MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 86 weaving fantasy

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Gui Tu's hands firmly supported Bai Jing, and the darkness behind him was dark, and the cultivators of the right way shouted in alarm: "It's a magic cultivator!"

Before being trapped in the sea of ​​​​blood, all the monks thought that this was a battle between the righteous path and the devil. Who knew that Leng Hao and Jiuying made them so confused that they forgot about the magic repair.

And now, the demon cultivator who had never appeared before appeared, and it was mighty.

"Gui Tu!" Geng Qingyang called out his identity, and immediately more cultivators of the right way looked in their direction.

Many cultivators died at the hands of Gui Tu, and they still hold grudges against him to this day. They have already fought against Jiuying, and if these magic cultivators join the battle, the battle will really be powerless.

"You're here." Bai Jing's wound was in severe pain, and the scene in front of him was already hazy. But he was so familiar with Gui Tu that he didn't even need to see his face clearly to know who was holding him now.

At this point, Bai Jing didn't want to think about what would happen after today. He listened to Gui Tu calling "Master" in his ear, and he rarely showed a calm smile.

He smiled and said, "It's good."

No matter what happened to them before, in the current situation, it is good to have Gui Tu by his side.

"Master, Master..." Gui Tu's voice became flustered, and scarlet blood appeared in his eyes. A shout made all the monks look sideways, and even overshadowed the cry of Jiuying.

"Okay, I can't die again." Mu Chuihan interrupted Gui Tu's call with a light sentence, he used gentle spiritual power to make Bai Jing's eyes fall into a deep sleep, and then he said to Gui Tu in disgust, "You If you continue to howl, you will really cry for all of us."

Now the sky above the sea of ​​blood is in chaos. Jiuying was surrounded by fire and water, and the cultivators had given up their restraint on him and scattered, just trying to avoid the attack. The army of demon cultivators behind Gui Tu did not attack the cultivators of the right way, and they also avoided Jiuying's strong attack.

On the sea of ​​​​blood, the golden formation has become more and more clear. Leng Xun hovered in the center of the big formation, and the whole person was surrounded by the golden light of the formation, as if to be sucked into the eyes of the formation.

Ye Tingjiang was beside Leng Ran, but he didn't dare to act rashly. The rune of this talisman is extremely strange, making him suspect that it is a formation handed down from ancient times.

"Lord Mozun," Mu Chuihan urged, "You're not here to cause trouble, right?"

Gui Tu seemed to feel that Mu Chuihan was noisy, and he didn't even cast a look at him, just looked at the golden formation floating in the sea of ​​blood, his expression gradually became solemn.

"Leng Qing, what the **** are you doing!" Geng Qingyang couldn't hold back his temper and shouted loudly.

The other cultivators didn't want to hear the answer, but Leng Hao actually said: "Everyone fought against Jiuying, and the casualties were heavy. I just... want to send everyone back to a time when nothing happened."

"Looking back in time?" Ye Tingjiang said these words lightly.

"As Ting Yun-Jun said." Leng Hao chuckled, but still couldn't tell the gloomy feeling: "The time goes against the flow, isn't it beautiful that I will give you a chance to make up for the regrets in this life?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Geng Qingyang sneered: "Time is irreversible, life and death cannot be reversed. Even the disciples who are just starting out know these common sense, so why do you make such nonsense?"

"Qingyang-Jun," Leng Li smiled and said, "Isn't it better to do what you can't do?"

Ye Tingjiang frowned: "If you act against the sky, there will be great losses."

Although he didn't know whether Leng Hao could drive the grand formation of going back in time, in any case, this was a technique that was not allowed by Heaven, and the consequences were definitely not something they could bear.

"I didn't expect that the famous Ting Yun-Jun is also a person who is greedy for life and fear of death." Leng Ran's voice was like a ghost, and he sighed meaningfully: "I have heard that you have a relationship with your disciple named Fuyan. Zhendu. Lord Tingyun, don't you want to see him again?"

Leng Ran's whole figure is like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, using the name of Fuyan to confuse Ye Tingjiang's mind.

Ye Tingjiang was startled, but couldn't help but look back at Mu Chuihan.

Leng Li understood his dazedness as something else, thinking that Ye Tingjiang was moved, and continued: "He died so miserably to save you, don't you have any sense of guilt? I can send you go see him..."

"He doesn't want to." Mu Chuihan appeared beside Ye Tingjiang and replied for him, "The deceased has passed away, so why force it."

"Hahaha..." There was a biting chill in Leng Li's laughter. He had just been injured in a fight with Mu Chuihan, and he vomited a mouthful of blood while laughing.

But Leng Hao carelessly wiped the blood on his lips: "I almost forgot that Tingyun-Jun and Xianzun have this kind of relationship. How pitiful, you forgot about that child before he died."

Mu Chuihan and Ye Tingjiang both stared at Leng Xian.

Although Leng Chuan was full of sympathy for Fuyan, the fact that Ye Tingjiang and Mu Chuihan looked at him were truly filled with pity.

He doesn't know anything.

"That's all." Leng Hao didn't understand the deep meaning in their eyes. He just gave up Ye Tingjiang and said to all the monks: "Everyone, don't you have anyone you want to see again?"

Many monks were really in a trance, the faces of their deceased relatives and friends in memory came to mind, and the tip of their nose was sour. There were a few others who looked at Gui Tu with jealousy, and for a while they really wanted to be persuaded by Leng Hao.

"Lengcheng." Mingzheng finally said, "Chuchu definitely doesn't want to see you like this."

"It turned out to be Fairy Mingzheng," Leng Li smiled, and her tone became inexplicably gentle: "Chuchu naturally can't bear to see the Xiu Xianjie destroyed together, so I won't touch you again... When the time comes, everyone will return to a hundred years ago, what is there? Not good?"

"Stop talking nonsense with him!" Geng Qingyang shouted loudly, "Whatever conspiracy he is playing, kill him first!"

"It's useless to kill me." Leng's voice changed, and he was pulled out of the gentle emotion in an instant, extremely infiltrating: "The blood sacrifice has just finished, the grand formation has started, what if you kill me now, the formation method Still going back in time..."

His satisfied laughter echoed over the sea of ​​blood: "At that time, we will meet again."

He has already spread the blood sacrifice array of countercurrent time in the blood sea, and all the living things that died here will become the nourishment of the array and the offering of blood sacrifice.

Fifty years of the sun and the moon, he finally opened this ancient great formation.

Leng Xun turned his head, his eyes swept over Gui Tu. If it wasn't for this life, it would have been a battle between the Demon Cultivator and the Righteous Path, and his plan... should have been successful long ago.

Fortunately, it's not too late now.

Geng Qingyang didn't believe a word, he was straightforward, and slashed towards the center of the formation with a sword.

And Leng Hao really did not dodge, the spiritual power passed through his left chest, the blood poured out of his heart, and fell on the golden formation pattern, and the formation talisman became a bit clearer.

Leng Lai looked at the lines on the circle obsessively, and said in a low voice, "Chu Chu, I'm here to accompany you..."

Seeing that the formation was getting blood, Geng Qingyang seemed to have sped up a bit, and couldn't help but regretfully said, "How could this formation be interrupted? Could it be that it can't be interrupted once it is turned on?"

Many monks who are still alive in the sky above the sea of ​​​​blood have been bewitched by Leng Hao, and many more have to escape the onslaught of Jiuying, and they are too busy to take care of themselves.

Several formation cultivators hurriedly glanced at the magic formation and shook their heads: "It cannot be interrupted."

Although they also couldn't understand this twisted and weird formation pattern, they could still see a bit of doorway, knowing that this was the most dangerous type of formation, and as long as the formation conditions were met, it would never be interrupted midway.

"Don't lie to yourself." Mu Chuihan also smiled: "Leng Hao, do you really think you can reverse the flow of time?"

Leng Hao has been unable to stand still, half lying in the position of the eyes: "Why can't you..."

Gui Tu said coldly: "The magic book you took away is only one book, and the second half is with me."

These days, he interrogated all the magic cultivators who had searched for the classics for Lengchan, and ordered them to tell them everything they knew. And the second half of the magic book mentioned by Gui Tu was dedicated to him by one of the magic cultivators.

Gui Tu got too many related ancient books these days, and at first he didn't care about this one. It wasn't until now that he saw Leng's formation that he knew exactly what he wanted to do.

Leng Hao still looked like that, and didn't even make any movements, and didn't care about the "second half volume" in Gui Tu's mouth.

"It's just an illusion." Gui Tu shouted: "It's just to use everyone's vitality to weave an illusion for you and have a big dream. When the vitality of the people in the illusion is exhausted, it's just death, and you are no exception! "

Leng Hao is the master of this illusion, and will also enter the illusion with all his memories. And all of them will turn into walking corpses, until the day when their vitality is exhausted, they will turn into flying ashes together.

Gui Tu directly called out the essence of this phantom formation. The monks who had been bewitched by Leng Hao before were all stunned. Only Leng Hao in the formation was still motionless as if he had not heard of it. Only the wound in his heart was still bleeding. . He inexplicably laughed twice, then laughed again, and passed out completely.

When he wakes up, he will be able to see Zhufenglou as quiet and beautiful as it was a hundred years ago, and his Chu Chuyan smiles Yan Yan as before.

"He knows." Mu Chuihan understood Leng Hao's laughter. So it's not that he didn't see the second volume at the beginning, but even if he knew everything, he was willing to join the battle, just to reconnect with his wife in the illusion.

"Unstoppable..." Mu Chuihan muttered these words in a low voice and closed his eyes.

Leng Hao opened his eyes and lay on the soft bed, there was still a bit of warm fragrance floating around him.

Beside the bed, the pink veil was shaking slightly. Leng Hao didn't like this color, but Chu Chu liked it, so except on the big wedding day, their beds were always decorated with a few veils.

The door was pushed open, and the jade bell moved with the wind, making a crisp sound.

A girl in pink came over, with a gentle face and a soft smile on the corner of her lips: "Husband, now that you are awake, why don't you get up?"

"Chuchu..." Leng Hao suddenly called out.

"Hey." Chu Chu replied, "what's the matter?"

"Chuchu, Chuchu..." Leng Lian stared at her intently and repeated her name.

Chu Chu said angrily, "If you have nothing to do, keep calling and doing what."

"That's right, it seems like I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much," Leng Xun closed her eyes and called again, "Chuchu."

"What are you thinking, don't you get tired of watching me every day?" Chu Chu smiled: "You're used to being slick. Get up, I made steamed custard cheese, your favorite."

"Yeah." Leng Hao also followed her with a smile.

Chu Chu sat down beside the bed and said softly, "Listen to me playing the piano later, I made a new piano piece..."

Mu Chuihan lowered his head and leaned against Ye Tingjiang's arms.

The sky was no longer blood red like the setting sun, and the boundless sea of ​​blood, together with the nine-headed beast, disappeared.

The monks were sitting in twos and threes, and the magician stood behind Gui Tu. They are now showing a confrontation attitude, but unfortunately they are exhausted, and they can only use their eyes to draw swords.

"This, it should be over, right?" A formation cultivator asked cautiously.

"It's over." Ye Tingjiang hugged Mu Chuihan tightly and said lightly.

The Blood Sacrifice Illusory Array is exactly as Leng Hao said and cannot be interrupted.

Originally it was a dead end, but Mu Chuihan almost suffered so much from Leng Hao's hands. No matter how desperate the dead end was, he still had to find a way out.

Can't be interrupted, doesn't mean, can't be changed.

The formation has been aroused, and will eventually weave an illusion. They cannot change this fact, but they can become masters of the illusion.

Fortunately, Gui Tu had also carefully read the second half of the ancient book, and all the cultivators tried their best to rewrite the small spell pattern in the golden array.

So Mu Chuihan became the new master of the illusion, exhausted his spiritual power, and finally changed everyone's fate before the illusion officially engulfed them.

Leng Hao will fall asleep in the illusion and live the life he imagined with Chu Chu's phantom.

He will forget everything, even if he feels a little different, he will not be willing to leave the phantom of happiness.

Until—the day when the vitality of him and Jiuying was exhausted.

They can't estimate the fate of the ancient beasts, maybe this illusion will soon be wiped out, or maybe it will give Leng Hao true eternity.

Mu Chuihan felt that this would be a better ending for Leng Hao.

He was very tired, so he just wanted to snuggle in Ye Tingjiang's arms.

And Ye Tingjiang didn't speak, just sat quietly beside him.

Gui Tu guarded Bai Jing and called his demon subordinates to and fro.

Several cultivators of the right way looked at him, daring to speak out.

Geng Qingyang was still yelling: "Hahahahaha, I just said he shouldn't be so crazy!"

And Mingzheng stroked a soft zheng song, thinking of her old friend's pink clothes.

After an unknown amount of time, Mu Chuihan felt that he had enough rest, and whispered to Ye Tingjiang: "Xianjun, I'm so scared."

Ye Tingjiang looked down at him and said worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Mu Chuihan rolled his eyes and opened a bright smile: "I saved so much merit today..."

"Of course I'm afraid, soaring in the daytime." He said, blinking at Ye Tingjiang.

"Isn't it bad to fly?"

"When you fly up, you won't be able to see the fireworks in the world."

Mu Chuihan thought about it for a while, and then smiled happily: "But—with you, it doesn't seem that bad."

- end of text

The author has something to say: Although I feel that writing the plot is really difficult for me, and there are many plot lines that have not been unfolded in time, I am very happy after writing it! After thinking about where to end it for a long time, I finally chose this place. After all, the main story is over, and I am relieved.

They got married, and other daily stories will be written as extras (there will be modern paro, so there may be a lot of chapter 233, let's pick it up). If you have any episodes you want to see, you can leave a message, and I will write everything I can!

Thanks to the readers who have been with me all the time, I really love you, Xianzun and Teacher Ye send their greetings to you!

See you tomorrow!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-1101:24:21~2021-04-1200:35:17~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: morning light clear 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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