MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 96 life and death verdict (9)

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Text Chapter 1096 The Judgment of Life and Death (9)

Unitary time.

Jiangning Golden Street is brightly lit.

In the small courtyard behind the Golden Tower, "Wu Ba" Gao Huiyun invited "Measurement Ruler" Meng Zhuotao, and some of his cronies were having a banquet here. Surprised, he waved away a group of subordinates who were eating and drinking with him, and asked the subordinates to quickly withdraw the banquet and serve tea.

After a while, the half-white-haired "Tuohe Sanren" Xu Longbiao arrived here first, followed by "Tiandao" Tan Zheng. The first sentence they said was "something happened", and then they sat down and chatted for a while. However, Meng Zhutao jokingly mentioned it to Tan Zheng:

"Little friend, why didn't you come with Tan Gong?"

Tan Zheng shook his head helplessly and waved his hands: "Don't be so stingy, Mr. Meng. The Monkey King is young and impatient, but he is a junior after all. You have taught him a lesson, so don't take it to heart. But having said that, although he is now I am a Manichae protector, but my ostensible job is to be an envoy sent by General Liu Guangshi, so for such a big event, he must first discuss it with the envoy."

After the chaos in the Golden Building earlier, because he failed to catch the murderer, Li Yanfeng took advantage of the problem twice, accusing Meng Zhuotao of covering up several of his brothers and sisters. For the first time in the New Tiger Palace, Xu Zhaonan, who came out as a peacemaker, gave Li Yanfeng a lot of compensation for this. But a few days before his arrival, when Li Yanfeng vaguely mentioned this matter again, he met Meng Zhutao. on the spot. .

At that time, Meng Zhutao directly invited Li Yanfeng to compete. Li Yanfeng was young and energetic, so he agreed directly. As a result, in that contest, the "Monkey King", who was already good at boxing, was beaten to the ground by the "Liangtian Ruler" who threw away his weapon. I understand that this man who is in charge of the criminal law in the power of the wheel-turning king is tyrannical and cannot be insulted.

Chatted casually about Li Yanfeng, and after drinking two sips of tea, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang also hurried over here, sat down and took a sip of tea, the first sentence said: "Damn, something is not right .”

Meng Zhutao picked up the teacup and said, "In the afternoon, there was news that one of your subordinates was in trouble again. A man named...Yang Hanzhou ran to chop up Yan Tiehe in Yanjiabao. This matter is serious. Xiao, either we will fight Shi Baofeng here, or you and I will deal with Yang Hanzhou first... Are you familiar with this Yang Hanzhou? Are you related?"

Chen Juefang was slightly stunned, and then waved his hand: "It's all trivial, I don't care about it. What happened to Yiyuan? I received the news that the 'Immortal Guard' was on standby, and Mr. Xu directly ordered Yuan Zhan is out of the city, and I heard that the purpose should be to mobilize troops, and the rest of the companies are making moves, how about it? For that 'reading club', are we going to fight now?"

"Not at all." Tan Zheng shook his head.

Xu Longbiao also shook his head: "The old man has heard some news, but it may not be accurate. I heard... King Fairness acquiesced in his relationship with the reading club?"

"I heard it was vague." Tan Zheng said.

"Me too." Chen Juefang nodded.

"I didn't admit it, why did it suddenly become like this?"

"I receive a little more news." Gao Huiyun said on the side, "Xu Gong and Shi Gong joined forces to get mad at He Wen because of the reading club. They teamed up to eliminate the hidden danger of the reading club. For some reason, He Wen refused to express his opinion, and even got into an argument with Crazy Zhou. He Wen told everyone that the things written in the book of the reading club were not without reason. Let everyone think about it."

Everyone was silent for a while, looking at each other, Chen Juefang looked around: "What's the reason?"

No one spoke for a while, Meng Zhuotao took a sip of tea: "He Wen is crazy."

"There should be three possibilities." Xu Longbiao, who is older and well-informed among the crowd, held his cup and said slowly, "First, Xu Gong and Shi Gong used the book club to force Mr. He to express his opinion, but He Mr. seized the opportunity, pushed the boat along the way, and set up a... Everyone knows that although this study club has some radical ideas, its influence on the bottom has begun to have a certain scale. There are people who agree with the idea of ​​this book club, even if many people don’t agree, they have seen their stuff more or less, and then our King of Fairness wants to take advantage of the trend to win over this group of people and gather them under his command.”

"Xu Gong and Shi Gong forced him to express his position, but he backhandedly poached the corners of the other four families?" Meng Zhutao frowned.

Tan Zheng smiled: "The Jiangning conference has been held four times, and all parties are still restrained. I said before that it will not continue like this, and there will definitely be a day when swords are on the verge of breaking out. I just didn't expect that the first person to do it would be He arts?"

"It's not that Shi Baofeng didn't have little tricks. He didn't attend the meeting yesterday. It seems that he wanted to make some changes at the Yiyuan party today, but he didn't expect the changes to be so big." Meng Zhutao said This sentence, "Old Xu continues."

Xu Longbiao nodded: "The first possibility is that Fair Wang is pushing the boat along the water. Then on the second possibility, we may think that he really thinks the book club's views are very reasonable, and he just wants to be reasonable?"

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at each other again, and Chen Juefang laughed. Gao Huiyun said: "What is the third possibility?"

"The third possibility is nothing more than... Our King of Fairness is really the person behind the establishment of the book club. However, in this way, when Mr. Xu and Mr. Shi pressed him for questioning, he should deny it. Those who conspired, who are they?" Is there any such sincerity?"

Saying so, everyone laughed, some nodded, and Meng Zhuotao shook his head: "These days, Lao Chen and I are more involved in dealing with the book club, and he is responsible for arresting it. Bian was in charge of the trial and killing, and found out that this reading club has a special feature... holding these pamphlets, people who feel that they have joined the reading club, actually don’t know who is the top person who wrote these things, that is, It doesn’t matter whether it is true or not, if the King of Fairness stands up and says he is, people will really believe it.”

He looked at the crowd, and turned the teacup in his hand slightly: "To the five of you sitting here today, if there is a member of the book club among you, I can't tell at all... Then, in this way, King Fairness will His actions didn't even just calculate the Quartet..."

Meng Zhutao paused for a moment: "If he wasn't the person behind the book club, today's action would have calculated the five parties including the book club. Think about it, there used to be rumors that the book club was behind the scenes. , In fact, it was Southwest Ning Yi's manipulation of the Fair Party. If this is true, I am the King of Fairness, and I must have a thorn in my back. But what he has done has left half of them at a loss as to what to do. "

Everyone was silent, and Meng Zhuotao said: "According to Mr. Xu, if there is another possibility, He Wen really created the reading club, then his actions today are waving the flag... just taking advantage of the meeting This is the right time to declare to all members of the book club that... I am here."

His words were low, and when he said this, everyone looked a little dignified. Gao Huiyun said: "He is the King of Fairness, so why create a reading club? The idea of ​​the reading incompatible with the five schools. That way, it will be over sooner or later. Even He Wen's territory has been scolded, why, he even plans to rebel against himself?"

"Theoretically speaking, the possibility is unlikely." Xu Longbiao said.

"Is that He Wen's intentional use of the situation? Attacking our four families while destroying the layout of the Southwest?"

"It's not very likely." Meng Zhutao shook his head. "It's easy to say, but in fact, King Pingyi directly flipped the table with a one-on-four. If he wasn't crazy, why did he do this? I didn't see us all started The troops have been transferred, and if we really wait until our four families wipe out his family, he will say it was a misunderstanding? On a whim, did you make a joke?"


The courtyard facing the river at the back of the golden building was brightly lit, outside the eaves had already hung decorations for the Double Ninth Festival, the noise of the guests in front of them could be faintly heard, the room was silent for a moment, Xu Longbiao stood up with his hands behind his back, Shaking his head and muttering.

"Not quite right..."

This matter feels wrong from the beginning to the end. If He Wen really has something to do with Shushu, what he will damage next is the interests of the other four families, and even the interests of his own group. It doesn't matter, and there is really no need for him to stand out at this time and make Xu, Shi, Zhou, and Gao all nervous, because even if he, as the King of Fairness, can receive part of the reading club's power, the other four will also suffer here. And with this risk of damage, everyone will launch a counterattack.

The Jiangning conference has only been held four times, and the appeals of each other have not been finished yet. As a leader, why did he provoke such a disturbance that is really of no benefit?

At this moment, while the tycoons under Xu Zhaonan were puzzled by the Golden Tower, well-informed people everywhere in Jiangning City had more or less noticed the changes in the night. The high-level figures of the Fairness Party began to get nervous, and some forces even began to show signs of preparing for a fight. At the northern end of the city, Yinping and Yue Yun had also been summoned to discuss the news from outside together with Zuo Xiuquan, Duan Siheng and others .

Before the "Yiyuan" party ended, He Wen, who started the fire, and Gao Chang, who had always been on good terms with He Wen according to the rumors, also sent orders from inside, asking some of the elite under his command to do a good job. Not to mention Xu Zhaonan, Shi Baofeng and Zhou Shang.

In this matter, no matter what considerations the parties have, once they tear each other up here, what will happen next will not only be a disaster affecting Jiangning, but will directly set off a five-party war that will affect the entire Jiangnan. Melee.

At the southwestern end of the city, Lu Xian rushed to a seemingly messy courtyard under the command of "King Yama", untied his weapon, and after passing a few guard posts, he whispered to a familiar guard next to him. Asked: "Something is not right... What happened?"

"It's not a small matter. It is said that King Fairness is crazy..." The guard said in a low voice, and then said, "Go in, Duke Wei has been waiting for a while."

"How do you feel?" Lu Xian handed over a small piece of silver.

The other party accepted: "I met a few groups of people, and the instructions were very detailed, and they were all troublesome things. But I didn't scold anyone."

Lu Xian nodded, went into the inner room, and saw "Heavenly Killer" Wei Yanwen standing by the window with his hands behind his back.

"I called you here to confirm with you again what happened at Wuhu Inn a few days ago." In the room that looked like a study, there was only a dim light of an oil lamp, Wei Yanwen said simply by the window, "At that time, you said that you met someone from the southwest. You should recall it carefully, and tell me about it again."

"Yes..." Lu Xian nodded, "This matter mainly started from the demon who was suspected of coming from the southwest..."

At this time, the situation in the city outside was becoming tense. Lu Xian knew that Wei Wenwen called him to ask him about this matter must have a deep meaning. Now he carefully recalled the details in the rain that day, and he will pay attention to it when he stays for a while After speaking, Wei Yanwen nodded and thought for a moment.

"Five Lakes Inn, does it have people from the reading club?"

"I dare not make up this matter, I really caught it..."

"But you said that day that the group of people in the Southwest may not have a great connection with the Reading Club of the Five Lakes Inn."

"...This matter is too involved, I just feel that it needs...careful investigation before I can be sure..."

Lu Xian was a little hesitant. He eavesdropped in the rain that day. Among the information he got, several members of the Black Flag did not mention the special words of Wuhu Inn. The reading club and the black flag who happened to live there were more like two coincident but parallel clues—after all, the consequences of this matter were too great, and he didn't dare to make any assertions directly. At that time, Wei Yanwen asked him to continue the investigation, but in just a few days, he did not find the whereabouts of the black flag members in the city.

In the darkness, Wei Yanwen reached out and ran his hair.

"You inform Shi Weiyang about the whereabouts of the uneducated kid. Shi Weiyang rushes over excitedly, but the people from the Five Lakes Inn block Shi Weiyang in the front, and the uneducated kid escapes from behind. Met more southwestern masters, and then we all got into a ball, neither the book club nor the black flag was caught, only Shi Weiyang was disheartened... These... are all coincidences..."

He pulled his hair with his hands and muttered to himself, Lu Xian frowned as he recalled.

"After all..."

"Do you know what happened today..."

"Humble job... I don't know very well, I only heard that there was a riot in Yiyuan..."

"He Wen is very strange." Wei Wenwen said, "When Weiyang was exhausted at the Five Lakes Inn that day, Weiyang took advantage of it, went to smash the venue of the Five Lakes Inn yesterday, arrested a group of people and beat them up, saying it was the stronghold of the reading club... Since we have your information, of course we know it’s nonsense, but Shi Baofeng borrowed flowers to present Buddha, and together with Xu Zhaonan and He Wen forced the palace to make him say that he has nothing to do with the book club, but... He Wen was noncommittal, and his attitude was very ambiguous... Lu Xian, you are the one in my subordinates who can think about things, why do you say..."


Lu Xian's mind was spinning quickly, and he thought of many possibilities in a moment, but before he could speak, Wei Yanwen had already turned his head and looked at the yard outside the window.

"...The study will be done in the name of Southwest Orthodoxy, and what they usually say is not important at all. The important thing is that they are going to replace the King of Fairness. As the King of Fairness himself, he joked about this kind of saw it, because his With this attitude, every household has already begun to mobilize troops and make preparations, because if the study club is really related to him, then the whole Jiangnan will fight, and it is not just Jiangning City that will be burned... Then there is a reason for him to be so confident , I can only think of two…”

"The first one is that He Wen has left us and formed an alliance with one or two of Gao Chang, Xu Zhaonan, and Shi Baofeng. He feels that he has a sure chance of winning, so he decided to show his cards and start a fight... Oh, Shi Baofeng should not It will be his ally, because today's incident was provoked by Shi Baofeng, so we can also consider talking to Shi Baofeng..."

"As for the second possibility... You were at the Five Lakes Inn that day, at least you can be sure that people from the Southwest are here, so no matter what happens to the study, it may be that He Wen has already formally negotiated a cooperation with the Southwest, and you want to overturn the table, put aside The other four families are going to do something big, if it's like this... this..."

Facing the window, Wei Yanwen spoke extremely fast, without any cadence, but when he said the next few sentences, the tone of his words became lower, and his thoughts and doubts seemed to be immersed in the darkness outside the window. When Lu Xian heard his speculation, his hairs stood on end.

"It's Southwest... Get involved... They're too far away from here after all..."

Wei Wenwen shook his head and murmured: "The Southwest is all crazy, Ning Yi is the biggest lunatic, and He Wen also came out there. There is a problem with his brain. If it weren't for this, what kind of fair party did he create... Don't look at them usually normal A little bit, for that little thought in my heart, I can do anything..."

Lu Xian didn't know how to respond to Wei Wenwen's summary of Southwest.

In the dimly lit room, the two talked a few more words about the recent situation, and Wei Wenwen ordered: "...It may not be possible to fight in the near future. What everyone has to consider is major events that affect the entire Jiangnan. It will take some time for troops to be dispatched from various places. , The small scene in the city is just to put pressure on He Wen. But I said, He Wen is a lunatic, he has no humanity... In this way, if you met those black flag people that day, I will send you another group of people, Work harder and find them as soon as possible."

"..." Lu Xian hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I take orders from a lowly position."

"That's up to you."

In the dim light, Wei Wenwen said calmly.

The city sinks in the night, like a ship carrying stars.

On the night of the eighth day of September, when countless threads were aroused by that ambiguous quarrel and roared faintly under the water, there were also more subtle clues intertwined in this huge undercurrent. Some clues, It will also be suddenly carried by a huge undercurrent and pushed to the surface of the water.

That night, after directing the accident in the Wenshui Restaurant, he arranged the injured Yan Tiehe to a suitable hospital, and left behind the monitoring staff to have dinner with the military commander Wu Chennan. The entourage returned to Zhong'an Square.

As soon as I got home, I found that the atmosphere in the workshop became a bit weird. The elite guards are all in armor, and the gates on both sides are under martial law, which seems to be the prelude to the war.

"... Uncle Jin is so kind to me?" Shi Weiyang was flattered to see it, "Could it be that he knew I was going to make trouble at night and prepared for me? But this scene...isn't necessary..."

Wu Chennan frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he said, "Maybe it's because the 'Immortal Guards' are used to being overbearing, knowing that they won't apologize for the trouble they made in the afternoon, and plan to kill them in the evening, so the villain will sue first?"

The two discussed for a while, but they couldn't follow the rules. It wasn't until he saw Jin Yongsheng in the room in the side yard and asked about it that Shi Weiyang knew about the huge changes that had taken place in the city.

For the sake of the game I did before, my father asked the "Fair King" directly at the meeting. "Authority.

" put pressure on the 'King of Fairness'? My father is so... domineering?"

Shi Weiyang was a little stunned. UU Reading In the past, his father only taught him how to dance well, and even beat him because he was not polite and humble enough, but he never thought that when he met a real strong man, his father would be like this. Tough.

There were a lot of people in the courtyard where the shopkeepers were working, and Jin Yongsheng, who had just done a lot of work on dispatching troops, didn't have the energy to explain too much to Shi Weiyang, and just said: "Now it's four families and one family that are putting pressure. "

How domineering...

Shi Weiyang sighed and shook his head, then frowned and thought about it.

"...Then...Elder Jin, the matter of Second Master Yan was originally agreed to go to trouble with the 'Undead Guard' tonight. If the four of us join forces, then this matter..."

Jin Yongsheng rubbed his forehead and thought about it.

"Be careful, put on airs, and don't really fight." The old shopkeeper said, "It shouldn't be in the way."

Shi Weiyang was not interested in the book club, so he only asked himself about the situation, and after getting an affirmative answer, he left contentedly. That night, he led a group of minions, and marched towards the camps of the "Turning Wheel King" and "Immortal Guard" to kill them.

In Jiangning City at this time, on the surface it was still a warm night before the Double Ninth Festival, but the elites of the five parties in the city had already received orders, and they were fully intimidating each other. Seeing Shi Weiyang's domineering behavior, almost everyone was shocked.

Just as everyone doesn't understand why He Wen was the first to provoke this conflict, no one can understand at all that when both of them threatened each other and it was about to explode, the first one raised the flame and pretended to go The one who ordered the powder kegs was actually the Shi family who has always been friends with guests from all over the world...

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