MTL - 5 Big Shots Kneeled and Called Me Mom-Chapter 108 Chapter 108

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Chapter 109: The Mother Robbery Begins

Huo Lanting worked hard with his four-year-old head to think about this problem, and he suddenly found something. (Gege Party Novel ggdown.coM)

He is only four years old and his mother is only twenty years old. Twenty-year-old girls are going to get married and have children.

This is a big problem!

"That is to say, my mother may fall in love with a man, then marry and have a baby again." Huo Lanting held his small hand, raised his face, and thought hard about this life problem.

IQ is far beyond that of adults, but in the end it is a child who has little experience and a poor understanding of the relationship between people. Huo Lanting thinks hard about this issue and needs to use almost all his brain cells.

"I think so." The responsible Duanmu housekeeper looked at his frowning young master: "Master, most young women are going to fall in love, and then get married and have children, especially Miss Gu Cai twenty She is still young and she is very beautiful. I believe there must be many good men who will pursue her. "

"Of course this is not possible!" Huo Lanting's minibus patted on the table, domineering: "I don't allow it!"

"Er ..." Duanmu butler looked at his majestic young master, "Master, but this is not something you can manage. Ms. Gu has the right to love, but also the right to get married. No one has the right to prevent it. You are the same, including Master! "

Huo Lanting was suddenly sad: "But if my mother falls in love with others, won't she love me?"

Duanmu Housekeeper: "It's different. There is no contradiction between the love between men and women and the love between mother and child. I believe Miss Gu will not ignore the young master because of marriage."

When the Duanmu steward said something like this, of course he knew that Gu Ye had a few such good and handsome sons, and her vision would also be relatively high. Can she be seen more clearly than a man whose son is inferior to her? She definitely doesn't look down on it, it hurts with comparison!

Therefore, her range of choice will be relatively narrow. In this case, in fact, there will be very few men who can make Gu Yi easily fall in love.

But he hesitated, and didn't say it.

He has some small selfishness.

Duanmu butler got a master's degree from the age of 27 and worked in Huo's house. He has served Huo's house for 20 years. For 20 years, he can be said to have grown up watching Huo Chenchen. The feelings for Huo Lanting have naturally surpassed the general subordinate relationship.

He knows far more about Huo Chenchen than ordinary people.

As a steward, he is good at observing and trying to figure out people's hearts. According to his observations, Mr. Jia should be slightly different from Miss Gu. As for why this is so, because Miss Gu is the mother of the young master, so Mr. Family has less protection against other women, or because of other things, the Duanmu steward does not know, but he feels that it has been useless for many years to see a psychologist For Mr. Family, Miss Gu may be a breakthrough, an opportunity.

However, Huo Lanting thought too much. When he thought of Nie Yu, Xiaolian's face suddenly collapsed: "But the third brother said that his father and my mother have a good relationship. If they really are together, the mother may have a new baby. He has With the new baby, Lan Ting is not so cute. She originally felt that I was a bear child and did n’t like me. I just loved me because I was cute. In case there is one that is more cute than Lan Ting, the mother definitely does n’t like it. Me! What shall I do? "

High IQ is only four years old, and Huo Lanting suddenly felt sad when she thought of this possibility.

The Duanmu steward looked at his sad young master, and he regretted it. Of course, he didn't want the young master to be sad. He must explain at the moment. What Nie Nanqing and Miss Gu are definitely not playing, and the age gap is there.

Who knows at this time, Huo Lanting ran away and said, "No, I'm going to get my mobile phone, I have to call my dad!"

Duanmu's housekeeper was a little hesitant: "Little Master, what are you going to call Mr.?"

Huo Lanting shook his fist and vowed vowedly, "I must encourage my dad and let my dad pursue my mother!"

Duanmu Housekeeper: "!!!"

Well done!


Huo Lanting called his father directly.

Huo Chenchen was obviously busy working in his study. He should take time out of his busy schedule to answer his son's phone call.

He saw his son's purr on the screen, and frowned slightly: "What's the matter, Lan Ting?"

Huo Lanting gasped for a few breaths, pondered the matter, and began to say, "Dad, Dad, can you come to my second brother's house, too?"

Huo Chenchen raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Huo Lanting sighed exaggeratedly: "Dad, it's boring to live here alone, can you come with me?"

Huo Chenchen: "It's boring? Well, come back, I'll take you home."

Huo Lanting: "No no no!"

Huo Chenchen: "Huh?"

For this son, he already knew his 108 styles, and there were some ways to deal with his little tricks.

Huo Lanting certainly couldn't steal the chicken without eclipsing the rice. He was busy: "Dad, I live with my mother very comfortably, I like it very much, but I also miss you very much. When the night falls and the night is quiet, I remember my dear Dad, without Dad by my side, I ca n’t eat anymore. ”

After listening to his son's words that were full of emotion, Huo Chenchen said for a while, and finally said, "Reciting some poems, you can express more beauty next time, instead of using the embarrassing words such as no meal and night fall. . "

Huo Lanting suddenly froze, what is this and what! !!

He kept working hard: "Dad, you don't understand. I live in my second brother's house now, and I don't have a lot of pocket money, which means that I eat the second brother, live in the second brother, how can I go on like this? Dad, you have to Come here and help me out so I can raise my eyebrows and exhale! "

Huo Chenchen stared at his son with a dull look: "What are you going to do? Just say it."

Huo Lanting suddenly didn't know what to say, he thought for a while, finally pulling his head, and said helplessly: "Dad, I asked you to prepare a birthday gift for mom, are you ready?"

Huo Chenchen nodded: "Ready."

Huo Lanting: "What did you prepare? If I don't prepare well, I will lose face."

Huo Chenchen looked at his son's worried look and laughed.

The face of a four-year-old?

Huo Lanting's face turned red, a little embarrassed, but he murmured, "Anyway, you have to be more careful with your dad, how can you compare my third brother to it?"

Huo Chenchen wanted to laugh, but said, "I see."

After Huo Lanting hung up the phone, think about what his father said on the phone.

Does Dad have any fighting spirit? Doesn't he know that now is the time to grab a mother?

How could he not let his mother marry Nie Yu's father!

Huo Lanting held his cell phone, carrying his small hand, walking around the room. After thinking about it for a long time, his eyes lighted up and he had it!

He immediately started the video for his grandpa.

The video was switched on, and Grandpa Huo on that end was very dignified and solemn: "Huo Lanting, how long have you not video with Grandpa?"

Huo Lanting said with a small face: "Grandpa, don't blame me for teaching, I want to talk to you about an important thing now!"

Mr. Huo: "Important things, what important things?"

Huo Lanting narrowed her big eyes into a line, her eyebrows were pressed down, her voice even lowered, and mysteriously asked, "Grandpa, do you want my father to get married again?"

Mr. Huo was stunned for a moment, then hesitated.

After coughing and coughing, all his dignity and solemnity fell apart, and he sighed: "Your dad doesn't want to get married, what can I do?"

Huo Lanting looked at his grandpa with disappointment: "You are a dad, can't you just take the stand of being a dad and threaten him to ask him?"

Father Huo was even more helpless: "I have already done this, but you see, is it useful?"

Huo Lanting hated iron and steel: "Grandpa, you are his father! Why can't you ask him again?"

Mr. Huo has a headache: "Don't I always do this?"

What can he do with a too good son? He could only work hard to get up with his old father's posture, and meticulously oppressed his son in accordance with the rigorous feudal leadership.

But he was also very tired. Can't hesitate that he is so old?

Huo Lanting also felt very tired, he began to teach to his grandpa Dundun: "Grandpa, you just didn't find the right direction before. Now, your grandson and me, to show you a correct truth, you just need to follow what I said Just do it. "

Mr. Huo didn't hope, but he didn't want to discourage his grandson: "Grandson, what do you want me to do? Just say it!"

Huo Lanting: "I told you, I have found my mother myself."

Mr. Huo: "Yes, I know, you have shown me ten times."

For this matter, Father Huo had already hurriedly investigated when he heard the little grandson mention it, but it was unexpected, but it was also expected. After all, when the son obtained a little grandson through this method, he knew in theory that The grandson has four half-brothers.

Huo Lanting leaned closer to the screen, narrowed his **** eyes, and the soft and cute face was conspiratorial, and his voice was even lower: "Grandpa, don't you think, if my mother and my father are together, like this-"

What suddenly happened to Father Huo: "Huh?"

Huo Lanting smiled and began to tell his grandfather about his plans.


At the same time, the Zhuge housekeeper also came to his master: "Master, do you know what happened today?"

Nie Yu raised his eyebrows while reading a book: "Huh?"

A sharp edge flashed in the eyes of the Zhuge housekeeper: "I just heard the Duanmu housekeeper talking to his young master, guess what I heard?"

Nie Yu: "Oh, Duanmu, butler, have you started spying?"

The Zhuge housekeeper coughed a few times, and then said firmly: "Master, it's not that I want to eavesdrop, it's because the two of them are too loud, and I can't use my ears to block."

Nie Yu put down her book and stretched her long legs: "Okay, let's talk."

Zhuge Housekeeper: "They even conspired to let Miss Gu marry Mr. Huo."

Nie Yu: "Huh?"

Zhuge Housekeeper: "The young master of their family has started to call Mr. Huo. Look like that, and they will soon act!"

When he said this, the Zhuge steward almost did not hold his hands up.

He can't help it!

How could he think that two old acquaintances appeared in the home of the younger half-brother!

If there is a battlefield between them, then he has lost once and he cannot lose again!

Nie Yu frowned, "You said, of course I have something in my heart."

Zhuge Housekeeper: "Master, what's your plan?"

Nie Yu threw the book in his hand to Mr. Zhuge: "If you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen it, you see this."

When Mr. Zhuge opened the book and read it, there was a big line on the cover: "The Eighteen Tips You Must Master in Pursuing Women"

Mr. Zhuge couldn't understand: "Master, what else should you look at? You don't have--"

Nineteen ex-girlfriends?

Nie Yu's heart was also bitter and bitter: "The nineteen were all entangled in me, do you think I chased a woman?"


He sent away the Zhuge housekeeper, closed the door, and Nie Yu began to make a serial call to his father.

"Dad, do you really have time?"

"My mom's birthday next week, can you come?"

"Do you know the first moon near the water tower? But I have to tell you that you are not the one closest to the water now! There is a tower younger than you, and you won't be in love anymore!"

After Nie Yu's education, Nie Nanqing finally calmly said, "What's wrong?"

Nie Yu sighed helplessly: "Dad, didn't I tell you, my mother found her youngest son, and that son turned out to be Huo Lanting's Huo Lanting! Huo's little golden sun turned out to be my mother's son!"

He was so miserable that it would be up to his dad to get back to the game.

Nie Nanqing stared and didn't understand: "Yeah, isn't that good? That's a good thing!"

What kind of family is the Huo family? It has deep roots and deep roots. His son can be a brother to the Huo family's little golden grandson. Nie Nanqing feels very good.

Nie Yu heard his dad say this and wanted to cry: "Dad, why don't you have any sense of crisis? Rose has come to see my mother, and Huo Chenchen has begun to prepare gifts for my mother. What are you doing? "

Nie Nanqing was silent, and after a while, sighed, "What the **** do you want me to do? You say!"

Nie Yu simply wanted to stamp his feet.

Why does his dad feel like a mess of mud, how can he not support the wall?

He took a deep breath and decided that the matter had to come according to his own thoughts. He couldn't listen to his dad. He gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Dad, I won't say any more nonsense, I will only tell you one thing. Next week my mother's birthday, you have to prepare a gift for my mother with me! "

Upon hearing this, Nie Nanqing said boldly, "Gift, what can you do!"

Nie Yu busy said: "You can no longer send gold statues, nor can you send tacky gold and silver jewelry. You have to think about something special, you know?"

Nie Nanqing: "What?"

Nie Yu: "If you don't have an idea, I will help you with reference, Dad, I will go to your company right away, our father and son must discuss it carefully!"

Nie Nanqing has nothing to say, but Nie Yu has hung up on the phone.

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