MTL - You Used to Be My World-Chapter 10 Sinking into the deep sea

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Along with the sound of “噗通”, the calm sea surface has a layer of waves. Free-fee-first-fat→[chasing][book][help]

Jiang Yicheng, who was holding Qiao Xuewei, walked to the beach and said: "You see, no one will hurt you."

Looking at the sea that is bubbling, Joe Xuewei’s heart is very proud. How much she wants Song Mangan to die in the sea, she docilely stays in the arms of Jiang Yicheng, whispered: "One city, thank you."

"From now on, no one can bully you." Jiang Yicheng promised.

At this time, under the sea water, the hands and feet of the Song vines are not able to make up. She opened her mouth and the sea swarmed in a moment, and the swallowed sea water also tingled her throat.

The impact from the eardrum is getting thicker and thicker. It seems to penetrate the pain of the seven sputum, and even the heart is tightly pressed by the water pressure, slowly infiltrating into the brain.

When Song Manman felt that his consciousness was getting more and more blurred, the rope tied to her suddenly tried hard, and she was pulled up again. The air that she breathed suddenly made her cough up, and the seawater attached to her face made the line of sight unclear.

Jiang Yicheng loosened Qiao Xuewei and walked over to hold down the squat of Song Manman. He asked coldly: "How is it that I was thrown into the sea?"

Song Manman looked at Jiang Yicheng in front of him. Suddenly, he vomited the remaining water from his mouth to his face. He said, "Jiang Yicheng, if you don’t kill me today, there will be one day. I will give you all the time to double it."

Jiang Yicheng touched the sea on his face, and his cold face sank. His fingers tightened tightly, staring at the face of Song Manman, and said one word: "I would like to see how you doubled back to me."

He slammed the face of Song Manman and said, "Throw me down!"

Song Manman just wanted to swear at him again, and he was already thrown into the sea again.

Qiao Xuewei walked to the side of Jiang Yicheng, while helping him wipe his face and softly said: "A city, you still have to clean it, this sea does not know if there is any bacteria."

"Well, then I will wash my face first, the wind is big, you should be careful not to catch cold."

"I am okay."

Looking at Jiang Yicheng disappearing on the deck, Qiao Xuewei's weak expression suddenly disappeared and was replaced by cold. She took two steps forward and directed the two men pulling the rope and ordered: "Take her up!"

The original Jiangyi City was replaced by the current Qiao Xuewei. Song Manman was first stunned and immediately sneered: "How? Don't you wear your weak lady?"

"Oh, it seems that there is no need in front of you." Qiao Xuewei smiled and said: "Song Manman, I am really thankful that you did not die that year, otherwise I can see how you are so embarrassed."

"Speaking, I am really a pity that you didn't die at the beginning." Song Manman stared at Qiao Xuewei, his voice was cold and frosty.

But her words did not cause any harm to Qiao Xuewei. She still had a smile on her lips, but her eyes were chilly. She said: "Song vines, I have never told you anything, in fact, these three years I have no memory loss."

The words of Qiao Xuewei let Song Mangan tremble, and quickly and unbelievably asked: "What do you say?!"

"I have been buried for such a long time, just for today." Qiao Xuewei looked at the sluggish Song Man, pretending to openly said: "When I heard that Jiang Yicheng went to you, I thought I had finished playing, but It’s a pity that he just lie to you from the beginning. Just like me, it’s always a fake to be friends with you. If you have two stinking money in your family, do you think I will be with you? Song Man You lost, you lost from the beginning."

Everything has been smashed like a bubble for so many years, and even the friendship she initially thought was a lie.

For a moment, Song Manman felt that the whole body was cold and cold. It was like being thrown into the ice and snow, and the chill was infiltrated into the bone. For a while, she looked at Qiao Xuewei and said with resentment: "You will definitely be retribution."

"Yes? Then I really can't wait to see it." Qiao Xuewei smiled carelessly, then said: "Take her back to me, without my order, don't let her pull it up. !"

The sea water once again passed through the nose and mouth, but in her world at the moment it seems that nothing is left.

The rope on the hand did not know when it was loose. Song Manman looked at the sea of ​​water in front of him, and the fear in his heart had long since disappeared. She untied the rope tied to her, closed her eyes, and the whole person slowly sank.

All this, she thought that this deep sea is not so terrible.

And death is more than a moment.

Read The Mage of Eternity