Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 220 - 0: Foster (One More Subscription Requested)

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Chapter 220: Chapter 0220: Foster (One More Subscription Requested)

Translator: 549690339

Upon entering Isaac’s bedroom, Su Lu saw Hallock again.

However, at this moment, this Erha is occupying Isaac’s large bed, having made some kind of strange doghouse upon it.

Covered in luxurious silk, it looked more like a majestic wolf king, looking down at the six newcomers with a stern dog face.

Seeing it in this state, Isaac couldn’t help but tremble all over.

This made Su Lu wonder if he had left some sort of psychological shadow which made it difficult for him to face Hallock even after becoming a Transcendent.

“Cough cough… Hallock, as your master, I have something to tell you…”

Under Su Lu’s gaze, Isaac braced himself and said to Hallock, “I’m going to send you to live with Sean for a while, you have to behave!”

Hallock lifted its head, looking at Isaac.

Next moment, Isaac’s face turned dull and he unconsciously got down on all fours, chasing after a ball of yarn.

“Cough cough!”

Su Lu coughed, and Isaac’s movements stopped immediately.

He stood up, his expression angry: “You controlled me again!!”

“Alright, everyone, leave!”

Su Lu chuckled and said, “I need to have a private conversation with Hallock.”


Although James and the others were curious, they immediately left and closed the door.

After all, they didn’t want to become like Isaac! Especially the two ladies.


The door closed and the room became quiet.

“Alright… Now it’s just us two. I understand, you can understand what I’m saying…” Su Lu looked at Erha on the bed, still pretending to be a wolf king, all that’s missing was a crown, “Can you promise to listen to Isaac and not control him?”

Erha turned its head, wearing a disdainful expression.

“Alright… I thought as much…”

Su Lu sighed, took out the materials by himself, and began to prepare for the ritual.

His level of Mysterious Knowledge was high enough, and in addition to the organized ‘Knowledge of the Mad God’, there were a few rituals that were more suitable for the current situation.

“The powder of Rosemary… makes a circle, representing the realm of the ritual!”

His voice caused Hallock’s expression to change somewhat as it opened its mouth, seeming to want to bark at Su Lu.


Su Lu suddenly looked up, his eyes seeming to sparkle, commanding with the Language of Arrogance.

He as a third-rank [Odd Technician], suppressing a first-rank dog, certainly had no problem.

Hallock immediately seemed as if its throat was stuffed, unable to make a sound.

“Come in! Sit down!”

Su Lu pointed to the circle and commanded with the Language of Arrogance.

Hallock’s body involuntarily jumped off the bed and came to the circle of Rosemary that represented the realm of the ritual, sitting obediently.

“I’m not trying to enslave you, nor to sign a contract of master and servant, just to provide temporary contract insurance for our communication…”

Of course, he had also added a leash to it.

Su Lu didn’t want to take Hallock home and see some kind of accident happen to Mary.

“In my name…”

“I sign a temporary contract with you…”

“You must obey my commands… unless it threatens your life…”

After the enhancements to Ancient Hebrew and Gulam Language, Su Lu’s understanding of spells has also skyrocketed.

The current one is a contract he temporarily constructed with Ancient Hebrew.

It has a certain binding power, at least to Hallock.

This ensures that he can sense some of the other party’s thoughts and drive them through thought, provide specific information, of course, must be at close range.

The source of all this still lies in the suppression of his own professional rank, the ritual and the contract are just supplemental leashes.

Therefore, it is not suitable for Isaac.

“I declare… the contract is established!”

Su Lu didn’t give Hallock a chance to choose, he announced directly.


As soon as the words fell, a ray of light rose from the array, split into two, one entering Su Lu’s brow, and the other entering Hallock’s head.

In an instant, Su Lu felt another consciousness.

It was similar to the personality of an eight or nine-year-old child, who couldn’t speak and had difficulty expressing complex ideas. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝔴𝖊𝖇𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝖈𝖔𝖒

But this was enough. Su Lu could accurately grasp its emotions from various high and low howls of Hallock.

“Alright, get up!”

After thinking a bit, he said in Common Hebrew.

Hallock immediately stood up and wagged his tail at him.

“Clean up the traces of the ritual, and let’s head out!”

Su Lu cleaned up the traces of some materials and took Hallock outside.

“Has it… been resolved?”

Isaac and others asked nervously.

“Yes, everything went smoothly!”

Su Lu let Hallock come out and incidentally showed off its ability to remove its makeup on its own.

Well… specifically, it just ripped and bit off the messy silks and other things on its body, without having to pretend to be a circus dog.

“That’s fantastic!”

Isaac clenched his fists, almost crying again, “I’m finally getting rid of the nightmare. Mr. Sean, I’m counting on you for everything. As for these golden dragons, I really can’t take them. Hmm, consider it as Hallock’s foster care fee.”

“Sure, that works!”

Su Lu thought about it and didn’t insist.

After all, solving Hallock’s problem for him and guiding him into the Transcendent World was enough to offset the previous help.

Black Rose Road, No. 13.

“Here we are, come on down, this is your temporary new home.”

Su Lu got off the carriage, then had a somewhat dejected Hallock follow him down.

He opened the apartment and saw Mary who was cleaning.

“Sir… What is this?”

Mary looked at Erha, who was excitedly running around the house, and asked curiously.

“This is Hallock… a dog my friend has entrusted to me. You need to clean the doghouse, prepare food for it every day…”

Su Lu looked at Hallock, somewhat speechless.

Originally, when it left Isaac, it was very reluctant and downcast. Who knew that as soon as it arrived in a new environment, it instantly became extremely excited.

Could it be that a dog’s memory is on par with that of a goldfish?

‘Speaking of which … I’m a bit curious about which path it has chosen to take … Maybe, I can check its mind in the future? ‘

Su Lu looked at Hallock and suddenly had a thought.

As long as it was a creature with wisdom, it would have its own mind, corresponding to the Secret Realm in the Mental Realm!

But after careful thinking, Su Lu gave up.

The danger level in the Mental Secret Realm of non-human creatures would increase significantly. Also, what strange form would a dog’s mind take? That might be just as bizarre as the Dream Spirit World, driving him crazy!

“Hallock, come here!”

Thinking of this, Su Lu wisely chose to give up, calling Hallock to him: “Without my permission, you are not allowed into the second floor, my bedroom, and the kitchen! The garden is your territory, but you can’t destroy the flowers and plants there, understand? ”

Erha lifted its front body, raised its front legs, stuck out its tongue, and put on a flattering dog face.

“Ah! It’s so spiritual.”

The watching Mary exclaimed in surprise, her eyes seemingly full of stars.

“Believe me, you won’t like it!”

Su Lu felt it was necessary to add another warning to Erha, not to harass Miss Maid!