MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 51 There is medicine

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The fourteen-fifteen-year-old boy stood on the bank with a silver star on his right ear. The breeze on the lake was blowing, and his clothes were flying.

His face is exquisite, and he has an ethereal spirit. It should be a beautiful picture, but unfortunately the person in the picture is angry, and his eyes are fixed on the location of Linxianzong. The scolding of "indecent" exploded in the ears of the cultivators, with a stone-shattering effect.

Many stern monks have long wanted to say this sentence, but they were forced by the forces of Linxianzong and Lord Tingyun to cultivate, so they could only watch Ye Tingjiang and Fuyan empathize with me in public. Now that there are people who are not afraid of prostitution and power to speak for them, where did this little boy come from?

Mu Chuihan's overreaction caught Ye Tingjiang's attention. He ignored the sudden accusation and asked, "What's wrong, Fuyan?"

Mu Chuihan was in a state of confusion: "It's okay... Xianjun, is he talking about us? I also think it's not good for us to influence us like this."

No matter when Suixing came or what he was doing, the only plan for now is to stabilize him first! Mu Chuihan was afraid that his sword spirit would rush over in a fit of anger, so he ripped off his vest.

He slightly moved half of Ye Tingjiang's position, and sat upright, as tall and straight as a green pines on the mountain, making Ye Tingjiang a little unbelievable that this was his usual lazy little apprentice.

Ye Tingjiang looked at the newly-appeared young man, only to find that the young man's eyes were like swords, and he seemed to be preparing to raze this place to the ground.

For such a long time, he has never moved his glaring eyes away.

Ye Tingjiang pondered in his heart and was sure that he had never seen such a person before, let alone hatred. Upon closer inspection, he only recognized that this person was not a cultivator, but a sword spirit like Xiaoyou.

Although Ye Tingjiang didn't recognize it, there were not a few monks present who had given gifts to Mu Chuihan, and they immediately recognized that this was the Immortal Venerable Sword Spirit Suixing who received them every time.

The monks were overjoyed: "How come you are Immortal Friends Suixing!"

"Xianzun Yuelin has never participated in the banquet. Could it be that this time... I was fortunate enough to meet him?"

The host of Yunze Drinks also quickly rushed to Zuixing's side, beaming with joy: "It turned out to be Immortal Zuixing. It's really glorious to see you today."

Suixing nodded slightly and greeted politely, but his eyes still did not leave the seat of Linxianzong. He thought that the owner disappeared without a trace, and it was a mess. Who would have thought that he was acting in a bad way, and, moreover, he seemed to be blind!

After the initial surprise, the organizer remembered that this fairy friend was not in a good mood. As the sword spirit of Immortal Moon Lin, he must have followed his master, arrogantly out of the dust, and it is normal to see Jun Tingyun's actions.

The organizer looked at Suixing, and then Ye Tingjiang in the stand, his face was earthy and embarrassed.

One side is the elder of Linxian Sect, and the other is the sword spirit of Immortal Yuelin. If the two sides fight, he can't afford to offend either side... If it's too intense, he won't be able to do it. already?

The host didn't dare to mention this, so he had to say something else with a smile: "Friend Suixing, how is Xianzun's old man recently?"

Mu Chuihan sweated nervously, and didn't even bother to bother about the host calling him old. What Fuxing is going to say now, he can't stop it.

Zuixing stared at Mu Chuihan: "He has a medical condition, but he is in a good mood."

Mu Chuihan: "…"

The organizer just asked casually to try to ease the atmosphere. Who would have thought that this month's visit to Immortal Venerable would be really bad.

The elders in the world are respected, but in the world of immortality, only the strong are respected. Xianjun can be used as a respectful title to all monks, but Xianzun is only used to address the one closest to the avenue in the entire world of immortal cultivation.

Could that great power in the Happy Realm also suffer from illness?

Could it be that the title of Immortal Venerable is about to be replaced?

The organizer was trembling: "Is Friend Suixing joking?"

Tsukuxing finally looked away: "No. But it's just a minor illness, don't worry about it."

The scene of Mu Chui's cold and vulgarity brought him a great impact, and now Suixing has slowly recovered, and finally regained his long-standing etiquette.

He smiled at the organizer: "The Yunze Symposium is a major event in the world of immortals. The master is busy with cultivation and has not been able to watch the ceremony, so I can't help but feel regretful."

Mu Chuihan's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, I heard Suixing continue: "So this time the master ordered me to come first. He has something to delay, and he will arrive tomorrow. I hope you don't blame us for being abrupt."

Mu Chuihan knocked over a plate of melon seeds.

Coming tomorrow? How did he get there?

Ye Tingjiang thought he was blind and accidentally asked, "Do you still want to eat melon seeds?"

Mu Chuihan shook his head in despair.

He didn't want to eat, he wanted to die.

The host was overjoyed: "The Immortal Venerable is here in person, and I am looking forward to it. Immortal Friend Suixing is so polite. It is our blessing to be able to see the Immortal Venerable."

The fact that Immortal Venerable Lin can come this month is simply enough of his face, and the host can't be overjoyed.

He hurriedly sent people to add more seats: "Fellow Immortal Suixing, please... This servant is stupid, and Immortal Friends don't dislike it."

"Don't bother." Suixing shook his head, and turned his eyes back to the seat of Linxianzong again: "I'll just sit there."

"This..." The host said with a bitter face, "Friend Suixing..."

Are you really going to fight?

Suixing insisted: "It's closer over there, I don't think Lin Xianzong would be reluctant, right?"

The host collapsed and closed his eyes, waiting for the tragedy to happen.

He waited for Ye Tingjiang's unwavering voice: "Friend Immortal, please."

The organizer couldn't control the situation and couldn't speak, and he had already secretly calculated how many spirit stones he would lose this time.

Mingzheng asked Ye Tingjiang puzzled: "Has Junior Brother Ye offended him? Why does it seem like he is here to seek revenge?"

The third spiritual power that appeared just now also came from the hand of this sword spirit.

Ye Tingjiang shook his head. At most, he just didn't like Mu Chuihan as a person. If Zuixing really knew about this and came to seek revenge, he would be more convinced of his views on Mu Chuihan.

Disdain for company.

Suixing walked up to the pavilion of Linxianzong, no longer glaring, but treated Mingzheng and Ye Tingjiang politely.

A disciple of Linxian Sect handed him a futon, Suixing naturally placed the futon between Mu Chuihan and Ye Tingjiang, the whole person just squeezed in and sat down firmly.

Mingzheng looked at the large space around him and the three people on the other side who were inseparable, and smiled awkwardly: "Why don't you come here to sit here, Immortal Friend Suixing?"

This, if you can't see the love between Junior Brother Ye and Fuyan in public, there is no need to be so unpleasant.

"Thank you Fairy Mingzheng for your kindness." Zuixing said, but she sat like a mountain, motionless.

Until Ye Tingjiang decided to open the skylight: "What is the matter of Xianyou Suixing?"

Suixing immediately apologized: "I just arrived, and my words and deeds are unremarkable, and I have offended Xianjun."

Ye Tingjiang said softly, "No."

In the past, he himself could not imagine letting others rely on him... to eat melon seeds on such a serious occasion.

Suixing looked at Mu Chuihan again: "Looking at his actions, this must be Tingyun Jun's lover?"

Ye Tingjiang nodded without evading: "Exactly."

Mingzheng's eyes lit up. She already knew she could do it! Junior Brother Ye fell faster than she thought.

Suixing looked at his master's eyes a little more complicatedly, and finally said: "He can't seem to see."

Ye Tingjiang didn't know what medicine was sold in the star gourd: "It's just a misuse of the elixir."

Suixing saw that Mu Chuihan didn't say a word throughout the whole process, although he wanted to expose his true face in public, but he suppressed his anger and took the initiative to say to Mu Chuihan, "What kind of elixir? Maybe my master has a cure. "

Mu Chuihan couldn't escape, and pointed to his throat with a guilty conscience.

Ye Tingjiang said: "He can't speak."

Suixing can almost guess the whole process of this incident: "Is it also taking the elixir by mistake?"

Ye Tingjiang said lightly: "Yes. There is no cure for this medicine, and it will be better when the medicinal properties dissipate. The immortal friends have come from afar, so let's watch the big competition."

He couldn't figure out why Fuxing paid so much attention to Fuyan, but it was not a good thing to think about, and subconsciously wanted to stop Fuxing from continuing to communicate with Fuyan.

Don't want to retort Xingxing: "No, I can heal."

Ye Tingjiang frowned: "Do you swear by immortal friends without checking?"

Suixing had had enough of his master pretending to be deaf and dumb, and insisted: "I can treat him. After I carefully diagnose and treat, there must be a solution."

He just wanted to find a place where no one was there to talk to Mu Chuihan!

Ye Tingjiang only felt that the visitor was not good, and he was not at ease: "Don't bother your immortal friends."

Suixing had already looked at the host who was watching not far away: "Can you find a quiet room for me?"

The organizer agreed again and again.

Ye Tingjiang looked at Fuyan over Suixing, and seeing that he was low, his lips were tightly pursed, and he felt that it was inappropriate: "Is it difficult for Xianyou to be strong?"

Are you really here for a fight?

Suixing looked at Ye Tingjiang with a bit of sympathy, and said, "How can it be difficult to solve people's diseases? Why don't you ask Ting Yunjun if he is willing?"

Ye Tingjiang then asked Fuyan, "Are you willing?"

The little disciple is so attached to himself and alert, why would he follow this sword spirit to heal?

Mu Chuihan felt that he had been tormented on the frying pan, and now it was time to cook. He couldn't see it, but he knew that Ye Tingjiang and Suixing must be staring at him at this moment.

He paused for a long time, and finally, in order to please Suixing who held the identity secret, he said: "Xianjun, I am willing to try."

Suixing picked him up and left, although Ye Tingjiang was still surprised, he immediately said, "I'll go together."

"The diagnosis must be quiet, and I hope Tingyun-Jun will wait here." Suixing said, pulling a hand to Mu Chuihan.

Mu Chuihan nodded again against his will.

He left Yinqing Mountain for a few months, how could Suixing learn to threaten people?

The two finally came to the quiet room, Suixing closed the door, and put down the restriction, and then looked at his master: "I am waiting for you in Yinqingshan, you, you..."

He was incoherent: "You indulge in pleasure, be happy here!"

If it wasn't for him who couldn't stay any longer and found this place by induction, his master would not think of Yin Qingshan and such a sword spirit in a few years!

Mu Chuihan was accustomed to talking to Ye Tingjiang, made countless mouth gestures, and explained a big lesson to Suixing silently and feebly.

Suixing suddenly became even more angry: "I don't understand!"

Mu Chuihan was about to find something to write down, when Suixing suddenly threw a large cloud of gray shadows on the ground, and then said coldly in a tender voice: "Come back and talk."

Mu Chuihan protested silently, and after a long stalemate, he finally closed his eyes in a guilty conscience and manipulated the spell.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt the long-lost light.

And the death stare of his sword spirit.

Mu Chuihan returned to his main body, and this main body was lying on his side on the ground in the quiet room—it was thrown down like garbage by Suixing just now.

He recovered his voice and tried to sue the wicked first: "Suixing, you can't treat me like this... It's also a body, not some flowers and plants, how could you bring it casually in the storage ring?"

Zuixing was expressionless: "Say, why did you lie to Jun Tingyun?"

Mu Bing Han Yan died.

The author has something to say: Ye Tingjiang: He must be plotting against my little apprentice!

Suixing (fear): What exactly did you deceive Tingyun-jun into!

Immortal Venerable: Who am I and where am I?

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2123:26:33~2021-02-2223:25:20~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 brother Yu, every day, every day;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Er Er, Mu Chuihan’s cat, and 1 Lanluo; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: ruth. 20 bottles; Mino broke 6 bottles; 5 bottles for the rest of my life; 3 bottles of Xici; 1 bottle of 486, Hahahaha, Qianqi, Ling Bo; I am very grateful for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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