MTL - You Can’t Be Fierce Towards Me!-Chapter 91

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Qingyang City is the capital of Dachu. The emperors of the dynasties have built more of them. The dynasty changed and the Qingyang City continued to expand.

Up to now, it has occupied an area of ​​more than 100,000 mu, including more than 80,000 permanent residents. It is the most prosperous and huge city in the whole.

Fu Jia Ma has already traveled to Qingyang City. They entered the city from the south. There are three gates in the south, Xuanyimen, Xuanwumen and Xuandemen.

In addition to the south side, there are also three gates on the east and west sides, all of which are heavily guarded. In the north, it is the Imperial City and Miyagi. The only Xuansheng Gate is only available for royal travel.

They entered the city from Xuanwumen, and then went east through Zhuque Street. The Wangfu Palace was on Dongzheng Street on the east side of the Imperial City.

The Imperial City is in the direction of Zhengbei, the east side of Dongzheng Street is mostly the royal family, and the west side of the West Street is mostly bureaucratic. The two streets are guarded by the left and right sides.

After passing through the crowded Suzaku Street, the carriage turns right into Dongzheng Street. The pedestrians are much less immediately. The more they go, the quieter they are. In the rare occasion, there will be carriages or sedan chairs passing by.

In the middle section of Dongzheng Street, you can see the closed door of the Wangfu Palace. There is a black gold nanmu plaque hanging from the top of the red lacquer gate. The black gold characters are written in the dragon and the phoenix dance. Big characters.

After Chu Xiangtian went to the border, there were few people who lived in the palace. Most of the time, he either trained in the barracks outside the city, or was called into the palace. When there were other times, he was closed.

After returning from the previous year, the palace was once again deserted.

They came back to the low-key, even the Wangfu did not know the news in advance. When the carriage arrived at the door, Chu asked the genius to take the token and went in. After a while, the next person came back. The Wangfu rushed over to open the main entrance. Welcome the carriage.

The name of the Wangfu general manager is Li Deshun, who is in his fifties. He is very rich in white and white. He is a big **** who has been serving Chu Xiangtian since childhood. After Chu Xiangtian Feng Wangfufu, he followed him and became the general manager of Wangfu. .

It is a pity that Chu Xiangtian barely lived in the palace. Most of the time, he and a group of people guarded the empty palace. Finally, Wang Ye said that he would go to the relatives and urge them to prepare for the ceremony. A few days later, I disappeared in a blink of an eye and never even returned.

Li Deshun trotting down the carriage, smiled and smiled. "Was the prince first bathing or eating first?"

Chu opened the curtain to Tianzhu, and told him: "Let the food room prepare a meal, and there is a lady behind, let people first pick up the garden."

Li Deshun wrote down one by one, and he did not give up his head and looked inward.

After entering the palace, Fu Yan arranged the clothes and was sitting in the carriage. At this time, he noticed Li Deshun's gaze, slightly facing his face, and nodded to him.

Wang Hao’s face-to-face look is a good person. Li Deshun respectfully called Hou Ye and asked: “Do you want to clean up the courtyard of Hou Ye?”

Chu Xiangtian dissatisfied and glanced at him, swearing that he had no eyes, waving his hand, "Hou Ye sleeps with me, do you have any eyesight? Hurry to arrange meals, don't get in the way."

Li Deshun smiled twice and arranged for lunch.

Putting down the curtain, Chu Xiangtian pulled a serious young master and laughed with a good smile. "You should let them call you Wang Hao."

Fu glanced at him and pushed him away. "You don't touch me, clothes make you mess up."

Chu Xiangtian loosened him from the good, and smoothed the folds on his clothes. He smiled lowly: "Is this going to be the prestige of Wang Hao?"

Fu Yan was said to have a fever in his ear. He simply pretended not to have this person and said nothing to ignore him.

The carriage stopped in front of Jiashunyuan. Here is the daily residence of Chu Xiangtian. The carriage with Fu's luggage is also left behind. The remaining carriages continue to go to the brothel along with the carriage that Fu Youqin is sitting on.

The next person removed the cage and moved all of them to the bedroom of Chu Xiangtian.

Chu Xiangtian led him to a slightly familiar place in Jiashunyuan before he entered the inner room.

The next person who came in and waited for him was a male servant. Fu Fu looked at a tall man who came over to pour tea, and his mouth could not help but pump. When the people stepped back, Chu Xiangtian raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Fu took a sip of tea and slowly said the words, "The next person in Wangfuli, all" burly?

Chu Xiangtian saw his expression and understood his meaning. He was slightly proud of saying: "They are all soldiers who are retired. If there is no place for the loner, they will stay in the palace. Usually do some work to get some silver." ""

What he didn't say is that it was actually a few years ago. Some people saw that he was not married. He thought that he could take advantage of it. He sent him to him all day. Later, he got bored and sent all the people back, and then Wang Fuli I haven’t bought a maid, and even the work of delivering tea to the water is done by the servant.

Suddenly he thought of something, and asked the next person to come in and told him: "Let Li Deshun see if there are any maids in the government. If you don't have this, you will pick a few maids, and the brothel will take care of it. What only to go to the warehouse to take."

He said, Li Deshun just ran around and heard the words: "The old slave is about to sue this thing, the brothel will let a few old servants wait." Wang Fuli was originally a little maid, and later was After Chu Xiangtian was driven away, there were a few older ones left. Fu Youqin, they came over with only the maids who were serving themselves. It was really inconvenient to have enough people.

Li Deshun ran in and ran into the ceremony. "Wang Ye Wang... Hou Ye," the danger took a turn. He said: "The lunch is ready, it is to go to the dining room to eat or let people send come?"

Fu Wei looked at Chu Xiangtian, Chu Xiangtian pinched his hand and asked, "We are eating in the house?"

Fu glanced at him and pulled his hand back. "All right."

Chu Xiangtian’s “啧” sounded to Li Deshun: “Call people to come over, what about the brothel?”

Li Deshun has never seen his own prince so caring for people. When he looked at Fu Yu, he felt that the two really matched, and after a short period of time, he reacted. "The brothel has already been sent, the boat is tired, the lady and the lady. They are all tired, just use the lunch and rest."

He said with a smile and looked at Fu Wei. "The old slave has never seen the time when Wang Ye is so meticulous."

Fu Hao unconsciously licked his lips, his ears were a little red, and he always had a thin face in front of outsiders.

"Hurry to pass the meal, the lack of everything in the government is ready as soon as possible," Chu Xiangtian said a lot of mood, and now immediately impatient, began to catch people.

Li Deshun apparently got used to his temperament and laughed back.

In a short while, the next person sent a lunch and set a table in the outside hall. Suddenly, when they came back, the kitchen didn’t know what Fu’s taste was, and they made a taste of the cuisines of all tastes.

After lunch, Chu Xiangtian took people to go to food, Fu Hao was forced to hold his hand, a white face was red, but he turned to Tianguang for more than 20 years, and now finally has a fiancé, and also put When people deceive their own territory, they can't wait to show off to everyone: he is holding Kang Hou, his fiance, the future master of Wangfu. If you are not afraid of getting angry with the young master, in fact, he even wants people to call Wang Hao.

With a cold wind, I bent for a long time. Chu Xiangtian is still quite a bit unfinished, or Fu Wei really feels a bit silly, his face smashed his feet, a talented person reluctantly led the person back to the house to rest.

On the first day of Qingyang, there was no notice from Chu Xiangtian, and people sent a message to the palace, and then they did not go out.

But he didn't say it, but he didn't mean that the outside person didn't know. There were suddenly a few carriages at the entrance of the Wangfu Palace. Later, he was personally greeted by the Wangfu general manager. The person who was interested in listening to the "Fu" on the carriage was Most of the guesses are that Yu Wang and the newly promoted Kang Le Hou are back.

Two men are married, and one of them is still a high-ranking, arrogant king who holds the military power. It is hard not to let people think deeply.

After the rebellion of the Second King last year, the gentle emperor suddenly became strong. All the officials of the two kings were all cut off and replaced with the emperor’s own manpower. Now it’s coming again. Many people speculate that it’s not The king of the king "powered the high earthquake", so he came up with such a way to show his loyalty to the emperor.

I really don't blame these people for thinking more, but who can't figure it out. If the king can go to the south, he suddenly likes a man. And even if you are really a ghost, you have to be married to a man. Can the Queen of the Palace promise?

As everyone knows, all the ladies who have married daughters at home have been called into the palace to drink tea and enjoy the flowers. The Queen Mother has been worrying about the marriage of the king. If it is not the meaning of the emperor, her old family can easily agree to let the king A man is married.

I also know that it is impossible to use my toes.

Fu Hao has not even revealed the face, this Qingyang City's royal family, the family of the family has already ordered him the finale - the shield that Wang Wang temporarily found.

The emperor closed Kang Le Hou, apparently also helping him to stabilize the status of "Wang Yu". With such a male king, it is impossible to have any one who is willing to let the prostitute who is carefully trained to do the side.

Fu Wei stayed in the palace and did not know anything about the rumors outside.

Because they arrived the next day, the palace passed on the will, saying that the Queen Mother summoned.

However, the Queen Mother is very compassionate about their boat, so let them take a break for the whole day and wait for a break before entering the palace.

There is no specific day, but Fu Wei can't delay the delay. In the past two days, he has been studying the etiquette in the palace with Chu Xiangtian.

He originally wanted to ask Li Deshun, but he was stopped by Chu Xiangtian, and he had to teach him personally.

This teaching dragged on for two days. Fu Hao had not entered the palace, and his heart was secretly nervous. However, Chu Xiangtian was not used to it. He said that he taught him and did not teach him. He touched it here and touched it, otherwise it would be different. Just find an excuse to say that you are not focused on learning, you must "punish him."

Fu Hao was angry and annoyed by him. He finally couldn't resist the time when Chu Xiangtian reached for his waist and stepped on him.

Chu screamed at the painful teeth, watching the young master’s fierce look whispering a “small white-eyed wolf”.

When he saw Fu Wei, he was nervous and nervous after receiving the news. He wanted to make him happy. Who knows that people didn't make it, but he beat him.

The young master did not appreciate his pains.

Realizing that this person could not teach him well, Fu Wei called Li Deshun.