Young and Beautiful Wife: Sir, Be Patient-Chapter 398 - : The Young Fox Has Calculated Every Step

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Chapter 398: The Young Fox Has Calculated Every Step

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mu Anan thought for a long time about the reason why Guo Yuehua had shown weakness to her recently.

In the end, she could only think that it was because of the smart drug scheme that Mu Qing had left behind.

Unless itโ€™s because the person behind the scenes posing as Seventh Master failed to get the smart drug program for so many years and ran out of patience. He gave the Jiang family an ultimatum. Therefore, Guo Yuehua was anxious.

At the same time, Mu Anan thought of that mysterious person.

He appeared during the press conference to keep an eye on her.

When Mu Anan entered the Jiang family, he was also watching her.

Mu Anan was pretty sure that the person was targeting her.

Even thinking hard, Mu Anan couldnโ€™t figure out the answer.

At the same time, someone knocked on the door.

When Mu Anan looked up, she saw Seventh Master pushing the door open and entering.

Seventh Master, who was in a black suit, was less casual than yesterday. He was more rigorous in his work.

As soon as he put on the suit, he gave off an indescribable coldness.

Heโ€™s too noble and distinguished for people to get close to him.

Mu Anan had finished washing up and changed her clothes. However, she had been trying to figure out Guo Yuehuaโ€™s attitude after she answered Jiang Zhenโ€™s call, so she just sat there.

Seventh Master walked in, โ€œWhy are you sitting here?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m wondering why I fell asleep yesterday.โ€ Mu Anan raised her head and looked at Seventh Master with some resentment.

It was such a romantic time.

Mu Anan was still thinking that they could take a lot of photos together after seeing Blue Tear on the yacht.

In the end, she fell asleep.

It was too embarrassing.

She could fall asleep anytime, but not at a time like this.

โ€œI got someone to put something in the wine.โ€ Seventh Master responded very naturally and reached out to push the wheelchair beside him over.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Mu Anan did not understand.

Zong Zhengyu carried Mu Anan to the wheelchair, โ€œI asked Gu Shuqing to concoct some medicine and put it in your wine glass. It will help you sleep better.โ€

Mu Anan stared at him for a long time before she asked, โ€œWhy?โ€

โ€œGu Shuqing said that you havenโ€™t had enough sleep recently.โ€ Seventh Masterโ€™s answer was simple and direct. He pushed Mu Anan outside.

Mu Anan did not understand, โ€œWhy am I not getting enough sleep? Why didnโ€™t Gu Shuqing tell me anything?โ€

Zong Zhengyu didnโ€™t answer Mu Ananโ€™s question.

He lowered his head to take a look.

The dark circles under Mu Ananโ€™s eyes had not disappeared.

Mu Ananโ€™s skin was fair, so any symptoms would be obvious on her skin.

For example, when pimples appear, it is due to internal heat, and there is probably something on her mind.

When dark circles appeared, it meant that she was not sleeping well.

Zong Zhengyu didnโ€™t continue to talk to Mu Anan about whether she was asleep or not. After bringing her downstairs, he pushed her to the dining room.

Halfway through the meal, Luo Sen came to report, โ€œSeventh Master, Miss Anan. Jiang Zhen and Guo Yuehua are here. The car is right outside.โ€

While reporting, Luo Sen glanced at Mu Anan, who was quietly eating breakfast, and added, โ€œShould I take them to the hall?โ€

โ€œWait outside.โ€ Zong Zhengyu said without turning his head. ๐™›๐“ป๐™š๐™š๐”€๐™š๐“ซ๐“ท๐™ค๐’—๐™š๐™ก.๐’„๐™ค๐’Ž

A hint of surprise flashed across Luo Senโ€™s eyes, but he did not dare to ask any more questions and follow Zong Zhengyuโ€™s order.

Mu Anan continued to eat her breakfast as if she had not heard that.

When Jiang Zhen and Guo Yuehua, who were waiting outside the entrance of Yuyuan Estate, heard the voice coming from inside, they immediately frowned.

Especially Guo Yuehua, who had already gotten out of the car and was ready to enter Yuyuan Estate.

Yuyuan Estate occupied a large area. It took more than ten minutes to drive from the main gate to the main villa. However, Yuyuan Estate had a rule that foreign vehicles were not allowed to enter.

So previously when Jiang Zhen and Guo Yuehua came, they all got off at the entrance and took the car of Yuyuan Estate to enter.

However, they received the other partyโ€™s message to wait outside. Guo Yuehua was on the verge of a tantrum.

โ€œWhat the hell? How could she make us wait here?โ€ Guo Yuehuaโ€™s face was gloomy. Although she had had a facelift for her loose skin, it still looked saggy because of her anger.

โ€œWeโ€™ve already given her enough respect by coming here. How could she still put on airs? Is she not aware of her origins anymore?โ€

The moment Guo Yuehua said it, she immediately received a warning look from the bodyguards at Yuyuan Estate.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhen quickly pulled her into the car.

When Jiang Zhen closed the car door, he said, โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong with you? Donโ€™t you know the situation weโ€™re in? If someone were to spread your words to Seventh Master, what would you do?โ€

Hearing Jiang Zhenโ€™s cowardly reminder, Guo Yuehua looked out the window.

Her face was especially sour.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhen tried to persuade her, โ€œDidnโ€™t we agree that everything is for the smart drug program? Once we get the program, our cooperation with Seventh Master will be stable. Then, we can save Jiang Qin, right?โ€

Guo Yuehuaโ€™s face was gloomy. When she heard Jiang Zhen mention Jiang Qin, her face turned worse.

They had fallen into Mu Ananโ€™s trap.

He said it was only expedient to recognize that Jiang Qin was mentally ill.

He could secretly arrange for someone to send Jiang Qin abroad.

A few years later, she would be able to wash away this matter.

And the result?

Jiang Qin had people watching her every day, and there was even a reporter reporting on her every day.

He reported Jiang Qinโ€™s daily situation in the mental hospital, but the number of people following this post was huge.

Even if it was just a post and Jiang Qin only went to the toilet once a day, countless people would like it and comment on it.

This post made Guo Yuehua, who wanted to send Jiang Qin away secretly, helpless.

She knew that Mu Anan had no kind intentions from the very beginning.

Step by step, one trap after another. Mu Anan had calculated everything.

She wanted to make Jiang Qin and Guo Yuehua suffer!

At the thought of Mu Anan, Guo Yuehua clenched her fists and said coldly, โ€œJust watch from the sidelines. She will fall sooner or later.โ€

After saying this, Guo Yuehua suddenly thought of something and smiled coldly.

Jiang Zhen was confused.

However, looking at Guo Yuehuaโ€™s smile, he felt terrified.

He wanted to say something, but he didnโ€™t know what to say.

Mu Anan finished her breakfast. When Seventh Master received a call from work, she sent a message to Xiao Jiu, asking her to wait for an hour and a half before leaving.

The car had already been arranged for Xiao Jiu. She just needed to recognize the license plate.

โ€œYour friend isnโ€™t going?โ€ When they got into the car, Seventh Master suddenly said. f reeweb

Mu Anan rolled her eyes and answered, โ€œSheโ€™s having an affair with her boyfriend, but Iโ€™ve called a car over. Theyโ€™ll be a little later than us.โ€

Mu Anan had arranged for a car to pick up Xiao Jiu from Yuyuan Estate.

In any case, in Yuyuan Estate, other than Seventh Master, Luo Sen, and Gu Shuqing, no one knew Xiao Jiuโ€™s identity.

Gu Shuqing could be ignored.

As long as Seventh Master and Luo Sen did not meet her, there was nothing going on. They simply treated her as a new friend of Mu Anan.

Zong Zhengyu didnโ€™t say anything. He reached out and pinched Mu Ananโ€™s ear,

โ€œXiao Jiu has a childhood sweetheart called Song Ting.โ€

Mu Anan had been quietly waiting for the car to start, but Seventh Masterโ€™s sudden words made her tense up.

However, she did not dare to show too much emotion.. Instead, she restrained herself and asked, โ€œW-what?โ€

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