Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 210 - 0: Lord (Additional Subscription Requested)

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Chapter 210: Chapter 0210: Lord (Additional Subscription Requested)

Translator: 549690339

Isaacโ€™s shout instantly drew the attention of everyone in the camp. ๐Ÿr๐—ฒ๐šŽ๐š e๐›no๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐ฅ.c๐—ผm

Three men and two women, all on edge, a tall, skinny girl was already reaching for the axe inside the tent.

After all, the blood on Su Lu was quite alarming.

โ€œHelloโ€ฆ my name is Sean. Iโ€™m a student who got lost while travelling. I ran into some wolves and fell off a cliffโ€ฆcan you help me?โ€

Su Lu raised his hands high to show he was unarmed and safe, then asked in a magnetic voice.

Originally, none of this would have been necessary. A simple Heart Trick to alter memories would have solved the problem.

But now, his soul was damaged, every bit of inspiration was extremely precious, and he couldnโ€™t afford to waste it.

Even without using transcendent power, his superior spiritual power, combined with his handsome face, made him very friendly and appealing.

Even more, these youthsโ€”who appeared to be students tooโ€”were surprisingly trusting!

After a few more questions, Isaac smiled: โ€œCome inโ€ฆ Who hasnโ€™t had bad luck? We have medicine here and some spare shirts and pants that you can change intoโ€ฆโ€

โ€œThank you! I will pay you.โ€

After few moments of polite conversation, Su Lu enters the camp and sits down by the bonfire.

The others looked at him and, finding the marks on his body were genuinely from a fall and not caused by a blade or firearm, their expressions softened slightly.

โ€œYou can have some soup first!โ€

Isaac served Su Lu a bowl of soup, โ€œLet me introduce myself, my name is Isaac, they are John, James, Elizabeth, and Diana. We are students from Lore city Grammar University, weโ€™re on an autumn outing.โ€

Both John and James were tall and strong white males, their muscles clearly outlined, perhaps this was why they had the courage to harbour Su Lu.

Elizabeth and Diana were pretty girls.

Elizabeth, with her beautiful curly golden hair was presently stroking the dog named Erha saying, โ€œHallock, youโ€™ve done wellโ€ฆ I think we should reward you with a big bone, and also give you the honor of being awarded a rescue dog after we go home!โ€

โ€œHis name is Hallock?โ€

After sipping the soup, Su Lu found the fresh mushrooms mixed with the mellow cheese and diced meat extremely tasty.

โ€œYesโ€ฆ thatโ€™s my dog!โ€

Isaac sighed, โ€œI believed that damned merchantโ€™s lies, thinking it was a noble dog from a famous bloodline. When he was younger, he was really cuteโ€ฆ but growing up, itโ€™s been a nightmareโ€ฆ can you imagine the pain of having to change furniture and sheets every week?โ€

Hearing his repeated complaints, John and James burst into friendly laughter: โ€œActuallyโ€ฆ Hallockโ€™s not as bad as you make him out to be. At least heโ€™s entertainingโ€ฆ hahaโ€ฆโ€

โ€œAnd he can save people!โ€

Brown-haired Diana, with her mixed-race characteristics, chimed in.

Wrapped in a blanket, Su Lu managed to gain some information about his location through subtle inquiries.

(โ€˜They havenโ€™t strayed far from Lore city, so am I in New Phoenix State now?โ€™)

New Phoenix State is located in the western part of the Federation, adjacent to Su Luโ€™s hometown, Gusta State. It has many excellent ports, and is famous for its shipbuilding industry.

(โ€˜Unexpectedlyโ€ฆ although my location is in the Federation, the deviation is quite large!โ€™)

Nia City is in the eastern part of the Federation, itโ€™s almost like crossing the entire Federation.

(โ€˜Andโ€ฆ it seems the Black Death Society is very active on the west coast of the Federationโ€ฆ Is Beryl here too?โ€™)

After thinking about it, Su Lu decided he didnโ€™t need to worry for now.

After all, when Beryl tried to curse him last time, she was โ€˜warnedโ€™, so she wouldnโ€™t dare to do anything more out of line in the short term.

Back then, he was still in Kangni State.

Beryl probably would never guess that he would be so bold as to come to the west coast, right?

This could be a form of โ€˜the most dangerous place being the safest placeโ€™!

(โ€˜Besidesโ€ฆ as long as I recover, unless I run into a Fifth Level Professionalโ€ฆ I can go anywhere in the Federation. Plus, I still have one last chance to attach an evil spirit.โ€™)

After thinking everything through, Su Lu set aside his worries and began to dine and chat with the students.

After eating and drinking abundantly, he took a bath by the spring, changing into Isaacโ€™s clothes. He looked nothing like how disheveled heโ€™d been previously. With his handsome features as well, both Elizabeth and Diana gave him an admiring glance.

Of course, this earned him rolled eyes from John and James.

โ€œWe have three tents. For tonight, youโ€™ll share one with me, James and John will share another, and the two lovely ladies will share the last. How does that sound?โ€

As the campfire was about to go out, leaving only a few sparks, Isaac let out a yawn and made the suggestion.

โ€œWe have no objections.โ€ James and John exchanged a glance and said.

โ€œWeโ€™re also fine with itโ€ฆโ€ Elizabeth giggled, โ€œBut Sean and Isaac, your tent might have to fit a dog as well!โ€

โ€œSpeaking of dogsโ€ฆโ€

Isaac looked around the camp: โ€œHas anyone seen Hallock?โ€

โ€œHeโ€™s not in the tents, maybe heโ€™s out again?โ€

After checking all three tents, James emerged and shrugged helplessly: โ€œYou tied him up too tightly before. Once he was back in nature, he resumed his natural habits.โ€

โ€œAlrightโ€ฆ letโ€™s leave him be. I just hope he wonโ€™t bring back anything weird!โ€

Isaac glanced at the starry sky: โ€œLadies and gentlemen, good night!โ€

โ€œGood night!โ€

Everyone wished each other goodnight and crawled into their tents.

Late in the night.

The campfire had completely extinguished.

A gust of wind breezed past, scattering the ashes into the air.

โ€œHallockโ€ฆ I swearโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll sell youโ€ฆโ€

Inside his tent, Isaac muttered sleepily, sometimes grinding his teeth, sometimes grimacing.

Su Lu opened his eyes suddenly.

He looked outside the tent, feeling somewhat uneasy.

โ€˜This feelingโ€ฆ transcendent power? Surely theyโ€™re not so unlucky as to encounter a supernatural event while camping?โ€™

With a sigh, Su Lu rubbed his temples.

Although his condition was bad, dealing with first or second level undead like Necromancy wouldnโ€™t be an issue.

No matter what, these people had helped him, and he had to repay them!

โ€˜Hold onโ€ฆ Maybe itโ€™s not a revenantโ€ฆโ€™

He waited for a few more minutes, his expression becoming very strange.

โ€œOwoooโ€ฆ woof woofโ€ฆโ€

Within the night wind, a sound that was like a howling wolf yet carried hints of a barking dog, creating a sense of haziness.

Rustle, rustle!

Beside him, Isaac, who was in deep sleep, suddenly got up. His eyes were dazed, looking just like a walking corpse as he walked out of the tent.

Su Lu hesitated, then followed him out.

Immediately, he saw James, Elizabeth, and others one by one, still in their pajamas, walk out. With blank expressions and sluggish movements, they set up a pot, tore open a bag of meat reserved for the next day, and began to cook mouth-watering meat and bones. They put the food on a plate and brought it before a large rock.

On the rock, Hallock was squatting there. His eyes emitting a mysterious blue light, looking like a lord inspecting his territory, enjoying his subjectsโ€™ โ€˜tributeโ€™!