MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 474 start preparing

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  Chapter 474 Start preparations

   In this way, under Jiang Yao's arrangement, Xianyu and the others successfully handled the business.

  At this time, you are in the guild of Salted Fish.

   "Brothers, it's done."

   "However, this wave is because our quota is too large, so even if we have conducted a series of negotiations with Blackworm, in the end we still need to pay high interest every month."

   "How much is a year?"

"Two billion."

   And everyone who heard this number also felt their scalps tingling.

   "Voj! So many!"

   "On average, the interest is at least 100 million a month. This is just interest."


   "If you count the principal, wouldn't we have to pay back hundreds of millions a month? Calculated according to our number, each of us will make at least a hundred thousand a month."

   "It's more or less exaggerated. It's still possible to earn so much, but there is a premise."

   "Yes, if there are wild monsters and dungeons for us all the time, then this amount of money is still acceptable, but once it enters the long grass period, the pressure will be great."

   "It seems that you have to take it easy when buying things in the future, and you can't be as lavish as you are now."

   "Your thing can save you a few cents, and you should work **** these petty profits. It's better to think about how to make a few waves of fat."

   "I think we can consider renting more Euglena and let them find advanced civilizations for us, because once our Ultralisks evolve successfully, it will be relatively easy to kill those advanced civilizations."

   "And those advanced civilizations are all big lists, and the income of any civilization is calculated in tens or even hundreds of billions."

   "Advanced civilizations are not as easy to find as you think. To be honest, it is not bad that we can find some intermediate or low-level civilizations."

   "That's right, now we can only engage in this level at most. Our advanced civilizations hide very deeply. If they don't show up on their own initiative, if you want to find them, the difficulty is tantamount to reaching the sky."

   At this time, while Salted Fish and their guild were still discussing this matter, they were on Potato's side.

  At this time, their guild was discussing the situation of Xianyu.

   "They made a good move in this wave of salted fish." Potato said on the guild channel after hearing about the situation of the salted fish guild.

   "Yeah, I never thought that Xianyu and the others would go to do this, but it's understandable.

  Because of this wave of activities, if they didn’t do this, then their Ultralisks would have evolved to the 7th stage at most, but after they operated this wave, their Ultralisks could reach the 10th stage. "

   "However, is the risk too great? If they don't make it, their Ultralisks will be gone by then."

   "Risks and benefits are directly proportional. In a situation like this, if they find an advanced civilization, they can basically pay off all they owe."

   "Advanced civilization is not so easy to find, and the most important thing is that even if it is found, I think it is still quite difficult to rely on that Ultralisk."

   While everyone was still discussing, Potato interrupted them.

   "Old irons, what we need to consider now is not how about their Ultralisks. What we need to consider now is how we should develop next." Talking about Potato, he added.

   "The current strength of their guild is not much different from ours. Although our conventional arms are much stronger than theirs, their elite arms can completely make up for the gap."

   "So every event is basically a few of us competing for the ranking, but now after Xianyu and their operations, then in many events in the future, I guess the first place will be theirs."

   Or potato, sigh.

"Whether it's previous activities or other aspects, we compete with them for at least the first place. Everyone can do it, but now we can only compete with a few others after such a wave of operations. The guild will fight for the second place."

  Hearing what Potato said, everyone was also unhappy.

   "This is definitely not possible, it is impossible for them to sit firmly in the first place."

  "The current situation is like this. Think about it, the open evolution of Ultralisk itself is staged, and this wave of activities, they have pulled Ultralisk to this level of evolution. What kind of concept is this?"

"Let's go ahead without talking about anything else. With this level of evolution, we definitely can't continue to compete with them on the track of Thunder Beast. The next thing we can do is to work **** the track of Leviathan. .”

"He's right to say that, but we can't wait until Leviathan is released in the later stage, and then compete with them. It's impossible to give up the number one in this period of time so honestly. "

"Otherwise, otherwise, what else do you want to do? They have a decisive unit that wants to make up the gap. We can only fill in the number, but we have the number and they also have it. So after such a wave of operations, in the end it is still he. Advantage."

   Just like that, everyone had various discussions on this matter, and incidents like this also happened in several guilds with similar strength.

  Xianyu and their operations have changed the existing player guild structure in a sense. Of course, this is also what Jiang Yao likes to see. After all, there must be a little competition in everything.

   At this time, when the players were still discussing this matter, they were on Jiang Yao's side.

  At this time, apart from caring about the affairs of the salted fish, he put more energy on the black worm planet.

  For a period of time, he let the brain worms inside the War Fortress use various methods to experiment with the outer energy film, which also achieved certain results.

  According to the brain worms conducting research over there, this special energy body is a new substance that has never appeared in the known universe.

  Jiang Yao who got the news couldn't help being a little surprised.

  When he heard the news, his first reaction was whether this energy experience was brought by a certain civilization from other universes, but the brain worm quickly rejected this idea.

Because if such an important thing is really brought from others, then it is absolutely impossible for them to leave it there, and if they can manufacture this kind of thing, it means that their technological level has reached A very high realm.

   If there is such a level, then why would they bother to observe the black bug.

You must know that there are too many races that are worse than black worms in the universe. Instead of spending such a large cost to observe black worms, it is better to spend energy and time on other more powerful races, and you may gain more .

   In this way, the cerebrates conducted research while speculating on the situation of the energy body. As time passed day by day, after unremitting research, the cerebrates still found something useful.

  Although the progress of the research is extremely slow, it does not mean that there are no results.

   In this way, another period of time passed, and the cerebrates brought good news to Jiang Yao, which was of decisive help to Jiang Yao.

  That is, they couldn't find a way to send biological individuals into it.

  However, there is one biggest problem in doing this, that is, it is basically impossible to get out after entering.

  If you are sent in, if you want to get out, the only way is to crack the secret of this energy.

Although this discovery has many follow-up questions, for Jiang Yao, being able to do this is already a great improvement, so after some thinking, Jiang Yao decided to send a few brain worms and some army worms in. .

  The main purpose of sending them in is to study them through a combination of inside and outside.

   In this case, the efficiency may be greatly improved. After making the decision in this way, Jiang Yao immediately started to arrange.

  For him now, this planet is of great help to him, so he must find a way to use it.

   In this way, under Jiang Yao's arrangement, the brain worm was sent to the interior of the planet.

  The next step is a long research process.

   At this time, when Jiang Yao was still tinkering with these things, the players made a lot of new discoveries.

  Because a large number of eye worms were sent to search for them, after such a long time, many of them have responded one after another.

  They found some galaxies or civilizations worth mining, and this news also made the players collectively excited.

   "Brothers are so kind, after such a long search, there is finally a result."

   "It's good for you, your guild has found it, and we have no hair yet."

   "Although our guild has found it, the resource reserves over there are too low. It can only be said that it is better than nothing."

   "I don't know when our guild will be able to find these things."

   In this way, some guilds that found resources in the discussion of the players immediately began to arrange personnel to take action. During this period of time, they were basically in a state of zero income.

  So they are very active in collecting these newly discovered resource points.

  Among the resource information found this time, only a small part is civilized, and the rest are basically open-air resources. You just need to arrange for troops to collect them.

  Actually, the players are also quite surprised by the harvest this time. Compared with the past where every time they find resources, they have to fight with the civilizations living there. This wave of players can easily obtain these resources.

  This feeling makes them extremely excited, especially for some small guilds, which are not very strong. Under such circumstances, they want to defeat other civilizations.

  In many cases, it is necessary to spend money to hire people to help, but now there are no other civilizations in this galaxy, they only need to arrange enough people to mine.

   In this way, as the players gradually gained income, Jiang Yao was naturally not idle.

  From before to now, Jiang Yao has been taking turns harvesting these civilizations according to the alien star map. Up to now, he has already made a lot of income through this method.

  With this income plus the income earned by other people one after another, Jiang Yao's evolution point is steadily increasing.

   And judging from the current situation, as time goes by, more players will find resource galaxies, and his income will increase significantly by then.

  But for Jiang Yao, even this amount of resource acquisition is still not enough.

  When thinking about the enemies he will face in the future, Jiang Yao is very clear that he must think of all the things he can think of in advance, and at the same time he must prepare everything that needs to be prepared before the showdown.

  Because Jiang Yao wasn't sure, after his showdown, would he still be able to collect ore unscrupulously like he is now.

Therefore, considering the above reasons, Jiang Yao must ensure that his preparation funds are sufficient to deal with special circumstances. After all, once the showdown is over, he will face another enemy in the future, plus his own existing enemies now. .

  If these things are counted together, it will undoubtedly be a huge test for Jiang Yao's resource reserves.

   So far, Jiang Yao's known enemies include the starry sky behemoth empire, void creatures, and that unknown civilization, a total of 4.

   And when Jiang Yao thought of this, a group of creatures suddenly appeared in his mind.

  In fact, Jiang Yao also discovered a situation during this period of time, that is, the perception of himself and the void creatures is getting weaker and weaker.

   This surprised Jiang Yao, but after some speculation, he thought it might be the reason for this universe.

  Of course, Jiang Yao is not sure whether it is the cause of this universe, but it is undoubtedly a good thing for him, after all, void creatures cannot locate him.

  They mean that it will be even more difficult for void creatures to find Jiang Yao in the future, and in this case, the pressure on Jiang Yao to fight on the front line will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

   "Although the void creatures may not need to worry too much, I still have to find a way elsewhere."

   "The probability of the starry sky behemoth coming out in the short term is not high, so the next two enemies that may appear at any time are the empire and that unknown civilization.

  Compared to the situation of the unknown civilization empire, it should not be far away. After all, the empire also suffered heavy losses in the previous wave of battles. "

   "However, lean camels are bigger than horses, especially because they have a solid foundation, so the progress of recovery should not be much slower than mine."

   "However, they will need time soon, so if there is no accident, the empire does not need to worry too much in the short term. Then according to this reasoning, the ultimate goal still points to that mysterious civilization."

   "And the most important thing is that this may be the only chance for me to break my face with that civilization, because now other civilizations except him are more or less in trouble,

   And they must start to deal with these troubles, which means that I will enter a period of comfort for a long time. "

   "During this period, I have a showdown against that civilization. I just need to find a way to deal with that civilization, and I don't need to worry about other civilizations making trouble."

  (end of this chapter)

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