MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1142 raging river (middle)

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It was noon, and the sound of gongs and drums in the city could be heard faintly outside. There was a pool and rockery in the courtyard, dotted with snow in winter. At first glance, it looked like a rich and noble family, but it looked a bit pure and elegant. A big table was set up in the main hall, the center of the table was hollowed out, and a fiery charcoal fire was set up. Even if the door was opened for a banquet, the diners at the table would not feel cold.

However, at this time, the faces of everyone at the table were pale.

It was only a moment after the commotion outside that soldiers and secretariat staff in civilian clothes had come in. Most of the time, this was already a means of controlling prisoners in the political field, and then Ning Yi's sudden appearance, in such a At this moment, such a place is as incomprehensible as the descriptions of ghosts on the market.

In today's Southwest, his status is too high, and Li Rulai's status is too low. As far as status is concerned, even if Li Rulai wants to rebel, Ning Yi does not have to come forward to meet him. As far as the location is concerned, in his capacity, using the method of controlling prisoners to directly enter Li Rulai's private house, under any circumstances, this is an inappropriate move.

With such a strange anomaly, things would be big anyway.

The first time Li Rulai saw the figure in the dark overcoat walking in, he subconsciously reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead. He even forgot to lower his head, while Li Dong took a step back and stood straight in a military posture. Several people had confused expressions, but most of their bodies froze there.

Ning Yi glanced at everyone, and his eyes immediately shifted to the outer courtyard and the dishes on the table. His eyes seemed calm, he pulled a chair and sat down, then looked at the courtyard, nodded: "Sit."

No one dared to sit down, everyone hesitated for a moment, after a while, there was only silence in the hall, some people looked at each other, and in the silence, none of them dared to sit down.

Ning Yi glanced at everyone again, put his hands on the table, and smiled slightly: "The yard is well built, and I have spent a lot of thought, but I can still hear the sound of drums and gongs. The place is not big enough, so it is a failure. You have lost the grace of Jiangnan gardens, did you buy the land when you first arrived in Chengdu, General Li?"

Li Rulai opened his mouth, then lowered his head: "Yes, yes..."

"I've wronged you. When will the new garden be built?"

"...According to the construction period, tomorrow, March next year."


Ning Yi nodded, reached out and took a pair of bowls and chopsticks from the side. This was the bowls and chopsticks used by an officer before, and there were still some leftovers in it. Seeing that he was about to use the chopsticks, Li Dong frowned Mei: "Ning... Ning... this..."

"What's wrong with this?"


"Back then in Xiaocanghe, supplies were so scarce, you passed on what you ate to me, and what I ate to him, what does it matter today? You are an old man in Xiaocanghe, and you have a status in the eyes of others , don't become squeamish."

He picked up the chopsticks and ate something casually, as if marveling at the delicacy of the dishes. After nodding slightly, he raised his head and looked at Li Dong, his eyes serious for a moment.

"You're in the city on business, right?"


"I tell you to sit down, but if you don't sit down, is it because you are full?"

"…Yes Yes."

"Sit down and eat if you're not full, and go to work when you're full. Those who lead soldiers don't need mothers-in-law. I'm here today, and I have something to discuss with General Li Rulai. It's more important. I won't keep you."


Li Dong and the others just hesitated a little, then raised their hands in salute, and went out of the yard one after another.

Ning Yi moved the chair closer to the round table, and picked up a few more dishes to eat. After Li Dong and others disappeared from the yard, he waved his hand, and then the people from the security department and the secretariat also left the room one after another. Within the visual range, only he and Li Rulai were left. Li Rulai stood there with his head down, took a deep breath, moved slightly, Ning Yi raised his head, this time, the words were calmer.


After saying this, he put down his chopsticks, and his tone seemed to be facing a dead person.

Then there was a moment of silence in the courtyard.

When she opened her mouth again, she said, "A few years ago, when the Jurchen Wangyuan Bridge was defeated and sent people to recruit you, you asked back, saying that if I do things like this, when the wall falls in the future, won't you be afraid of being pushed by everyone... yes Bar."

Ning Yi's eyes fixed on Li Rulai, as if he was a little tired, but also with some compassion for hating iron and steel, Li Rulai's body trembled slightly: "That... that is... this moment and that moment..."

"You Wu Dynasty, many of the generals who were able to get ahead are like this. You are, and so is Liu Guangshi. You understand the ways of the world and what is commonplace in the world, but you can't fight. A leader who can't fight, what's the use? ? After joining the Huaxia Army, I didn’t reuse you. You complained in your heart, and you were obsessed with eating, drinking and having fun, and made some friends. Now you have made so many friends who are heroes, have you learned how to fight?”


"...For you...and your little brothers, I have already made a set of arrangements. You follow the steps to death, and I will do things step by step. After two years, everyone's affairs will be over, but I have recently thought about it. Some things, for the Chinese New Year, I should have returned to Zhang Village, but I was diverted to your side. I just want to ask, if you send women to the officers in the army, according to your sophistication and feudal rules, how much should you die? time?"


"...If you know the rules so well, you should know that in which dynasty, the whole family is dead. So today, I came here like this, which is not quite according to the rules, but whether it is calculated according to my rules or your sophistication, it should be There is no difference, I think you can accept it calmly."

Li Rulai raised his head slightly, the last trace of blood on his face disappeared, sweat dripped out, Ning Yi sighed.

"The cook is good, sit down and have your last meal."

There was a wind blowing in from outside the hall, and Li Rulai's figure was shaky. He is in his fifties. He is usually tall and well-maintained, and his hair is still black. Become transparent and disappear. Ning Yi on the opposite side is nearly forty years old, but the coercion in his eyes is far greater than this. He picked up a teacup and looked at it, then put it down again, and suddenly, he slapped the wooden table with a slap. The wooden table seemed to shake even the floor, and his angry voice roared out.


Li Rulai pulled out the chair and sat down at the table. He put his hands on the round table: "I, I..."

His voice trembled, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it in the end. Ning Yi, who was opposite him, also sat for a while. For some reason, he seemed a little tired when he was about to kill the whole family. After a while, Li Rulai's expression changed several times, and he said, "What did you think of?"

"I...I'm thinking...I'm just speculating, speculating...Chairman...if he really wants to kill me...kill my whole family, will...won't come in person..."

"...Before I came here, I happened to think about some questions."

It took a while for the voice in the hall to ring out again.

"After the surrender, I have my personal likes and dislikes to treat you idle, but in general, is it really unfair to you? It's like the Lu Qiaoshan you have been comparing with. He is a defeated general and was arrested. After moving in, it was completely remodeled, and it can be used very much now, but after Wangyuan Bridge, we decided to regard you as a typical example, Qianjinshigu, but we didn’t make proper arrangements for you. Maybe this is why we need to review in our work a mistake."

"Of course, this is a small aspect...but in a big aspect, people's ways of the world and the ways of the world do not exist. We always say in the Huaxia Army's study class that there is a way to do things. On the one hand, it is necessary to go back to the source and ask the original intention, but on the technical side, we must seek truth from facts. The rules that exist in the world cannot be treated as if they do not exist just because your goal is great. We talk about it again and again, of course, because many people are doing things. , Dao and art are inseparable at all. Then I suddenly thought of your question..."

"General Li, you have been in the world for so many years. When you surrendered, you didn't understand the Huaxia Army. It is understandable. In your fantasy, the so-called "fighting the world" is nothing more than uniting a group of soldiers who can fight like you. , together at such a dining table, eating hot pot and singing songs, and then promising to win the world in the future, what kind of fame and fame will you be promised, such things, from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, to Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and Li Shimin, are all human, and they are also the founding of the country. normality…”

"At that time, you couldn't think of too many things, but what I'm curious about is, General Li, you have made so many friends of the Huaxia Army with all your brains. In the process of eating, drinking, having fun with them, and corrupting them, you have a lot of thoughts about the Huaxia Army. The purpose of shouting, for what we plan to do, don't you... have some clarity?"

Ning Yi's hand stroked lightly on the table.

"We want to break the cycle of Confucianism, to develop the wisdom of the people, to investigate things, and to promote the four peoples. Upward we want to break the cycle of governance and chaos, and downward we want to break the rule of local sages. Standing up after reading, we want to make changes that have not been seen in thousands of years...A few years ago, these things were far away from you, and your worldly wisdom told you that these things could not be realized, and you even had your own reasons for why it could not be realized. A solid view, even your view is still relatively complete, but today, General Li, we are in the same boat a few years later, even if you still don’t agree with it, you should already understand where this ship is going. "

There was a slight pause.

"Generally, there are two choices when faced with such a problem. First, you disembark and die yourself. Second, where are the reefs and problems on this route? Use your worldly experience to think about how to get rid of these worldly ways. I was wondering if it was possible for me to get some surprises from it, and you can’t say that I never gave you Li Rulai a chance.”

He looked at each other quietly for a moment.

"Leading the army is not enough. I will give you a village. You know that the land reform is being carried out recently. In fact, it is to seize power from the village sages. I will give you the one hundred and first experimental village. You can do whatever you want with it. Whether you cooperate with the working group or work alone, as long as you don’t break the law and discipline, in a few years, the people in your village will become rich, listen to the command of the Huaxia Army, understand reason, and children must read books. Widows and widows have something to support, you have done a good job, I will give you more things, you will have a place in future political consultations, and your evaluation will be in the history books.”

Ning Yi pushed the table away and stood up.

"It was an accident to think of these things about you. Even if it wasn't today, I would think about today's issues carefully in the future, but at that time, your whole family is already dead, so it's your luck to come here today...Of course, Whether to go this way, your own business, someone will come in later, the past, explain clearly, just treat it as you buy a life, start a new life, and then we will ride a donkey to read the books, we will wait and see."

He left the hall and walked outside, and when he was about to reach the gate of the courtyard, he heard Li Rulai's voice from behind.

"Yes! Chairman!"

The voice was faint, but there was still some excitement. I don't know if it was the excitement of the rest of the life after the catastrophe, or the excitement of being able to do things.

The people from the security department put down the sniper rifle aimed at Li Rulai, and the staff of the secretariat also withdrew one after another. When they were about to reach the gate outside, they came to report to Ning Yi: "Head Li is still waiting outside." Ning Yi nodded , and someone called him over.

The two walked together in a carriage for a while, and Ning Yi said one thing: "When I was fighting in Xiaocang River, I mentioned that there was an emperor who would peel off officials who embezzled five taels of silver and plant grass. All of you clapped your hands and applauded. Do you still clap your hands now?"

Li Dong thought for a while: "Yes."

"Okay." Ning Yi looked at him for a moment, then nodded, "Go back and do a self-criticism, and be cautious when making friends in the future."

After Li Dong saluted and left, the carriage drove all the way and got on the road back to Zhang Village. After a while, a few more cars approached. This was also the car that went to Zhang Village for the Spring Festival. Inside were Juan'er and Li Shishi. However, Su Tan'er, who knew Li Shishi was alone in Chengdu, ordered Juan'er to invite him to live in Zhangcun temporarily to spend the New Year together.

"Gods and ghosts..."

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Ning Yi laughed and cursed, but he didn't seem very happy.

Shi Shi asked Ning Yi about the arrangement for Li Rulai.

In the past, Ning Yi had a long plan here, and let Shishi participate in the preliminary preparations for the propaganda. However, the fact that Li Rulai sent women to the army had a bad influence. She reported to Ning Yi. This time Ning Yi When she came back, it was said that she went directly to Li Rulai's house, and she was ready for Li Rulai's house to be ransacked.

After hearing Ning Yi talk about the handling this time, Shishi stared, and was quite surprised for a while.


In Jindi, it's afternoon.

After giving Yuan Xiaoqiu a holiday and finishing his official duties, when he left the Qing Palace, the sky was already overcast.

The horse-drawn carriage passed through the snow-covered city. The bustle of the morning was still going on, but many people had started to go home one after another. When Xiaonian was the time for offering sacrifices to the stove, many people still had to go home to celebrate A ceremony. Slightly opening the curtain, Lou Shuwan could see the lights lit up in some shops, the hustle and bustle of people and the occasional smell of food.

She went to a mansion on the side of the city.

She hasn't been here for a long time.

The one who opened the door for her in the yard was a middle-aged woman with plain clothes and plain appearance. Probably because she didn't meet many people on weekdays, when she saw Lou Shuwan at this time, she looked a little panicked. Lou Shuwan told her something After speaking, she asked her followers to hand over some cloth and food, and she walked towards the yard.

The courtyard with two entrances, the outside is a symbolic living room, and the inside is a living place. You can see a few chickens and ducks in the inner courtyard, and there is also the smell of feces. At the door of the bedroom in front of the courtyard, a middle-aged man who seems to be demented is drooling from the corner of his mouth. She was wrapped in a thick quilt, leaning there, staring blankly at the sky.

This is her second brother, Lou Shuheng.

Both his mind and body had been abolished in the past three years.

For a long period of time, Lou Shuwan raised her last relative in this world like a pig and sheep for him to eat and drink, and found a woman for him, hoping that the only elder brother would be able to give him nothing. The worthless life left the Lou family with a descendant, but Lou Shuheng did not take such a responsibility. In the incident with Tian Hu, he was tortured when he was already weak, and he was scared out of his wits.

Since the last time the Jurchen went south, the situation in Jin was in critical condition. Lou Shuwan once cut down on food and clothing, and her whole body was swollen from hunger. She had no time to care about her elder brother who was raised at home and had become a waste. During that time, Lou Shuheng also experienced Hunger for many times, suffering from various transfers, he was so frightened that he broke his head in one transfer, and then he lingered on his last breath. Even though Lou Shuwan had given up on him, he remained in a daze. survived.

Since then, the situation in Jindi has gradually eased. Every time Lou Shuwan saw her demented brother, she was annoyed by it. It doesn't matter whether she is the proprietor or the husband, she doesn't care anymore, and from then on, she only comes to visit occasionally when she is free.

Perhaps because the other party took good care of him, Lou Shuheng's body did not collapse. Most of the time, perhaps because of weakness, he likes to sit under the eaves and watch the sun, so even in winter, this habit continues . But I have to admit that the elder brother after dementia looks a little more pleasing to the eye than the manic him before.

After looking at each other for a while, Lou Shuwan sat beside him, poured a bowl of warm water, and fed him to drink spoonful by spoonful.

Lou Shu Heng Yi Yi Yi Acridine, actually seemed to show a little smile.

Seeing that smile, Lou Shuwan's eyes warmed up.

For many, many years, she hadn't seen her elder brother showing such a smile. It was like the smile she had when she was a child. Since she was an adult, in the smiles she saw, there was only madness.

"...It's good that you became like this earlier, you laughed like this earlier...Maybe Su Tan'er will like you..."

"...Do you still remember Su Tan'er, her man... well, you said how discerning I was back then, you and the eldest brother are not as good as me, our family, how discerning I am... our family, UU reading www big brother, daddy..."

"...You don't live up to it, you don't live up to it... You say you have as many children as you want, and I can help you raise them up. Today is twenty-four. The Stove Lord is in heaven. There is no man in the family, and I can't even do the stove. Sacrifice, I'm don't live up to it..."

She looked at Lou Shuheng, murmured and babbled, her eyes were a little red, but she had experienced too many people, even when she talked about these, she did not shed tears. Lou Shuheng also looked at her babbling, like a child, he has become the happiest person in the family, but she is always unhappy.

In the white-capped city outside, festive fire lights were reflected on the ground and in the sky, and people were in a festive atmosphere. And she is always unhappy.

"...It's all your fault...It's all your fault...Became an idiot, the most irresponsible one...Forgot that you have a younger sister..."

"Ha ha…"

Lou Shuheng was blowing foam, and his saliva was bursting, like a period of life that passed away suddenly, reflected in countless laughter, fireworks, and reflected in the eyes of sorrow and regret...

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