The Steward Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1237 - , Cleanse

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This chapt๐’†r is updated by ๐“ฏ๐™ง๐’†๐’†๐”€๐’†๐“ซ๐“ท๐“ธ๐“ฟ๐’†๐“ต.๐™˜๐“ธ๐“ถ

Chapter 1237, Cleanse

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks ๐‘“๐‘Ÿโ„ฏโ„ฏ๐“Œโ„ฏ๐’ท๐‘›โ„ด๐‘ฃโ„ฏ๐˜ญ.๐˜คโ„ด๐˜ฎ


Everyone was baffled, even Bali Yuyu, by Zhuo Fanโ€™s choice.

[Didnโ€™t he always love Chu Qingcheng? Whyโ€ฆ]

Zhuo Fan walked before Bali Yuyu and sighed as he gave her the life stick, โ€œThereโ€™s no need for you to stay in hell because of me. Go back.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re giving me life because you owe me?โ€ Her big eyes watched him.

Zhuo Fan shook his head, โ€œNo, that intention might have been before, but now I truly want you to live. Just because the heart chooses to.โ€

Bali Yuyu looked at the peak Saint with questioning eyes.

โ€œHe is sincere.โ€ The Saint judged.

Bali Yuyu bit her lip and looked at Chu Qingcheng as she held her own death stick, โ€œI understand what youโ€™re thinking. Even though you want to die, I will respect your decision.โ€

โ€œBoth hearts agree. The deal is concluded.โ€ The Saint spoke.

Zhuo Fan smiled and patted Bali Yuyuโ€™s shoulder, taking her death stick and walking to Chu Qingcheng.

Bali Yuyuโ€™s eyes teared up.

He Xiaofeng was baffled, โ€œWhatโ€™s up with them? Why did he yearn for the death stick more than his life?โ€

โ€œInsatiable fools like you could never understand life and death.โ€

The peak Saint sneered at them, then he flashed next to Chu Qingcheng and Zhuo Fan. His huge palm hovering overhead, โ€œHaving chosen death, this palm shall destroy you.โ€

Zhuo Fan hugged Chu Qingcheng with a peaceful expression, โ€œWill you regret us dying?โ€

โ€œIt matters not, not when neither life nor death can part us.โ€ Chu Qingcheng smiled back, then sighed, โ€œI just feel a bit of loss since I donโ€™t know where I came fromโ€ฆโ€

โ€œI had someone look into it. Weโ€™ll know it soon, if we survive.โ€

โ€œSince death doesnโ€™t matter, neither does anything else as Iโ€™m with you.โ€ Chu Qingcheng muttered.


The huge palm slammed down, the two vanishing in a flash of bright light, dead.

Everyone watched them vanish, then Zhao Chen shrugged, โ€œI came to the Nether Sea yet got nothing for my troubles, losing instead my genius aide.โ€

Crack! f reeweb

He Xiaofengโ€™s clenched his fists.

[I have it much worse than you. Do you have any idea how much Chu Qingcheng was worth? The ancient and fragmented records of the Sacred Mountains say that she could become a Sovereign.]

[Itโ€™s an utter loss letting her die here in the Nether Sea. I shouldnโ€™t have brought her. I thought she might be of help searching for a Sovereignโ€™s domain, butโ€ฆ]

He Xiaofeng flicked his sleeve and left.

Bali Yuyu watched the two vanish with a bitter smile. The peak Saint called out before she went as well, โ€œWait.โ€

โ€œWhat is it?โ€ Bali Yuyu frowned.

โ€œDao is descending and the end of days is nigh. The only hope lies with Zhuo Fan. Seeing your sincerity towards him, I can trust you. The Nether Sovereign wishes to ask you if you will help him.โ€

โ€œH-heโ€™s still alive?โ€ Bali Yuyu cheeredโ€ฆ

Zhuo Fan and Chu Qingcheng appeared back on the stone platform, with the Nether Sovereign watching the couple with a nod, โ€œLiving fear death, but that is mere regret of the things they have to give up by dying, the things they couldnโ€™t do. Letting go of everything makes life and death meaningless. Zhuo Fan, you passed the last test.โ€

โ€œThank you Sovereign, for your wisdom.โ€

Zhuo Fan bowed, โ€œOnly, arenโ€™t you worried that I was certain you wouldnโ€™t kill me?โ€

The Nether Sovereign raised an eyebrow, โ€œKill you? Did you really think I never thought of it? Except for the three guardians, the other testers were Zhuo Yifan from your heart and that peak Saint. None of them have ever gone easy on you. By failing to grasp the tyrannical path, you wouldnโ€™t have passed the first trial. You took on his fist intent and, while you canโ€™t feel it, your body is in shambles. Any more strikes and your body would have crumbled and left you in the Nether Sea forever.โ€

Zhuo Fan shuddered from shock.

โ€œOn the second trial, if Zhuo Yifan had won, you wouldnโ€™t be you anymore. Your heart wouldโ€™ve regressed to the time of being the Demonic Emperor in Sacred Domain, with the hundred years of experience in the mortal domain erased.โ€

The Nether Sovereign continued, โ€œIn the third trial, was it really just a game with the Child Sovereign? With your Spirit King soul power, didnโ€™t you find it odd how you still stood after four hours of relentless running? The trial strained your mind. Your spirit wouldโ€™ve been spent to death if you hadnโ€™t understood the path.โ€


Zhuo Fanโ€™s heart froze. He always thought they used different ways of teaching him, not realizing the deadly danger lurking beneath.

The Nether Sovereign mocked, โ€œThe three trials and the five testers, all passed onto you their path while also ready to kill you in the process. Nothing is free in this world. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward, with the reward always in correlation with the price. They were earnest in passing their path to you, that meant holding nothing back, even if it meant ruining everything by killing you. It is the only way to truly invest oneself in teaching, by giving their all so that you can understand them.

โ€œJust like that last palm, it struck not you, but your heart. Had you not let go of all your worries, even believing to have a lucky break, the palm wouldโ€™ve shattered your soul. It had nothing to do with Miss Chu at all. It was all you, ha-ha-haโ€ฆโ€

Zhuo Fan felt a chill down his spine, realizing with a start just how close he was skirting death.

[The Sovereigns were too playful, hiding death behind their smiles and making me confused.]

The Nether Sovereign smiled.


The skies shook hard, the sound slamming into their ears. The Nether Sovereign grew worried and rushed things, โ€œZhuo Fan, once you return, focus on understanding my life and death path, as well as the other three paths. Itโ€™s all up to you to stop the end of days.โ€

โ€œEnd of days?โ€

Zhuo Fan started, but then a prismatic glow entered him from the Nether Sovereign.

The gloomy sky shattered and golden rays shone down from the high heavens.

Nether Sovereign shouted, โ€œGo!โ€

The two were blown away and vanished from sight.

The Nether Sovereign turned to the golden glow above and whistled. The other testers arrived, looking grave, โ€œHeavenly Sovereign, after all these years, you still managed to force your way in.โ€

โ€œHa-ha-ha, you asked for this, didnโ€™t you?โ€

The sky let out golden ripples and a humongous eye appeared with twelve golden rings in its center.

โ€œIt wouldโ€™ve been impossible to barge in here with your four Sovereign paths holding me back. But you had to be suicidal and pass them all on.โ€


The first guardian mocked, โ€œWeโ€™ve died eons ago. Everyone here is a mere damned soul clinging to their path. How is that suicidal?โ€

The huge eye focused on him, โ€œTyrant Sovereign, Shadow Sovereign, Child Sovereign, Nether Sovereign, and Rebirth Sovereign. You know yourselves to be damned souls so why do you keep fighting me? Iโ€™m not doing this out of my wish, but for the worldโ€™s Dao!โ€

โ€œBut your path is frightening.โ€

The old fisherman said, โ€œThe world is of yin and yang, condoning good and evil within its boundaries, without any extremes. All the creatures had the right to live!โ€


Heavenly Sovereign mocked, โ€œDao is the foundation of everything in existence, discarded like a rag the minute the demonic path arrived. The world is tainted, no longer caring about Dao. Whatโ€™s terrifying is the demons in humanity. As the Heavenly Sovereign I shall stand in heavenโ€™s stead to enact the Dao by purging all demons. As such, since youโ€™re all born of the demonic path, you all must be removed for being opposite of my path.โ€

โ€œWe arenโ€™t demonic cultivators, but people, in coherence with Dao.โ€ Nether Sovereign spoke, โ€œWe seek the good in people, while you canโ€™t see right from wrong. Of course we walk different paths!โ€

โ€œHumph, we really are different men on different paths. You want to use the demonic path to fuse the ten paths, to fight my heavenly path. But all your hopes will be in vain, with your plan in shambles. I will be the one to fuse the paths and not the one you rest your hopes on!โ€

Heavenly Sovereign mocked, โ€œFarewell for good, old friendsโ€ฆ Cleanse!โ€


The huge eye shone in eleven golden rings, unleashing a ripple of light. The Nether Sea vanished then and there, despite the Nether Sovereignโ€™s calm face.

โ€œHeavenly Sovereign, you will fail. Our paths shall bear witnessโ€ฆโ€

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