MTL - You Used to Be My World-Chapter 15 I am the first to bear me.

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After Song Manman went to the Song family's old house, he went to the prison again. When she looked at Song Haishan, who was old, she still had no control. ★ watch ★ the most ★ new ★ chapter ★ section ★ hundred ★ degrees ★ search ★ chase ★ book ★ help ★ Song Haishan did not mention a family revenge with her, it seems that I do not know what happened outside, but left in Song Mangan His old voice passed over.

He said: "Man, find a place to live again, my father is old, I really don't want to drag you down."

Song Haishan, who has been in the mall for so many years, is still serving the old in front of his daughter.

The wind outside the prison was very big. Song vines glared at the eyes that were fascinated by the sand. The next second, I saw a car parked in front of myself. That is the car of Jiang Yicheng, she has been sitting in countless times.

Followed by the window, the indifferent face of Jiang Yicheng appeared in front of her eyes, and coldly ordered: "Get on the bus."

Song Manman did not expect Jiang Yicheng to appear here, first a glimpse, then opened the door and sat up. The window was closed, the wind in the sky was isolated, and the car was silent. Song Manman first said: "You follow me."

Not a question, but an affirmative sentence.

"The birds that are released, the owner is always not assured on the first day."

Jiang Yicheng’s voice was very light, but Song Man’s face became pale in an instant. She did not expect that Jiang Yicheng had now treated her as a pet.

But the paler her face, the greater the hatred in her heart.

She gathered her eyes and said: "Since it is a bird, it always has to fly."

"Fly? Does she really think that she still has wings?" Jiang Yicheng snorted and finally stopped talking about it. He said bluntly: "I don't care what Song Haishan said to you, but as long as you dare to go, I dared to kill Song Haishan."

Song Haishan is the wing of the Song vine, and he is the handle that he firmly grasps on his hand.

Song Manman knows that he has this ability, so he has not left for so long. In this world, she is a relative of Song Haishan, so she can never lose him.

Thinking of this, Song Manman raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Yicheng with a fixed gaze. He said, "I won't go."

Jiang Yicheng’s heart was just a little proud, and she listened to her and said, “Because I haven’t watched you die yet.”

The smugness in the heart suddenly vanished. The man’s face seemed to be covered by ice and snow. He stared at the Song vine and said in a word: "Some words I can bear you once do not mean that you can bear you twice. Song Manman, you must learn to be suitable."

Wen Yan, Song Man Man did not fear at all, asked: "If I can't learn?"

"You can't learn it." Jiang Yicheng grabbed her cheek and forced her to her with an extremely strong attitude. "Song vine, you lost for a long time, you lost when you fell in love with me. And lose." The person is not qualified to speak, and there is no qualification for swearing."

Did I lose when I fell in love with you?

Song Manman muttered this sentence in his heart, suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "If I don't love you?"

Her words made Jiang Yicheng feel awkward at a time, and his eyes were dangerously stunned. He asked, "What do you mean?"

"Are you stupid?!" Song Manman's eyes twitched. "I said that I don't love you, Jiang Yicheng, I don't love you anymore. So I won't lose, I will win you."

He was a glimpse first, then sneered out, "Song Manman, even if you don't love me, then you are now a loser. Without the Song family, this is what you think you are!!"

"I am Song Manman, the daughter of Song Haishan." Song Manman said that he was very confident when he said this. "In our family, I have never admitted these two people. Jiang Yicheng, you are the first to bear me, so those account me I will get back from you in one stroke."

The unquestionable conviction in Song Mangan’s discourse made Jiang Yicheng’s apex tremble. At this moment, he even really began to wonder if he had lost Song Mang, and he really owed her a sum of money.

The word "negative" really has a lot of meaning, but it has never been a good word. It represents a weak feeling.

But very quickly, Jiang Yicheng came back to God. His mouth sneered a little and sneered. He said, "If you can do it, then I will remind you, don't think about starting from Ji Yuanchuan." If he has something wrong, I won't necessarily let you go."

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