MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 33 break the illusion

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Feiying Pavilion was quiet in the daytime. Since Tan Niang's tragic death, the other girls were also frightened.

When Mu Chuihan went in, the bustard was even startled, and after a long while, she asked, "Why is the young master back, is Ange'er okay?"

"The Ye family is not a good place." Mu Chuhuihan said, "I want to save him."

The bustard was even more shocked: "How can we do this?"

Mu Chuihan asked directly, "Do you have Epiphyllum here?"

"It's not the epiphyllum season now!" The bustard thought for a while: "It must be summer, and the epiphyllum has to bloom at night."

"I haven't seen the Epiphyllum in the building for many years," the bustard sighed. "In the past, when Tan Niang was still listed, the Epiphyllum sent by the monks had spiritual power, and it always bloomed undefeated. That's how it can be called a force to overwhelm the crowd."

Mu Chuihan asked, "What happened later?"

Where have those long blooming ephemera gone?

The bustard's face was mournful: "Later, this girl met An Ge'er's biological father and handed over all of her heart. Soon after she became pregnant with An Ge, she realized that this surnamed Ye had a family. She just left her alone. Tan Niang wanted to jump into the river with An Geer in her arms at that time, but for some reason, she figured it out again."

"Pity those ephemera, all of them were thrown away by Tan Niang." The bustard said regretfully: "After that, she only sang songs, and never took the ephemera again."

Did you throw it all away?

The clue that Mu Chuihan had just found was broken again. Seeing him pondering, the bustard said, "Forget it, I'll take you to see Tan Niang."

After the Ye family cultivator left, the girls in the building buried Tan Niang with a good life. Mu Chuihan stood in front of her grave and prayed in a low voice: "If you have a spirit in the sky, help Ye Tingjiang find a way out."

The bustard also sighed at the side: "In our business, we must not move our hearts. Who would have thought that Tan Niang would end up like this."

Mu Chuihan forced a smile and went to the room where Tan Niang lived before her death.

Not long after she left, the bustard also considered her old love, and temporarily vacated the room, and the furnishings inside were not changed.

The room is not big, besides Tan Niang's bed, there is also An An's little bed. In addition to the table and chairs, there is a dressing table.

Seeing the bronze mirror on the stage, Mu Chuihan naturally thought of the side outside the illusion. The short-lived flower in the mirror, do you have to go to the mirror to find it?

After hesitating for a moment, he finally secretly said offended, and stretched his claws to the innocent bronze mirror.

Under the action of spiritual power, the bronze mirror broke a big hole with the sound of the impact, but the hole was empty, revealing the powder wall behind it, and there was no such thing as a flash in the pan.

Mu Chuihan: "…"

He was reckless.

At this time, the bustard who just followed was also taken aback: "Little Master, what are you doing?"

Mu Chuihan snorted: "I'm curious if this mirror is hard enough."

The bustard couldn't help feeling distressed: "It's just the vanity mirror of an ordinary daughter's house, what difference can it make."

"Yes." Mu Chuihan responded in a continuous voice.

I don't know if the secret prayer at the grave just now was effective, but Tan Niang's figure appeared in front of him.

The woman sat on the edge of the bed with the baby in her arms, her eyes full of tenderness. The woman and An An sat at the table, softly teaching the older son how to use chopsticks. And when An An was away, the woman sat lonely in front of the mirror, smeared with powder, and had long hair.

Mu Chuihan noticed the last scene, and suddenly he stretched his hand to Tan Niang's makeup box again.

Before the bustard could react, he quickly dumped all the hairpin rings in the box on the table, glanced roughly, and picked up the second makeup case again.

The bustard gathered up the disorganized jewelry and shouted, "Little son, what are you doing!"

Mu Chuihan looked at her with a firm gaze, "I want to save people."

The bustard was stunned by him for a moment, and let go of her hand subconsciously. Mu Chuihan poured out all the contents in the second box, but it was not enough. The box on the table had already been opened, so he leaned down and turned over the box.

The bustard watched for a while before she regained her senses: "What does these jewelry have to do with saving people?"

Mu Chuihan was concentrating on picking the lock, and casually said, "It's the key."

The bustard was at a loss, almost suspecting that the little boy was tortured insane by the Ye family. But she was also reluctant to destroy these gold and silver jewelry, so she could only stand here tormented and watch him turn it over, protecting her from time to time.

Mu Chuihan opened a few dust-tight boxes, but still didn't see what he was looking for. He stroked the last brocade box, which was the last hope.

The bustard was still sighing: "Forget it, little son, the deceased is dead!"

He took a deep breath and opened the box. Unlike the jewelry in other boxes, it seems to be full of An An's items from childhood to adulthood. From the baby's hood to the peace knot and longevity lock, everything is entrusted with the love of a mother.

In normal times, Mu Chuihan must have paid special attention to Ye Tingjiang's growth marks, but at this time, he was extremely disappointed to see them.

Is it wrong again? He doesn't have much time.

Mu Chuihan turned over the brocade box, and was about to close the lid under the anxious eyes of the bustard, but finally saw a small flower hairpin on the bottom of the brocade box.

He carefully picked up the flower hairpin, and the bustard had a dazed impression: "This is given to Tan Niang by that surname Ye!"

Although the flower hairpin is small, it is extremely delicate. The hairpin is a lifelike pure white epiphyllum, pure and coquettish, leaving the moment when the flower blooms to eternity.

Tan Niang is wearing her hair and dressing in front of the mirror, so the flower in the mirror is not a real Epiphyllum, but this hairpin!

Mu Chuihan let out a long sigh, quickly put away the flower hairpin, and looked at the bustard again: "Please return my spirit sword to me."

The bustard immediately became vague: "This sword master told me..."

Even if the young man said that he wanted to save the child, the friendship between her and Tan Niang was not deep, and it became apparent when interests were involved.

Mu Chuihan made a decisive decision, his eyes were fierce.

Just when the bustard thought he would make a move and was about to soften up, Mu Chuihan's voice came: "The sword is there, without the spirit sword, An An will die, then I might as well hit it directly to death."

After he finished speaking, he looked away and looked at the wall.

The bustard was the first to see the monk choose such an unseemly method of suicide, and was stunned.

Mu Fhuihan took a few steps back, as if calculating the strength of hitting the wall.

The bustard admits defeat: "Don't, don't, I'll go get the sword..."

Mu Chuihan rushed back to Ye Mansion with the spirit sword. The flow of time in the illusion seems to be accelerating. When he arrived, it was already night, the full moon hung high, and the moonlight shone on the busy Ye Mansion people.

No one cared about him, as if his connection to this fantasy world was getting less and less.

He casually picked up a servant who was carrying elixir: "Where's the young master?"

The servant shuddered and shook his head.

Mu Chuihan was in a state of impatience, his sword light flashed, and he changed his question: "Where is the medicine?"

The servant then timidly pointed the direction for him.

Mu Chuihan rushed to the front of the courtyard and saw the two of them lying flat with their feet facing each other under the moonlight.

One is an adult cultivator, he is estimated to be the eldest son of the Ye family, and the little one is the unconscious Ye Tingjiang.

The Ye family master and his wife stood aside, their faces paled by the moonlight.

Mrs. Ye suddenly burst into tears, and then her eyes sharpened, and the spell summoned: "Scumbag, I want you to bury my son with me!"

The eldest master is dead. The sorcery did not succeed, or he did not survive until the moment of rebirth. In short, he died and Ye Tingjiang was alive.

This realization made Mu Chuanhan heave a sigh of relief.

Just as Mrs. Ye's spell was thrown out, it was intercepted by a spiritual light, and the spiritual power collided. Those spells were slightly inferior and turned into ordinary paper and scattered in the air.

Madam Ye was furious: "You dare!"

The Ye family head guarded An An with a cold expression: "I only have this son left."

When his eldest son, whom he had carefully nurtured, was there, Ye Tingjiang was just a dose of medicine, and it was not a pity to die. But when his brother died, Ye Tingjiang was his only bloodline, the only heir to the orthodox Ye family.

Mrs. Ye's eyes were splitting: "What about me! My son just went!"

Ye Patriarch's attitude is clear: "I won't let you hurt him, don't be crazy."

He has also tested Ye Tingjiang's fundamental talent, and he is one in a thousand. Although he killed the child's biological mother, after all, he is still young, and he just needs to take good care of him, and his son will soon forget that vile woman...

Madam Ye was already crazy, and the spells flew towards his husband one after another, and the two actually fought in the courtyard.

Mu Chuihan took the opportunity to sneak into the yard, picked up the sleepy An An and ran away.

An An smelled the familiar breath and woke up.

"Brother, you really came back, I thought..."

He thought that his brother would be like his mother and disappeared.

Mu Chuihan choked in his heart: "I said I would come and take you away."

He hugged An An and ran quickly towards the Yefu Garden.

They are about to leave the illusion.

The scene of the Ye Mansion became fragmented, and the Ye family master and Mrs. Ye stopped fighting at some point, chasing after them.

A woman approached the corner, suddenly smiled very gently, and called out "An An".

An An looked straight, and kept leaning towards the woman: "Mother!"

She looks exactly like Tan Niang!

Mu Chuihan knew that the illusion was on the verge of collapse, and all the illusions tried their best to keep Ye Tingjiang behind.

He continued to run: "That's not your mother!"

An An seemed to wake up, and surrounded Mu Chuihan again.

Tan Niang was still laughing and kept bewitching: "An An, An An, why don't you want your mother to kiss..."

Seeing that An An was about to fall into a daze again, Mu Chuihan suddenly threw out a spell.

Tan Niang's voice stopped abruptly.

Mu Chuihan had never been so fortunate as at this moment, he had kept Mrs. Ye's silence spell just in case. Taking advantage of the quiet time to run for a long way, Tan Niang finally got rid of the spell, no longer dignified and beautiful, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from her eyes, revealing the tragic state before her death.

She spoke again, her voice shrill: "Avenge me, kill him, kill them—"

The sound came into An An's ears, and Mu Chuihan clearly felt the child's body trembling.

Tan Niang aroused the resentment in Ye Tingjiang's heart, once he lost control and killed the Ye family master, the demons attacked him, and it was really over!

"Kill him, kill him..."

An An's tender voice repeated: "Kill..."

"Kill him. Your mother died so tragically, and your father has lost all his conscience and human nature. He is full of evil and never commits crimes. You can't die well, and you can't live forever!" Mu Chuihan said in a breath.

An An, who had just said a word, stopped trembling.

Tan Niang's eyes are full of confusion.

Why did this person rob her of everything she had to say?

While running, Mu Chuihan reasoned: "Yes, they deserve to die, but you are still young, I will kill you for you!"

He finally ran into the garden, and a small pond beside the rockery reflected the bright moon.

Tan Niang followed them one step away, and Ye Family Master and his wife also chased after Huayuankou.

The expression of the child who was finally born in peace began to twist again, and he was about to escape from Mu Chuihan's arms.

Mu Chuihan hugged An An tightly with one hand, fulfilling the promise of "I'll kill you for you", the other hand threw the spirit sword and flew towards the Ye family master.

He only knew that Ye Tingjiang's murder would be over, but he didn't know the consequences of his own murder.

So when the sword just flew out, he hugged An An and jumped.

The moon shattered in the water, the embossed pattern opened, and it gradually returned to calm.

Before being completely submerged in the pool water, Mu Chuihan opened his lips slightly, and said silently, "Ting Yun-Jun."

Ye Tingjiang woke up in the empty cave.

He was lying in a shallow pond, his waist and abdomen were still tightly bound by a hand, and he couldn't break free when he moved slightly.

The memory of the illusion was too chaotic, Ye Tingjiang had a splitting headache, and when he looked down, he saw the face of the little apprentice with his eyes closed, and the fragmentary memory suddenly became clear.

Fuyan hugged him, rubbed his head and said, don't be afraid.

Fuyan's hands were covered in blood, but it was still difficult to protect him in front of him.

Fuyan opened his lips as he sank and read his name...

Ye Tingjiang's heartbeat was clearly audible.

He saw that the boy was immersed in the water, his clothes were wet, and they were tightly wrinkled and hung down, revealing a large piece of fair skin on his shoulders.

Ye Tingjiang felt a bit of heart palpitations, and closed his eyes impatiently. He didn't mean to let go of the hand that was holding his waist tightly, and he held up the boy with difficulty in this posture.

As the body moved, Fu Yan finally responded. Eyelashes fluttered, and water droplets ran down his cheeks.

He opened his eyes.

The author has something to say: Teacher Ye in Xianzun's mind wakes up: Mother! Mother!

The real Master Ye wakes up: Ah, my apprentice hugs me and his clothes are loose (heart beats fast) what a form!

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-02-03 23:03:10~2021-02-04 23:12:11~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: please look at my 20 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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