MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 416 ready to act

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  Chapter 416 ready to start action

   In this way, after the players discussed it, they immediately started to act. For this time, the players knew very well that they had to be obscene and not wasteful throughout the whole process.

  In particular, there cannot be a situation where there is no favorable wind and waves against the wind.

   Of course, for this battle, they also sorted out some possible problems in advance and the defects of this match as a reference during the war.

  First of all, the overall strength of the players is scattered in various areas. Although there are 200,000 players in each area, the area they need to attack is not clear.

   There are too many unknown things here, and various situations are very likely to occur during the offensive.

  And this time they are not only facing the empire, they may also meet other civilizations besides the empire, because Jiang Yao spread the situation of that battle to the whole universe before.

  And Jiang Yao said that the transmission efficiency of the transmission technology used is very fast, and this technology can only be received by civilizations that have mastered quantum communication technology.

  The level of science and technology of civilizations that have mastered this technology will not be too low, so even if it is not the enemy of the empire, it will be a test for the players when they encounter some other civilizations.

  How to avoid confrontation with this civilization is the most important thing.

After all, if you just avoid the confrontation with these civilizations and let them attack the empire plus you, it will have the effect of one plus one greater than two. If the two civilizations just collide and fight, then It had the opposite effect.

   All in all, this wave of players is very clear that although the benefits are high, the risks are equally high, and they need to pay attention to too many details.

   After discussing all the details, the players in Area 1 launched the attack first.

  Because this civilization is still a certain distance from the border of the empire, it is very inconvenient whether it is support or other things.

  So this is undoubtedly a better offensive target.

  Of course, the players of this civilization are still relatively cautious. 200,000 players cooperated with Euglena to copy a lot of fakes, and a formation composed of hundreds of Banelings took off.

   And just in case, the players also sprinkled eyeworms around the civilization in advance.

   At this time, as the players in area 1 launched an attack, players in other areas immediately turned their attention to this place. For them, the attack in area 1 can be used as a reference to let them know the general situation.

   At this time, it is on the side of the civilization affiliated to the empire, the Latour civilization.

   As one of the affiliated civilizations of the empire, although the area where he is located is still some distance away from the border of the empire.

   But no matter what, he was located near the empire, so he never thought that there would be foreign civilizations daring to attack him from the beginning to the end.

   At this time, within the Latour civilization, this civilization is fully engaged in production during this period.

  Because of the previous battle with the swarm, their warships were almost completely wiped out, so now they are stepping up production and want to pull up their fleet as quickly as possible.

  For them, as long as the fleet is pulled up and sent to the battlefield, they can get a lot of benefits.

  The empire's management of these non-core subsidiary civilizations is very simple and rude. Every time the warship you send participates in a war, you can get a corresponding reward.

   This reward can be used to buy some technology, which is somewhat similar to Jiang Yao's points system.

  Of course, the technology sold by the empire also has certain restrictions. It will only sell some relatively backward technology, and some relatively complete technology will usually sell the core of the manufacturing product, rather than the entire set of technology.

  Although these technologies are very weak to the empire or other high-level civilizations, they are very attractive to low-level civilizations like Latu.

   After all, the Latu civilization is the same as many other subordinate civilizations. They are all civilizations whose technological level was forcibly raised after joining the empire.

  The empire has an advantage in doing this, that is, it can keep these civilizations firmly in its own hands forever.

  First of all, the development of science is advancing steadily. Each stage needs to pass through the precipitation of time, and the answer can only be obtained after countless times of research by countless people.

  The empire uses this method to make these civilizations directly jump several levels, which will cause a huge technological gap.

   They can make up for small technology gaps through reverse research, but once the technology becomes too big, it is basically impossible for them to make up for it.

  After all, a small ditch can be easily jumped over, but there is nothing you can do in the face of the wide sea.

  So once you accept the benefits of the empire, it means that if you want to upgrade your technology or obtain higher technology, you can only buy it through the empire.

  Although the Imperials allowed you to improve your strength in a short period of time, they also ruined your future.

Some people may think that getting a higher technology does not mean that I can't start researching from the most basic technology again. With more advanced technology as a guide, then my research direction will have a clear route. On the contrary, it is a good thing.

  Although there is nothing wrong with thinking this way in theory, don’t forget that these civilizations belong to intelligent civilizations. They belong to intelligent civilizations with independent consciousness, not civilizations with collective consciousness.

  There is an essential gap between these two civilizations.

  First of all, it is an intelligent civilization with independent consciousness, and each individual has a variety of different ideas.

  They will be affected by life or other things, and many trivial matters will also affect their judgment at the current stage. From a certain perspective, it is very difficult for him to promote the development of technology.

   Of course, there is no absolute in everything. Sometimes individuals with independent thinking will always come up with some unconstrained ideas, or suddenly wake up and figure out the problems that have troubled them for a long time.

  Because once he does these things, he will definitely be sought after by thousands of people, and things such as fame and money can be obtained at his fingertips.

  So from a certain point of view, desire is the best nourishment.

   Similarly, he is also a double-edged sword, currently an uncontrollable double-edged sword.

  Desire brings progress to technology, allowing technology to reach a higher level, and desire can also limit the development of technology.

   To make a very simple analogy, when everyone is using smartphones, only you are still using the oldest microphone, which is the one with two wires connected to a paper cup.

   And you also want to improve this microphone, such as improving the material used for the wire, or the hardness of the cup, etc., although through research in this area, you are very likely to develop the oldest telephone in the future.

  But it is undeniable that when everyone is using smartphones, they don't need your current research at all, and they don't even need your future research results.

   Because for them, this is too backward.

   And you have been focusing on research in this area, you are destined to be a heterogeneous, and the things you research cannot create value for others, then this will mean that you do not have any financial support.

  Without any financial support, it is difficult for you to even guarantee your own food, clothing, housing and transportation, not to mention the large investment required for research.

  For researchers from the Latour civilization, this is an endless loop.

  If they want to build basic technology, it means that they need to start researching from the most useless things, but researching these things is not only useless, but also wastes a lot of financial and material resources.

  Although you can support these researchers in the short term, how long can you support them? How long can you support the same?

  The amount of your support must be very small, because the decision to support this matter cannot be decided by you alone, there are other people involved, and the decision needs to be negotiated by both parties.

  Even if the final plan is finalized, the amount of investment must be limited to a very low level during negotiations.

  Researchers who engage in research in these areas with lower salaries can persist with their love for civilization, pursuit of technology, and so on.

   But you can't expect his family to have the same awareness as him, when his family sees other people who are also researchers living a very prosperous life, while they live a life of scrimmage.

  The contrast comes up all at once, and when the contrast comes up, the opinions and opinions of the family members will definitely influence the thoughts of these researchers, even though he is as firm as a rock, he will definitely make two choices at this time.

  The first is to abandon all focused research, and the second is to choose to compromise.

   Of course, many people chose the first one, which is naturally great, but there are also many people who chose the second one, and there is nothing wrong with this part. Both sides have their own positions.

  But the biggest problem is also here. No matter how you play, some people will choose the second option, which means that the number of researchers who originally engaged in research in this field will continue to decrease.

  When the number is reduced to a certain level, it is time for a few researchers to sing a one-man show, and the progress of research will be greatly increased without more people's slack thinking and unconstrained thinking.

   And the difficulty of research will also increase exponentially. Even problems that may have been solved in a year or two before have arrived, but now they are very likely to be stuck for decades.

   But how many decades have these researchers been? Although the level of science and technology has developed to their level, the life span of ordinary people is also very long.

  Under normal circumstances, they have a lifespan of close to 500 years, but even with such a long lifespan, they cannot withstand the tossing of decades and decades.

  Because of long-term living constraints and the damage of research itself to the body, many researchers engaged in this field simply cannot reach this time.

   And as they are sent away, will the next batch of personnel have the same strong will as them? Especially how many people who grew up in this era can retain the same will as them.

  This is not easy to determine, and it is also because of this reason that after several generations, they finally gave up the research of basic applied technology and chose to put it badly.

  Because they have invested a lot of time and financial resources for this research, the final result is completely useless because the empire can provide better.

Then there is no more, hundreds of thousands of years of useless work have exhausted their patience, and they think that buying technology through the empire can also make them stronger, so why should they do such thankless things? Woolen cloth?

  In fact, the situation of this civilization is also the status quo of most of the affiliated civilizations in the empire. On the surface, they seem to belong to the empire, but in fact they are just a group of cannon fodder raised by the empire.

  And this is what the independent consciousness encounters after facing this situation. Of course, it is similar to the group consciousness or shared consciousness. If they face the same situation, they will undoubtedly be much better.

   But this is only relative.

Both kinds of consciousness have their own biggest flaws. Although the independent consciousness restricts the development of civilization on the surface because of various thoughts in its heart, in some specific cases, this kind of thinking plays a significant role in the progress of civilization and technology. Positive effect.

  However, although the shared consciousness body seems to have an advantage over the independent consciousness body on the surface, as far as technology is concerned, they can immediately master this knowledge through consciousness sharing without a long period of learning.

  If a technology is researched, then everyone can share this technology and understand its research principle.

   On the surface, although this seems to be very useful for the advancement of technology or the development of civilization, it is actually not. This ability is indeed of great help to the entire civilization in the early stages of civilization development.

   Especially in primitive times, hunting or using tools and so on.

   After all, language communication is omitted, and others can know what you think immediately, which really helps to improve their survivability and development speed.

   When this ability entered the technological age, it became a burden instead.

  Because people in that era no longer need to engage in physical labor, they are more engaged in mental work, this era needs more creativity and inspiration.

  Some unconstrained ideas are likely to become a beacon for the progress of subsequent civilizations. At this time, if this method of communication is still used, then problems will arise.

  Although on the surface it seems that some knowledge does not need to take too much time for them to master, which is a good thing, but the problem is also here.

  Because what you get with your brain can be easily obtained by others, and any achievements you have made can be easily obtained by others, so will anyone be willing to use their brains to create?

   Obviously not, the best way for an individual at that stage is to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

   And when everyone has this strategy, the progress of civilization will become extremely slow. This is the biggest drawback of the shared consciousness.

  This is also the reason why the probability of shared consciousness lifeforms becoming advanced civilizations in this universe is very low.

   These are also the advantages and disadvantages of the two different life types. Of course, there are exceptions to everything, but there are too few cases of this exception.

  (end of this chapter)

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