MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 40 Blazing confession

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When Ye Tingjiang finished talking and went to the garden, he saw his little apprentice Zhi Yi sitting at the back of the stone table, while Ye Qixuan was half-bent and stood beside him, looking a bit funny.

Ye Qixuan carefully peeled the grapefruit, and handed it to Fuyan respectfully, almost missing it in his mouth. And Fuyan shook his head and said leisurely: "Master Ye, Tingyun-jun said that grapefruit is cold, and I am afraid of cold, so I can't eat more."

"Yes." Ye Qixuan hurriedly put down the grapefruit and said carefully, "It was Ye who was ill-considered."

Fuyan said again: "It's not good for your son to call himself so, after all, Xianjun is also surnamed Ye, I'm shocked to hear that."

Ye Qixuan touched and sweated: "Well, junior..."

Ye Tingjiang could feel Ye Qixuan's wreckage from such a distance, Ye Xu had never seen his spoiled son so servile, Shi was dumbfounded and looked at Ye Tingjiang with helpless eyes.

Ye Tingjiang then cleared his throat, Mu Chuihan heard it immediately, and Fei also turned his head, the debt-collecting expression just now was replaced by a very bright smile.

He ran over, deliberately with a bit of anger in his words: "Xianjun, you are finally here, I have been waiting so hard."

"Yeah." Ye Tingjiang Rong held himself tightly and nodded to Ye Xu: "Then I'll take my leave."

Ye Qixuan finally followed him, and he bowed with his father, and sent off Jun Ting Yun obediently.

When Fuyan, the little ancestor's figure finally disappeared, he let out a long breath.

His father had a sad face: "After all, Lord Tingyun did not agree to accept you as a disciple, what can we do with the Ye family!"

Although Jun Tingyun is willing to come today, it has given enough face, enough to make other monks change their attitude towards their Ye family, and in the future, they will be able to obtain more resources by virtue of this relationship.

But Ye Xu privately still hopes that his son can stop Yunjun's blue eyes and revive the Ye family.

However, when Ye Qixuan heard the result, he put down a big stone in his heart.

He in turn comforted his old father: "Father don't have to worry, it's not a good thing."

If he really became Lord Tingyun's apprentice, wouldn't he have to get along with this Fuyan every day?

Ye Qixuan felt that just a moment ago was already a nightmare, they underestimated Fuyan, he was obviously more difficult than Ting Yunjun!

He couldn't help but be glad that Ye Xu didn't persuade Jun Tingyun, otherwise, his father would welcome back a crazy son in a few days...

On the other side, Mu Chuihan took Ye Tingjiang's hand and walked down the street, with slyness in his eyes: "I just pretended to be a fox!"

Ye Tingjiang asked with a smile, "Do you really hate them so much?"

Mu Chuihan nodded seriously: "Those who bully Xianjun are disgusting."

Ye Tingjiang found it interesting, he was only worried that the younger disciple would be bullied, and with his current cultivation, who would dare to bully him?

Mu Chuihan plausibly said: "Xianjun is so kind-hearted, Wan-that Ye Xu put forward some excessive demands, and then sold it badly, what should I do if I lied to you and agreed?"

"No." Ye Tingjiang felt that the younger disciple's worry was just overthinking: "I'm not as kind as you think."

Mu Chuihan disagreed. Ting Yun-jun really lacks self-understanding, didn't he rely on Ting Yun-jun's cold-hearted face to get to where he is now?

When we met for the first time, don't say holding hands like this, and even say a word across the hall. If it weren't for him - boiled frogs with a little warm water, and proficient in selling miserable displays of weakness, how could it be today.

The Ye family obviously had a plan. Wan learned his own trick. He was really worried about Ye Tingjiang's heart-softness and agreed.

Therefore, Mu Chuihan was trying so hard to make trouble for Ye Qixuan just now, just to make up for all the places Ye Tingjiang might have lost.

Mu Chuihan asked, "So what exactly did Ye Xu discuss with Xianjun?"

Ye Tingjiang said lightly, "He wants me to take Ye Qixuan as a disciple."

Mu Chuihan suddenly sounded the alarm: "Why is he so embarrassed!"

Ye family treats Ting Yunjun like this, Ye Xu can also open this mouth?

Ye Tingjiang's voice was rarely cold: "It was a family scandal back then, but now this generation is mostly ignorant. But I didn't agree..."

Mu Chuihan picked it up quickly: "Of course, Xianjun can only have me as an apprentice!"

The young man laughed in high spirits, Ye Tingjiang watched his smile and agreed: "Well."

When Yu Jian came here, he was in a hurry, but now it doesn't matter on the return trip. Ye Tingjiang took Mu Chuihan to walk slowly between the towns, which was considered to be relaxing with his little apprentice.

The Zhenji in the Xiuxian world is very similar to the human world. There are not only monks who are bustling in the market, but also some mortals who have no cultivation.

Most of these mortals are descendants of monks. They have no talent for cultivation, but they have also taken root in the world of higher cultivation.

At the market, the monks exchanged some spiritual artifact, fairy grass, and they found another way to sell some gadgets with ordinary materials but ingenious, which can also attract a lot of business.

Mu Chuihan was not very interested in spiritual tools, but instead plunged his head into these gadgets.

"Xianjun, look at this!" He picked up a cloth sword cover, a cute little head was drawn on the hilt, two short hands stretched out from the sword grid, and a long strip was drawn below it. The skirt wraps the sword body and looks like a little girl with long legs.

Ye Tingjiang felt the spirit sword in his hand trembling.

But Mu Chuihan couldn't put it down: "Xianjun, I want this!"

Xiaoyou trembled even more.

Ye Tingjiang was hesitating, he really felt that the sword cover was too detrimental to his image of the spirit sword.

Mu Chuihan's eyes glued to him, and he acted like a spoiled child: "Xianjun, are you alright?"

"Okay." Ye Tingjiang's hesitation disappeared. He took out the spirit stone regardless of the spirit sword that was shaking so fast, "Come here."

"Two." Mu Chuihan stretched out his hand to compare the numbers, and smiled at the shopkeeper.

Although Zuixing was not at home, Mu Chuihan would never forget him when he bought good things.

Seeing that he liked it so much, the stall owner consciously found a bosom friend, and Gu Nao'er put all the other inventory on the table.

The small pavilion was filled all of a sudden, and Mu Chuihan was dazzled.

The stall owner picked up a rotating shaft and introduced enthusiastically: "Little son, this rotating shaft is very easy to use. As long as two spirit swords are inserted, it can be used as a compass. The circle drawn is very neat and unparalleled in the world."

Xiaoyou didn't tremble this time, he hadn't come out of his doubts...

He's fine - a sword, why go for a job for Compass?

But Mu Chuihan was moved again, grinding Ye Tingjiang: "Xianjun, Xianjun~"

When the time comes, bring Suixing over to play together and let the two spirit swords communicate with each other.

Ye Tingjiang took out the spirit stone again with a blank face, and bought the reel, which was very useless in his opinion.

The stall owner was even more excited: "Little son, look at this compass, you can use the spirit sword as a compass, and use the sword energy to track foreign enemies. Look at this sword box..."

Xiaoyou didn't know where the stall owner came from so many ways to persecute the spirit sword. He couldn't bear it any longer.

The stall owner was still shouting from behind: "Little Master, come back next time—"

Mu Chuihan changed booths under Xiaoyou's threatening gaze, but he quickly found new happiness.

He turned to the Huaben booth and picked up the top book at random. The text on the cover wraps around like a seal script, and Mu Chuihan tried his best to recognize it and read it out: "Jun Tingyun..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

"Secret Affair on the Bed Wrap of Jun Tingyun".

Although Mu Chuihan didn't read it, Ye Tingjiang could see it clearly behind him. This time Xiaoyou's embarrassment was directly passed on to his master.

But the stall owner also started to sell it: "This is the most popular book in our family. It is based on Ting Yunjun and his apprentices. It is a real adaptation of the exclusive news. Tingyun Jun said it was good after reading it!"

Ye Tingjiang was almost at risk - he didn't continue his tone, when did he watch it...

Mu Chuihan turned to look at Ye Tingjiang, the latter's face was really good-looking, and he took the initiative to take Mu Chuihan's hand, just like Xiaoyou dragged someone just now, and forcefully dragged the little apprentice away.

Mu Chuihan was still thinking about other words: "Xianjun, don't, I still want to look at it again..."

Ye Tingjiang said solemnly: "Obscene | obscene things, you shouldn't look at them."

Mu Chuihan was dragged out-lidi and bid farewell to the lively market. Ye Tingjiang said again, "You shouldn't be arranged like this."

His expression is very serious, and he is more unfair than his disciples.

Mu Chuihan looked up at Ye Tingjiang's eyes and said softly, "Xianjun, what if I want to?"

Ye Tingjiang - startled: "How would you like?"

Mu Chuihan held the hope of enlightenment, and bowed his head shyly: "I am willing to do with Xianjun... the kind of thing they said."

"You..." Ye Tingjiang's mind went blank for a moment before he said, "You can't think like that, you are not an artifact, you are very talented, and you will have a brilliant future."

"I didn't think about that." Mu Chuihan simply pointed out, with burning and straightforward emotions in his eyes, and enthusiastically confessed to Ye Tingjiang: "I like Xianjun, so I want to be with Xianjun..."

He had been dormant for so long, he was used to the twists and turns, and he felt that it was time for some positive impact.

"You said you like me?" Ye Tingjiang was the first time he heard someone say such a thing in person, and he was at a loss: "You are still young..."

"I'm eighteen years old." Mu Chuihan said, "In the lower realm, you can start a family."

Ye Tingjiang was beaten word by word and could not stand steadily: "You may just thank me, but you regard this feeling as love..."

Fuyan was so ignorant, because he rescued him and treated him well, so he couldn't distinguish this feeling.

Mu Chuihan smiled: "Then what about Xianjun to me? Are you also grateful?"

Ye Tingjiang treats him so well, is he just grateful to himself for saving him in distress several times?

Ye Tingjiang was questioned. He never thought about it.

It is true that he is very unusual to the younger disciple, but he thinks it is out of guilt, out of distress, out of concern that a teacher should have...

Yes, is there still love?

Ye Tingjiang felt that this kind of feeling should be far away from him. He clearly only had kendo in his heart.

But he couldn't nod to Fuyan neatly, he just thanked him.

Ye Tingjiang couldn't make out his heart, so he fell into silence.

Mu Chuihan stopped speaking, he should give Ye Tingjiang some time.

Xiaoyou didn't dare to breathe, and obediently retracted herself into the scabbard.

The conversation between the master and the mistress sounds as if they have never done double cultivation...

He felt that the world was turning upside down.

The two of them discussed the previous topic in a tacit understanding, but Mu Chuihan's state was obviously not so intimate, and instead made Ye Tingjiang feel a little empty.

At night, they lodged in a neighboring town. There was obviously not a prosperous town there, and every family was closed as they walked along the road. It was not late at night, but there was not even a single pedestrian on the street.

Ye Tingjiang asked the inn to open two rooms and asked, "Boss, what happened here? Why is it so quiet?"

The boss sighed: "It's not like this, that is, a month ago, a demon fox appeared in the town, and he did something wrong and robbed the newlyweds in the street. The people who have daughters in the town are in danger. Later, we managed to collect the spirit stone. , invited a few cultivators to come, and only then did the bride come back. It's a pity that the girl's house has been raped, and the demon fox didn't do anything, and escaped anyway."

"If you don't get rid of the demon fox, my business is getting more and more bleak..." The boss was really worried.

Ye Tingjiang frowned: "With this disaster, why don't you look for monks anymore?"

The boss smiled bitterly: "We are all mortals in this town, and it's very difficult to find those spirit stones. That demon fox has some Taoism, and we can't invite a monk who can subdue it."

When Xiaoyou heard the suffering in the town, the scabbard flashed a pure white light, clearly wanting to fight the injustice.

The boss saw that - Dao Jianguang, his eyes lit up: "The guest officer is also a fairy family? The two fairy lords, can you save us..."

He almost knelt down to Ye Tingjiang.

Ye Tingjiang hurriedly helped him up, looked at Mu Chuihan and nodded.

The author has something to say: Ye Tingjiang: You are still young.

Mu Chuihan: nsdd (you are the younger brother)

Happy New Year's Eve everyone~ This chapter sends a small red envelope, thanks to Jiyou for deliberately fiddling with the red envelope, you can go to Wei Bo to see it (@是陈 String Yeah) Everyone, just pretend that what I sent is that kind of red envelope! Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-02-1023:28:13~2021-02-1122:23:41~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of tea water; 5 bottles of Yuyu; 1 bottle of maple; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!