MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 67

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I didn't expect this person to be able to say anything even with such a thick face. For a long time, Fu could only say "slow".

Then he screamed and moved to the bed, and turned his back to the sky to a place where he just fell asleep.

Behind him came the sound of the smashing of the clothes, the vacant position went down, and a body with a warmth was posted.

Buried his face into the pillow, Fu Hao did not move.

Who knows that someone has to step on the ruler, the long arm stretches him into his arms and does not say it, but also deliberately lowers his voice against his ear: "I am only going down to you."

The warmth of the nose hit the back of the neck, and the low voice grew out in the middle of the night, and the feeling of numbness spread from the back neck.

"No talk!"

The young master who was once again ridiculed turned around and reached out and grabbed Chu Xiangtian’s mouth. The fierce command, “Sleep!”

Chu Xiangtian gaze at him with his eyes open. The eyes that always contain chills on weekdays are full of gentleness and some kind of emotion that makes people blush.

His mouth was squatting, and he licked his tongue and rubbed his palm.

Wet, numb.

Fu Yan was shocked to take back his hand, his eyes were helpless and angry, but he couldn’t help him. He could only smack the quilt on one side and cover himself.

This is really annoying people, Chu Xiangtian took up a smirk, revealing a helpless expression, reaching out and gently pulling the quilt wrapped in a ball, "Do not trouble you."

The quilt was sulking and sulking, ignoring him.

Can not use strong, Chu Xiangtian did not squat, can only reach out and quilt the quilt to the arms, gently pat.

When the young master really slept, he took the person out of the quilt, kissed him and then sat down in his arms and sat down in his arms.

The two had a good night's sleep, but they were shocked by Defu, who was holding the basin.

When he left last night, it was clear that there was only one young master. After one night, the person lying on the bed became two and did not know when.

He took a deep breath and pressed down the shocked fears and tried to pretend that nothing could be seen.

Pushing the window away, Defu went to get a washing utensil and came in and discharged it carefully before he stepped out.

Fu Hao was informed that the movement of Susuo was awakened, and he smirked in a confused way.

There was an arm on the waist, thinking about the bad behavior of this person last night. Fu was born from the gallbladder and reached out to grasp the tip of the sleeping person.

Chu, who was not breathing well, opened his eyes and saw the face of Xiao Shaoye smiling.


Instinctively hugged people into their arms and kissed them, and Chu Xiangtian sat up and looked at the sky outside.

The sun outside has risen high, and he has already had time to punch.

Fu Yan broke his arms and took a piece of clothing to wear.

"Go to Xishanzhuang today, are you going?" said the collar carefully and flattened.


Chu Xiangtian sat up and took the belt in his hand to give him a fine, and then suddenly remembered what it was, and said to Fu: "Wait, I am going to get something."

When he hurriedly put on his robe, he strode outwards. When he came back, he had a fish-shaped jade on his hand.

Half a squatting body will hang jade on Fu Yan's waist, Chu looked at Tian Hao and looked at it, showing a satisfied smile. "Okay."

"What is this?" Curiously took Yu Pei to look at it.

Yupei is a squid that bends the body into a semi-circle. The carving is very detailed, the scales are distinct, and the look is vivid. If it is not the color of white jade, it is like a living thing in the water.

"Definite love tokens." Chu Xiangtian raised his lips, "take it, is my Chu family."

Fu Hao holds Yu Pei and swears at him. "You are strong and strong."

Chu Xiangtian nodded shamelessly, "Well."

"You are so flattering, you have to grab it and hide it in your home."

Fu Wei: "..."

Say but his ignorance, Fu Hao can only turn to wash and no longer take care of him, but the jade on the waist, but did not take it down.

After having breakfast, I greeted Fu Youqin and both went to Xishanzhuang.

When people ride horses, they will see a golden field between the heavens and the earth. Many people in the field are working, busy cutting the grain, and when they walk in, they find that they are all familiar faces of Xishanzhai.

In exchange for a new place, the former bandits were particularly energetic, and there were many fields. The men were too busy to come, and even the women fell to the ground.

Fu Wei said hello to them and dismissed the situation of the crops.

The golden rice is high to the waist, the roots are thick, and the top of the head is covered with grainy ears of rice, and the heavy bends come down.

The people in Xishanzhai are very happy. This is much better than planting crops in the barren fields of the mountains. There are many good harvests for the crops. These days, in order to prevent the time from growing, they are rushing in the horse. Harvesting.

I looked at the field and one of them led them to Zhuangzi. As I saw along the way, the crops had already harvested large pieces, and only a small part of them continued to harvest.

When I arrived at Zhuangzi, I looked at the books that were sent up. According to Fu’s request, the output of each acre of land was recorded. The number above is more than that predicted by Fu.

Before he came, Fu had a plan. Now the number is more than expected, but it is more conducive to his plan.

"The rice that you have collected, you will leave some of the rice for the next season, and the rest will not be sold. I will use a sufficient amount of food to exchange with you."

Since Xishanzhuang has been given to Xiaoqiao, it has turned into a place where the people of Xishanzhai live. In fact, the relationship with Fu has not been great, but they feel the kindness of Fu Wei, so they have been willing to cooperate with Fu Wei.

They did not suffer from the transactions proposed by Fu Wei. After all, the rice seeds were provided to them free of charge, so there was no objection to the proposal to exchange rice.

Stayed on Zhuangzi for two days. When the crops in Xishan Village were all harvested, Fu Yucai left with the team that transported the rice.

After the rice is shipped back, it is necessary to divide the rice varieties in the new season on each of the villages and increase the grain output as much as possible.

Before leaving, Xishanzhuang sent people to see him off. Fu Yu still reminded him once, so that they should not worry about selling all the food. If there is no shortage of money, they will spend more time.

Whether you want to listen or not, he has to remind him once, and it is all the friendship they have helped.

After transporting the grain back, Fu Wei asked people to find a place to save the rice seeds, and then began to calculate the land purchase.

Seeing it is almost October, time is left, Fu Xiao is also anxious.

Chu Xiangtian accompanied him to think about countermeasures in the study.

After Fu Yan confessed to him, he had already repaired the book and sent it to the Imperial City. He was close to the emperor, and they were close to each other. The two men were one and one martial, and the emperor guarded the court. He calmly closed the border and there was no jealousy and suspicion in the eyes of outsiders. Instead, Because the young mother and the child are living in the harem in the harem, the feelings are better than ordinary people.

However, Fu Yi’s life is very different. Chu Xiangtian is not willing to put Fu Wei in a dangerous and suspicion situation. In the letter, he bluntly met an old god. The old **** predicted that there will be a drought next year. Let the emperor prepare for it.

Before Chu Xiangtian, he never confessed to the troubles of God. The emperor who received the letter had doubts but had to pay attention to it. After several letters from the brothers, the emperor still believed in his own brother.

Chu Xiangtian is not a targetless person. Moreover, the canal is already being excavated. If there is a drought in the next year, the imperial court will have to speed up the construction of the canal and then let the localities accelerate the construction of farmland water conservancy. In addition, only Can eat more food.

Fortunately, the gold deposits in Sifang Town are not small, solving the urgent need for the treasury emptiness. In addition to taking out the silver to speed up the canal excavation, the emperor also saved the country from the curve, making the confidant disguised as a big businessman, and acquired a lot of low-key purchases from the big grain merchants. Food.

Regardless of whether the prophecy is true or false, the current preventive measures will not cause too much attention. Even if the drought is not fulfilled, the canal water conservancy will benefit the country and the people, and it will not be a disadvantage.

Of course, all of this is in the silent process, Chu Xiangtian and Fu Hao mentioned some, and did not say too detailed, because Fu Wei's center of gravity at this time is completely placed on the land to buy Zhuangzi.

Fu Wei took a fancy to Xingdong County next to Nanming County. The two counties are not far apart, and the climate land is almost the same as that of Nanming County. If you want to plant new rice varieties, Xingdong County is the least risky.

Even he has already seen a few Zhuangzi in one place.

Chu Xiangtian looked at the price of the people’s newspapers. The brows were slightly wrinkled. The three Zhuangzis that Fu’s fancy were around Xingdong County, and they were leaning against the canal river that was about to be dug. The location was very good. The area is large, the water and soil are good, and the price is naturally much higher.

Not to mention that the host is willing to give up, even if the host is willing, really want to buy it, the price is not low.

"Is the money enough?" Putting the instrument down, Chu Xiangtian will frown and don't know what the young master is thinking about.

Fu Yan subconsciously squinted at him, remembered the treasure house that he had not had time to see, and looked up at his chin: "There is nothing missing silver."

Chu Xiangtian chin arrived on the top of his head, low smile, "The young master is so rich, is it better to buy me back?"

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