The Useless Stepmom Brings Her Kids to Reality TV Shows to Photograph Them-Chapter 481 - : Little Devil

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Chapter 481: Little Devil

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Is Tutu telling Jiejie not to talk nonsense?]

[You are so bad. Stop trying to trick him into saying something.] ๐™—๐™š๐™™๐’๐™ค๐™ซ๐’†๐™ก.๐’„๐™ค๐’Ž

โ€œI know.โ€ Li Zekai stood up straight. โ€œEven if there are one or two characters I donโ€™t recognize in a sentence, it doesnโ€™t affect anything.โ€

โ€œIf you see questions about your mom and dad, just say you donโ€™t know. Weโ€™ll only answer questions about ourselves.โ€

โ€œOkay.โ€ Li Zekai nodded.

โ€œTutu, what are you whispering about? Canโ€™t I listen?โ€ Feifei pouted and asked.

Tutu whispered something to Feifei, and Feifei seemed to understand vaguely.

[Tutu is so clever. Is he suggesting that Feifei and Jiejie shouldnโ€™t talk nonsense?]

[I totally agree. @Previous Poster, you have a keen ear.]

โ€œYes, brothers and sisters, youโ€™re really mean. You want to trick kids into telling secrets,โ€ Tutu said with a smile. [Little devil, he knows weโ€™re trying to get information.]

[Tutu, do you like Jiejie or Feifei more?]

Li Zekai recognized these words too.

He wanted to hear Tutuโ€™s answer. He turned toward Tutu.

Tutu obviously preferred Li Zekai, but Feifei was right there. If he told the truth, Feifei might feel upset.

So, he said, โ€œI like both of them the same. Theyโ€™re both my good friends. I like being with Jiejie when we play Ultraman, and I like being with Feifei when we play with clay. But itโ€™s best when we play together like we are now.โ€

[Tutu, did you attend some emotional intelligence training? Youโ€™re much better at speaking after winter break.]

[Growing up is just a matter of a moment for boys. In these two episodes, Tutu seems to have become more sensible.]

[Heโ€™s really sweet-talking now.]

Li Zekai and Feifei laughed together. โ€œWe also like playing together.โ€

Backstage, the editors were watching the livestream of the three kids and couldnโ€™t help but feel emotional. โ€œTutu has changed so much. Itโ€™s been several years since Iโ€™ve known Su Wei, and for some reason, seeing Tutu being so sensible makes me feel a bit sentimental.โ€

โ€œMaster Wang, Iโ€™ve never thought Tutu was insensible, even in the first episode. No child lashes out without reason. Back then, except for Xu Xiaoxiao, he was good to everyone.โ€

โ€œOld Wang, donโ€™t worry about Tutu. The Su family isnโ€™t an ordinary family. Just worry about yourself. The director says the quality of these episodes needs improvement.โ€

โ€˜Everyone, letโ€™s have a little meeting.โ€ While they were discussing, the assistant director pushed the door open.

Everyone fell silent.

โ€œToday is the first day of the livestream. Do you all think we should add a last-minute task?โ€

The staff began discussing it all at once.

โ€œAssistant director, itโ€™s almost dinner time. The guests are busy cooking. Itโ€™s not a good idea to add a task right now.โ€

โ€œWhat about letting them watch a movie? Donโ€™t we have a movie projector? The old-fashioned kind. How about gathering in the conference room to watch a movie together?โ€

โ€œWatching a movie during a livestream? Itโ€™s hard to believe you thought of that. It sounds so boring.โ€

โ€œCan we have some interaction between the staff and the guests? Like playing a game of spinning the bottle, and whoever it points to answers a question or does a dare.โ€

โ€œWe can do that. We donโ€™t need much preparation. But we should think carefully about the punishments. Drinking alcohol clearly wonโ€™t work this time.โ€

โ€œHow about drawing a turtle on the face with an eyeliner as punishment?โ€

โ€œThisโ€ฆ Bai Xue and Xuanxuanโ€ฆ theyโ€™re both celebrities. Such an act would harm their images.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s just a game. We just need their consent. Everyone can start asking the families. If it works out, weโ€™ll let everyone know through the walkie- talkies.โ€ The new task was decided hastily.

Such a simple task was better than aimless chattering in their own livestream rooms. All the guests agreed unanimously.

So, it was announced that at 6:30 p.m., there would be a gathering in the program teamโ€™s meeting room for an interactive game between the guests and the staff. The closing of the first dayโ€™s livestream would be postponed by an hour.

At Bai Xueโ€™s house, the livestream room was full of comments. [Wow! Is this a bonus? Thatโ€™s great.]

[Iโ€™m on the night shift today, so Iโ€™m going to miss it for sure.]

[Those who canโ€™t watch the livestream can watch the replay. Iโ€™m an unemployed wanderer. I can watch it anytime.]

[Iโ€™m a bit worried for Yueyue.]

Back home, Qi Yue looked at the comments. โ€œDonโ€™t worry. Itโ€™s just a game. Winning or losing doesnโ€™t matter. The important thing is that everyoneโ€™s having fun.โ€

[Indeed, itโ€™s the mentality of a champion.]

At the Li familyโ€™s house, Su Wei and Li Yanchen hadnโ€™t returned from fishing yet. The livestream room only showed a large tree.

[Canโ€™t they broadcast by the fishpond?]

[Of course. Even if they canโ€™t, the staff should have informed them. Are they worried that Mr. Li might not participate?]

[Hahaha, yes, Iโ€™m a bit worried. I just like to see Mr. Li doing tasks.]

[Sister Wan is back. She said sheโ€™s going to show off and make a great dinner for everyone tonight.]

[Right Sister Wan set up a flag in Xiao Yiโ€™s livestream room and even invited Teacher Bai Xue for dinner.]

[Teacher Bai Xue agreed. She must not have seen the episode of Sister Wan cooking.]

Lin Wan not only invited Bai Xue but also told Xia MO to their place.

Xia MO didnโ€™t want to go, but Lin Wan threatened her. She told her that sheโ€™d end their friendship if she didnโ€™t show her face there.

Bai Xue readily agreed. She thought since Lin Wanโ€™s cakes were so delicious, the food would be good too.

โ€œIโ€™ll bring marinated fish.โ€ This was Xia Moโ€™s final stand. If the food was really hard to swallow, at least her marinated fish could save the day.

โ€œIโ€™ll bring some beef. We can prepare a cold dish.โ€ Bai Xue thought it wouldnโ€™t be appropriate to go empty-handed, so she offered to bring some beef jerky her mother-in-law made.

When Lin Wan arrived home, no one was there.

She looked at the camera. โ€œWhereโ€™s Mr. Li?โ€

[Mr. Li and Su Wei went to pick vegetables. Theyโ€™ve been gone for a while. They should be back soon.]

[Sister Wan, are you cooking tonight?]

โ€œThen Iโ€™ll wait for them. Iโ€™ll be in charge of the kitchen, โ€ Lin Wan said with a smile.

[Sister Wan, is Teacher Bai Xue really coming to your house for dinner?]

โ€œYep, sheโ€™s already here.โ€

[Are you sure youโ€™re cooking yourself?]

[Teacher Bai Xue is Xuanxuanโ€™s idol. What if his idol comes to our house and isnโ€™t satisfied with the food?]

โ€œAre you doubting my cooking skills? Donโ€™t worry. Iโ€™ve been practicing for a month. There wonโ€™t be any issues this time,โ€ Lin Wan said confidently. [You said the same thing before, Sister Wan. Itโ€™s okay if you canโ€™t cook. Not everyone needs to be able to cook.]

[Yeah, Sister Wan, itโ€™s better for you to be responsible for eating. Cooking only fills the air with cooking fumes, which can make you age faster.]

Lin Wan stared blankly at the comments.

Just how much did these fans dislike her cooking? Couldnโ€™t she improve? No one believed in her.

โ€œJust wait, youโ€™re about to be proven wrong.โ€

[Stop discouraging Sister Wan. Maybe she really can cook now. Itโ€™s not good to dampen her enthusiasm like this.]

[Alright, go for it, Sister Wan!]

Xia MO stood in the yard helplessly. Bai Xue was her idol too.. Why did she have to subject her idol to such pain?