My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death-Chapter 349: 322: Fox Demon

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Chapter 349: 322: Fox Demon

“I hope the Human Clan has some backup plans in place,” Xu Fan said, looking at the light curtain.

“Slaughter Hand Expert, Immortal City must be destroyed today,” the wolfman said.

Six shadows, three foxes, and three wolves emerged and instantly fled in all directions.

Fighting against a fox and a wolf, the Slaughter Hand Expert casually glanced at the six demons trying to enter the Human Realm and began to sneer.

“Do you think I’m an idiot?” The Slaughter Hand Expert sneered.

At this moment, a sword light came slashing from the direction of Linsen Immortal City in the distance.

“Ancestor, save me!!”

The sword light went straight through the figure of a Mahayana Demon Venerable giant wolf.

“The Immortal Sword for Slaying Demons!”

The ancestors of both races exclaimed.

At this moment, another sword light came slashing down.

A Mahayana period fox demon split in two, blood spraying all over the ground.

The other four Mahayana Demon Venerables were so scared they pissed themselves. Where did this Sword Cultivator come from?

Just as the four Mahayana Demon Venerables wanted to escape back to the Demon Spirit World, Gaint Slaughter left the battlefield and guarded the channel.

“All the children who came to your home today will have to die.”

A sword light streaked across the sky, heading towards a demon of the Fox Clan.

The young girl fighting saw the sword light, clenched her teeth, and waved a Giant Shield in front of the Fox Clan Demon Venerable.


The sword light collided with the Giant Shield, completely destroying it.

“Get going.” The Fox Clan’s young girl used her clan’s secret technique to cover the traces of the Fox Clan’s Mahayana Demon Venerable.

At this time, Xu Fan on Hidden Spirit Island canceled the light curtain. He didn’t need to watch the rest of the scene: those two powerful demons would escape back to the Demon Spirit World. As for the remaining demons, except for the one who could hide, the others would have to die.

As for that escaped fox demon, there’s a high probability he’ll come to cause trouble for Xu Fan.

Xu Fan can guarantee this one hundred percent. The sect had two chosen ones, so it would be strange if the heavens didn’t arrange for a wave of trouble.

“Ah, another crisis,” Xu Fan sighed.

“Pu Tao, call back all the disciples outside the sect. We’re going to need to change our location.”

“By the way, bring the family members of those disciples to the island as well,” Xu Fan added after some thought.

“As you command.”

Li Xingci and Su Rentian arrived at Xu Fan’s courtyard.

“After a while, our sect may be attacked by a Mahayana Demon Venerable. Just to be safe, take Elder Su and go to Elder Council Headquarters for maternity leave,” Xu Fan instructed.

“Master, is the sect in any danger?” Li Xingci asked urgently.

“If the sect is in any danger, I can call for Master at any time,” Su Rentian said anxiously.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just that the Fox Clan Demon Venerable’s methods are bizarre and might affect…” Xu Fan trailed off, glancing at Su Rentian’s disciple.

At this moment, Li Xingci began to hesitate, unsure of how to choose.

“You should go with Elder Su, travel around with the sect and come back later,” Xu Fan said casually.

“Don’t hesitate anymore, of course, the child is more important.”

“You should leave now,” Xu Fan said.

“Thank you, Master, for your understanding.” After Li Xingci finished speaking, she and Su Rentian used the secret teleportation array to send themselves to Linsen Immortal City.

The teleportation array was obtained through Ning Dao’s connections and was a private link to the Immortal City.

After the two left, Xu Fan let out a gentle sigh of relief. Now there were no major variables in the sect. Of course, as long as the two protagonists stayed well-behaved.

At this time, Han Feiyu and Sword Wuji were in the Great Escape Killing Game, carefully moving forward, staring at the puppet team with the huge cannon in front.

“Feiyu, are we really going to do this?” Sword Wuji’s tone was a bit nervous, as the senior brother who was always blasted by the puppet’s giant cannon really scared him.

“That cannon has hit you so many times, we must get this field back.” Han Feiyu stared at the puppet team and said.

“Otherwise, that senior brother will have to blast you with the cannon again.” Han Feiyu spoke calmly.

“Listen to me this time, I’ll lead you to victory.”

Hearing Han Feiyu’s assurance, Sword Wuji nodded and said, “Our strength is not bad, it’s just that our strategy is problematic. I’ll listen to you this time.”

At this moment, a sneaky reconnaissance puppet emerged in the distance.

Han Feiyu immediately got excited and said, “It’s coming, the senior brother is nearby. We just need to wait patiently.”


After the reconnaissance puppet confirmed that there was no one around, it led a group of puppets to suddenly ambush the puppet team with the huge cannon.

The ambushing puppets divided their tasks clearly, quickly and effortlessly eliminating the puppet team, leaving only one huge cannon.

At this moment, a figure appeared in Han Feiyu and Sword Wuji’s sight.

“Don’t act rashly; this one isn’t real.”

Han Feiyu stopped Sword Wuji from moving.

As expected, the cloaked figure, after making sure there was no one around, pushed the giant cannon in a certain direction.

Seeing its stiff movements, it must be a puppet.

“Let’s go, follow it slowly.”

Using the Hidden Sword Array, Han Feiyu and Sword Wuji quietly followed the puppet pushing the huge cannon.

During the chase, Han Feiyu spotted many traps.

It wasn’t until they reached a hidden location that the puppet with the giant cannon stopped.

“You’ve been following me for so long, you must be tired.”

Sword Wuji was startled, thinking they were discovered. He was about to grab his weapon and start fighting, but Han Feiyu stopped him.

“Won’t you come out? Don’t blame me for being rude.”

At this moment, the puppet slowly turned the giant cannon.

As the cannon muzzle aimed in their direction, Sword Wuji almost gave themselves away, only to be stopped by Han Feiyu again.

After the muzzle turned a full circle, a figure appeared in their sight, muttering to himself, “Maybe my senses were mistaken.”

“Is it real this time? Let’s make our move.” Sword Wuji whispered.

“Don’t rush, let’s see what happens.”

It wasn’t until another figure appeared and started adjusting the giant cannon that Han Feiyu confirmed the senior brother was real.

Just as Han Feiyu was about to use his flying sword, Sword Wuji suddenly said, “Let me do it.”

“Go ahead.” Han Feiyu nodded, not knowing why, but when they found the senior brother’s true body, he felt secretly delighted.

A sword light flashed, directly piercing through the head of the disciple adjusting the cannon.

Seeing the number of survivors in the Great Escape Killing Game decrease by one, Sword Wuji excitedly said to Han Feiyu, “Feiyu, thank you. Otherwise, I might never be able to get my revenge.”

“Revenge is just the beginning; we have to get first place.” Han Feiyu said with a determined look in his eyes.

He felt that the Great Escape Killing game was much more dangerous than the Cultivation World, a good place to train.

After collecting the giant cannon, Han Feiyu and Sword Wuji continued to move towards the inner part of the survival circle.

Just as the two relaxed slightly, a shadow appeared behind them.

With just one sword, two heads rolled to the ground.

A faint figure looked at the two headless bodies on the ground and said indifferently, “You almost fooled me.”