MTL - Xiling Empire-Chapter 1592 The Prophet Decompresses You

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Everyone left, but Sandora and I were still in the room. Abyss Helen looked at us curiously and couldn't help but say, "What else are you doing? I should have already introduced the situation."

"Well, it's not about bridge building," I glanced at Sandora, and felt that the atmosphere was really weird at the moment, but I still had to say, "It's about you-what do I do to us?" ... In theory, the relationship between father and daughter told the family, Sandora was curious about it, and she wanted to see it. "

Unsurprisingly, Hilling frowned suddenly: "Strangely, this question is really important or why? Why do you value it so much?"

"I'll just say that this guy has a problem with his worldview," I touched Sandora's arm. "You see her attitude."

"Do you think this is not important?" Sandora was also quite surprised. Although Her Majesty was well-informed, the three views of the abyss Hilling, who did not follow the unusual road, could not be seen elsewhere. From a practical perspective, your strength and even part of your soul are shaped by A Jun. You also admit that he is your logical father, but do you think this matter has no meaning other than inheritance? "

Abyss Spirit is back to his seat again: "Oh, from the relationship between the creator and the creator, this is indeed significant, because there is no such person as the" Abyss Spirit "without my father, so I will have a special Concerned, but apart from that I don't understand what other 'meaning' is there.The process of creation and inheritance has ended. You should know how a program works-each process is meaningful because it is called. But this process should be released after the process ends. This will save system resources. "

"... It really is your thought process," Sandor moved his mouth, "I thought it was incredible that Ajun told me what you said before. Aha, it's fine, but I just heard Ajun say suddenly Having a daughter, I'm really curious to confirm it in front of you. I was thinking about having a lot of things to ask, but now ... I feel like I can't communicate anymore. It's hard to talk to you. "

"Well, it's hard to talk to you," Abyss Ling nodded her head very sincerely, and then she looked at me for a moment to think a little. "But I also admit that after finishing talking with my father a few days ago, I also sorted it out Take a look at my own thinking process and check whether my behavior has changed after the concept of 'father' appeared. Later, I found that I did have some differences from the simple procedure ... the difference is not obvious, but my attention to 'father' Higher. The response speed is faster, and I don't know if it is because the power of the father is still pervasive in the network. Without other influences, it is easier for me to believe or accept what he said-of course, this may also be a disturbance of the void creature. Motivation is working. Experiments in this area have not yet come to a conclusion. I will continue to study. From the current simulation tests, if my father and others tell me some equivalent but without any interference factors, but Different information, I will give priority to what my father said, even if there is no evidence ... This is an abnormal phenomenon and may be harmful, but I still can't find it Because thus slightly distressed. "

Abyss' spirit speaks in such a weird way, always with an overly calm and indifferent feeling, even Sandora can't help frowning: "How do you feel like you are talking about others, this is your own thinking process . "

"I can run virtual machines and sandbox environments in my own spiritual world, so I'm used to analyzing myself from this side-by-side perspective. Believe me, this is a good way." Abyss Hilling gave science science to Sandora at a glance. "You don't have an opinion when you look at him."

This guy raised his hand and pointed this way, and I could only wave it awkwardly: "What, I haven't responded yet ..."

But I understand what the abyss Hilling said, that is, this guy logically thinks that the "father-daughter relationship" is meaningless, but in fact she is still affected?

She has been trying to use her "scientific method" to analyze how this effect is going on, and she even intends to calculate the information disturbance force of the void creature, but I think these are all in vain, and she is destined to continue to be confused- If she never intends to change the three views, she will probably be confused for a lifetime.

At the same time I also figured out the extent to which my influence on her was limited: it was small in scale and had little practical effect. She will only lean on her dad if it does not affect the overall situation and "other conditions are zero". The most direct example is the war of the past few years: in the years when the abyss and the new empire continued to fight, She completely ruled out the impact of the "father-daughter relationship" on her. In those years, she did not fight at all, but now that the war is over and all the repressive conditions have been lifted, she just directly approached me and admitted. What kind of worldview is this earth-shattering relationship?

This is a world view that lists "feelings" more than two hundred digits after the decimal point!

I don't think I can communicate with a guy who is theoretically a child in this life, but Sanguan is not at all on the line. You can see how well Lian Sandora talked to Abyss Hei Ling. All strenuous.

"That's it," Sandora and Abyss Helen talked for a few more words, and decided to give up after finding that they had difficulty understanding each other. "You have your way of thinking, and it doesn't seem to be harmful at the moment, I have no reason to control you. And if you are willing to continue to be a group of 'normal people' with your group of abyss apostles, the new empire has no reason to continue to oppose you, I hope we can get along well in the future. "

"You can rest assured that the vast majority of people in the abyss are actually not lunatics. Only the Rippers are completely crazy. We are not crazy," Abyss smiled. "Before ... I just had no choice. Nothing, now the Father God of the Stars has given me another layer of declaration, and my father ’s strength is getting stronger and stronger. I will weigh the pros and cons and no longer endanger the world of order. And to be honest ... it ’s also a good thing that my father is strong enough, so I use I don't want to continue doing anything unsexual. I can turn to my father. "

I didn't respond all of a sudden, only a few seconds later, I let out my hands with tears of laughter: "Why do you say so righteously ... Don't you say that our inheritance relationship is not so heavy or not?"

"It's not important, but as a father, you have to help your daughter to solve difficulties, and I, as a daughter, will listen to your orders and give sincerity when conditions allow. This is determined by the 'attributes' of our two individuals. Task, if you have time, I can tell you about this purely logical way of thinking, in fact, it is very effective ... 诶 how did you leave ... "

I didn't dare to finish it. Directly dragging Sandora and ran away. Finally, the two were teleported to the streets of Shadow City and looked at each other. Sandora said with a dry smile: "Eh ... hehe, I feel like I continue to listen."

The "soul grabber" who can destroy the three views of the people can say such words, and the abyss spirit is also a great figure in various senses.

"In other words, you saw it with your own eyes, do you have any thoughts on this matter?" I took Sandola to stroll the streets of Shadow City, and casually asked while looking at the familiar city scenery around me.

Sandora was silent for a few seconds, but her tone was still not sure: "There are many ideas. But none of the margins, Abyss Hilling is a very sensitive existence after all, her quirky life form and way of thinking make people feel ... difficult Elusive. Although it is definitely harmless now, I still can't understand her. "

"I can understand a little bit." I exhaled. "I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I can occasionally work with that guy who has abnormal views."

"Is this a gift for my father?" Sandora glanced at me with a smirk.

"Don't introduce, I don't know how to accept this fact. I have encountered a girl who fell from the sky, but this is the first time that the girl's 'composition' is so high." I couldn't laugh or cry, "If you say so ... Xiao Xue ’s title as the king of bear children may have to abdicate and let Xian, if you walk through the void, can you find a more dangerous guy than Abyss?

"She? She's not just a bear child," Sandor twitched. "And I'm thinking ... how should Hilling be counted? She is the same as Abyss Hilling. But obviously her birth was nothing to you, you take this The relationship is stunned. See if you can do it well. "

I was shocked, and then I squatted on the ground for a long time, and finally the cold sweat on my forehead came down: "Sandora, let's not discuss this, and continue to study to rise to the ethical level ..."

As soon as my voice fell, Lin Xue's chaotic voice came next to me: "The abyss of the spirit and the spirit should be considered half-sisters-but they can't do it, they have no mother, and they have no father. Or else, the emperor's house is the most chaotic. The ordinary circle is really chaotic with at most triangles and four corners. Even chaos in the sky can take an integer, but our family can take out the decimal point ... "

I didn't come up in good breath, I looked up and saw Lin Xue standing in front of myself.The young lady today wore a youthful goose yellow dress, wearing a large sun hat, and behind her was a nine-tailed about the size of Alto. Fox: Does this count the pet out for shopping?

"I can see you anywhere," I mumbled, and raised my hand to say hello to Master Fox Fairy, who immediately lowered my head and rubbed my face with the tip of my nose, but considering her current prototype state, The tip of the nose is like a smashed shot by a giant shot. It really needs volume, volume, and kinetic energy. "How did the fox become the original form? Doesn't she like human figures when she goes out?"

"These two goods ran to fight with Cherberos again. They accidentally bitten and drank half of the blood of the holy beast. This turned out to be-Cherberus is a divine creature made by jingling. She is herself. The cultivated demon seems to have some conflicting attributes, "Lin Xue said as he lifted his leg and kicked the fox fairy Master's paw. The latter immediately grunted," I took her out to exercise and hurry up. The divine power in the body is exhausted. Do you say that the fox has a pit in his head? How many times has this been! "

Kerberos is a three-headed dog made according to a legend after Ding-Dong watched a TV. It is now a watchdog in the temple area of ​​Avalon. We should all remember the relevant information-anyway The unfortunate big dog did not know how to form a beam with the adult fox fairy, or simply to be troubled by the latter, anyway, so far they have been arguing countless times, I tried to manage it but it has little effect: fox fairy Adults seem to have taken this as a daily activity when they are bored, and the painful heartfelt performance every time they are trained seems to be regretful. But within three days she would definitely run away again and be beaten by the big dog, and the cycle would never stop ... Now the family is too lazy to care.

I stepped forward with the long hair of Lord Fox Fairy, judging by time, it should be the time when she was lying on her stomach, so it was obvious from her eyes that she was bored and sleepy. Snow was forced out of the house. On the other side, Lin Xue pretended to squint her eyes and forgot about it: "Oh, your mood looks very heavy. Have you encountered bad news?"

"It's really not good, Abyss Healing said that the bridge may be going through twists and turns." I said as I walked forward, "Let's find a place to start slowly and say slowly, the fox is standing and sleeping It's on. "

This is in the business district, so you can find a rest place everywhere. We quickly found a cafe that looks quite quiet. The sign at the door should be opened by the amazing group of Fijians. However, we encountered a problem when entering the door: Adult Fox Fairy was too large to enter, and there were rules in their stores that they were not allowed to bring pets into the store ...

I looked left and right and finally found a place where this giant fox can be placed: there is a small parking lot next to it. There are two rows of cars-like and non-car-like transportation parked there. This figure lays down to occupy a parking space ...

"Go there and lie down. It's just time for you to bask in the sun." I pointed towards the parking lot, and Master Fox Fairy immediately hurried with a humming happily and ran away. The goods were quite conscious. She also took a temporary parking card with her nose button at the entrance of the parking lot ... she can really locate herself!

We just watched the funny behavior of the fox outside. She first ran next to two conventional vehicles, then frowned and shook her head to leave. It seemed that the family was not good enough. Then she ran to the middle of the two low-altitude vehicles and carefully bypassed-she was afraid of being damaged and could not afford it. Finally found a place in a sunny field, and happily jumped in to lie on the ground. Suddenly the whole parking lot was filled with cheerful screams of alarms. The waiter who looked at the parking lot ran out and took a look, and found that a big monster was making troubles, and suddenly the whole person seemed to be bad.

But the waiter couldn't help it, because the fox had a parking card in her mouth and her size did not exceed the parking space. Then you can't drive her away, this is also the unique rule of Shadow City: this place is too mixed. People from all over the world have brought all kinds of weird cultures as well as all kinds of weird means of transportation.The surroundings of several minions are also unified. The street in the civilian area is almost a museum-level exhibition. Open to all modes of transport, including self-proclaimed transport. Aside from that, there is a large row of metal shelves on the west side of the parking lot-that is used for flying carpets for magicians, and the hooks behind the shelves are used for witches ...

The people in the city management center are really hard.

After confirming that the second cargo fox could sleep in the sun for a full half day, so it would not get up and mess up, we went to the cafe and asked for a private room, and then Sandora told the troublesome situation of the startup end and the quiet core. Lin Xue.

In all fairness, Lin Xue is definitely not an expert in this field. Her professional level in related fields is basically the same as that of me, that is, she is the same as the fox dog that is basking in the sun outside-that is, nothing is known, but Lin Xue has an item that others have not. The advantage is that even if she does not understand, she can still give advice to experts: the ability to predict allows her to skip the process and directly see the results, envy, jealousy and hate can not be, people are so unreasonable.

Why not say that the profession of the prophet is jealous?

After hearing the situation, Lin Xue fell into silence. She closed her eyes slightly and looked like she was lying, but she was actually looking for the future. Sandora and I didn't bother her, just waiting in anticipation.

After a few minutes, Lin Xue opened her eyes, with a reassuring smile on her face: "Don't worry, what should we eat first?"

In the end, Sandora and I were completely unresponsive, and Lin Xue was suddenly surprised: "Why don't you vomit? Especially for your wood, don't you all come up and give me a hand knife under normal circumstances?"

"I've been with you for five years, and you opened my mouth and I knew what was going on," I tilted her and said, "just the business."

"Well, if we don't cooperate, we don't have a tacit understanding," Lin Xue puckered his mouth, then raised his finger to a certain direction outside the window, which seemed to be the position of the institute. It's right under our noses, but you'd better tell Tavel not to dig into the horns on the starting end and let her disperse her energy and free up her warehouse. "

I looked at Sandor ramen and noodles: "Warehouse? You mean the key to repairing the startup end ... is in a warehouse of the institute?"

"What's not possible?" Lin Xue said profoundly, "Sometimes seemingly unsolvable problems are just because we pay too much attention to the problem itself. If those experts continue to focus all their efforts on To repair the startup terminal, they will not succeed in their lives. The startup terminal is beyond what we can understand at present. Even those who have a complete heritage on the other side do not know the principle, then you think that we have Can experts figure out how to fix it before the cataclysm comes? "

Sandora nodded thoughtfully ~ ~ Leaving the horns, the world is wonderful, "Lin Xue stood up with a smile," The fox seems to be in trouble ... "

Me: "... She'll be in trouble for a while ?!"

Heavy rain in Tangshan, almost trapped outside ... no more to say, most of it is tears, but fortunately come back to update

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