MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 54 leader

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Ye Tingjiang never felt that his voice was so harsh, as if listening to one more sentence, he would become an immortal.

But he maintained his composure under all kinds of astonished eyes. Even though the trembling hands under his sleeves reflected his magnificent heart, Ye Tingjiang still pretended that nothing happened: "Do you want to return to the Immortal Sect?"

Mu Chuihan faced Ye Tingjiang facelessly, but luckily his blindness relieved his embarrassment somewhat. He took the initiative and obediently handed over the spiritual tool, and also pretended that nothing happened.

The two of them made such a choice at the same time, but they both knew in their hearts that something had changed...

Mingzheng glanced at the spirit tool, and lowered her head in a guilty conscience. The sudden increase in volume just now seemed to be because she didn't control the wind in her palm.

The two culprits, Mu Chuihan and Mingzheng, gathered their brows and pleasing their eyes, and the atmosphere was extremely silent.

In front of Ye Tingjiang, the monks from other sects also kept their weird smiles in their hearts, pretending not to care on the surface.

Only Geng Qingyang reacted from the shock, and immediately let out a few sarcastic laughter, breaking the peace that everyone had worked so hard to decorate.

Mu Chuihan's facial features were twisted into a ball, and his efforts fell short! It's almost time to turn this over!

Geng Qingyang seized the opportunity to sneer and sneer: "I didn't expect that Lord Tingyun would ask for someone, but it sounds so nice."

Ye Tingjiang's lips were pale: "Jun Qingyang is too broad."

Geng Qingyang wanted to take advantage of the topic again, but was stopped by his fellow brothers and sisters, so he was forced to give up the topic. But he didn't intend to let Ye Tingjiang go: "Ting Yunjun, the spirit wine has arrived, where are the disciples of your sect?"

Mingzheng breathed and breathed: "He is sick, we abstain."

Just let this Geng Qingyang be proud of it again, and the next Linxian Sect will definitely ask for it back!

"Is this abstaining?" Geng Qingyang pretended to be surprised: "I thought the Linxian sect had a lot of talents."

Mingzheng smiled back: "Winning and losing are common things, even if you can't win the championship, it's not necessarily a talent. Isn't Qingyang-Jun the best example?"

Geng Qingyang was choked back, but he was not affected: "I just feel sorry for your sect. Speaking of which, your sect is not without anyone, isn't Ting Yun-jun his new disciple?"

This time, Mu Chuihan heard it and raised his head in surprise.

He suspected that it was not Ye Tingjiang that Geng Qingyang wanted to slander, but him. Yesterday I had to let him show his swordsmanship, and today I want to push myself to fight.

He asked himself that he didn't look like he liked fighting.

Mingzheng couldn't think that Geng Qingyang was so shameless: "Don't see that Qingyang-Jun has a disease in his eyes and mouth!"

Geng Qingyang said leisurely: "But this little friend is very fast, so he must be very fast with his sword, right?"

Mu Chuihan glared angrily with godless eyes, he was alluding to his own mistake just now!

The other cultivators couldn't help but replay the indescribable "beg" in their minds, and they all subconsciously agreed with Geng Qingyang's statement.

Ye Tingjiang couldn't listen any longer, so he refused for the younger disciple: "Fuyan's entry time is still young, so it's hard to take on this responsibility."

"No." Geng Qingyang shook his head, as if thinking about the Immortal Sect: "Your sect quitting without a fight would be a disgrace to your reputation. What's more, this rookie only talks about the upper limit of qualifications, so there's nothing wrong with Little Friend Fuyan? "

Although he strongly encouraged Fuyan to play, Geng Qingyang didn't want to have a bad reputation for bullying others: "Of course, the realm of the little friend is still low. To be fair, how about using the special spirit sword?"

Having said that, all the cultivators present knew that Fuyan was just a disciple in the name of a disciple, and even if the spiritual power of both parties was restricted, it was by no means an opponent of Geng Qingyang's direct disciple from Huxinting.

Ye Tingjiang was not shaken by his aggressive words, and coldly wanted to refuse again, but was stopped by Mu Chuihan.

Mu Chuihan made a mouth shape: "I'll go."

Ye Tingjiang disagreed: "You are not his opponent."

Geng Qingyang taught the swordsmanship of today's Leizhu to lead the spirit realm, while Fuyan couldn't see anything, so he knew the result without any test.

Ye Tingjiang doesn't care whether he wins or loses, but the sword has no eyes. There are many injured disciples on the Huxin Pavilion. He is only worried about Fuyan being injured.

Mu Chuihan endured Geng Qingyang for a long time, and insisted: "I'll try."

His whole body revealed his determination to fight for the sect, which made the defeated rookies of the Linxian Sect admired, and they all blamed themselves for how they could have been defeated.

Even Mingzheng was moved: "Fuyan, have you made up your mind?"

Mu Chuihan nodded deeply.

Geng Qingyang fanned his fan like a good show, Ye Tingjiang knew that he couldn't stop Fuyan, so he said, "Forget it, go if you want."

Although Ye Tingjiang said all this, Mingzheng immediately helped his younger brother to add what he said in his heart: "If you are unilaterally beaten, your uncle and your master will immediately rush to save you!"

Mu Chuihan nodded again moved.

Then he opened his mouth to Ye Tingjiang: "Xianjun, send me there."

The Huxin Pavilion is too far away, and it is too difficult to fly over with his existing spiritual power.

Ye Tingjiang reluctantly followed suit. And Mingzheng looked at this scene and couldn't help turning his head. That's all, although it hasn't been compared, isn't it a loser?

Mu Chuihan stood opposite the rookie disciples on the stage, holding the pair of specially-made spirit swords in their hands.

The spiritual power circulating on this spirit sword depends on the side with the lesser cultivation of the two fighting.

Yesterday, Mu Chuihan held the sword, and the upper limit of his spiritual power was equal to Ye Tingjiang.

But today, the master holding the sword, was half frozen. It has been a long time since he had tasted such emptiness of the spiritual veins...

Looking at the blindfolded boy, he was too embarrassed to make the first move.

In the end, even Mu Chuihan was impatient to wait. He wanted to let the younger generation come out with the sword first, but now it seems that the younger generation also has this in mind. Mu Chuihan simply rudely raised his sword and stood up.

He could only sense the presence of his opponent through the gray shadow, but he only had a hazy outline, and he didn't even know the position of the opponent's sword.

In the ringing of the golden bell, Mu Chuihan caught his breath with concentration, and judged the position of his neck based on this, and the first strike was directed towards the vital point in his throat.

The opponent did not expect his speed to be so fast, and immediately put away his contempt, and the two finally fought.

Mu Chuihan tested the sword with Ye Tingjiang yesterday, and he was already familiar with the layout of the Huxin Pavilion. Although his eyes were dark, his heart was very clear.

This disciple's swordsmanship is quite good among his peers, but in front of him, it's a bit underwhelming.

And his biggest disadvantage is also obvious. Fuyan's body's hearing is far less sensitive than the body, and the golden bell clearly guides him, but he needs to give him more thought to distinguish the sound of swords.

But this is better, the excessively disparate strength is suspicious.

Mu Chuihan simply regarded this poor opponent as his noisy master, Geng Qingyang, who wounded the enemy a thousand and lost eight hundred, and returned the noise with a random golden bell.

In the eyes of the guests who watched the ceremony, the golden bell was looming around Fu Yan's ankle, and the coordinated action was really beautiful. The faint sound of ringtones makes for a more wonderful soundtrack.

But in the eyes of this champion, the bells are no different from the magic sound piercing the ears, and there is no sense of rhythm and music at all.

Geng Qingyang looked at this place with a smile at first, but after Fuyan had lasted a stick of incense for a while, her complexion became darker and darker.

what happened? How could this Void Shattering Realm disciple accept so many tricks from his proud disciples?

The Leizhu was sweating profusely after a long battle, and the opponent's cultivation base was low.

And this person can't see at all, even if he wins in the end, let a blind man do so many tricks at the moment, and his face will be dull when he speaks out.

The leader became more and more anxious. On the surface, he had been suppressing Fuyan, but he had an idea in his heart, and Fuyan was clearly the leader!

He secretly said absurd, and the sword was even more old. Seeing that he had already forced Fuyan to the side of the Huxin Pavilion, he could be knocked down into the lake with just one more sword.

Ye Tingjiang straightened up with worry in his eyes. Fuyan's body couldn't stand the tossing in the water. If he was really knocked down, he would have to continue first and then admit defeat.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Fuyan leaned against the low Langan to avoid a sword. The master chased again, and he took advantage of the situation and avoided it for a while.

Ye Tingjiang watched the battle situation nervously, his little disciple couldn't see it, and he would fall by himself if he went out.

The master also saw this, and pressed forward step by step. Mu Chuihan's upper body had already fallen out of the Huxin Pavilion, and Ye Tingjiang's hand had already awakened, just waiting for rescue.

At this moment, things changed again, Mu Chuihan actually hooked the Langan with his right foot, and the drooping hair was only an inch away from the lake.

Lei Zhu immediately wanted to stop leaning forward, but he didn't want Mu Chuihan to turn around and stab him in the back at a very fast speed.

Four or two thousand pounds. The lake was swaying with water, and the blindfolded boy in white stood upright on the lakeside pavilion.

Geng Qingyang's face turned pale. The disciple who fell into the water returned to the Huxin Pavilion and was extremely embarrassed.

Mingzheng almost plucked the strings of the zheng. Did they win the Immortal Sect?

Fuyan can smash the fruit plate by eating melon seeds, but can he use such exquisite swordsmanship with his eyes closed?

Ye Tingjiang swept across the lake and stood beside the little apprentice.

The original challenger was full of unwillingness, but the result was out, he stared at Mu Chuihan: "I lost."

Mu Chuihan shook his head, opened his mouth and said a series of words.

Lei Zhu and Geng Qingyang were both confused, only Ye Tingjiang said lightly: "He said that the rookie competition depends on his cultivation, if he doesn't use that sword, he will never win. So if he abstains, you win. already."

Geng Qingyang listened from a distance, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

When it comes to humiliating people, Ye Tingjiang was the second in the past, but now this apprentice of Ye Tingjiang is the first.

Moreover, although the routines of master and apprentice are different, the core is generally the same.

Ye Tingjiang gave up his tired opportunity and fought dignifiedly, leaving Geng Qingyang no room to save face.

And Fuyan won, and he abstained because of insufficient cultivation. But let his personal disciple, the rookie leader, be misnamed and ridiculed.

Geng Qingyang gritted his teeth with hatred, the people of the Immortal Sect were indeed more sinister than each other!

And the cultivators who were watching couldn't help laughing. It was originally the head of Qingyang Jun, but now he is self-inflicted. If An Jingjing accepted the abstention of Linxianzong, how could this happen?

However, this seemingly soft and weak small furnace is so capable of fighting...

Ye Tingjiang took Mu Chuihan back to the table. Although the cultivators present also did not discuss Geng Qingyang openly, Mu Chuihan felt the thick embarrassing atmosphere emanating from the Guiyi Sect.

Mu Chuihan was very satisfied.

According to his experience, when there is a new good show in the eyes of the cultivators, they will consciously forget the last one.

The only way to stop Ye Tingjiang from becoming a joke is to create a new joke in a short period of time.

Now it looks like he did it!

No one will remember what happened before.

Mu Chuihan made up for the dead sheep, and wept with joy, dispelling the gleam of wisdom in the eyes of God.

At this moment, he heard Ye Tingjiang ask, "Fuyan, who are you?"

The author has something to say: Xianzun: (horrified): How could you...

Teacher Ye (frowning): I should go online with a little IQ

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2422:51:43~2021-02-2522:56:01~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of R Demon King's little fan girl; 12 bottles of Teng Teng'er; Huahua said he was not bald, 10 bottles of Sisi Sisi Sisi; 4 bottles of Independence Twilight; thank you very much for your support to me ,I will continue to work hard!