MTL - Your Majesty Please Calm Down-Chapter 65

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The season of the sweet-scented osmanthus flower in September is also the time when the autumn test is released, so this list is also called the Guibang. On the day of the list, Guibang’s head was swaying and crowded with bones.

Tian Qi squeezed into the crowd and looked at it from the beginning. At first glance, he found the name of Tang Tianyuan, which was the first to solve the problem.

So Tian Qi touched his chin and sullenly laughed. She put all her eighty-two silver coins in Tang Tianyuan's solution. It seems that this time she has to make a small profit. After the laughter, she was a little bit regretful. The eight-party diners had already made a profit, and they had some water, but the one in the shopkeeper heard that Tian Qi had to take the money to suppress the treasure, and he would not let it go.

After watching Tang Tianyuan, Tian Qi squeezed to the back of Guibang and began to look for Zheng Shaofeng from the back.

The third last, not bad, Tian Qi nodded again and again, Zheng Shaofeng so stupid, can test the people are already fortunate, you do not have to care about the ranking problem.

... Zheng Shoufu thinks so too.

He had three sons in his old family. The first two were very good. He had a scholar in the early days. Only the smallest one really made him feel like he was coming from a pile of waste. He had a good skin. I can't use it. Now that the younger son is in the middle of the crowd, Zheng Shoufu is very happy. He is more ecstatic than knowing that the eldest son is a second-time scholar. He has always had a banquet in his usual low-key, and invited his colleagues to praise his younger son.

Zheng Shaofeng is also very natural. At the beginning, he despised his daughter, and this time he had some meaning to him, but Zheng Shaofeng shook his tail like a mighty big flower cock, and could not see anyone else. He has his truth: Although the daughter is virtuous, she is not smart enough. He is very self-aware, his mind is not enough, and then a stupid wife, the child born is a double fool; it is better to be smart, so that their children can have both the wisdom and the baby of the child. His awkward skills, both civil and military, how good.

In order to thank his friends for their support and help, Zheng Shaofeng made a feast in his home and invited Tang Tianyuan, Tian Qi and Ji Zheng to go to his house to eat wine.

Looking at his son's grades of friends, Zheng Shoufu is very happy. So he also went to the banquet and revealed his face, and then he found out that the mysterious Tian Gongzi turned out to be Tian Qi.

Zheng Shoufu was an old fox who had been used for many years in the officialdom. He did not show much surprise. He set a few words with Tianqi Ke. By the way, he observed the look of Ning Wangye and Tang Tianyuan. The two obviously knew the details.

Very good, dare to be his stupid son has been kept in the dark.

Zheng Shoufu calmly left the banquet and began to think about it as soon as he turned his head. Tang Ruo-ling recently had some scenery in front of the emperor, and had a good relationship with Ning Wang. His son had a relationship with the imperial eunuch... From these, it can be seen that Tang Ruo-ling is stepping up step by step, regardless of the number of roads he used.

In fact, if everyone is properly qualified, Zheng Shoufu will be replaced by Sun Congrui as the first assistant. However, Zheng Shoufu always feels that Sun Congrui is not very reliable. Some people, the higher the height, the more hypocritical. Moreover, Zheng Shoufu suspected that the case of Ji Qingyun was related to Sun Congrui - Ji Sun is a good friend, and Sun Congrui can betrayed even if Ji Qingyun can do anything, then what else can he do? This kind of person is in a hurry, and he will not speak at half point.

From this perspective, Zheng Shoufu does not want Sun Cuirui to take over the position of the first assistant. He knows that he can't do it for a few years, he has to think for his sons.

Tang Ruoring is different. Although this person is a bit blank, he is still a frank, not a villain. Besides, Tang Ruoring’s family power is not large. Although his son has a good future, it is also the same. When Tang Ruoring was going to hire someone, Zheng Shoufu’s sons could all go up.

The station team is really asking a university. Zheng Shoufu has been immersed in this road for a long time, and the natural door is very clear. He carefully analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of Tang Ruolin and Sun Congrui, and found that the most important person in this group turned out to be Tian Qi.

Don't underestimate the eunuchs, especially the eunuchs. They are the ones who are closest to the emperor and most understand the emperor.

We have to say that Zheng Lao Fox is the truth.

In fact, the help of Tian Qi to Tang Ruoring is hidden, not obvious - if the two people stand in a team, the emperor should be hehehehe. Tian Qi basically does not directly guide Tang Ruo Ling to do this or to do that. She will only tell him what kind of person the emperor is, what he likes, what he hates, and then Tang Ruoling himself to comprehend.

In addition, she will also enter the "rumor" by the way.

The complaint is a very skillful behavior. If the other party is a big fool, your bad words must be straightforward. If he is a personal fine, then you need to subtly subtle, and you must let the smart person I thought you were not smart.

For example, telling Sun from the form of Rui, must not be ridiculous, to focus on rendering this person "look up the eunuch" because of "clear high and straight".

I can't look down on the **** and look down on the **** to look down on the eunuch... It’s just like the eunuch!

This kind of thing is much more listened to, and Ji Heng will feel that Sun Congrui is a bit inexplicable. Although the **** is not flattering, it is not all eunuchs who are heinous. The eunuchs are all personally picked by him. They feel very interested in it. Sun Congrui How is this?

Ji Heng is still a bit skeptical, thinking that Sun Congrui simply hates Tian Qi - his son was not interrupted by Tian Qi. Ji Heng also deliberately asked Sheng Anhuai. Although Sheng Anhuai was not face-to-face under Sun Congrui, he also knew that this person hated the **** and could not like Sun Congrui. The emperor asked, what did Shengan have to answer, not to say bad things, but never to say good things.

Ji Heng thought that even the person who was almost ruined by the **** did not hate the **** so much. Why is Sun Congrui? This person hates eunuchs, either they really hate the **** or they are doing it to anyone.

Who else can he do for him? Ji Heng sneered.

In order to form a strong contrast with Sun Congrui, in order to strengthen the effect of the complaint, Tian Qi also took out Tang Ruoring: Tang Daren respected us as eunuchs, and said that he was polite, and he did not have a shelf. It is really to let the slaves be flattered. Of course, what we are doing as a slave is the light of the master... what?

Tian Qi is very clear. The emperor clearly knows that she has a relationship with Tang Tianyuan. She can no longer pretend to draw a line with Tang Ruoring. She has to properly express her preference for Tang Ruolin. Of course, I have to let the emperor rest assured that she is a person with a sense of proportion. It is impossible to stand with them because of Tang’s good family.

In short, this process is long and complicated, and only the talents with enough brains can play. In the process, Zheng Shoufu, Tang Ruoring, Ning Wang, and Tian Qi gradually reached a consensus and formed a united front to eliminate Sun Congrui.

In fact, the reason why Ji Heng has produced some whispers to Sun Congrui is another reason. Tian Qi understands the size and makes people like it. Even his emperor is seduce by him. Sun Congrui squats on Tian Qi, which is contempt for the quality of Ji Heng.

This reason is really not enough for outsiders.

The banquet of Zhengfu began at noon, and several people ate and played for nearly two hours. Tian Qiduo drank a few glasses of wine. When he went back, he walked on his feet. Ji Zheng sent her to Xuanwumen and watched her enter the palace gate. There was almost no interaction between the two, because the emperor sent people to keep in the dark, "protecting" Tianqi.

When I returned to the palace, the people who Ji Zheng sent out came back from Liaodong, saying that the things I had checked before had a look.

"Yu Wangye, there is indeed a hunter in Tianjiatun, Jiming County, Liaodong. He sent his son to the palace seven years ago to be an eunuch. The child is at home seven, and it must be the person Wang Ye wants to check."

That being said, the identity of Tian Qi is not forged, but is it true? But now this Tianqi is a fake Tianqi? Ji Zheng condensed his eyebrows, and he couldn’t understand the clue. He has too many questions. Who is this Tianqi in front of him? Why is it in the palace? She knows the book clearly, and her words and deeds are elegant, and it is the girl of the bureaucratic family, or the scholarly door, how to get on the hunter? Besides, she claims to be a Gusu person, likes Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine, and is quite familiar with the local characters in Jiangnan. It is probably a Gusu person. Why does this person have a relationship with the hunters of Liaodong?

Did Tianqi really go to Liaodong?

A girl, for what reason will it travel thousands of miles from south to north to Liaodong?

... exile.

Ji Zheng only felt that a sudden light candle appeared in his brain. He immediately told the people to come. "Let's check all the sinners who had been exiled in Liaodong during the 20th year of the martyrdom to the 25th year of the martyrdom. They demanded that they be criminals or poetry books, especially those who blame their children. .

I came to the world with a "Yes" and went to death.

Ji Zheng sat down, pulled out a book, and unfolded it to look carefully, and looked over and over again, as if to see gold from the short lines.

Tian Qi stepped back to the Qing Palace. Far away, she saw the emperor standing in the distance looking at the distance, not knowing what the emperor was watching.

When Tian Qi came back, Ji Heng turned and walked into the study. Tian Qi did not know what she was thinking. At this time, she should not be on duty. She did not order to go to the Imperial Palace, but she went to the study with the emperor.

Sheng Anhuai was particularly eye-catching, and quickly quit, and helped them close the door.

Ji Heng stood in the study and saw Tian Qi walk in. He frowned and said, "How do you drink this?"

Tian Qi’s face is red and the brain is not big enough. She walked over and patted Ji Heng’s shoulder with a smile. The other hand lifted it and scraped his chin. The drunk was flowing. "Beauty..."

Ji Heng laughed and laughed and pulled down Tian Qi’s hand and said, “Drunk into this, go to rest.”

Tian Qi let go of Ji Heng, turned and swayed and walked away. "I want to take a shower, I want to take a shower..."

Tian Qi wants to take a shower... Ji Heng swallowed a slobber.

He told people to help Tian Qi to get the water, Tian Qi closed the door, took off his clothes and sat in the tub. For the blessing of the emperor, she is now living alone in a room, and bathing is more convenient.

Tian Qibian washed and sang a little song, and did not notice an extra eye in the door behind him.

Ji Heng found a good reason for his voyeurism: he just wanted to see if Tian Qi is a woman.

Although this speculation was denied by him again and again, he was always suspicious after the denial. As long as you doubt, there is hope. He is quite a bit of self-deception.

The people in the cracks were sitting in the big tubs, and they were soft and draped, revealing a scented shoulder. The shoulders are narrow and thin, but the flesh is even, and the skin on the shoulders is white and delicate, and the fat is normal.

Ji Heng unconsciously swallowed a saliva. He really wanted to see it more realistically. He pushed his hand unconsciously and the door was pushed away.

Ji Heng: "..."

Tian Qi: "..."

She seems to have forgotten the door again. Tian Qi patted her face and thought that the door was blown away by the wind. She turned her head and saw that the emperor was standing outside the door and her eyes were straight.

"Ah!!!" Tian Qi screamed.

Ji Heng fled. Escaped quite far, and turned back to help Tianqi shut the door, which ran a clean.

Tian Qi couldn’t take a shower, and hurriedly wiped his body and put on his clothes. She is completely awakened now, and carefully recalled the bottom, the tub is big enough, and the petals on the water are so beautifully sprinkled, the emperor should not be able to see her secrets?

But why should the emperor come?

Tian Qi thought that the emperor had asked her to do something, but she did not understand why he came personally. She did not dare to delay and hurried to the study. "The emperor, do you tell the slaves?"

Peeping is a shameful thing, and voyeurism is still discovered, it is even more shameful. Ji Heng’s face is not comfortable, he said, “He just wants to ask, go to Beiyan to hunt tomorrow, do you want to go together?”

"Okay!" Tian Qi’s eyes lit up and thought that his reaction was not appropriate. He quickly said, "The slave is rude, the slave is...

Ji Heng nodded and did not speak.

Tian Qi asked, "Is the emperor, Wu Zhuer?"

Ji Hengyi, "Who is he?"

Tian Qi secretly screams, and the emperor does not even remember the people who touched him. She asked again, "Was Zhao Dakang going?"

Ji Heng looked at Tian Qi inexplicably. "What do you want to say?"

"Nothing, the slaves will retire, and this will go back to preparation."


Tian Qi had a study, and there was such a small smug in his heart. At least for the time being, she is still in a good position to touch the ranks of the **, even if it is not comparable to Sheng Anhuai, but stronger than others. The emperor does not bring others to hunt and take her to hunt, which is evidence.

Oh, why are you jealous? Tian Qi shook his head a little helplessly.

This Ji Heng is very sorry. Although Tian Qi’s shoulders are very beautiful and delicious, he would like to bite a bite, but... Didn’t see, he didn’t even see his chest.

Ji Heng feels that he is really enchanted now. Probably he will see the flat chest of Tian Qi. He will think that this is only because the woman is not well developed. Only by seeing the scars under him can he let him die.

But what do you think?

Well, I will go out of the palace tomorrow. It is always more convenient outside than in the palace. Thinking of this, Ji Heng has ignited his fighting spirit.

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