MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1156 smoldering (6)

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In the evening of spring, it started to get dark early. On March 14th, in the forest near Xiaoye Village, birds flew away while singing, and some lights in the village were lit.

The horse was **** in the woods about miles away from the village and the 223 Research Institute. The two people who led the way came to explore the way in the last light of day. One of them, who was not wearing military uniform, went to the village to ask the village head first. A few words: He brought the official documents of the Huaxia Army, said he was passing by on business, asked for a sip of water, asked about the situation of the 223 Research Institute by the way, and left before the other party became suspicious.

The other person also roughly saw the location of the retting area in the research institute.

More people arrived later.

"How's it going here? Did you startle the snake?"

"I have determined the place where the manure is made, and found the dung truck. The person should be in the house next to it, but it is not easy to go directly there, and I am not completely sure."

"The village chief chatted for a while, the one who dragged the dung should be punished... There is a situation, most of the time, he departs from here to Wenpu every afternoon, but today you see, he didn't leave at this time, This is very suspicious. We didn't act rashly, what's the situation with Wenpu?"

In the dark woods, none of the group lit up torches. Fortunately, it was the middle of the month, and the moon came out early, and each other's figures in the woods could be seen clearly. The leader is a middle-aged soldier with a decent appearance and wounds on the corners of his mouth and eyes. His eyes are calm and convincing. The rest of them also have traces of the army, and some of them are wearing formal military uniforms.

After the two vanguard scouts briefly explained the matter, the leading middle-aged soldier nodded: "It seems that it is him... I have searched around, and found obvious traces at the excrement collection room. A group of children gave lectures and read newspapers. And... I made sure to buy Jinchuang medicinal materials in the morning."

"It's probably him...the dung truck stinks, the surname Qiu is really willing to let it go..."

"...Do you want to do it? Do it directly, or grab it?"

"The question is, what is the background of this person? Boss, did you find anything over there?"

"What's the origin... a manure collector..."

"Shut up, Xiao Yan didn't say that today, he has no nails on his hands, and he was not timid when he met someone yesterday. This kind of person... most likely came back from doing things outside..."

"The nails were all peeled off, and he was assigned to pick up shit?"

"That would be even more troublesome..."

A few people in the woods whispered this, and the leading soldier looked ahead and frowned in thought, then said, "Didn't the village say anything?"

"Boss, you told me that you didn't know his relationship here, so I was afraid to startle the snake, so I only mentioned the manure yard a little bit. The village chief didn't say anything special. I don't think he has a deep impression on this person. If you want to ask If you are clear, you have to make your attitude clear.”

The leader of the soldier nodded: "223 is just a research institute for farm work. There is nothing big in it, but even if it is a small place, it is inevitable that there are a few talented people. Time is short, so it is not easy to ask someone casually. Wen Puna I didn't find out too many things. I only know that this manure collector reads books and newspapers every day, and understands a lot of truths. He was imprisoned, his things were thrown away, and he came back alive...the people on the espionage line..."

"He's a coward, so he won't be wronged if he does it!" Someone shouted.

"...This kind of person is very smart!" Someone said on the side, "If the surname Qiu falls into his hands, he will figure out how many things he has figured out in one day and one night!"

"That's why we can't let him live! Do we have to wait for him to find out the matter and confront us at the top?"


In the forest, a group of people fell silent and looked at each other. The leading middle-aged soldier wiped his mouth and nose, frowned, walked back and forth a few steps, and finally said, "Tell me, is it possible to talk to him."

"...The one who was tortured outside and left things alone may not be a tough guy." Someone said.

"That has to be arrested before we talk about it. Besides, unless he can kill Qiu with his own hands, he can't believe it..."

"It's best to die to a family surnamed Qiu without causing trouble, otherwise even a manure collector will die.

, who knows if they will be investigated..."

"If you want to talk, you can bleed some blood..."

The matter was tentatively agreed, and the leading soldier just nodded, the light in his eyes gathered, and he began to give orders.

"That's the best plan now. Okay, Xiao Yin, go around to the front of this farm, find the person in charge here, and talk about the landlord running away and Tang Minjie's possible cover-up, and say that you killed yourself Comrade, urgently follow the right, we arrest people, so that they can’t come here. We do things here, Xu and Huzi, go to the left; Lame, Yu, go to the right; Xiao Zheng and I go from the front... Two things, first, pay attention You must find the one surnamed Qiu, but you don’t need to attack immediately. Second, it’s best to control Tang Minjie so that he can kill the one named Qiu.

His words were quick and firm, and after he finished speaking, everyone in the forest saluted: "...Yes."

"Xiao Yin, you go first."

The soldier named Xiao Yin ran towards the side of the forest and disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye. In the forest, the six people stood there silently, watching the moonlight falling like water, and after a while, a firm order sounded again.


The six figures merged into the night, passed through the woods, and headed towards the house on the edge of the 223 Research Institute.

This is where the composting field is located, and it smells very bad. The simple fence is broken and broken, and it can hardly be used as a defense function. Tang Minjie lives in a few old houses, which are neatly tidied up. The mule cart and mules are placed on the side. In the shack, under the moonlight, there seemed to be a figure moving in the main house where the people lived. Several soldiers approached quietly and made gestures with each other. After about three breaths, the sound of a wooden mechanism "squeaking" suddenly sounded in the night, which was particularly abrupt in the night.

Behind the house, a wooden lever rotates in the air, and a fishing net encircles the person and drags him into the air.

Shouts sounded immediately.


"Han girl found out!"

"Catch a man and a woman!"

"Tang, you can't escape..."

People in the front, back, left, and right had all experienced major events, and they were not flustered before the battle. Although there was a brick or something in the room that was thrown towards the rear window, they were also avoided in the darkness. The leading middle-aged soldier shouted, "You can't run away, Tang." Then he leaned against the wall next to him and said, "Is the **** okay?"

The **** who was caught in the fishing net responded from behind: "It's okay, motherfucker, **** this man!" Another soldier surnamed Yu had already rushed in from the window, and then there was a burst of chaotic voices, and the room Something seemed to have fallen down in the house, and Yu, who was surnamed Yu, cursed loudly and was knocked out of the house.

In the darkness, the leader of the middle-aged soldier gestured to the side, telling the companion on the left to search other places first, trying to find the escaped Qiu Yuan, and he leaned against the door of the main house by himself: "Tang Minjie, your We all know the matter, we are all our own people, can we talk?"

Under the moonlight, there were figures sneaking around the composting yard. The room was quiet for a while, and then a voice came out: "I thought, you wouldn't take risks like this... What's the difference between this and not calling yourself?"

The leader of the middle-aged soldier was also silent for a while, and after a while, he saw a light in the distance, and he smiled: "What do you say, you don't want to fight yourself. Yesterday, the landlord of Erqing Village, Qiu Zishu, committed a murder with a knife and killed the leader of our group. Comrade, we found it, and you covered him. The surname Tang, we checked you, you are working outside, you have lost your fingernails, and you come back to pick up dung, who did you betray... betray comrade? Now you come out and get caught live..."

"...The surname Qiu is reporting you." Litou waited for a while before saying.

"These landlords can't say anything."

"You forced him to sign a questionable land deed, colluding with others to divide the land for self-enrichment."

The middle-aged soldier frowned, began to gesture with his companions, and then said: "There is no evidence, it's all nonsense."

"It can't stand a serious have already made plans to force his whole family to death."

Under the wall outside, the middle-aged soldier turned his long knife and took a breath: "Have you heard the discussion in Chengdu?"


"For things like dividing up fields and land, you have to do it thoroughly. If you don't kill people, what kind of redemption do you do? These people are resentful, and they will fight against our Huaxia Army sooner or later. Mr. Ning is too soft-hearted. This matter is wrong. We have to Help him correct what you said is right!"

His categorical words seemed to make everyone in the room startled, but before he finished speaking, his companion rushed into the room like a leopard. In the darkness, there was a rumbling noise in the room, but the room was full of all kinds of furniture and sundries. Before he rushed in, some old tables, chairs and benches piled up fell down. There are obstacles everywhere.

At the back of the house, the **** has already cut half of the fishing net, shouting loudly in the darkness: "He wants to run—" The middle-aged soldier quickly chased after him, and shouted: "Stop him." His eyes subconsciously turned to the surrounding rooms or the dung truck Looking over, he had just had a few conversations with the other party. The two companions who were in charge of searching for Qiu Zishu had already searched here, but they didn't find it after a rough check. At this moment, Tang Minjie seemed to be preparing to break out from behind the house. The soldier surnamed Yu was rushing to intercept and kill him. The middle-aged soldier was still shouting, "Keep alive."

A little further away, on the edge of the small square, looking for Qiu Zishu, one of the two figures waved under the moonlight, as if he had discovered something: "There is a kiln here..."

UU reading www.uukanshu for hunting down the landlord Qiu Zishu. Com is related to everyone's wealth and life, so he is also in a particularly urgent mood. He slapped the fire pocket and pushed away the covering stone.

"don't want…"

Behind the house, the manure collector who was being chased called out, and the soldier surnamed Yu slashed at his body. The middle-aged soldier saw sparks falling in the air, and then there was a wave-like distortion in front of his companion over there. Yang up.

[In view of the general environment,

There was a loud bang, the flames soared into the sky, the earth shook, and the two figures were washed into the night sky together with the overturned earth and rocks. The middle-aged soldier covered his head and face against the wall, his ears were buzzing, and the inside and outside of the room The few people in the room were also a little stupid for a while, the corpses of the two soldiers fell together with the flying earth and rocks, and the stench of feces mixed with the burnt smell of the explosion. After only a moment, someone shouted from behind the house: "I killed you—" The middle-aged soldier had already stood up with his sword, his face was twisted, and he shouted: "Kill him, kill him, kill him!" ah-"

Tang Minjie was already running towards the nearby mountain with blood...

At this moment, the entire farm and nearby villages in the night were awakened by the violent methane explosion.

Read The Duke's Passion