lord Tingyun?"

The guests froze and shook their heads: "Jun Tingyun, do we have such a person in the Xiuxian world?"

Mu Chuihan changed his rhetoric again, but he didn't hear anything.

After midnight, he was also exhausted and went back to his room to think. Ye Tingjiang is well-known in the world of immortality as a powerful person who asks about his state of mind. He himself didn't care before, so he didn't know. But it makes no sense that all the monks in this place have never heard of it.

The only reasonable explanation is that this memory happened when Ye Tingjiang was not yet famous. That being the case, it is much more difficult to find someone. He could only intercept Ye Tingjiang on the spot by squatting in the hall every night.

Mu Chuihan lay on the bed thinking. Illusions appear, either bliss or great sorrow.

He used to take it for granted that Ye Tingjiang would meet the latter. But now that he was in Fireworks Lane, Mu Chuihan was not so sure.

Do you think Zheng Le, who loves olives and weighs olives, doesn't think about Shu?

Mu Chuihan immediately refused to accept it. If Tingyun-jun is really a romantic and unrestrained person, why would he turn a blind eye to his appearance and deliberate seduction?

This, is it because his appearance is too unappetizing?

Or, Jun Tingyun only likes women at all.

This thought made Mu Chuihan tremble, and the dream of love was shattered in front of his eyes. He tossed and turned, the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he became.

If this is the case, no matter how hard he tries, he will wink at the blind man!

No, no, Mu Chuihan comforted himself in his heart in a flash, he still had to believe in Ye Tingjiang's character, he would never be someone who covets Wenrou Township.

Then why is it here?

Mu Chuihan racked his brains, and when he was about to fall into a drowsy sleep, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

He seems to know it! When Ye Tingjiang first saw Fuyan, he felt pitiful and could not bear the fate of the young man stepping into the furnace, so he accepted him from Ye Qixuan and sent him to practice.

Isn't this practice what mortals often say about saving the wind and dust!

Since Jun Tingyun can do this to himself, it is not impossible for any brothel woman to think of saving Fengchen.

Mu Chuihan woke up, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became. The love and hatred of teenagers are the most unforgettable. Ye Tingjiang met a brooding girl when he was young. The two met and knew each other, but this bad relationship was still unfinished. Maybe this woman died, or maybe she lied to Ye Tingjiang. The love that made him avoid love like a scorpion for hundreds of years...

What a tragic and touching love story.

If he really guessed right, Mu Chuihan would be willing to write a script for Ye Tingjiang himself after breaking the illusion.

Oh, the premise is to break the illusion.

If they can't find Ye Tingjiang himself, they will just wait for Yubustard to die here.

Mu Chuihan was thinking too much about this shopping, and it was almost noon when he woke up the next day.

He stumbled out of the door, only to find that the woman in the building also got up.

At night, when all the songs and songs are over, they don't wake up until this time.

As soon as Mu Chuihan took two steps, he confronted the woman.

The woman was not dressed and her face was haggard. Mu Chuihan avoided suspicion and didn't look at her. Instead, the woman looked at him a few times and suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Come along?"

Only then did Mu Chuihan look carefully at the woman, and realized that she was the one who was the one who was the two women outside the building last night.

It's just that the woman didn't put on the powder, and she was tightly wrapped in her dress.

The woman yelled, "No way, are you really here to grab business?"

Nei was suffering from the same problem, and they all lived in their building directly.

Mu Chuihan coughed twice in embarrassment. Yesterday, he just made up a sentence to save the trouble. How could he know that after Gu Gu not only failed to find Ye Tingjiang, but also met the woman again.

"You are so shameless" in the woman's eyes.

Mu Chuihan cleared his throat and said nonsense: "I am forced to make a living, I am forced to make a living."


Although the woman didn't like seeing him very much, Mu Chuihan pretended that nothing happened, and said, "Miss, in fact, I'm here to find the junior brother and I have no troubles. If you can find the junior brother for me, I promise to pack up and leave immediately."

He guessed that Ye Tingjiang's incident happened in his youth, so he changed the term from "Master" to "Junior Brother".

The woman laughed and said, "You actually want to use me."

Their wrangling was not soft, and finally woke up a lot of sleeping women in the building.

As soon as the door behind him opened, the woman who looked twenty-five or six walked out of the room. Although she was dressed in simple clothes, only wearing a plain cloth with plum white, and there were fine lines at the corners of her eyes that could not be covered, but looking at her calm temperament, she could imagine her beauty when she was young.

When the woman saw her walking out, she smiled and said, "Tan Niang, this person is here to grab business, but he still has the face to ask me to help him find a junior brother."

Mu Chuihan did feel that he was being very unkind, but it was an illusion anyway, and it was fortunate that he was the first to expose Dianjiang.

Tsk, Ye Tingjiang and other women are deeply in love, and he worked hard to save Ye Tingjiang's life.

To be an apprentice to do this, it is earth-shattering. Mu Chuihan felt that the Linxian Sect owed him Yurun that he was thin.

The woman who was called Tan Niang smiled gently: "Young Master seems to have difficulties, so don't be so sharp and sharp."

Mu Chuihan nodded immediately.

The woman pouted and glared at him before leaving.

Tan Niang said: "What is the name of the younger brother and junior brother? What is his appearance? Maybe I can help?"

Mu Chuihan was about to repeat all the words he had said to the bustard when he suddenly saw a small fluffy head sticking out from behind Tan Niang.

The six- or seven-year-old boy raised his face and asked crisply, "Mother, what's wrong?"

Tan Niang smiled embarrassedly at Mu Chuihan, rubbed the child's head, her eyes were very soft: "An An, this brother wants to find a junior brother, can we help him?"

An An looked at Mu Chuihan, and An An also liked him like a chicken pecking at rice. "

The little boy snorted.

Little did he know that Mu Chuihan looked at the fandudu little dumpling, and his heart had already passed through nine curves and eighteen bends. His eyes widened uncontrollably, and he remained motionless.

Like, so similar. Lively and Ye Tingjiang Yu Qu W Yong Kun altar Falcon blowing copy

He was stunned.

Tan Niang saw him stunned and reminded: "Little Master, what's the matter?"

"'s fine." Mu Chuihan finally recovered. Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

He said with difficulty: "The person I'm looking for is his father."

He stretched out his finger and pointed to the small dumpling on the ground.

Tan Niang's face changed, and she subconsciously protected An An. The little boy tilted his head: "Mother, who is my father?"

Mu Chuihan was shocked. Even if Ye Tingjiang gave birth to a son, this son has never seen him since he was a child!

He took two steps back, facing Ye Tingjiang's wife and children, and suddenly felt like an outsider.

Tan Niang didn't answer her son's question, her vigilant eyes wandered back and forth on Mu Chuihan, and she eased a little after a moment: "Young master misunderstood, this child's biological father will not be your junior brother."

Saying that, she invited Mu Chuihan into the room and carefully closed the door.

Mu Chuihan felt like weeping every word: "How can Madam be sure?"

Tan Niang sent An An to play, and then she sat down with a heavy expression, as if unwilling to recall: "His biological father came from an aristocratic family, he did not enter the sect, and he did not have a teacher."

However, Mu Chuihan was confident that his appearance would not deceive people. Now I can't bear to see Tan Niang more.

The current suitor takes office directly, he should not be in the building, he should be at the bottom of the building.

He shook his head leisurely and said, "The lady knows Ye Tingjiang?"

In the end, the name, Vigu Tanniang, was holding the teacup with white knuckles in her hand: "How do you know this name?"

Tan Niang is the only person here who responds to the three words "Beautiful Bathing Rake Dianjiang".

Mu Chuihan felt that he couldn't go wrong: "This is the person I'm looking for."

"But..." Tan Niang hesitated again and again, but finally spoke up: "Ting Jiang is the name I gave for An An."

She had only thought of this name in her mind, and had never mentioned it before anyone. Even if Lu Huan stared at Mu Chuihan suspiciously, how could this person know about it? His words and deeds are also really strange, where did he come from?

Mu Chuihan was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and a storm surged in his heart.

An An, listen to Jiang.

He turned his head sharply to look at the dumplings on the bed happily playing with the nine series, only to feel that everything in front of him was collapsing.

This child is exactly the person he tried so hard to find! Ye Tingjiang is not only returning to the youth, but also returning to his childhood!

He was preconceived, and he never imagined that it could be like this.

He turned to look at Tan Niang, feeling guilty. And Tan Niang also looked at him, the eyes of the two were full of hope and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

After a long while, it was Mu Chuihan who opened his mouth first, his voice was very soft, and he only said Yu Li, Zheng Li and Ao!

Ye Tingjiang's mother, of course, is his mother!

Tan Niang was stunned, suddenly raised her sleeve and touched his forehead with her hand, and whispered, "Sure enough, it's a little hot. It seems that you are suffering from the cold, little master. I will find a doctor for you..."

From Tan Niang's loving eyes, Mu Chuihan understood that what she really wanted to say was not the cold, but the brain injury.

The young man lost his mind at a young age, how could this be good?

Tan Niang really got up and opened the door in a hurry, ready to ask for medicine for Mu Chuihan. However, when the door opened, it bumped into a woman who hurried over.

It was the one who was on the pole with Mu Chuihan just now. At this moment, her face was full of panic, and she took Tan Niang's hand: "There's a big messenger coming from outside, saying that he wants to see you."

The author has something to say: Xianzun: The clown is actually me!

Mr. Ye really grew up here. Many little angels have guessed it. Let me compare it to you~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-3123:17:22~2021-02-0122:48:35~

Thank you to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Gushan's old hidden, Caishuo and shallow; 1 bottle of Qianhong; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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