My Girlfriend is a Zombie-Chapter 608: I Have Special Sneak Attack Skills

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Chapter 608: I Have Special Sneak Attack Skills ๐š๐š›ee๐ฐ๐—ฒ๐š‹n๐จ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒl.๐œ๐จm

A massive, furry creature curled up in the corner, at first glance, it indeed looked like a white furballโ€ฆ if not for the tiny furball on its body that was shaking too conspicuously.

โ€œWhy do I have a bad feeling about Xiao Baiโ€™s condition?โ€ Yu Shiran couldnโ€™t help but lean forward a bit more and whispered.

A few seconds later, the expression on the face of the zombie loli turned rather unpleasant as she clenched her fists in frustration and exclaimed, โ€œHey! Even though I made the decision to let it draw the fire first, donโ€™t forget weโ€™re symbiotes! You could have stopped me!โ€ฆ No! Donโ€™t start with the โ€˜Iโ€™m just a dogโ€™ bit, Iโ€™m still just a kid!โ€

โ€œNo! I mean, I said Iโ€™m a genius, but what does that have to do with me being a kid! I amโ€ฆ a little genius!โ€

Yu Shiran squatted on the ground, gesticulating wildly as she โ€œtalked to herselfโ€ for a while, before turning her gaze back to Xiao Bai: โ€œIt doesnโ€™t seem injuredโ€ฆโ€

Xiao Bai did indeed look a bit listless at the moment. Although from the observations, it didnโ€™t seem like it would turn into watery corpses due to infection, considering the Mutated Beast virus in its body was currently battling the sticky virus, and that a little zombie had just been pulled out of its throat a few minutes ago, its current state was understandable.

Unfortunately, Yu Shiran and Black Silk were unaware of these details, so the zombie loli quickly started to speculate about other possibilities.

โ€œShiran, save meโ€ฆ MeGu!โ€

โ€œMeGu! Iโ€™ve been internally wounded!โ€


โ€œNo, thatโ€™s not right.โ€ Yu Shiran quickly shook her head, dispelling these fantasies.

Still, her expression uncontrollably turned a bit strange, she bit her lip, and twisted her fingers.

โ€œItโ€™s fine, as long as we completely rescue it from that humanโ€™s grasp, weโ€™ll be even!โ€

She quickly found an appropriate solution, and coming up with this idea clearly made Yu Shiran feel much more relaxed.

โ€œPhew! Itโ€™s really strangeโ€ฆโ€ the zombie loli rubbed her left chest, puzzled, โ€œI thought I felt a bit of tightness in my chest just now, how come it suddenly feels better? Could it not be a lack of physical strength? Weirdโ€ฆโ€

After pinpointing Xiao Baiโ€™s location, Yu Shiran immediately looked around with vigilance and then slowly approached along the wall.

The zombies that were following were engaged in a fight with Ling Mo and his group, neither side seemed to have the spare attention to notice her.

Yu Shiran successfully reached the vicinity of Xiao Bai, closing the distance between them to less than five meters.

Hiding behind a half-length cargo container, she carefully poked her head out to take a peek at Ling Mo and his group.

โ€œNot detected!โ€

The zombie loli grinned slyly and then turned her head to signal Xiao Bai: โ€œPsst! Psst psst!โ€

Xiao Bai lifted its heavy head alertly, drooping its eyelids to glance in the direction of the sound.

โ€œPsst psst! Over here!โ€

The zombie loli waved vigorously: โ€œShh! Iโ€™m here to rescue you!โ€

โ€œMeGu?โ€ Xiao Bai shifted its bulky body, looking somewhat confused as it tilted its head.

โ€œDonโ€™t moveโ€ฆโ€ The zombie loli pressed her hand down, slowly straightening up while stealthily keeping an eye on Ling Mo and his group.

โ€œMy kind, let me give you a hand.โ€ Yu Shiran smiled wickedly, then started rummaging in her backpack.

As a companion of Ling Mo, the zombie loli naturally couldnโ€™t escape the fate of being used as a pack mule.

Moreover, due to Ling Moโ€™s wariness of Mu Chen and the others, most of the useful things were actually with Yu Shiran and Xiao Bai.

However, the backpack on Yu Shiran was much smaller and lighter compared to the one on Xiao Bai.

โ€œHee hee, Sausage Humansโ€ฆโ€

The zombie loli quickly pulled out a small knife that gleamed coldly from the bag, then set her sights on Ling Mo.

She wasnโ€™t usually accustomed to using weapons, but in order to deal with Ling Mo, she decided to make an exception for herself.

โ€œHmm hmm hmmโ€ฆโ€

The zombie loli held the knife in one hand, silently hiding on the side, looking for an opportunity.

To the other zombies, Ling Mo, sticking close to the wall and sheltered behind two leader level female zombies, with his unpredictable attack methods, seemed almost impossible to approach.

But from Yu Shiranโ€™s angle, she could perfectly see Ling Moโ€™s side profile.

With the distance between them factored in, Yu Shiran was confident she could land a successful hit.

Most importantly, Ling Mo would never expect that she could actually persuade Black Silkโ€ฆ

โ€œHehe, foolish humans, letting a zombie and a Mutated Beast stay together every day, of course the smarter zombie will win!โ€ Yu Shiran sneered to herself.

Meanwhile, the battle in front had reached a fever pitch.

The continuous fall of zombies did not deter the remaining mutated zombies; instead, it incited an even greater battle fervor.

Although these were newly born mutated zombies, they were much more difficult to deal with than the average mutated level zombies.

Of course, in this era where full-body mutations were the norm, being stronger than the mutated level wasnโ€™t really something to brag about, at least not in terms of numbersโ€”they were far behind.

The true strength of the mutated zombies lay in their growth potential, which was the most powerful weapon allowing them to hold their own within hordes of zombies.

Unfortunately, at this moment, this weapon was useless.

Faced with two leader level mutated zombies and a humanoid Tentacle Monster, they didnโ€™t stand a chance to grow and evolve.


Shanaโ€™s scythe swept horizontally, sending two zombies that Ling Mo had just intercepted from mid-air tumbling back.

As they retreated, Ye Lian quickly raised her gun and fired two precise shots.

With two muffled sounds, one zombieโ€™s head vanished into thin air, its neck spurting blood like a fountain before collapsing, while the other lost a leg.

The zombie โ€œAo Aoโ€ cried out, attempting to continue its assault, but not yet accustomed to moving on one leg. It lunged forward only to knock down one of its own kind.

Even though it had pounced on the wrong target, the zombie showed no signs of letting go.

The intense smell of blood and the shadow of death from significant blood loss quickly drove the one-legged zombie into a frenzy.

It pressed down on the unfortunate fellow, reaching out to dig into the back of its victimโ€™s skull.

โ€œZombiesโ€ฆ really are a race that specializes in betraying their own kindโ€ฆโ€ Ling Mo remarked in his spare time, taking the opportunity to praise, โ€œGirl! Well done!โ€

โ€œXiโ€ฆโ€ Ye Lian pursed her lips, her large eyes staring at Ling Mo, blinking.

Shana spoke without turning her head, โ€œWhile Nana is still out of itโ€ฆ I must say, this is just the harshest form of natural selection.โ€


As she was speaking, the legless zombie had already seized the struggling arm of its own kind and forcibly tore it off.

โ€œYes. Humans might find this scene horrifying, but for us, sacrificing the weaker among us and the right amount of infighting can promote faster and higher quality evolution for the species,โ€ said Shana, or rather Black Na, giggling.

โ€œTop studentโ€ฆโ€ Ling Mo was taken aback, but his expression quickly turned to one of disdain, โ€œAre you sure theyโ€™re not just doing it for themselves?โ€

At that moment, two other zombies joined the fray, grabbing the legless zombie, one on each side. Without any discernible movement, blood and flesh began to fly through the air.

The pieces of innards tossed up into the air landed with a โ€œplopโ€ in the light of Ling Moโ€™s flashlight, turning the scene into what looked like an entrance to a mad slaughterhouse.

โ€œUhโ€ฆโ€ Shana hesitated for a moment, then dejectedly said, โ€œOkay, youโ€™re right, theyโ€™re just hungryโ€ฆ and they need the virusโ€ฆ but so what! Itโ€™s also instinct! And all that stuff I said was what Nana thought!โ€

โ€œHehehe, taking the opportunity to talk behind Nanaโ€™s back while sheโ€™s not reacting, huh?โ€ Ling Mo said with a sly smile.

โ€œSo what if I am, she and I are one and the same! Besides, I am her, she is me, sheโ€™s just being badmouthed by herselfโ€ฆโ€ Black Na began to ramble incoherentlyโ€ฆ

โ€œStill got time to chat, huhโ€ฆโ€ From the shadows, a pair of red eyes was staring malevolently at the three figures.


A cold light appeared midair, accompanied by the cold laugh of the zombie loli. Her slender arm pressed back, while the tip of her blade aimed at the figureโ€ฆ

โ€œHehe, although you seem to be fully focused, butโ€ฆโ€

She slowly tilted the angle of her blade, shifting her gaze from Ling Mo to Shana.

โ€œI did say I was smart!โ€