MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 483 found the big secret

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   "Black Bug Planet!"

  The players who saw all this at this time couldn't help but exclaimed.

   Obviously, this scene is exactly the same as the one they saw for the first time on Black Worm Planet.

"How can this be!"

"what is going on!"

   "Damn it, could it be that the Black Worm Planet was also created by this civilization?"

   "This matter seems to be a big deal. If this is the case, I am afraid that they are secretly planning to take away the Black Worm Planet."

Hearing this, Xianyu shook his head, "Probably not, if the Black Worm Planet was made by them, then they would definitely not be able to design this place like this, because once they design this place like this, we will naturally know it when we see this scene. Most likely, they would never make such a mistake."

"That's right, if so many resources are spent to build the Black Worm Planet, then their purpose is also very clear. If they want to use this thing as a kind of post or other, then it is absolutely impossible for them to let us find out, and they are here now With this operation, doesn't it clearly let us know that Black Worm Planet is their successor?"

   After talking here, everyone could not help but calm down, and began to re-examine the situation here.

After the players' observation, they found that there are many differences from what they saw on the Black Worm Planet. First of all, the outer layer of energy body. They feel like a simplified version of the Black Worm Planet.

  Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the fluctuation of this energy is different from that from the planet.

   "Brothers, what's going on?"

   "This thing gives me the greatest feeling that it is from a copycat."

   "Yes, many things look alike, but not exactly alike."

   "This is a question worth thinking about, but the thing made by the other party is very similar to the situation on the Black Worm Planet, which is enough to show that they may have encountered a situation similar to the Black Worm Planet."

   "And their research on this situation is also very in-depth, otherwise they would absolutely not be able to make this thing as it is."

  Hearing this, everyone couldn't help discussing this matter.

   "If this is the case, then I think the next thing will be a bit difficult. What is the situation of that energy? We have studied it for so long but still haven't figured it out.

  The fact that people can use the characteristics of this energy to replace it with other things to make such a thing is enough to show that the gap between the two sides is very large. "

  Hearing this, everyone also fell into deep thought, "So are we going to fight this wave?"

   "Fight, this must be done."

   "Then the biggest problem we face now is how to get inside and return safely."

  Hearing what the player said, everyone looked at each other. It was obvious that they entered and then came out, and they didn't know how to operate.

   "Things are troublesome now."

   "This matter should be resolved. If I remember correctly, the leader has been studying this matter for a while. We can ask the leader to see what's going on with him."

   "If the leader can solve this problem, then everything will be easy. If the leader can't solve it, then we can consider going back to each family and looking for each mother."

   In this way, the players contacted Jiang Yao during the discussion.

  After learning about this, Jiang Yao immediately sent the cerebrate who was in charge of research in the War Fortress over.

  Because the brain worms over there have been researching this aspect, maybe they can have a solution.

   Just like this, the players who finished all this immediately found an area nearby to hide, so as not to startle the enemy.

In this way, a few more days passed, and the brain worms sent by Jiang Yao also arrived at the scene. After they came, in order to ensure that their side would not be exposed due to too many people, the players only sent Several high-level arms were sent to **** the brain worms, while the other arms continued to hide in place.

   In this way, the Cerebral Worm studied on the spot for almost three days and finally got an idea, and then the Cerebral Worm told everyone about his discovery.

  After the introduction of the brain worm, people also have a general understanding of the situation here. First of all, the energy here is completely different from the energy body on the black worm planet.

Because most of the main components of the energy body on the side of the black worm are not found in this universe, and the overall composition of the energy body here can find corresponding raw materials in this universe, but how to combine these things For processing and reorganization, the brain worms are not clear about this.

   But this is not important to the brain worms, because what they need to study now is how to get in and out.

  Because they have been studying the energy body of the black worm planet for a long time, it is much easier for them to break through because it has the same approach as the energy body of the black worm planet.

  First of all, the brain worms determined the method of entering and exiting this energy body, and also studied the difference between this energy body and the energy body they are currently studying. The biggest difference is about the spiritual power and soul.

  The energy body here does not have this ability, that is to say, they can infiltrate their mental power into it at will, and even the replicas made by the eye worm can enter and exit it at will.

  The only limitation here is some entities such as living organisms or non-living organisms.

The scenario here is that there are restrictions on the passage of entities. In addition to this, there are no restrictions on others who want to pass. Of course, considering this, the players also tried to make Ultralisks conduct high-dimensional attacks to see if there is any effect. The results found that This kind of energy body is similar to the energy body on the black worm planet, and they can be immune to attacks from higher latitudes.

  This is a very peculiar property, which means that in this energy body, it will limit the dimension. No matter which dimension you come from, once you approach it, the dimension will be synchronized to the same dimension as it.

   This is also the first time Jiang Yao has seen anti-dimensional weapons.

After all, in this universe, the strongest attack is to use regular dimensional weapons, and in his cognition, he has never seen any technology or method that can resist this kind of attack, even for the absolute For most civilizations, this kind of attack is unsolvable, but now he has discovered a weapon that can resist this kind of attack.

   "Does it also mean that if you want to be promoted to a super civilization in this universe, you must master similar means?"

   Speaking of this, Jiang Yao also fell into deep thought.

   "Indeed, once you master the defensive means of this weapon, then this will mean that you will always be invincible."

   "The blow of high-dimensional to low-dimensional is unsolvable, just like hitting a two-dimensional plane as a three-dimensional creature, it is too simple for you."

   "This is like giving you a blank sheet of paper, and there are several people drawn on the blank sheet of paper, and these people are two-dimensional creatures."

"If you want to attack them, you only need to take a pen or an eraser to erase them easily, and even say that any of their attacks are ineffective for you. In addition, you can also use various How to play them to death."

"For example, you can draw a missile or something else to attack them, attacking from a high dimension to a low dimension. As a high dimension, you are like a god. You can easily create or erase everything in two dimensions .”

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao immediately understood what this technology meant.

  "Usually some super civilizations want to kill each other. They will throw dimensional weapons crazily and attack the enemy. In order to prevent the enemy from using the same method on him, he will transform himself into a low-dimensional creature."

   "In this way, he can use this weapon unscrupulously. Although it is very simple for high-dimensional creatures to attack low-dimensional creatures, they also have to consider a problem."

   "That is, for these low-dimensional creatures, it is very difficult for you to get close to him, because the area where he is located is being continuously reduced in dimension, and as long as you dare to approach, then you will inevitably be reduced to the fate of dimensionality."

   "Because of this feature, high-dimensional creatures have no advantage when fighting low-dimensional creatures. All they can do is to escape the strike range of dimensionality reduction weapons thrown by low-dimensional creatures."

"This also means that mastering this kind of dimensional weapon will change the result of the battle between high-dimensional and low-dimensional creatures. The dimensionality reduction weapon used by low-dimensional creatures will not cause any harm to high-dimensional creatures, while high-dimensional creatures But it can attack low-dimensional creatures through high dimensions, which is simply devastating to low-dimensional.”

   Speaking of this, Jiang Yao suddenly showed horror, because he seemed to have thought of a terrible possibility.

   "First of all, if it wasn't a coincidence, I wouldn't have known such a method at all."

   "And in this universe, dimensional weapons are irresistible, which has become the consensus of most civilizations."

  "If all civilizations in the universe have reached this consensus and started to develop according to this consensus, then something suddenly appears at this stage and breaks this consensus. What will it mean?"

  Jiang Yao also shuddered at the thought of this.

   "Perhaps the fact that dimensional weapons cannot be defended is also deliberately spread by these civilizations."

   "The purpose is to make all creatures in the universe two-dimensional, but they themselves are still in the third dimension. Using such weapons, they can easily rule the entire two-dimensional universe."

   "Routines are routines, and this is a shockingly big one."

   "Now they even have this level of shields for the Zerg Queen, so it doesn't rule out that they have higher-level shields hidden."

   "If this is the case, then my inference is likely to be true."

"And on the premise that you don't have a dimensional weapon, this kind of shield is just a superhard shield for many civilizations, and only when you have a dimensional weapon and attack it, then you can know What the **** is it."

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao couldn't help being a little amazed at their operations.

   "Sure enough, no civilization in this universe is a fuel-efficient lamp. This wave is a big game of chess."

   Speaking of which, Jiang Yao knew that he had to focus his research on this weapon as much as possible in the future.

   "If one day I also master such a weapon, then after the entire universe becomes two-dimensional, wouldn't I also become a rule maker?"

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao gradually became interested in this matter.

  In fact, he has developed to the point where he is now. Except for the few civilizations who secretly observe him, there are very few civilizations that can threaten his safety.

  At this stage, if he cleans up the eyes of that civilization, then in this universe, as long as he doesn't mess around, there is basically no pressure to save his life.

   But obviously, Jiang Yao didn't think about putting his mind on saving his life at this time, and now his mind has flown elsewhere.

   That is to let other civilizations continue to develop and continue to fight. Even from a certain perspective, he can spend part of his energy and time on researching dimensionality reduction weapons and publish this technology.

  At that time, the speed of dimensionality reduction in the entire universe will be greatly increased, and civilizations like myself that have mastered this defensive technology can become the final winners.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao gradually had an idea in his heart.

  He also admitted that this is a very crazy idea, but if it succeeds, he can be regarded as the number one civilization in the entire universe.

   "If I still have the ability to clean up some civilizations at the same level as mine, then wouldn't this universe have the final say on me."

   "At that stage I am fully capable of rewriting the rules of the entire universe."

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao's heart became inexplicably excited. Indeed, this is a crazy idea, and it is also a crazy plan.

  But what if this plan succeeds. . . . .

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao already has two simple plans for the future in his mind, but he also knows very well that to achieve this goal, it takes more than just thinking about it.

   During the implementation of a goal, he will spend a lot of energy and time.

And what worries him the most is the players. After all, the players are just ordinary people. Even though Jiang Yao provided Blue Star with a lot of biological technology, so that they have a long lifespan, Jiang Yao is also very clear that this pure It is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

  Because no matter how much lifespan is provided for them, they will eventually come to the end of their lives. Although players can iterate, this is not a long-term solution.

They are playing games, not talking about cultural inheritance, so new players can learn very little from old players, that is, a generation of old people goes offline, which means that they follow what they have learned for so many years What arrives will disappear.

  Even if you let them write corresponding books or lectures and teach them in this way, there is a high probability that only a very small part of what is taught in this way.