The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl-Chapter 114 - : Help Me Out (Seeking Monthly Recommendations)_l

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Chapter 114: Chapter 114: Help Me Out (Seeking Monthly Recommendations)_l

Translator: 549690339

Chuchu lowered her head, saying softly, 揑 can抰 go back.

Dani curiously asked, 揥hy? Did they force you?

Chuchu shook her head, 揑f I go back, my younger brother won抰 be able to attend school.

In fact, it was not just because of this. The old woman also said that if she stayed at home and didn抰 marry, her two younger brothers would not be able to find wives, so she had to stay.

揇ani! Come in!

Uncle Jiang shouted from the courtyard, 揅lose the door!

Dani shrunk her neck and hurriedly entered her courtyard, closing the gate.

The girl left outside, her head hanging even lower.

After a while, Chuchu looked up at the tightly closed gate of the Jiang Family, sighed, and began to look around.

It was a spacious place with only three households.

But these three households were very affluent; their big houses were all built with green bricks and tiles, and even the courtyard walls were quite high, keeping whatever inside out of sight.

Chuchu slowly turned and walked away, occasionally touching her new clothes and dress.

Hitherto, it was her first time wearing such an exquisite new dress, and she felt quite happy within.

If she wasn抰 being looked down upon, she would be happier.

Seeing the hem of her dress almost dragging on the ground, Chuchu quickly gathered it up.

She picked up her bundle from the corner, and sat behind a pile of straw, hugging her knees and lost in thought.

She absolutely couldn抰 return home, not only for her brother抯 education but also for herself.

The Clan Leader had told her, even if she couldn抰 become a daughter-in-law to the Jiang Family, she mustn抰 disgrace the Chu Family.

He also mentioned that the Jiang Family was full of kind people, and asked her to stay for a while. Maybe the Jiang Family would accept her if they noticed her kindness.

Chuchu sighed.

The words of the Clan Leader were somewhat contradictory, putting her at a loss.

In short, he wanted her to stay with the Jiang Family to find an opportunity to restore the relationship between the two families.

Chuchu lifted her head and suddenly noticed a four or five-year-old child standing nearby, looking at her curiously.

The baby girl was very pretty. She was dressed in a pink hue, with two little buns on her head, and a silver necklace around her neck.

Her brows and eyes were peculiar, her skin was radiant and delicate; she was more beautiful than the children painted on the New Year pictures.

Chuchu had never seen such a good-looking child before, and seemed to be taken aback.

揥hy aren抰 you going home? Yingbao asked the older sister hiding behind the straw, who appeared rather dazed and foolish.

Chuchu shook her head, 揑 don抰 want to go back.

Yingbao took a step forward and asked, 揥hat is your name?

In her previous life, Dacheng, her brother, had never canceled a marriage, and the Clan Leader of the Chu Family had never cast her aside. So, she was a little curious about who this unfamiliar girl was.

揗y name is Chuchu. What抯 your name, little sister? Are you also a child of the Jiang Family?

Yingbao nodded, kicking the mud that lay beneath her and asked, 揑f you don抰 go home, where are you planning to sleep tonight?

Chuchu thought for a moment and pointed to the straw pile behind her, 揅an I sleep here?

Children in the village often played hide and seek in the haystacks. She could dig a hole in the hay and squeeze inside the hole to sleep at night.

Yingbao shook her head, 揘o, you can抰 sleep here. There are wolves at night. South Slope was isolated, without any other families nearby. Wild animals often roamed around at night, of which wolves were the most common.

She often heard the howling of wolves at night.

Chuchu was taken aback upon hearing this. She was somewhat at a loss, showing bewilderment in her eyes.

Seeing the ingenuous look on the older girl, Yingbao spun an idea in her mind and asked, 揂re you sure you aren抰 planning on going home?

She had been busy lately and was looking for some help. She wasn抰 sure if the girl in front of her could handle the tasks.

Chuchu nodded, 揑 can抰 go home. At least, not now.

揝o, you want to marry my big brother, Dacheng? Yingbao asked.

?? don抰 know. Chuchu said, a bit embarrassed to be discussing such a thing with a child.

Yingbao didn抰 mince words: 揗y big brother Dacheng might not like you, I advise you to give up that idea.

Chuchu lowered her head, her pretty face turning bright red.

Before she consented to come, she expected that she would be discriminated against and despised, but it was still a bit awkward to be called out by a small child.

But the fact was true. The Jiang family did not like her, and they did not even consider letting her stay.

But even so, she couldn抰 go home now.

Because the Clan Leader Grandfather said, if it really can抰 work out, she needs to stay at the Jiangs place for at least ten days before she could go home, or else in the future the clan wouldn抰 provide the fees required for her little brother to go to school.

揑, I didn抰 think about making卪aking your brother like me, I just just can抰 go back.

As Chuchu spoke, tears trickled down her cheeks.

Seeing her cry, Yingbao felt a little mercy.

She stepped forward to comfort Chuchu: 揇on抰 cry, I was just telling the truth, I didn抰 mean to ridicule you.

Chuchu nodded and wiped her tears with the back of her hand, 揌mm, I know.

The two were silent for a moment, then Yingbao asked, 揂ren抰 your parents worried about you staying here?

Chuchu shook her head: 揑 don抰 have a mother, and my father he厰 He should be worried, right?

But when she was lifted onto the bridal sedan, her father did not show any expression. It was her little brother Chu Qing who cried, his face covered in snot bubbles.

Her big brother, as usual, had the same expression as his father, showing no sadness or joy.

Yingbao understood that Chuchu was a poor child without a mother.

揥ell then, if you don抰 mind, you can help me work, and I抣l find a place for you to stay temporarily, and I will pay you. But you can抰 use this as an excuse to linger in my house, and you must not have any plans for my big brother Dacheng, are you willing? Yingbao asked.

Chuchu blinked and nodded earnestly: 揙kay, I抣l help you work. Yingbao nodded in satisfaction, 揟hen follow me.

Chuchu stood up, picked up her bundle, and followed the little girl. Yingbao led her to a straw house next to their vegetable garden.

The house was built for future use, in case someone had to guard the vegetable garden.

Because their vegetable garden often suffered from wild creatures, her father had someone build this straw house to facilitate its protection.

揧ou抣l live here from now on. Yingbao gestured toward the straw house.

The house was not big, but it was fit to accommodate one person. The house had solid doors and windows and was very safe once locked from the inside.

Chuchu was clearly pleased and immediately thanked Yingbao, 揟hank you, little sister.

Yingbao pushed open the wooden door and asked her to look inside.

The room was about five square meters, with a small bamboo bed and a table. As no one lived there, the bed and the table were covered in dust.

揕ater, I抣l bring you a quilt. At night, don抰 open the door for just anyone who calls, understand? Yingbao instructed like a mature little adult.

揧es, I understand. Chuchu was so happy that she walked around the room, touching here, touching there.

Seeing that the girl had no objections, Yingbao felt relieved and went home to tell her mother about her decision to keep Chuchu.

Mother Chun didn抰 object much. She found an old quilt to give to Chuchu.

She then gave Chuchu two unused ceramic jars and half a jar of rice for her to cook her own meals.

Chuchu thanked Chun: 揟hank you, auntie. From now on, if you have any chores, just let me know, I can do anything.

Chun sighed: 揑 don抰 have any work for you here, just listen to Bao, do whatever she tells you to do.

She herself wasn抰 sure what her daughter was planning. Was it a good idea to keep this girl from the Chu family?

Hopefully, she won抰 stick around the Jiang family, impacting Dacheng抯 future match.

But her daughter assured her that she would make Chuchu abandon this idea, work hard, ensure that she doesn抰 harbor other thoughts..

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