MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 82 voice in the cloud

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Mrs. Lin knew in her heart that no matter what, she would never leave.

These two monks came because of what she asked for, and they were also trying to save the people in the city, so they were struggling to suppress the protruding evil fire.

But the inexplicable male voice in her heart seemed to have amazing fascination, Mrs. Lin couldn't control her movements, and the voice tempted her to go towards the city gate.

She clearly no longer had the will to survive before, but at this moment, there were voices screaming in her mind that the city gate was the only way to survive. As long as these two monks were left behind, all the people in the city could be rescued.

There was even a moment when Mrs. Lin really took a step forward. But just as she took a step, she saw her newborn grandson in Mu Chuihan's arms.

At that time, Mrs. Lin became annoyed. If at that time, she hadn't handed the child over to them, she could have escaped with him now.

Mrs. Lin fell into a daze, she almost had the idea of ​​taking the child back. But soon, she regained consciousness from this strange bewitched state.

She had recited Buddha for half her life and had kind thoughts in her heart, and she also knew that what this male voice said was extremely absurd. God has the virtue of good life, how can such a thing happen?

Mrs. Lin was in a struggle. She wanted to tell all the words she heard to the two immortal masters in front of her, but for some reason, she couldn't say a word.

The imperial city was deserted, but Jiuying's strength was stronger than before. Mu Chuihan knew that if this continued, he would soon be unable to maintain this formation.

In the end, even Mrs. Lin finally left the empty street.

"Are you heartbroken?" The male voice seemed to come from the sky: "You are obviously trying to save them, but these mortals who were rescued by you have all found their own way. Does anyone still care about your life?"

This male voice was not clear, the sentence was hazy, and there were layers of echoes, revealing endless desolation.

Ye Tingjiang closed his eyes, as if he had never heard this sentence at all. Now if they are distracted by this voice, if they are not careful, they will be counterattacked by the power of Jiuying.

But for some reason, Ye Tingjiang felt that the spiritual light of the formation was getting dimmer, and he had to output more spiritual power to maintain the status quo.

His heart stagnates, Jiuying's power is still increasing?

Ye Tingjiang knew that Jiuying likes to slowly torture people to death, and now this growing evil fire made him think of the worst possibility. They are all the objects of Jiuying's play, and today's Jiuying, I am afraid that most of the power in ancient times has been restored!

Just when Ye Tingjiang was in a state of uncertainty, he suddenly heard Mu Chuihan's voice: "It's not cold."

Mu Chuihan turned around, turned his face to Ye Tingjiang, raised his head slightly, as if responding to the voice from the sky, and said lightly, "What's so chilling."

Ye Tingjiang: "..."

He could clearly see Mu Chuihan's leisurely appearance with empty hands. It turned out that it wasn't that Jiuying's power was increasing, but that Mu Chuihan had withdrawn the spiritual power to maintain the formation!

Ye Tingjiang was in a trance for a moment, and then exchanged glances with Mu Chuihan before he realized that he had also withdrawn the spiritual power that had been continuously input into the formation.

The long-suppressed evil fire suddenly raged, and all the houses in the imperial city were burnt to the flames, and the moving flames devoured them at an extremely fast speed.

However, even if they were surrounded by fire, the dangerous flames could not hurt them one bit. In the fire, Mu Chuihan and the child who cried more fiercely in Xianxin's arms responded slowly to the male voice: "Wouldn't it be better if the people ran away?"

Mu Chuihan smiled and said, "It's much easier to protect ourselves than to protect the entire city."

There were no people in the city for a long time, but Mu Chuihan's first reaction was to maintain the formation, because they had regarded this time as a head-to-head confrontation with Jiuying, and subconsciously felt that it would affect life and death by a tiny bit.

But after the male voice sounded, Mu Chuihan reacted instead. They formed a formation to protect the people at first, and now it is an empty city, so he doesn't care how thoroughly these buildings were burnt down, as long as they use ten thousand One spiritual power is enough to protect yourself and your children.

The male voice between the clouds took a long time before he said again: "But you know why they fled? Because I told them that they can only live if you die."

The owner of the voice maintained a strange tone, and said a sentence in a twisted way: "You are all kind, but they just want you to die. Now you can't get out of this city. Ha, how ridiculous, let's cultivate the fairy world. The two great powers of my life are folded in this small imperial city..."

"Then have they left the city?" Mu Chuihan's voice was calm: "If you really let them go, then you are really kind."

Now inside and outside the city, it is not certain where it is safer. Mu Chuihan didn't think that all the people would listen to the words of this person who didn't know where they came from, so they swarmed out of the city until none were left.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Mrs. Lin, even if she really abandoned them, how could she be willing to bury her little grandson, who she desperately protected, in the imperial city with them?

If it wasn't for the actions of the people behind the scenes, Mu Chuihan would rather be burnt to death by the evil fire and not believe a word here.

Mu Chuihan's voice was calm, but it had a faint mocking meaning. The male voice behind the scenes seemed to be annoyed by him, and he didn't speak again.

"Didn't you say it?" Mu Chuihan leaned lazily on Ye Tingjiang's shoulder, with a child in his arms, like a family of three. But this warm scene appeared in the raging fire again, which was extraordinarily strange.

This inexplicable urging seemed to make the people behind the scenes even more angry, and the ethereal and distant voices were solidified a bit: "You..."

The scorched earth scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the fire faded away in an instant. Mu Chuihan and Ye Tingjiang stood side by side on a mountain peak, and there was a gust of wind blowing from the mountain. Everything was no longer the scene of the imperial city. Only the child in Mu Chuihan's arms was still crying.

"Success?" Mu Chuihan smiled and winked at Ye Tingjiang: "Xianjun is amazing!"

Ye Tingjiang was also a little surprised: "I didn't expect it to be possible."

Just now, Mu Chuihan had been talking to the male voice, distracting him, while Ye Tingjiang was silent from beginning to end.

It is obvious that the people behind the scenes have cast mind-bewitching spells on the people of the city. And Mu Chuihan and Ye Tingjiang had confronted him several times before, and they all knew that he was good at illusion.

In the month when he and Bai Jing were at Yingxuefeng, the dream-inducing technique had already been used as a bet, and he lost to Mu Chuihan at the poker table.

Although it was just a bet in name, it was all about solving the precarious situation in the world of immortals. Although it was a secret that Bai Jing Shimen did not pass on, at this critical juncture, Bai Jing didn't have the heart to hide his secrets and taught them all.

Just now, Ye Tingjiang tried to use this method to invade the realm of the soul of the people behind the scenes.

Originally, the dream-inducing technique should be applied to the person in the dream. Ye Tingjiang tried to use this technique to counteract the person behind the scenes, but he didn't have any hope.

But perhaps it was Mu Chuihan's words that shook his heart, and Ye Tingjiang, a beginner, managed to invade his memory.

They will soon know who is behind the scenes stirring up the situation.

The clouds on the tranquil mountain peaks rolled over, but the robes of several monks were stained with blood, and the magic tools in their hands were also thin.

But behind them, a huge water sword chased their footsteps, relentlessly.

A giant snake opened its huge mouth and spit out a snake letter, and the water column spurted out of its mouth made the sword sharper and sharper.

"Nine infants." Mu Chuihan's gaze turned from the giant snake and settled on the fleeing monks: "Which disciple is this?"

Ye Tingjiang shook his head, these people were not wearing any disciple's robes, so they could not identify their identities.

Mu Chuihan thought that he would soon see these cultivators die under the sword of water, but he did not expect that a female cultivator in pink came gracefully holding a Jiaowei Guqin.

She plucked the strings, and the chilling syllables came, and the giant snake's action of spitting the letter also froze slightly.

The pink-clothed female cultivator turned her head and said to the previous cultivator, "Form a formation."

Turning her head, Ye Tingjiang could see her gentle profile clearly.

He frowned slightly, as if looking for the woman in his memory: "I've seen her..."

The author has something to say: Teacher Ye: Where, where have I seen you?

Read The Duke's Passion