MTL - Xiling Empire-Chapter 1528 First batch of supplies in place

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With a strong abyss reaction, the surface is covered with disturbing black-red paint. For mortal races, just looking at it seems to be invaded by crazy evil thoughts, even if you touch it with your hands, you will be distorted instantly. Mutated monsters-this is the impression that the fallen apostle's spacecraft brings to many people. The equipment used by the Abyss Independence Regiment of the New Empire has been purified, but for most people, it is still a dangerous thing that is best not to be seen without a firm mind. Now these spaceships just coming from the abyss are naturally It is even more intense and dangerous than ever. The automatic detection device of the deep-dive port has issued several alarms. If it were not for the host of the deep-dive port to suppress the automatic defense and counterattack system in advance, the artillery of the whole port might have been sounding.

In order to welcome these special "visitors", Tavel set up a relatively small star port in the open space far away from the many sensitive facilities of the deep dive port. Keeping this star port away from other facilities is on the one hand the vigilance of the abyss area and the other On the one hand, it is to prevent the atmosphere of pollution from destroying the sensitive devices here or disrupting the daily recording of the gate of the abyss. Abyss's spirit can understand this arrangement very well.

Three large transport ships and a group of small spacecrafts docked slowly next to the small star port. Immediately, a large group of self-disciplined machinery and engineering probes flashing blue light emerged from the various channels of the star port for routine inspections. According to the agreed process, these spaceships from the abyss area opened all the main and auxiliary channels to facilitate the emperor's boarding inspection. A special force commander soon sent a message: "Your Majesty, we have scanned the warehouse, and The list matches. In addition, contacts were made with the people on board the ship, uh ... the contact went smoothly. "

I looked at the holographic projection in front of me. The special forces commander displayed on the communicator was an emperor covered in light armor. The black streamlined mask covered the expression on the other side, but I could bring a little from there. The hissing voice seemed to be a bit stuck when he heard the other half of the sentence. So I couldn't help laughing, "Did you guys fight?"

"No." The special forces commander leaned slightly to allow the probe to capture his environment: it looks like a spaceship control center, and the spacious and bright hall is the same as the layout of the Imperial battleship. The difference is a lot of equipment. The flashing light is the unique dark red of the mutant psychic energy. There are many people in the control center, who are all spacecraft crews. In our words, they are fallen apostles, and the rest are the Imperial soldiers who boarded the ship for inspection. However, the two groups of people who have never stopped talking are now in peace. Standing together, this scene is simply ...

Well, I can see from the screen that the atmosphere does not seem to be harmonious. But it did not mean to fight at all: this is the excellence of the Apostles of the Spirit. They have hatred and anger, but they follow more absolute reason and orders. In short, it is good to not fight.

By the way, I also know the reason why the commander at the scene talked.

"You see, I'm very sincere," the voice of Abyss Spirit came from the side, "I have the research materials you need and various facilities packed in here, including the small laboratory. It ’s just in the hyperspace Gennakuri. There are some very large facilities that cannot be transported by transport ships. After a while I will use the gate of the world to deliver them as a whole. In addition, there are 120 elites on the spacecraft. Scientists and thousands of assistant researchers are my elite scientific research team-of course, not all, I have not planned to transfer all research work from the abyss to you. The team is led by an emperor-level apostle. Yi Vancene Rekton, one of the most influential warlords in the abyss, also has a good understanding of the bridge project. I know that such an interactive interface has a limited weight in Shadow City, so you can think He's half-hostage-if you don't mind if the hostage has a higher combat effectiveness. "

Evansion Rekton. It was also a famous emperor in the old empire. I have heard this name from Sandora and Pandora. It is said that his glory starship: the core of the Evansian order is also the strategic fortress of the old empire. . However, the reputation and identity of the other party are not important now. He now comes only as a negotiator and "hostage."

After two procedures of equipment scanning and boarding inspection, the three transport ships and all small ships were marked with "safe", and then Tavel's engineering forces cooperated with the fallen apostle's **** troops to receive those stored in the warehouse. What's in it: The research facility must first deal with it briefly, and neutralize the abyss breath above before transporting it to the deep diving port, otherwise they cannot be directly activated and compatible by normal Schilling equipment. This is not a matter of energy nature. Source energy mine compatibility cannot be resolved.

At the same time as the goods were transferred to the processing facility, guests from the Abyss area also watched with countless eyes down to the central assembly hall of Star Harbor to meet their "boss" and their host (that is, me).

Harlan and I and the Abyss Spirit soon met the leader of this group.

Several fallen apostles in researcher white long coats stood in front of the teleportation device in the center of the assembly hall. They seemed to be senior leaders of the research team. Standing in front of them were two men of similar height, appearance, and clothing. Young men, two men dressed in high-ranking commander uniforms, strong build, short black hair, dark skin, sunken eye sockets, high nose bridge, looks like a calm and restrained temperament, should be the command of this fleet official.

In front of two men who looked a bit like twins stood the chief commanders of these fallen apostles, a tall man who looked about the same height as Harlan, but was obviously thinner. The tall and thin man, who is clearly the chief person in charge, has short gray hair, pale complexion, the same gray pupil, and a rigorous, rigorous face. Tall and thin men wore very ordinary Emperor uniforms, and their clothes did not even have badges representing military ranks and ranks: this was either the most common feature of mass-produced soldiers just off the production line, or it was the supreme leader of the empire, the latter You also don't need to hang your identity card at all times.

He clearly belongs to the second type: this is the fallen emperor from the abyss, Evansion Reckton, a serious man with no restraint and a restrained temperament. Although the military temperament is strong, it can also be seen Some taste of Confucian generals.

"Evanseen, long time no see." Harlan's face looked calm. Although I always had a poker face before, I still have to come forward and say hello, "I didn't expect to meet again in this situation."

"Sympathy," the fallen emperor named Evanseen had no expression on his face, and he didn't know whether he was born with facial paralysis or the embarrassing situation that made him laugh. He nodded and greeted Haran, then looked at Abyss Spirit, "Persons and supplies were sent in accordance with your order. As you expected, you encountered a new army telemetry station scan, but no conflict occurred."

Evansion had a zombie face when he spoke to his boss. It really seemed to be born paralyzed.

"Their leader is my crazy part, but not stupid," Abyss Schilling smiled. It seemed that the situation in the abyss was really undercurrent. "It was worth the loss to intercept the old army's transport ship on that route. Risky. But next time, it ’s best to have the second batch of transport teams change alternate routes. Too many changes will always alert the new army. They will desperately wait until they know what you are transporting to the Empire. "

Finally the fallen emperor turned to this side. Still just nodding slightly, not seeing any closeness but at least no apparent hostility: "For the first time, the head of the new empire, I am the emperor Evansion Reckton. I was ordered to transfer the supplies and personnel, And as a consultant and second negotiator in the next project. I hope our cooperation goes smoothly. "

Abyss Schilling is undoubtedly the first negotiator, so Ivan Saen can only count as the second. The tone of the other party's voice is completely the attitude of being official and mission-oriented, although it is a little unfriendly. But it must be acknowledged that this attitude at least makes both sides less awkward. His last sentence was also a bit interesting: he wished the cooperation a success, but did not say optimistically that the last sentence was "happy cooperation" ...

"Well, I hope the cooperation goes well." I nodded and nodded to the other side, and rubbed my forehead to turn to the Abyss, and said, "I feel so strange now. For the first time in my life, I faced the face of the fallen apostle so calmly. Talking, and in a state of no 'purification', you never stop talking before, but now you need to cooperate like this ... well, it's completely different from when I face you. "

"Because I am the ruler of the abyss, I can only present an interactive interface in front of you, so there is no abyss reaction, and my node is a real individual with abyss reaction, which will cause you discomfort It ’s also normal, "I do n’t think there is anything wrong with Abyss." In short, it does not affect cooperation. Now as you can see, even polluters can completely control their actions and communicate with others wisely. I think This also confirms my series of statements from the side: My empire is only doing those "early work" for the great cause, and there are not only lunatics in the abyss. Well, at least when I have an order, they can stay rational. "

I looked at Zombie's face, Ivan Saen, and rubbed my forehead in distress again: Abyss Healing was right, it seems that as long as she orders, the fallen apostle can control herself (of course there are no crazy entities that are completely out of control, this I ’ve encountered more irrational guys), but can she send a more communicative guy over? I ’m the least good at talking to facial paralysis, okay ...

The handover process was safe. After all the goods and personnel were transferred, the three fallen apostle carriers returned to the abyss through the gates of the world: these ships were not included in the "materials". However, the small ships that came with the fleet were all left behind. These abyss cruisers were also the research materials for the new empire.

Facial paralysis Evansion is a guy who basically doesn't talk and has no expression, so I don't have to waste time with him. Instead, the fallen apostle scientists and officers he brought are of interest. I talked briefly with those people. Yes, basically one thing is fixed: as long as you do not discuss with them sensitive issues such as the development prospects of the abyss empire, the lines of the old and new empires, the expansion of the abyss region, and the operating principles of the abyss spirit, these fallen apostles are no different from normal people!

They can also calmly communicate with you, debate issues logically and clearly, and share their opinions with others in a well-founded way. There are also a few scientists with humorous cells, and the two fallen apostles who look like twins. The generals are very gentle guys, and they especially like to talk to people about Evansion's facial paralysis--

"Your Majesty Ivan Thain smiled once twenty-seven years ago," said a general.

"You should be mistaken. Your Majesty's last laugh was eighty-eight years ago, and twenty-seven years ago, he expressed surprise." Another general promised me with a vow.

It looks like this paralysis is worse than Pandora!

The basic situation is this: the first time I contacted the fallen apostles outside the battlefield, and the first time I didn't speak to the other with a rage mentality. The first time I saw this kind of abyss polluter without a crazy tendency, all feelings were novel. I have to admit that the empire did not seem to have thought much about understanding the fallen apostles in the past few years. Apart from analyzing their fighting methods and march deployments and formulating one after another battle plan, we have never understood the thinking of the fallen apostles. Too much energy has been invested in methods, personality changes, mental models, etc., so that now seeing two fallen apostles joking with each other will make me and the other Imperial soldiers at the scene surprised.

I came aside temporarily, thinking silently about the deep revelation brought by this novel experience, and the abyss Hei Ling followed in silence: "Actually this is normal, do you see those scientists? A pure madness It is impossible for individuals without logic to continue their research work, and for those officers, if they cannot ensure that their thinking is clear, rational, and rigorous, then even if the strength of the abyss area is increased several times, you will be easily defeated by tactics. So many polluters are very sober. This is the effect of your incomplete purification. Of course, there are crazy people who have completely lost their minds in the abyss, but they can only be controlled by rational high-level apostles. Become cannon fodder, also known as the "teacher." The sober-minded rule has no brains, and those without brains can only be regarded as monster army. This is our rule there. "

"Then where do you disagree with the normal Apostles of the Spirit?" I frowned, unable to believe that the fallen apostles who had gone crazy from the beginning in the eyes of the new empire turned out to be no different from their own. "I have transformed many fallen apostles. I did not seriously analyze their thinking mode in the polluted state, but their madness is obvious."

"There will be some loss of control in combat situations, the lower the level of the individual, the more so." Abyss Xi Ling sighed, "Whether you believe it or not, I have been working on a solution to this problem. After all, a more rational army can only be more effective. Strong. We do n’t like to be crazy. As for the differences ... it ’s the same, the goals are different, and the concepts of good and evil are only meaningful from a specific standpoint. But you are representing a high degree of order, is The mainstream camp in the void, so you are seen as the 'good' side, that's all. "

After a moment's pause, Abyss Healing finished his words: "Now you and I have truce, so you see the side of peaceful exchanges and the rational and friendly side of the polluter, but if one day you and I start the war again, you What you see is still a frenzy of enemies-of course, I believe you can think of it. "

I nodded and stopped speaking.

The crowd did not delay too long at this side. After completing the transfer and preliminary purification, we took this large amount of materials to the deep diving test port first. Sandora had already waited here in advance, and she was with ice. Tees and Tavel (Ontology). Tavel had to be present as the chief scientist, and Bettis was fooling around.

"Two comprehensive laboratories with a full set of scientific research materials and supporting personnel, three groups of deep diving simulation devices and abyss erosion observation devices, twenty-six verification-type spacecraft that can continuously navigate in shallow areas of the abyss. Tower and corresponding production ... "

In the upper observation hall of the deep-dive port control platform, Tavel glanced at the list in front of him one by one, while in the dark space outside, a large number of engineering machinery were nervously and orderly sending out the quirky equipment made by the fallen apostles. When they arrive at a predetermined location and perform space anchoring, those huge laboratories and crews are like floating mountains in space. They are sent to the engineering frame or calibration device reserved in advance under the guidance of the traction beam, and are Hold firmly on it. The deep diving port has been expanded in the past two days. Nowadays, not only has its scale increased greatly, but also a large area of ​​reserved areas has been left. In these reserved areas, the planned metal nodes can be seen. The "framework" for the calibration of the incoming abyss equipment, starfield equipment and Huron equipment. Now the first batch of equipment from the abyss zone is in place, and a quarter of the functional area around the deep dive port is gradually being enriched.

Of course, due to the vastness of space, the size of those devices cannot reach the planet level, so the facilities in the distant space are still a bit sparse here. Only the powerful light curtain made by the photon generator is outlined in the darkness. Here's what the future of this space base will look like: Even if it's not finished yet, it's quite grand.

Thinking of the future, there will be the most advanced research and development facilities of the two protoss of Starfield and Huron. Endless knowledge must be displayed in front of herself ~ ~ Tavel ’s motivation is unprecedentedly high, and the specific performance is that she is in After clearing the list, they even started humming softly ... I was almost startled by her!

And Sandora came to the fallen apostles representatives after confirming the list of supplies. She stood side by side with me, with a curious look on her face: "Evansion? I thought you were dead, according to me With the information you have, your celestial area is very close to the outbreak point of that year. "

"Ivanova was with me at the time, and her glory starship let us both survive the first round of shock." Ivan Saen nodded and continued to answer with a grimace.

"Ivanova's glory barrier ... I didn't expect she was alive, hoping to have a chance to see you again." Sandola's look of nostalgia appeared on her face, but she didn't seem to know Ivan Saen very well, so she did Just a few words, in the end she focused on the flashing lights in outer space.

A moment later, Sandora's low voice passed into my ears: "Soon, the things of the Protoss will also be in place. This may be the last major thing we did before the great cataclysm of the void, and I hope everything goes well."

(After entering the end, I found that many things have not been written, fill it out slowly ... Another monthly ticket, although it seems late, but still ask for it!) (To be continued ...)

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